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EB23版 - 大家准备面试材料,据人的时候一般用的什么理由?
PERM got rejected
audit 概率有50%吗? 我们律师说有,我也被audit 了
PERM的job requirements - 公司坚持放Bacholor with8 years experience,
EB2 Perm被Audit了,何去何从
最近有不少audit后deny的case, 让我很担心
DOL 最近改了关于prevaling wage的要求? (转载)
话题: qualified话题: just话题: salary话题: offer话题: interview
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 145
在准备一个case,发过来的简历貌似都over qualified了,可以用其他人都要价太高为
发帖数: 10056
Do you have offer letters to those candidates and their decline letters
stating the wage offered is too low to accept it. Also the low wage is still
>= prevailing wage?
If you don't have and DOL audit it, you'll be in trouble. Your future cases
may all be auditted. So be careful. Also you cannot use 'over qualified' to
reject anyone. How about 'We conducted a phone interview and asked 20
questions. He can only answer 8 of them correctly. Thus we believe his
qualification doesn't meet our requirements."

【在 B******l 的大作中提到】
: 在准备一个case,发过来的简历貌似都over qualified了,可以用其他人都要价太高为
: 理由拒人么?然后因为没有人愿意用低价take这个offer,是不是就可以了?

发帖数: 145
Thank you very much for the info. Seems that I can't avoid conducting
interview for each one of them then...
Another question. Do I have to have an offer letter for them to reject
to show they decline the offer? Can't I just ask over the phone how much
is your minimum required salary expectation?


【在 n***s 的大作中提到】
: Do you have offer letters to those candidates and their decline letters
: stating the wage offered is too low to accept it. Also the low wage is still
: >= prevailing wage?
: If you don't have and DOL audit it, you'll be in trouble. Your future cases
: may all be auditted. So be careful. Also you cannot use 'over qualified' to
: reject anyone. How about 'We conducted a phone interview and asked 20
: questions. He can only answer 8 of them correctly. Thus we believe his
: qualification doesn't meet our requirements."

发帖数: 10056
PERM process is called good faith recruiting. Just use the common hiring
practices as if you are really looking to hire someone. And this someone is
'your PERM client' in the end. But before you get there, you will need to go
through all qualified candidates to make sure they are not better. Of
course if you find someone better, you won't really hire that person. So
what you do is to conduct phone interviews and ask tough questions. If
someone is in local, you might invite him/her for on site interview. Then
you can list all the legit reasons to disqualify them (not technically sound
, etc, etc).
This way, even DOL audit, they would see you've done a great deal of effort
on recruiting.
I wouldn't even mention the salary offer but if you feel confident that the
salary offered won't attract anyone, then use it. Talk over phone should be
fine. Just write down what the interviewee said, like:
You: "What's your expected salary range?"
Can: "90k"
You: "oh, we can only offer 40k"
Can: "Are you kidding me?"
Other reasons like not show on time in interview can be used to reject
candidates as well.

【在 B******l 的大作中提到】
: Thank you very much for the info. Seems that I can't avoid conducting
: interview for each one of them then...
: Another question. Do I have to have an offer letter for them to reject
: to show they decline the offer? Can't I just ask over the phone how much
: is your minimum required salary expectation?
: letters
: still
: cases
: qualified'

发帖数: 145
Thanks a billion!!


【在 n***s 的大作中提到】
: PERM process is called good faith recruiting. Just use the common hiring
: practices as if you are really looking to hire someone. And this someone is
: 'your PERM client' in the end. But before you get there, you will need to go
: through all qualified candidates to make sure they are not better. Of
: course if you find someone better, you won't really hire that person. So
: what you do is to conduct phone interviews and ask tough questions. If
: someone is in local, you might invite him/her for on site interview. Then
: you can list all the legit reasons to disqualify them (not technically sound
: , etc, etc).
: This way, even DOL audit, they would see you've done a great deal of effort

1 (共1页)
DOL 最近改了关于prevaling wage的要求? (转载)
how long does it take from preparing perm to subm
问个prevailing wage
question about EB2 PERM application
PERM最近不能办了??? (转载)
请教Prevailing Wage的问题
求助:PERM的Prevailing Wage
话题: qualified话题: just话题: salary话题: offer话题: interview