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Cycling版 - Nasty bike noise diagnosis
Compact Crankset Help Please[合集] sora前拨蹭链子,如何调?
Chainring 要52 还是50?[合集] DIY 请教
crank/bottom bracket noiseCompact crank conversion...
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Need your input re bike design.新车的chain ring/cassette组合不给力
话题: noise话题: bb话题: bike话题: crank话题: my
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3290
I suspect my BB has a problem or has been damaged. I am still waiting for
the bracket tool for the overhaul. There is some delay in the shipping.
Anyway, I would like to get some expert's advise before starting the work.
My bike is making this noise (clicking or cricking) for some time. Not so
much on a flat terrain but quite prominent on climbing especially a steep
one. And, it sounds like from the BB/Crank area. But, I was not sure since
bike noise can be quite strange and can originate from o
发帖数: 1992
Last time I had this, it was my pedal. You case could be different.

【在 O****e 的大作中提到】
: I suspect my BB has a problem or has been damaged. I am still waiting for
: the bracket tool for the overhaul. There is some delay in the shipping.
: Anyway, I would like to get some expert's advise before starting the work.
: My bike is making this noise (clicking or cricking) for some time. Not so
: much on a flat terrain but quite prominent on climbing especially a steep
: one. And, it sounds like from the BB/Crank area. But, I was not sure since
: bike noise can be quite strange and can originate from o

发帖数: 4396
narrow down the suspects. is the clicking noise coming out once per rev?
does it happen if you were not sitting on the saddle? does it happen if you
were not on the bike but rotate the crank with the left pedal? the right?
neither? are your chainring bolts tight? are there any cracks on the
chainstay (don't laugh--it happens more than you think)?
use your common sense to isolate the cause, then fix it.
发帖数: 3290
1. The clicking noise come out once per rev.
2. It happen even I am not sitting on the saddle.
3. When bike is on stationary trainer with a high resistance, I rotated the
left pedal and can feel slack and slight vibration and hear vague noise that
sounds very much like an inadequately lubricated ball bearing.
4. Forgot to rotate the right one on stationary trainer.
5. Chain ring bolts feel pretty tight.
6. No visible cracks on the chainstay.
7. No noise when rotate crank on a bike repair stand.
发帖数: 12977
How long have you been riding on this bike? Bottom bracket should be pretty
robust ah, at least what I thought
发帖数: 3290
I have been riding on this BB and Crank for less than 3 years. It has been
overhauled twice at LBS so far.
发帖数: 1994
do all of these line by line. I has crank/BB noise before. the noise was
gone after I tighten the chainring bolts.
发帖数: 3290
Thank you all for your one cent of wisdom. I just finished overhauling my BB
and Crank. Oh, my god, it is so hard to unscrew the BB. 我使出吃奶的劲也没
能把它拧松。Finally, it came to my mind I could use a hammer. That solves
the problem.
Anyway, it is dirty. But, I could not really find any serious sign of
problem or I don't have the experience to tell. However, I did find a couple
of chainring bolts that are loose this time. Maybe that is the problem as
ferdinandshe suggested. I will test ride it on Monday a
发帖数: 4396
1) that's teflon tape.
2) theoretically yes, for british threads.
3) not for cartridge bearing BBs.
发帖数: 3290
Thanks. I suppose mine is cartridge bearing. It is Shimano External BB.
Yes, it is non-serviceable cartridge bearing. When it is worn out, it is worn out. Replace the whole thing.
发帖数: 3290
Ride my bike today. It is quiet now on the climb. By 90% chance, the culprit
is the chainring bolts. Thanks, ferdinandshe. I will see how often I need
to tighten it.
1 (共1页)
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Compact Crankset Help Please[合集] sora前拨蹭链子,如何调?
Chainring 要52 还是50?[合集] DIY 请教
crank/bottom bracket noiseCompact crank conversion...
话题: noise话题: bb话题: bike话题: crank话题: my