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Dance版 - Yulia is gorgeous indeed
Yulia and Max 2006 WSS dancesSYTYCD this week
Riccardo & Yulia JiveVideo clips on Michigan Dance Challenge
Aurae!!!little Yulia
嘿嘿,喜欢拉丁舞的,看看这个Max & Yulia's workshop 归来
晋级成功,灌水庆贺Latin dances by roses (pics)
我的Ohio Star Ball之行---3Pasha and Anna
A nice Chinese Rumba songBryan Watson & Carmen Vincelj - Farewell Rumba
Which ballroom dance are you?报道
话题: yulia话题: body话题: workshop话题: her话题: gorgeous
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 113
in the workship, she is much prettier without those on-stage heavy makeup...
plantium blond...
and her upper body movement, which I think is her trademark and seperate her
from other female dancers rest of the fields, is simply incredible. so much
freedom in the movement, yet with great precision and control.
learned a few ladie's showy move, haha...
发帖数: 2094
Hey there, did she come to DC to give a workshop? When? What was the focus -
can i ask? I am still racking my brain to write something for their
workshop i went to two weeks ago (focusing on hip rotation in chacha, rumba
and samba).
Maybe you can start from sth, and i can contribute more naturally this way...


【在 x**i 的大作中提到】
: in the workship, she is much prettier without those on-stage heavy makeup...
: plantium blond...
: and her upper body movement, which I think is her trademark and seperate her
: from other female dancers rest of the fields, is simply incredible. so much
: freedom in the movement, yet with great precision and control.
: learned a few ladie's showy move, haha...

发帖数: 113
max and yulia the workshop on new year day, 1/1/2007, at the yuletide ball
in DC. the two workshop topics by max are "hip rotation in chacha" and "Jive
flicks and kicks", the two by Yulia are "Latin from the Waist Down – Legs,
Feet, Hips" and "Latin from the Waist Up – Arms, Hands, Back, Head"
as I see the last one certainly is the best, but it's just impossible to
describe yulia's upper body movements in words, just a quote from yulia "
upper body, arms, hands, backs are certainly the most exp

【在 a***e 的大作中提到】
: Hey there, did she come to DC to give a workshop? When? What was the focus -
: can i ask? I am still racking my brain to write something for their
: workshop i went to two weeks ago (focusing on hip rotation in chacha, rumba
: and samba).
: Maybe you can start from sth, and i can contribute more naturally this way...
: ..
: her
: much

发帖数: 2094
to respond to your comments on her makeup, see my earlier post
That was the first week when I officially started my latin dance hobby...i
was totally ignorant...and had no idea who you guys were talking about. but
that was my comment on yulia's makeup, hoho.


【在 x**i 的大作中提到】
: in the workship, she is much prettier without those on-stage heavy makeup...
: plantium blond...
: and her upper body movement, which I think is her trademark and seperate her
: from other female dancers rest of the fields, is simply incredible. so much
: freedom in the movement, yet with great precision and control.
: learned a few ladie's showy move, haha...

发帖数: 2094
By the way, at that time, the pics i saw are actually the ones on page 6 now
in the link Musique posted, where she wore pink dress. The recent pics are
actually not bad in terms of makeup.


【在 a***e 的大作中提到】
: to respond to your comments on her makeup, see my earlier post
: http://mitbbs.com/mitbbs_article.php?board=Dance&id=6629553
: That was the first week when I officially started my latin dance hobby...i
: was totally ignorant...and had no idea who you guys were talking about. but
: that was my comment on yulia's makeup, hoho.
: ..

发帖数: 2094
I wish i had been to this one, too. Thank you for saying "it's just
impossible to describe...in words". Now i feel much better for writing
nothing on the workshop for the last few weeks :)
But i am still gonna challenge myself on the technical points from yulia's
workshop - as writing is the way to sort out one's mind, i will know how to
do it once i am able to describe it.
Tech point #1 - the ups in rumba
There's actually ups (and downs) in some rumba movements (don't take it
seriously until it

【在 x**i 的大作中提到】
: max and yulia the workshop on new year day, 1/1/2007, at the yuletide ball
: in DC. the two workshop topics by max are "hip rotation in chacha" and "Jive
: flicks and kicks", the two by Yulia are "Latin from the Waist Down – Legs,
: Feet, Hips" and "Latin from the Waist Up – Arms, Hands, Back, Head"
: as I see the last one certainly is the best, but it's just impossible to
: describe yulia's upper body movements in words, just a quote from yulia "
: upper body, arms, hands, backs are certainly the most exp

发帖数: 2094
Tech point #2 - the resistance of your own body
I know this is an advanced topic to myself, but wanna try so i won't forget.
The point is: when you move from movement1 to movement2, especially in
making certain types of turns, your body should first resists to move by
going to the opposite direction, and then quickly makes movement2 (the
resistance gives you the momentum to move faster).
In my own plain words, if person A uses his arm/fist to hit person B, A
should first pull back his arm a bit(
发帖数: 4801
en, double to u ya :D


【在 a***e 的大作中提到】
: Tech point #2 - the resistance of your own body
: I know this is an advanced topic to myself, but wanna try so i won't forget.
: The point is: when you move from movement1 to movement2, especially in
: making certain types of turns, your body should first resists to move by
: going to the opposite direction, and then quickly makes movement2 (the
: resistance gives you the momentum to move faster).
: In my own plain words, if person A uses his arm/fist to hit person B, A
: should first pull back his arm a bit(

发帖数: 113
I would venture to guess, you are talking about "wind-up"?


【在 a***e 的大作中提到】
: Tech point #2 - the resistance of your own body
: I know this is an advanced topic to myself, but wanna try so i won't forget.
: The point is: when you move from movement1 to movement2, especially in
: making certain types of turns, your body should first resists to move by
: going to the opposite direction, and then quickly makes movement2 (the
: resistance gives you the momentum to move faster).
: In my own plain words, if person A uses his arm/fist to hit person B, A
: should first pull back his arm a bit(

发帖数: 2094
I don't know the alternative terminology - it could be. 'Resistance of your
own body' is the quote from Yulia. Actually she used more body language than
verbal description, which has become vague in my mind. I feel this is a
general principle and she talked about its application on one or two figures
Do you have an example of 'wind-up'? I only know: before i go to bed, i
would watch tv in a without-a-focus fashion to sort of "wind down" :)

【在 x**i 的大作中提到】
: I would venture to guess, you are talking about "wind-up"?
: forget.
: hitting

1 (共1页)
问:如果你的show dance可以融合两种舞蹈我的Ohio Star Ball之行---3
Slavik and Hanna placed 6th at UK open...A nice Chinese Rumba song
stefano and anya rumbaWhich ballroom dance are you?
Yulia and Max 2006 WSS dancesSYTYCD this week
Riccardo & Yulia JiveVideo clips on Michigan Dance Challenge
Aurae!!!little Yulia
嘿嘿,喜欢拉丁舞的,看看这个Max & Yulia's workshop 归来
话题: yulia话题: body话题: workshop话题: her话题: gorgeous