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ClassicalMusic版 - Re: To learn Italian?
Question in Sheet Musicwhat is opera? Current or Past.
Opera karaOK :-)The very best of Maria Callas
Best way to appreiciate operamozart's idomeneo
Re: HELP!!!!!!!!!!bow to Mozart
My dream in 10 yearsNY Times lists favorite Prokofiev recordings
Re: Self-realization and musicopera news at my school
There is no music in China, is that true?My feel about playing mozart 1
Carmen, the most beautiful operaVivaldi Opera Arias
话题: italian话题: opera话题: chinese话题: italians话题: learn
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 585
It is really funny.In Chinese Opera house,
People are singing Italian opera in Chinese !!
And sometimes, the singer sing in Italian and he or she just
remember the sound
and the meaning without learning the language. ANd I have no
trouble to
appreciate opera even I know no Italians at all. Perhaps I
know the meaning of
most of the songs and the plot of the opera.
But it is really good that you could understand Italians and
French. You can
sing it yourself.
1 (共1页)
Vivaldi Opera AriasMy dream in 10 years
Met Opera的auditionRe: Self-realization and music
指环大家看过什么书么?There is no music in China, is that true?
请问Sing Along是一种什么形式?Carmen, the most beautiful opera
Question in Sheet Musicwhat is opera? Current or Past.
Opera karaOK :-)The very best of Maria Callas
Best way to appreiciate operamozart's idomeneo
Re: HELP!!!!!!!!!!bow to Mozart
话题: italian话题: opera话题: chinese话题: italians话题: learn