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Bridge版 - you choosed the way to hell, didn't you.
【每周一题】七张方块a $1600 lead
chances for the 3NTwhat's your call?(1)
A play problemlong time no water here!
[合集] A play problemDo you balance
GNT defenseafter opps interfere with 2NT...
is it a marginal decision?What's the best line?
some hands in regional (2)30 IMP
How to play this handwhat do u bid?
话题: choosed话题: your话题: pd话题: didn话题: hell
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 295
IMP red vs white
H KQ103
C J10863
your pd deals and passes, RHO opens 1S. Your hand is
simple enough for a takeout double. LHO jumps to 4S and wants
to play there, but your pd shows his strong discontentment by covering it with
That's two suiters, you choose 5C and pd corrects to 5D. Opps
keep silent. Now it's your turn again, what are you going to do?
发帖数: 623
Pass to take the sure (or, surer) plus, what's the problem? You've shown your
hand, and pd's bidding didn't dramatically improve your hand -- well it does
in some sense. I think pd showed longer D than H, and your H's are too good to
be tapped in a 4-4 fit.


【在 a*******s 的大作中提到】
: IMP red vs white
: holding
: S Q
: H KQ103
: D AQ9
: C J10863
: your pd deals and passes, RHO opens 1S. Your hand is
: simple enough for a takeout double. LHO jumps to 4S and wants
: to play there, but your pd shows his strong discontentment by covering it with
: 4NT.

发帖数: 295
Well, perhaps it's a good choice to pass.
But I think I will at least correct to hearts, just becuase I feel
more confortable with it. :)
The next point is that I feel it's hard to believe he bid 4NT with
a so-so 5-4 distribution in reds. And given such vulnerability, his
intention must be making the game instead of saving our lost in
four spades.
Therefore, I took a deep breath, leaped to 6H, which, inevitably,
doubled by RHO and redoubled by pd :)
Here comes the dummy:
S 873
H AJ962
D J10743

【在 w****b 的大作中提到】
: Pass to take the sure (or, surer) plus, what's the problem? You've shown your
: hand, and pd's bidding didn't dramatically improve your hand -- well it does
: in some sense. I think pd showed longer D than H, and your H's are too good to
: be tapped in a 4-4 fit.
: with

1 (共1页)
what do u bid?GNT defense
how to play? hehe.is it a marginal decision?
Take the money or what?some hands in regional (2)
牌例Re: 强烈建议How to play this hand
【每周一题】七张方块a $1600 lead
chances for the 3NTwhat's your call?(1)
A play problemlong time no water here!
[合集] A play problemDo you balance
话题: choosed话题: your话题: pd话题: didn话题: hell