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今天看到一个foundation loading schedule求ASCE 7-10
木结构房子的shear wallfloor loading 怎么算呀
问一个concrete pad怎么做Reduced Wind Load for Structures of Temporary Installation
Design of Frame Members in a Building请帮忙推荐 结构设计软件
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德州的油工不错啊 。请问一下,设计房屋一般用什么软件?在美国通用的是什么?谢谢
设计基础Foundation 有考虑 Live Load Reduction 的吗?桩筏基础计算
话题: multiplier话题: load话题: storage话题: define话题: dead
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 699
ASCE12.7.2要求加入25% storage live load to effective seismic weight for
storage room.
My question is to add this 25% storage load to seismic load,I have to define
mass source with dead load, multiplier 1 and storage multiplier 0.25.
At 'define static load case names', I choose dead load with self weight
multiplier 1,for storage, should I set self weight multiplier to 0 or 1?
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.7
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.7
发帖数: 1658
It depends on what type (dead or live) you select when you define the "
storage load" in the "Define Static Loads."
发帖数: 699
I define storage as live load

★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.7

【在 C*S 的大作中提到】
: It depends on what type (dead or live) you select when you define the "
: storage load" in the "Define Static Loads."

发帖数: 1658
IMHO, use 0 for self weight multiplier. I think this multiplier is for slabs
and beam/columns/walls whose self weight can be automatically calcualted by
the software based on their density and volume. You did not define storage
density and volume, right?

【在 A****F 的大作中提到】
: I define storage as live load
: ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.7

发帖数: 699
I see.
But how do I know extra 25% being added?

★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.7
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.7

【在 C*S 的大作中提到】
: IMHO, use 0 for self weight multiplier. I think this multiplier is for slabs
: and beam/columns/walls whose self weight can be automatically calcualted by
: the software based on their density and volume. You did not define storage
: density and volume, right?

发帖数: 1658
when you define the mass sources, specify 1.0 for DL and 0.25 for LL.
If you are not sure, you can do a simple example and check the result.

【在 A****F 的大作中提到】
: I see.
: But how do I know extra 25% being added?
: slabs
: by
: storage
: ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.7
: ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.7

发帖数: 1528
If you use Selfweight+mass+loads option, be sure not to include 1.0 DL if
you aleady define Dead Load with Selfweight multiplier 1.0. Otherwise the
selfweight will be counted twice.
If you have other Dead Loads other than selfweight of the structrue, define
them as Superimpose Dead loads with selfweight multiplier set to 1.0.
It is safer to use "From Loads" option.
I agree that you should always check your result by reading the total base
reaction and comparing to the very simple formula
Total base shear V = Cs* W(total seismic weight)

【在 C*S 的大作中提到】
: when you define the mass sources, specify 1.0 for DL and 0.25 for LL.
: If you are not sure, you can do a simple example and check the result.

发帖数: 1528
You should have only one Dead Load Case with selfweight multiplier 1.0.
For all other cases including other supper imposed dead loads, selfweight
multiplier should all be set to 0.


【在 A****F 的大作中提到】
: ASCE12.7.2要求加入25% storage live load to effective seismic weight for
: storage room.
: My question is to add this 25% storage load to seismic load,I have to define
: mass source with dead load, multiplier 1 and storage multiplier 0.25.
: At 'define static load case names', I choose dead load with self weight
: multiplier 1,for storage, should I set self weight multiplier to 0 or 1?
: Thanks
: ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.7
: ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.7

1 (共1页)
桩筏基础计算Design of Frame Members in a Building
HS 20荷载请问谁有停车场的设计经验?
结构工程,博士,这几门设计课对找工作重要吗德州的油工不错啊 。
加州PE, SE 申请设计基础Foundation 有考虑 Live Load Reduction 的吗?
今天看到一个foundation loading schedule求ASCE 7-10
木结构房子的shear wallfloor loading 怎么算呀
问一个concrete pad怎么做Reduced Wind Load for Structures of Temporary Installation
话题: multiplier话题: load话题: storage话题: define话题: dead