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Astronomy版 - 每日一图 Io at Sunset
每日一图 木卫二的红斑
每日一图 小行星安妮.法兰克
Astronomy Picture of Day: Fogs of Mars
每日一图 月球上的东方海
每日一图 疏散星团M35和NGC 2158
每日一图 非洲夜空的星流迹
每日一图 木星,伊俄和影子
每日一图 自由漂浮的哈勃太空望远镜
每日一图 年轻星系POX 186
话题: io话题: sunset话题: tall话题: mountains话题: 一图
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 344
Io at Sunset
Credit: Galileo Project, JPL, NASA
Explanation: How tall are mountains on Jupiter's moon Io? One way to find
out is to view them at sunset. Tall structures facing the Sun are then better
-lit and cast long shadows. The above image highlights Mongibello Mons on
the far left, a sharp ridge rising so high it would rank among the highest
mountains on Earth. The violently changing surface of Io shows not only
classic volcano cinder cones but also many thrust faults where the ground
has f
1 (共1页)
每日一图 年轻星系POX 186
每日一图 The Lost World of Lake Vida
每日一图 日冕
Astronomy Picture of Day: Voyagers' Message
Astronomy Picture of Day: Dust Devil on Mars
Astronomy Picture of Day: Titan's Haze
Astronomy Picture of Day: Astroid 1998KY26
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Astronomy Picture of Day: Venus: Just passing by
Astronomy Picture of Day: Ridges on Mars
话题: io话题: sunset话题: tall话题: mountains话题: 一图