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Classified版 - 找有机化学或药物化学的博后
诚招生物医药CRO公司的分析总监和制剂总监出租 [Portland, OR, 97229] 1室1卫
【求购】Klipsch Image X10 $107店铺和办公室出租, 离曼哈顿35分钟,麦当劳对面,Edison,新泽西
纽约州招人信息:Field Engineer【波士顿/非中介】多房长租/近T铁/大学区/BWH/NEU/TUFT/BU
[出售]Sephora GC 黑卡$1,350@ 0.92波士顿近CAMBRIDGE一居室和三居室出租
欢庆!欢庆!安必奇生物发展新气象!诚聘通勤保姆 Vienna VA
8月15 至 31日,找 North San Jose, CA 短租Google内推,长期有效
新泽西 harrison, 一卧出租, 独立卫浴独立入口Y! Ref
话题: imaging话题: molecular话题: program话题: chemistry话题: system
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 5
Chemistry for Molecular Imaging (344)
The UT Southwestern Medical Center has recently established the Cyclotron
and Radiochemistry Program, which encompasses a GE PETTrace cyclotron, three
small animal scanners (a Siemens Inveon PET/CT Multimodality System, a
Bioscan NanoSPECT/CT Plus system, and an ASPECT M2 1T MRI system), and state
-of-the-art chemistry and radiochemistry laboratories and quality assurance
facilities equipped with high-end analytical instruments including ICP/MS, Q
-TOF LC/MS, FPLC, and HPLC. With research focus on design, synthesis, and
biological evaluations of targeted imaging probes for noninvasive disease
detection and therapy assessment, the Program is poised to stand at the
forefront of molecular imaging.
The Program has an immediate opening for a postdoctoral researcher for
design and synthesis of molecular imaging probes. Candidates with Ph.D. in
synthetic or medicinal chemistry and career interests in molecular imaging
are encouraged to apply. Hands-on experience with small animal imaging,
medical radioisotopes, and live animals is desirable but not required.
Interested individuals should send current curriculum vitae and contact
information for three references to:
[email protected]
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1 (共1页)
Y! Ref欢庆!欢庆!安必奇生物发展新气象!
也提供Google内推,帮助微软姐妹兄弟! (转载)癌症治疗中心多地招聘4类工程师
长期提供Twitter内推8月15 至 31日,找 North San Jose, CA 短租
[供求】近CAMBRIDGE一居室和三居室出租新泽西 harrison, 一卧出租, 独立卫浴独立入口
诚招生物医药CRO公司的分析总监和制剂总监出租 [Portland, OR, 97229] 1室1卫
【求购】Klipsch Image X10 $107店铺和办公室出租, 离曼哈顿35分钟,麦当劳对面,Edison,新泽西
纽约州招人信息:Field Engineer【波士顿/非中介】多房长租/近T铁/大学区/BWH/NEU/TUFT/BU
[出售]Sephora GC 黑卡$1,350@ 0.92波士顿近CAMBRIDGE一居室和三居室出租
话题: imaging话题: molecular话题: program话题: chemistry话题: system