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Pharmacy版 - can I apply for pharm D?
What is the best option for pharmacy students?读pharmD必须要有绿卡吗?
多长时间能上班呢? 过来人给说说.指导下~关于pharmacy D 几个问题
加州的朋友,你们申请执照时back ground check搞了多久?生物的postdoc要转药学方向应该怎么准备
本版精华区设计(草案),请大家多提意见请问:美国 Phamacist 需要读什么学位, 以及难度
U Iowa Pharm D 课程表请问下,FPGEE是什么
[合集] 关于准备PCAT (转载)关于给pharmacist的PharmD program
[合集] 申请Pharm D:怎么知道认证后的成绩单符合申请学校的要求 (转载)我也要去ece了
年龄大了去读PHARM D合适吗?在读的国内硕士请教大家~~ 鞠躬~鞠躬~~~
话题: pharm话题: major话题: am话题: my
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 30
I am wondering about my major is too far off the pharm. D.
My major is architecture, bachelor and master degree from china. I have
never studies in the U.S. but I am working in a firm and feel miserable, and
want to dump this major everyday.
right now, I am waiting for the I-485 approval, so can't go to school. I am
thinking of going to pharm.d in 2-3 years, when I will be 33.
I am kind of very far from pharm. major, but I like customer service and
retail environment, and want to work in health
发帖数: 490
i don't see why not as long as u get all ur prework done.
but make sure this is what u want as it's a big investment both time and
money wise.
btw, i think architecture is really cool...I wish i could draw like that,


【在 f*******g 的大作中提到】
: I am wondering about my major is too far off the pharm. D.
: My major is architecture, bachelor and master degree from china. I have
: never studies in the U.S. but I am working in a firm and feel miserable, and
: want to dump this major everyday.
: right now, I am waiting for the I-485 approval, so can't go to school. I am
: thinking of going to pharm.d in 2-3 years, when I will be 33.
: I am kind of very far from pharm. major, but I like customer service and
: retail environment, and want to work in health

发帖数: 179
lots of people enrolled in PHARM.D degree are from completely unrelated
degree. one thing, as long as when you are interviewed, you know why you
want to make such big transition.
发帖数: 1009
I agree with what you said.
During the interview process, it's really important to express your interest
in pursuing the doctor of pharmacy program and the steps that you have
taken to learn about pharmacy.
A lot of my classmates come from different backgrounds, like psychology,
biology, etc.

【在 p******c 的大作中提到】
: lots of people enrolled in PHARM.D degree are from completely unrelated
: degree. one thing, as long as when you are interviewed, you know why you
: want to make such big transition.

发帖数: 43
why you don't like architecture? It's my dream major. I even thought about
transfer to architecture. Although I know the pay is low in US. is there any
other reason why you want to give up?


【在 f*******g 的大作中提到】
: I am wondering about my major is too far off the pharm. D.
: My major is architecture, bachelor and master degree from china. I have
: never studies in the U.S. but I am working in a firm and feel miserable, and
: want to dump this major everyday.
: right now, I am waiting for the I-485 approval, so can't go to school. I am
: thinking of going to pharm.d in 2-3 years, when I will be 33.
: I am kind of very far from pharm. major, but I like customer service and
: retail environment, and want to work in health

发帖数: 1009
Architecture was my dream major too when I was little :) but it requires too
much talent that I don't have :((


【在 l******m 的大作中提到】
: why you don't like architecture? It's my dream major. I even thought about
: transfer to architecture. Although I know the pay is low in US. is there any
: other reason why you want to give up?
: and
: am

发帖数: 30
Thanks for so many replies.
Architecture was my dream job in China, where I did creative design and had
fun. Here in the U.S., they don't have enough projects and the real work is
very boring. I would say 99% technique work, 1% creative work. You are a CAD
Monkey here and deal with questions like how to contact toilet to the floor
, waht size screw to choose, how many layers roof material, etc. I see some
people love this, but not me.
I would rather work on a job I love with low paid, or a job I
发帖数: 30
Of course I will go to volunteer first. If I don't like pharm. I wouldn't
take it just for money. One thing I like the U.S. is that it gives you the
freedom to change if you work for it no matter how old you are.
1 (共1页)
在读的国内硕士请教大家~~ 鞠躬~鞠躬~~~U Iowa Pharm D 课程表
在美国读pharmD的同学都重新修了文科类的课吗?[合集] 关于准备PCAT (转载)
rainflower 请进.[合集] 申请Pharm D:怎么知道认证后的成绩单符合申请学校的要求 (转载)
pharmacist residency年龄大了去读PHARM D合适吗?
What is the best option for pharmacy students?读pharmD必须要有绿卡吗?
多长时间能上班呢? 过来人给说说.指导下~关于pharmacy D 几个问题
加州的朋友,你们申请执照时back ground check搞了多久?生物的postdoc要转药学方向应该怎么准备
本版精华区设计(草案),请大家多提意见请问:美国 Phamacist 需要读什么学位, 以及难度
话题: pharm话题: major话题: am话题: my