KBB低估TDI实际resale价格是无疑的,就象EPA低估其实际mpg一样。 http://forums.tdiclub.com/showthread.php?t=364354
Maybe it's just where I'm from (western PA) but are people paying outrageous
prices for TDI's lately? I usually make a call on just about any diesel I
see and people are asking absurd prices for them but the crazy part people
are actually paying for them. Like the other day I drove around 2 hours to
see a beat to hell 2000 gold that was asking almost 7k for and after i
passed someone bought it two days later. And today I called about a 2002
Jetta wagon that the seller said someone was coming in from Michigan
tomorrow to buy for 9K, when the kbb is 5k private party 7k if its from a
dealer. This kind of pricing has been happening with every single TDI I've
seen in months, anyone know whats going on here or is it just me area?