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ComputerGraphics版 - PhD Student Position-UNL (转载)
三维物体的形状比较Assistantships in Construction Management for Ph.D. students (spring/summer/fall 08)
求显卡比较 (转载)Assistantships in Construction Management for Ph.D. students (spring/summer/fall 08)
半个电脑盲的简单问题,请教 (转载)Assistantships in Construction Management for Ph.D. students (spring/summer/fall 08)
PhD Student Position-UNL骂西电几句吧(传)
Assistantships in Construction Management for Ph.D. students (spring/summer/fall 08)招聘Architectural Designer 1 名
Assistantships in Construction Management for Ph.D. students (spring/summer/fall 08)大型房地产公司 招聘 建筑绘图师 Architectural Drafter
Assistantships in Construction Management for Ph.D. students (spring/summer/fall 08)建筑工程
Assistantships in Construction Management for Ph.D. students (spring/summer/fall 08)建筑还找的到工作吗。。。。
话题: student话题: phd话题: computer话题: nsf
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 9
【 以下文字转载自 TongJi 讨论区 】
发信人: UNLCM (SnowBoard), 信区: TongJi
标 题: PhD Student Position-UNL
关键字: Ph.D.,Assistantship,Computer,Construction
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jun 8 13:14:24 2012, 美东)
非常感谢如板上学友能将此帖转到同济校园网, 或你知道的同济CAD中心的同学.
A fully funded Graduate Assistantship position is available immediately, @$
18,000/12 MONTHS, in the Durham School of Architectural Engineering and
Construction at University of Nebraska-Lincoln. The School boasts 4 NSF
Career Award winners (2 faculty members and 2 recent PhD graduates).
The research area will be on 3D modeling,and applications of computer vision
and/or Photogrametry, 3D game systems, Building Information Modeling. The
project has been partially funded by NSF and US Department of Energy.
The potential applicants should be a motivated student with background in
CAD, computer graphics, and solid background in computer science and
programming. Knowledge of computer image/vision is a plus. And the student
is expected to get a Ph.D. of Engineering in Construction.
The student will have opportunity to participate in the growing research
area with great potentials.
Interested applicant can contact s**[email protected] with your latest resume.
发帖数: 461


【在 U***M 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 TongJi 讨论区 】
: 发信人: UNLCM (SnowBoard), 信区: TongJi
: 标 题: PhD Student Position-UNL
: 关键字: Ph.D.,Assistantship,Computer,Construction
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jun 8 13:14:24 2012, 美东)
: 非常感谢如板上学友能将此帖转到同济校园网, 或你知道的同济CAD中心的同学.
: A fully funded Graduate Assistantship position is available immediately, @$
: 18,000/12 MONTHS, in the Durham School of Architectural Engineering and
: Construction at University of Nebraska-Lincoln. The School boasts 4 NSF
: Career Award winners (2 faculty members and 2 recent PhD graduates).

1 (共1页)
建筑还找的到工作吗。。。。Assistantships in Construction Management for Ph.D. students (spring/summer/fall 08)
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为什么同一个课题有的人写的proposal就能中有的人就中不了?Assistantships in Construction Management for Ph.D. students (spring/summer/fall 08)
三维物体的形状比较Assistantships in Construction Management for Ph.D. students (spring/summer/fall 08)
求显卡比较 (转载)Assistantships in Construction Management for Ph.D. students (spring/summer/fall 08)
半个电脑盲的简单问题,请教 (转载)Assistantships in Construction Management for Ph.D. students (spring/summer/fall 08)
PhD Student Position-UNL骂西电几句吧(传)
话题: student话题: phd话题: computer话题: nsf