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Donation版 - For thos who work in the Multinational Company
我搜集了一些接受赠书的图书馆HOW TO CHOOSE: 中国公司在美国的分公司, 和 美国同行公司,
Matching Company List[合集] Anybody moved to here from SF/Bay Area?
Company matching历史上有没有人拒绝接受诺贝尔奖? (转载)
中国驻多伦多总领馆已开设了地震赈灾捐款专用账户Re: ex-gf breaks 19-year silence about Justice Clarence Tho (转载)
Dose anyone's company have match to osccf? Please pm me.尽管恐怖事件频繁发生,我们目前生活的时代仍然是人类历史上
reply from the tent companyVietnam Navy says Malaysia Airlines plane crashes off Tho Chu Island
在纽约1500人的multinational company 算啥等级的公司啊?越南确认飞机坠海
有没有人做TAX ATTORNEY 的啊发现飞机残骸了
话题: company话题: china话题: thos话题: hr
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 215
Send email to your HR to ask if they can match the company's China Branch
employee donation to China Red Cross.
I sent a email to my company SVP (HR manager) and the company will 100%
match the donations made by our China branch office, up to $200 per employee
per year.
Just a email, this can get more money to China.
Let's Do it!!!
1 (共1页)
发现飞机残骸了Dose anyone's company have match to osccf? Please pm me.
飞机残骸终于找到了reply from the tent company
谁在编造谎言? 分析wql的所谓证据(part 2)在纽约1500人的multinational company 算啥等级的公司啊?
少女治近视遇庸医健康眼睛完全失明有没有人做TAX ATTORNEY 的啊
我搜集了一些接受赠书的图书馆HOW TO CHOOSE: 中国公司在美国的分公司, 和 美国同行公司,
Matching Company List[合集] Anybody moved to here from SF/Bay Area?
Company matching历史上有没有人拒绝接受诺贝尔奖? (转载)
中国驻多伦多总领馆已开设了地震赈灾捐款专用账户Re: ex-gf breaks 19-year silence about Justice Clarence Tho (转载)
话题: company话题: china话题: thos话题: hr