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Biology版 - how to purify the degraded protein bands on the gel?
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Amicon ultra-15 centrifugal filter 穿滤公司订制的抗体在wild type和knock out 小鼠都检测到band了, 是小鼠问题还是抗体问题?
请教几个用来产生 membrane proteins设备的价格 (转载)【请问】有commercially available的purified Cas9 Protein 吗?
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发现一个protein interaction请问如何找到和protein degradation相关的所有基因?
请问有没有什么公司purify untagged recombinant protein from human cells?大家有没有遇见过磷酸化的band比total protein的band低一点的情况?
请问一下为啥要在4度房子里玩蛋白?Please recommend good Glut1 and Glut4 antibodies.
话题: protein话题: degraded话题: bands话题: gel话题: purify
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 41
My protein is around 20kDa, and I see many degraded protein bands (from
10kDa to 3kDa) on the gel. I tried to wash my protein several times using
the amicon centrifugal filter at 10kDa cutoff, but I still see those
degraded protein bands on the gels. I also add proteinase inhibitor and also
do the purification on ice to prevent the degradation, but it does not help
. Does anyone know what is the best way to purify or get ride of these
degraded protein bands on the gel? thanks.
发帖数: 1125
Your title is really confusing.
This could be very challenging. Because the truncated forms, especially
those with similar size to the full-length, behave very similar to full-
length protein. If most of your truncated is smaller than half of the full-
length, then it is doable. Gel filtration may helps to remove those big
truncated ones. You can also try those traditional columns, such as ion-
exchanged or hydrophobic columns.
Amacon's concentrator was not designed to do this.
I will suggest to prevent it from happening by adding protease inhibitors;
however,sometimes it is just the way it is.
If you really need full-length proteins, you can also add different tags at
each side.


【在 c*******4 的大作中提到】
: My protein is around 20kDa, and I see many degraded protein bands (from
: 10kDa to 3kDa) on the gel. I tried to wash my protein several times using
: the amicon centrifugal filter at 10kDa cutoff, but I still see those
: degraded protein bands on the gels. I also add proteinase inhibitor and also
: do the purification on ice to prevent the degradation, but it does not help
: . Does anyone know what is the best way to purify or get ride of these
: degraded protein bands on the gel? thanks.

1 (共1页)
Please recommend good Glut1 and Glut4 antibodies.请教一个拉丁用法
why size is so big different?发现一个protein interaction
questions about mMESSENGERmMACHINE sp6请问有没有什么公司purify untagged recombinant protein from human cells?
请推荐protein buffer exchange columnhow to store cell lysate for a long time
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Amicon ultra-15 centrifugal filter 穿滤公司订制的抗体在wild type和knock out 小鼠都检测到band了, 是小鼠问题还是抗体问题?
请教几个用来产生 membrane proteins设备的价格 (转载)【请问】有commercially available的purified Cas9 Protein 吗?
话题: protein话题: degraded话题: bands话题: gel话题: purify