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Automobile版 - after caught by a policeman, ask for suggestions
ticket 急问请教一个车祸问题
这张ticket是不是可以dismiss了Ticket 出庭与否?
吃了张ticket,但“citation not on file"南加 红灯右拐 ticket, 求建议, 谢谢
Speeding ticket!拿了张traffic ticket (转载)
只拿learner permit,就敢单独开车被抓的多吗?question for trial by written clarification
court supervision有policeman专门定期查你?或就形式?芝加哥收到超速罚单,该怎么处理比较好?
话题: insurance话题: court话题: policeman话题: citation话题: ask
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 440
Recently I was given two citations because (1) did not stop enough time
before a stop sign and (2) forget to bring car insurance card.
For (2), I will need to appear on court. With the hope that no fine will be
But for (1), I told the policeman that I will pay. Then the citation shows
that I will pay and no court appearance is needed.
But many people told me, if you pay this time, it is hard to get waived
later. This is my first time receiving a citation.
In this case, is there any opportunity that I can ask for appearing on court
for (1) and see what the judge say?
If there is no such opportunity, how long the record will be there? And will
it affect insurance rate later?
Thanks for any information.
发帖数: 440
Does anybody have any suggestion for citation(1)?
Many thanks.
发帖数: 3502
First of all, You DO NOT admit anything to the police, you just made a
confession by saying I will pay the fine which implies you admitted the
You can call the court and requesting a court date, for first offenders,
your citation normally will get dropped by the judge.
For you 2nd citation, all you need to do is bring your proof of insurance to
the court, the judge should dismiss the case.
The record will be there permanently, it is a moving violation, this definitely will effect your insurance premium, most insurance companies look back 3 years.
发帖数: 440
Thank you very much.
I went to court today.
The judge dismissed my "no insurance" case immediately since this is my
first citation.
But for "not stopping enough time before the stop sign", since I signed the
"guilty" form, she arranged a hearing for me. I need to go to the court
again, with the hope that I will be claimed no guity.
If finally "no guilty", will it still affect the insurance?
Thanks for any information.

definitely will effect your insurance premium, most insurance companies look
back 3 years.

【在 l****n 的大作中提到】
: First of all, You DO NOT admit anything to the police, you just made a
: confession by saying I will pay the fine which implies you admitted the
: offense.
: You can call the court and requesting a court date, for first offenders,
: your citation normally will get dropped by the judge.
: For you 2nd citation, all you need to do is bring your proof of insurance to
: the court, the judge should dismiss the case.
: The record will be there permanently, it is a moving violation, this definitely will effect your insurance premium, most insurance companies look back 3 years.

发帖数: 3502
then that will not affect your insurance premium.


【在 h********0 的大作中提到】
: Thank you very much.
: I went to court today.
: The judge dismissed my "no insurance" case immediately since this is my
: first citation.
: But for "not stopping enough time before the stop sign", since I signed the
: "guilty" form, she arranged a hearing for me. I need to go to the court
: again, with the hope that I will be claimed no guity.
: If finally "no guilty", will it still affect the insurance?
: Thanks for any information.

发帖数: 5697


【在 h********0 的大作中提到】
: Recently I was given two citations because (1) did not stop enough time
: before a stop sign and (2) forget to bring car insurance card.
: For (2), I will need to appear on court. With the hope that no fine will be
: needed.
: But for (1), I told the policeman that I will pay. Then the citation shows
: that I will pay and no court appearance is needed.
: But many people told me, if you pay this time, it is hard to get waived
: later. This is my first time receiving a citation.
: In this case, is there any opportunity that I can ask for appearing on court
: for (1) and see what the judge say?

1 (共1页)
芝加哥收到超速罚单,该怎么处理比较好?吃了张ticket,但“citation not on file"
撞车后有了ticket,请教一个问题Speeding ticket!
Traffic ticket question只拿learner permit,就敢单独开车被抓的多吗?
IL 55迈超速30迈,Court Appearance Required 求教court supervision有policeman专门定期查你?或就形式?
ticket 急问请教一个车祸问题
这张ticket是不是可以dismiss了Ticket 出庭与否?
话题: insurance话题: court话题: policeman话题: citation话题: ask