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CS版 - 新人求建议关于human computer interaction 和human factors&e
How is CHI conference?[转载]普适计算方面的会议
请问有人了解CMU的交互设计专业么?communications of acm
cs申请求定位,另外HCI 好找工作吗?大家讨论一下AI吧
请教对Flickr或是del.icio.us或是其他社交网站比较熟的同学一个问题CS PHD rap
UI专业是什么?HCI 这个方向如何?
Journal paper VS. conference paper???很困惑:LD应该读完硕士还是找工作?
Information Visualization求助CG方向转HCI怎么样?
话题: hci话题: hf话题: human话题: two话题: major
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 348
想转计算机方面, 完全没有cs方面的经验,不会coding以后也不想以coding为生。(考
最终想去念cmu或berkelyey的human computer interaction, 因为没任何这方面工作经
验,怕申请不到,就想曲线先念一下范围广一些的human factors&ergonomics ,再念
现在就想问问如果只是human factors&ergonomics就业前景如何? human computer
interaction呢?除了ui/ux designer是不是也还有别的位置?在公司里地位如何
发帖数: 989
Disclaimer: I never studied any of those. My opinion is purely based on
Wikipedia introduction to these topics.
Personally I think HCI is more related to psychology (the methodology of
measuring behavior) and graphic design, and a lot of critical thinking and
observation skills.
For HCI it is necessary to have some coding skill. That is, enough coding to
make "prototypes" that can demonstrate your concept on a computer, but not
necessary a fully-functional application.
Go ahead and look up the coding skills needed for each kind of prototype.
I don't know anything about HF&E, but at least the following aspects of HF&E
are __not__ transferrable to HCI:
(1) Kinesiology, physiology and ergonomics (about the human body)
(2) Mechanical engineering
(3) Industrial engineering
With regard to switching major, the best way is to look at the first two
years of the course list for the two majors.
If the first two years course list has a lot of overlap, it is easier to
switch major.
If there is not much overlap, switching major will be difficult - even if
you have permission, you will have to re-take a lot of courses.
Overlaps that occur late in the programme (i.e. in the junior or senior
years) wouldn't help switching major, because you have to be admitted into
the new major in the first place for those credits to count. And you still
need to meet the foundation requirements of the programme.
If there are two courses which you think are similar, don't just rely on
your feelings. Take the two course descriptions, and go to the admission
office (or the department office for credit transfer), and ask them to
verify that the two courses are related. If they say no, then it doesn't
matter if you think otherwise.
发帖数: 348
谢谢大牛的分析, 逻辑非常清晰, 赞思路~~~
我现在已经有BIO的硕士, 以前并没有任何跟此之外相关的经验。
比较了一下附近学校HF&E的硕士课程和CMU的HCI 硕士课程, 有一些重合,不是特别多
。 我的理解是HF&E是个比HCI范围更广泛的学科。 HF&E也是一个很注重psychology当
中的statistics, cognitioon方面的东西。
想到从HF&E起点, 再学HCI, 是因为在仔细浏览CMU HCI的校友经历中,有人从HF&E的
硕士, 转到CMU HCI的博士, 而我只是想去名校念个硕士就好,博士现在还没想法。
现在我就是不知道假如我拿到HF&E的硕士, 再申请CMU HCI的硕士, 录取委员会怎么
看?毕竟加起来就会一共有3个硕士, 或许我应该在明天再打电话去CMU 研究院问一下
,对已经有生物硕士, 即将有HE&E硕士, 再申请HCI硕士的, 可不可行?


【在 k**********g 的大作中提到】
: Disclaimer: I never studied any of those. My opinion is purely based on
: Wikipedia introduction to these topics.
: Personally I think HCI is more related to psychology (the methodology of
: measuring behavior) and graphic design, and a lot of critical thinking and
: observation skills.
: For HCI it is necessary to have some coding skill. That is, enough coding to
: make "prototypes" that can demonstrate your concept on a computer, but not
: necessary a fully-functional application.
: Go ahead and look up the coding skills needed for each kind of prototype.
: I don't know anything about HF&E, but at least the following aspects of HF&E

发帖数: 348
想转计算机方面, 完全没有cs方面的经验,不会coding以后也不想以coding为生。(考
最终想去念cmu或berkelyey的human computer interaction, 因为没任何这方面工作经
验,怕申请不到,就想曲线先念一下范围广一些的human factors&ergonomics ,再念
现在就想问问如果只是human factors&ergonomics就业前景如何? human computer
interaction呢?除了ui/ux designer是不是也还有别的位置?在公司里地位如何
发帖数: 989
Disclaimer: I never studied any of those. My opinion is purely based on
Wikipedia introduction to these topics.
Personally I think HCI is more related to psychology (the methodology of
measuring behavior) and graphic design, and a lot of critical thinking and
observation skills.
For HCI it is necessary to have some coding skill. That is, enough coding to
make "prototypes" that can demonstrate your concept on a computer, but not
necessary a fully-functional application.
Go ahead and look up the coding skills needed for each kind of prototype.
I don't know anything about HF&E, but at least the following aspects of HF&E
are __not__ transferrable to HCI:
(1) Kinesiology, physiology and ergonomics (about the human body)
(2) Mechanical engineering
(3) Industrial engineering
With regard to switching major, the best way is to look at the first two
years of the course list for the two majors.
If the first two years course list has a lot of overlap, it is easier to
switch major.
If there is not much overlap, switching major will be difficult - even if
you have permission, you will have to re-take a lot of courses.
Overlaps that occur late in the programme (i.e. in the junior or senior
years) wouldn't help switching major, because you have to be admitted into
the new major in the first place for those credits to count. And you still
need to meet the foundation requirements of the programme.
If there are two courses which you think are similar, don't just rely on
your feelings. Take the two course descriptions, and go to the admission
office (or the department office for credit transfer), and ask them to
verify that the two courses are related. If they say no, then it doesn't
matter if you think otherwise.
发帖数: 348
谢谢大牛的分析, 逻辑非常清晰, 赞思路~~~
我现在已经有BIO的硕士, 以前并没有任何跟此之外相关的经验。
比较了一下附近学校HF&E的硕士课程和CMU的HCI 硕士课程, 有一些重合,不是特别多
。 我的理解是HF&E是个比HCI范围更广泛的学科。 HF&E也是一个很注重psychology当
中的statistics, cognitioon方面的东西。
想到从HF&E起点, 再学HCI, 是因为在仔细浏览CMU HCI的校友经历中,有人从HF&E的
硕士, 转到CMU HCI的博士, 而我只是想去名校念个硕士就好,博士现在还没想法。
现在我就是不知道假如我拿到HF&E的硕士, 再申请CMU HCI的硕士, 录取委员会怎么
看?毕竟加起来就会一共有3个硕士, 或许我应该在明天再打电话去CMU 研究院问一下
,对已经有生物硕士, 即将有HE&E硕士, 再申请HCI硕士的, 可不可行?


【在 k**********g 的大作中提到】
: Disclaimer: I never studied any of those. My opinion is purely based on
: Wikipedia introduction to these topics.
: Personally I think HCI is more related to psychology (the methodology of
: measuring behavior) and graphic design, and a lot of critical thinking and
: observation skills.
: For HCI it is necessary to have some coding skill. That is, enough coding to
: make "prototypes" that can demonstrate your concept on a computer, but not
: necessary a fully-functional application.
: Go ahead and look up the coding skills needed for each kind of prototype.
: I don't know anything about HF&E, but at least the following aspects of HF&E

发帖数: 9
Lz你好,我也对HCI方向很感兴趣想要读个master, 请问你现在已经在读了吗?谢谢!
1 (共1页)
有篇ACM CHI的文章是研究sex toy的,夫妻俩教授合写的UI专业是什么?
HCI方向的master programJournal paper VS. conference paper???
做vision和learning的给看看这个faculty水平如何Information Visualization求助
How is CHI conference?[转载]普适计算方面的会议
请问有人了解CMU的交互设计专业么?communications of acm
cs申请求定位,另外HCI 好找工作吗?大家讨论一下AI吧
请教对Flickr或是del.icio.us或是其他社交网站比较熟的同学一个问题CS PHD rap
话题: hci话题: hf话题: human话题: two话题: major