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Cycling版 - 70.3 race report: 功到用时方恨少
hengmei - nutritionRe: 企鹅的第一次Triathlon---Llanelli Sprint Tri (转载)
hammer nutrition【酸文慎入】沧海一声笑--记一次开水 (转载)
请问长时间剧烈运动后,还能再开长途车么? (转载)迟到的Vineman 70.3报告 (转载)
北加本周末路线The Top Ten Excuses for not Commuting by Bike
damn weathershit cyclist say
汇报下上周末的骑车的经历 第一次长途注意安全:一位白富美同学挂了
第二个tri报告70.3 race report: 功到用时方恨少
同小三的第一次亲密接触 --- 飞车党章70.3 race report: 功到用时方恨少 (转载)
话题: wetsuit话题: half话题: minutes话题: 抽筋话题: too
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1498
short summary: 1st half -- excellent. 2nd half -- 抽筋,稀烂
total time: 6h6m
swim: narrow river, slight current, wetsuit legal. I actually felt pretty
good -- breathing normally, the strokes didn't go to the shits, and I was
not zig-zagging. when i got out of the water, it was around 45 minutes, 5
minutes longer than i expected. well, i got the usual excuses -- there was
a current, too many people, too early in the morning, haven't been in my
wetsuit for a month, blahblah. nevertheless, it wasn
发帖数: 3433
Nice report. Well done!
昨天在湖里游了会,这个Open water里面游起来还是费劲多了。
今天参加了一个trail maintance,同组的有个跑Ultra马拉松的老头,经常参加100


【在 h******2 的大作中提到】
: short summary: 1st half -- excellent. 2nd half -- 抽筋,稀烂
: total time: 6h6m
: swim: narrow river, slight current, wetsuit legal. I actually felt pretty
: good -- breathing normally, the strokes didn't go to the shits, and I was
: not zig-zagging. when i got out of the water, it was around 45 minutes, 5
: minutes longer than i expected. well, i got the usual excuses -- there was
: a current, too many people, too early in the morning, haven't been in my
: wetsuit for a month, blahblah. nevertheless, it wasn

发帖数: 1498
running is the hardest part, especially if you go hard on the bike.
发帖数: 3583
After reading all hengmei's racing report, I finally figured out why this
guy is so into it. He always can find and chase hot looking/nude.... ladies
in the race. Haha, totally just kidding! I am really impressed that you can
make it just a little bit over 6h with such a bad cramping quads. You
deserve the name of this sports - IRONMAN.

in her bikini tri suit (well, two-piece suit). it was really just a bikini.

【在 h******2 的大作中提到】
: 游泳其实相对来说比较容易,因为肌肉都是fresh的,glycogen很充足。
: running is the hardest part, especially if you go hard on the bike.

发帖数: 12977
i was trying to run a tempo after swimming for 1500 yard, and my leg is so
soft i had to give up and run an easy run instead.
发帖数: 893
Congrats on the success of the first half!
on the cramps, I wonder if
1. alternate standing (especially on hills) and sitting positions on bike
could have helped a bit;
2. getting off bike/run and just rest for 5 mins would have shortened the
overall time than push through it. I had to do that a few times during the
past two months. But of course I was seizing and couldn't continue. I used
that time to eat and drink and I did feel cramping free for a long while
发帖数: 11850


【在 h******2 的大作中提到】
: short summary: 1st half -- excellent. 2nd half -- 抽筋,稀烂
: total time: 6h6m
: swim: narrow river, slight current, wetsuit legal. I actually felt pretty
: good -- breathing normally, the strokes didn't go to the shits, and I was
: not zig-zagging. when i got out of the water, it was around 45 minutes, 5
: minutes longer than i expected. well, i got the usual excuses -- there was
: a current, too many people, too early in the morning, haven't been in my
: wetsuit for a month, blahblah. nevertheless, it wasn

发帖数: 11850


【在 h******2 的大作中提到】
: short summary: 1st half -- excellent. 2nd half -- 抽筋,稀烂
: total time: 6h6m
: swim: narrow river, slight current, wetsuit legal. I actually felt pretty
: good -- breathing normally, the strokes didn't go to the shits, and I was
: not zig-zagging. when i got out of the water, it was around 45 minutes, 5
: minutes longer than i expected. well, i got the usual excuses -- there was
: a current, too many people, too early in the morning, haven't been in my
: wetsuit for a month, blahblah. nevertheless, it wasn

发帖数: 1770
awesome race and report. it is a huge accomplishment.
你牛的。 没想到你腿抽筋还能11分的pace跑完半程。 偶去年mile 14左右开始抽筋,
后半程的pace要近13分。 :(
发帖数: 1498
i think it depends on the severity of the cramp. if it's just beginning to
cramp, you can probably avoid it by doing the things below. but for
something more substantial, i don't think there is any quick fix. the only
thing i've heard so far is "you run through it."

【在 V*****n 的大作中提到】
: Congrats on the success of the first half!
: on the cramps, I wonder if
: 1. alternate standing (especially on hills) and sitting positions on bike
: could have helped a bit;
: 2. getting off bike/run and just rest for 5 mins would have shortened the
: overall time than push through it. I had to do that a few times during the
: past two months. But of course I was seizing and couldn't continue. I used
: that time to eat and drink and I did feel cramping free for a long while
: afterward.

汇报下上周末的骑车的经历 第一次长途Re: 企鹅的第一次Triathlon---Llanelli Sprint Tri (转载)
第二个tri报告【酸文慎入】沧海一声笑--记一次开水 (转载)
同小三的第一次亲密接触 --- 飞车党章迟到的Vineman 70.3报告 (转载)
发帖数: 1498
sounds like you've been there done that ...
during the run my only goal was to finish the race without walking (except
for stopping at aid stations) -- i think that's what helped me work down the
avg pace.

【在 w*****h 的大作中提到】
: awesome race and report. it is a huge accomplishment.
: 你牛的。 没想到你腿抽筋还能11分的pace跑完半程。 偶去年mile 14左右开始抽筋,
: 后半程的pace要近13分。 :(

发帖数: 551


【在 h******2 的大作中提到】
: short summary: 1st half -- excellent. 2nd half -- 抽筋,稀烂
: total time: 6h6m
: swim: narrow river, slight current, wetsuit legal. I actually felt pretty
: good -- breathing normally, the strokes didn't go to the shits, and I was
: not zig-zagging. when i got out of the water, it was around 45 minutes, 5
: minutes longer than i expected. well, i got the usual excuses -- there was
: a current, too many people, too early in the morning, haven't been in my
: wetsuit for a month, blahblah. nevertheless, it wasn

发帖数: 472
zan! sounds like intense fun with good amount of challenges. Never before, I
even felt I might enjoy this kind of stuff too though I had never liked
running and cannot even free style comfortably.


【在 h******2 的大作中提到】
: short summary: 1st half -- excellent. 2nd half -- 抽筋,稀烂
: total time: 6h6m
: swim: narrow river, slight current, wetsuit legal. I actually felt pretty
: good -- breathing normally, the strokes didn't go to the shits, and I was
: not zig-zagging. when i got out of the water, it was around 45 minutes, 5
: minutes longer than i expected. well, i got the usual excuses -- there was
: a current, too many people, too early in the morning, haven't been in my
: wetsuit for a month, blahblah. nevertheless, it wasn

发帖数: 472
this bbs posting system is coded so buggy or equipped so cheaply that it insults our intelligence.


【在 s*****2 的大作中提到】
: zan! sounds like intense fun with good amount of challenges. Never before, I
: even felt I might enjoy this kind of stuff too though I had never liked
: running and cannot even free style comfortably.
: was

发帖数: 203
发帖数: 1874

short summary: 1st half -- excellent. 2nd half -- 抽筋,稀烂
total time: 6h6m
swim: narrow river, slight current, wetsuit legal. I actually felt pretty
good -- breathing normally, the strokes didn't go to the shits, and I was
not zig-zagging. when i got out of the water, it was around 45 minutes, 5
minutes longer than i expected. well, i got the usual excuses -- there was
a current, too many people, too early in the morning, haven't been in my
wetsuit for a month, blahblah. nevertheless,

【在 h******2 的大作中提到】
: short summary: 1st half -- excellent. 2nd half -- 抽筋,稀烂
: total time: 6h6m
: swim: narrow river, slight current, wetsuit legal. I actually felt pretty
: good -- breathing normally, the strokes didn't go to the shits, and I was
: not zig-zagging. when i got out of the water, it was around 45 minutes, 5
: minutes longer than i expected. well, i got the usual excuses -- there was
: a current, too many people, too early in the morning, haven't been in my
: wetsuit for a month, blahblah. nevertheless, it wasn

1 (共1页)
70.3 race report: 功到用时方恨少 (转载)damn weather
昨天晚上一阵cramping汇报下上周末的骑车的经历 第一次长途
Foundation and Earth 28第二个tri报告
雨中打酱油升级26.2(前戏比较长)同小三的第一次亲密接触 --- 飞车党章
hengmei - nutritionRe: 企鹅的第一次Triathlon---Llanelli Sprint Tri (转载)
hammer nutrition【酸文慎入】沧海一声笑--记一次开水 (转载)
请问长时间剧烈运动后,还能再开长途车么? (转载)迟到的Vineman 70.3报告 (转载)
北加本周末路线The Top Ten Excuses for not Commuting by Bike
话题: wetsuit话题: half话题: minutes话题: 抽筋话题: too