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Database版 - 神马BI,DW,DB的,大家讨论一下OLAP吧
Multi-dimensional data model and database【问几个今天碰到的data warehousing考试的题目】
公司有一个SSAS Cube是MOLAP。速度满,一直崩溃Three job openings
SQL Server DBA vs BI & DWbi领域microsoft sql server排第三。
发现好像讨论OLAP, Cube, SSAS的不多啊有朋友做过100+TB的Data Warehouse吗?在Deployment上要注意些什么呢?
关于SSAS的问题问一道SQL的题 (转载)
问 log 分析 的 问题非你莫属之 Database developer
SSAS Cube什么是database mining?
BI+Big Data+CRM 项目实践Data Mining and OLAP
话题: molap话题: ms话题: olap话题: sap话题: hyperion
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4387
OLAP,online analytical processing
1. 谁在用
2. 用那家的
3. 有什么好处
我主要用MS的SSAS,挺容易上手,功能还算全,works well with MS SQL SERVER AND
OTHER MS APP. 性能也不错。
接触过pentaho 的OLAP, 比MS差不少
知道呢Oracle 买了Hyperion , 不知道怎么样了
发帖数: 197
也用SAP BW, 作为用户,感觉还行
发帖数: 1106
There are ROLAP and MOLAP, and some offerings try to combine them.
This thread seems to be more about a front-end mdx-based MOLAP.
There are logical MOLAP and physical(storage wise) MOLAP.
A physical MOLAP is well suited to build apps where you have a well defined
and finite space to perform analysis.
The good thing is that measures can be fully computed and stored for the
entire cube space to achieve great performance. Comparing to ROLAP, it
automatically handles the setup, management and navigation of aggregates for
dimension members in the cube. The other good thing is that it enables
writeback above leaf/detail data to do what-if analysis.
The bad thing is that there is increasing difficulty to handle bigger/more
dimensions. It is also not designed to do ad-hoc/dynamic aggregation,
something important when reporting on attributes or custom expressions.
Microsoft has done a good job with analysis service. Their UDM model is a
bit messy, but they certainly put a lot of thoughts and built a lot of
features for a platform.
Hyperion Essbase has a more pure MOLAP model, so it is more profoundly
impacted by the strength and weakness mentioned above. It has a strong
calculation engine, and is behind some of its popular apps.
SAP BW is there to work with other SAP apps, I wouldn't consider it a MOLAP
platform. SAP Hana can take mdx, but I don't know much about supported
1 (共1页)
Data Mining and OLAP关于SSAS的问题
谁能给OLAP具体下个定义?问 log 分析 的 问题
Is very-large database the same w/ datawarehouse?SSAS Cube
OLAP的一个问题请指教BI+Big Data+CRM 项目实践
Multi-dimensional data model and database【问几个今天碰到的data warehousing考试的题目】
公司有一个SSAS Cube是MOLAP。速度满,一直崩溃Three job openings
SQL Server DBA vs BI & DWbi领域microsoft sql server排第三。
发现好像讨论OLAP, Cube, SSAS的不多啊有朋友做过100+TB的Data Warehouse吗?在Deployment上要注意些什么呢?
话题: molap话题: ms话题: olap话题: sap话题: hyperion