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Chemistry版 - 找有机化学或药物化学的博后
Postdoc postions in LC-mass spectrometry quantitation大家过来说说未来几年分析化学以后前景吧 (LC-MS 小分子分析)
真心求教 质谱找工作做MALDI有前途吗?
Job Opportunity in a chemical / materials science laboratory (Bay Area)小公司招 Lab Chemist (转载)
bao zi for paper help怎么确定chemical的purity
要毕业了,找博后位子--高分子合成及相关方向--请各位大牛给点信息和意见有用过icpms 做定量的吗?
● 请各位路过的童鞋们refer化学类实习,不胜感激!!!求 Radiochemistry and Nuclear Chemistry电子书
大妈是有钱任性吗.Research Associate Position Available
话题: imaging话题: molecular话题: program话题: chemistry话题: system
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 5
找有机化学或药物化学的博后。 详见如下:
Chemistry for Molecular Imaging (344)
The UT Southwestern Medical Center has recently established the Cyclotron
and Radiochemistry Program, which encompasses a GE PETTrace cyclotron, three
small animal scanners (a Siemens Inveon PET/CT Multimodality System, a
Bioscan NanoSPECT/CT Plus system, and an ASPECT M2 1T MRI system), and state
-of-the-art chemistry and radiochemistry laboratories and quality assurance
facilities equipped with high-end analytical instruments including ICP/MS, Q
-TOF LC/MS, FPLC, and HPLC. With research focus on design, synthesis, and
biological evaluations of targeted imaging probes for noninvasive disease
detection and therapy assessment, the Program is poised to stand at the
forefront of molecular imaging.
The Program has an immediate opening for a postdoctoral researcher for
design and synthesis of molecular imaging probes. Candidates with Ph.D. in
synthetic or medicinal chemistry and career interests in molecular imaging
are encouraged to apply. Hands-on experience with small animal imaging,
medical radioisotopes, and live animals is desirable but not required.
Interested individuals should send current curriculum vitae and contact
information for three references to:
[email protected]
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1 (共1页)
Research Associate Position Available请教:MALDI-TOF结合PITC柱前衍生化-HPLC去定性交联的氨基酸
请教 AFM probes● 请各位路过的童鞋们refer化学类实习,不胜感激!!!
Postdoc postions in LC-mass spectrometry quantitation大家过来说说未来几年分析化学以后前景吧 (LC-MS 小分子分析)
真心求教 质谱找工作做MALDI有前途吗?
Job Opportunity in a chemical / materials science laboratory (Bay Area)小公司招 Lab Chemist (转载)
bao zi for paper help怎么确定chemical的purity
话题: imaging话题: molecular话题: program话题: chemistry话题: system