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Dance版 - How to improve body separation/movement in latin?
SYTYCD 6-27中秋舞会选曲 - v1.1
怎样才能跳舞跳的好看(1)anybody else likes Kelly too?
[合集] 技术帖:how does a lady do a proper fan?rumba/chacha中fan 女步的几点问题
Re: 舞蹈术语灌水法接着问问题
5th position 为啥叫 5th position啊问高手一个chacha的音乐乐感的问题
Help needed with dance music~~~大家有没有觉得rumba/chacha的back rock还是很难的?
中秋舞会曲目我的Ohio Star Ball之行---3
话题: body话题: rumba话题: movement话题: separation话题: latin
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 463
the mid session of the body? my body feels so stiff, especially in rumba :(
any suggestions? or any videos that talk about body movement? Thx!
发帖数: 2094
hey there, this is very funny - i think i am the opposite. i tend to use
rumba movements in my chacha, which makes my chacha too soft. i want to make
my body 'stiff' :D
back to your question - can you move flexibly your mid section in slow
teaching count when dancing rumba? (the slow teaching count for rumba is
even slower than regular rumba music count). if you can do that following
the right technique, the issue is not that you cannot do it. you probably
cannot force your body to do every move

【在 c*****5 的大作中提到】
: the mid session of the body? my body feels so stiff, especially in rumba :(
: any suggestions? or any videos that talk about body movement? Thx!

发帖数: 2094
so did you go to harvard comp? and how did u do? :)

【在 c*****5 的大作中提到】
: the mid session of the body? my body feels so stiff, especially in rumba :(
: any suggestions? or any videos that talk about body movement? Thx!

发帖数: 559
I found some "youtube" rhumba/rumba (demonstration & lesson) videos.
I hope you can find it useful:
发帖数: 463
thx :)

【在 w**********p 的大作中提到】
: I found some "youtube" rhumba/rumba (demonstration & lesson) videos.
: I hope you can find it useful:
: http://www.bayareadragon.com/bbs/weblog_entry.php?e=7617

发帖数: 463
yeah, maybe. i'm more a leg dancer, so chacha probably is my best dance
right now. harvard comp was fun. it was almost a TBA partnership test comp
for our team :) i'll get back to you later, need to run to where you live
in an hour =)


【在 a***e 的大作中提到】
: hey there, this is very funny - i think i am the opposite. i tend to use
: rumba movements in my chacha, which makes my chacha too soft. i want to make
: my body 'stiff' :D
: back to your question - can you move flexibly your mid section in slow
: teaching count when dancing rumba? (the slow teaching count for rumba is
: even slower than regular rumba music count). if you can do that following
: the right technique, the issue is not that you cannot do it. you probably
: cannot force your body to do every move

发帖数: 463
so about harvard comp.
-Havard did an awesome job for the prechamp/cham final and showdance evening
. the lights and candles made it feel like a real ball~ some harvard kids
really dressed up for the evening :) haha, unfortunatley later they got
stepped over during the social dance :)
-I was a bit disappointed by Peter and Christina's performance. basically
they said they just got some new choreogragh and kind of experimented on us.
..this was their 1st time in the US and since US is a coun
发帖数: 1138

About the dancer talking thing: They need that time to take a break and rest
-- after all, showdances are usually much longer than 1.5 minutes each,
right? and if it is a std couple, the guy has to talk through the time when
the lady is somewhere changing.
TBA partnership, I agree if both ppl are good then it could work well. But
it also depends on a lot of factors, especially in recently years the
syllabus events have been greatly flooded with people who are trying to

【在 c*****5 的大作中提到】
: so about harvard comp.
: -Havard did an awesome job for the prechamp/cham final and showdance evening
: . the lights and candles made it feel like a real ball~ some harvard kids
: really dressed up for the evening :) haha, unfortunatley later they got
: stepped over during the social dance :)
: -I was a bit disappointed by Peter and Christina's performance. basically
: they said they just got some new choreogragh and kind of experimented on us.
: ..this was their 1st time in the US and since US is a coun

发帖数: 2094
"Hitchcock silhouette" :) cute observation! i have an exception here. Tony
Meredith (the host for america's ballroom challenge) still stays in shape
but his partner Melanie LaPatin does not.
so did u see beata then? will she go to judge at mit open?

-male/female judges' figures. we are alwasy facisnated by those female
judges :P. but what happened to those male judges??? It's hard to imagine
how Julius Kaiser glided on the dance floor once upon a time, after seeing
his Hitchcock silhouette :)

【在 c*****5 的大作中提到】
: so about harvard comp.
: -Havard did an awesome job for the prechamp/cham final and showdance evening
: . the lights and candles made it feel like a real ball~ some harvard kids
: really dressed up for the evening :) haha, unfortunatley later they got
: stepped over during the social dance :)
: -I was a bit disappointed by Peter and Christina's performance. basically
: they said they just got some new choreogragh and kind of experimented on us.
: ..this was their 1st time in the US and since US is a coun

1 (共1页)
我的Ohio Star Ball之行---35th position 为啥叫 5th position啊
Gold Rumba 4th, Chacha Finalist :)Help needed with dance music~~~
A nice Chinese Rumba song晋级成功,灌水庆贺
Which ballroom dance are you?中秋舞会曲目
SYTYCD 6-27中秋舞会选曲 - v1.1
怎样才能跳舞跳的好看(1)anybody else likes Kelly too?
[合集] 技术帖:how does a lady do a proper fan?rumba/chacha中fan 女步的几点问题
Re: 舞蹈术语灌水法接着问问题
话题: body话题: rumba话题: movement话题: separation话题: latin