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Biology版 - Follow up of Petra Fromme on Free Electron Laser
Summary for that Free Electron LaserA Molecular Biologist Position in Qingdao China
小学生谈生物.中国大搞转基因农作物推广,是否会给生物WSN提供就业机会? (转载)
申请板副Dr.Biologist-Santa --the first President elect of Postdog Rescue (charity non-profit)
free pc s/w for biologists.Mathematical biology
Re: discussion 3: useful softwares for biology resear谁来说说癌症systems biology回顾和前景展望
Re: 请教metabolism工业界需要哪些技术呢?
SBIG: Channels - 2各位生物背景的TZ们,System Biology方向求教
Re: a bioinformatics questionA Biologist's Mother's Day Song
话题: fromme话题: electron话题: laser话题: free话题: petra
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2764
My PI just went to a NIH conference and Dr. Fromme presented her work of
that free electron laser. Since I was not there myself, not all details are
included here. But our lab is a structural biology lab, and most audience
were structural biologist this time, so we had more feedback here
regarding to that technique. On a side note, she did get a big funding for
this technique, but seems paper is not accepted by Science due to low
resolution (not sure on this though).
1. As I expected, one frame
1 (共1页)
A Biologist's Mother's Day SongRe: discussion 3: useful softwares for biology resear
关于年龄?Re: 请教metabolism
scientific programmer 和 bioinformatician 的区别?SBIG: Channels - 2
NCI 换头了Re: a bioinformatics question
Summary for that Free Electron LaserA Molecular Biologist Position in Qingdao China
小学生谈生物.中国大搞转基因农作物推广,是否会给生物WSN提供就业机会? (转载)
申请板副Dr.Biologist-Santa --the first President elect of Postdog Rescue (charity non-profit)
free pc s/w for biologists.Mathematical biology
话题: fromme话题: electron话题: laser话题: free话题: petra