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Apple版 - Burning Platform
老果粉John Gruber也开始YY Marissa Mayer了.Slate PC announced just now.
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也开会了Windows Phone 7 前途无量呀! (转载)
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Newsweek预测2010年SB会被M$解职S Ballmer将现身WWDC?!
话题: burning话题: elop话题: nokia话题: platform话题: microsoft
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 19743
Elop接手Nokia的时候,谈Nokia的平台是burning platform
burning platform呢?
“If you’re a Microsoft employee and you want to know what kind of
strategic thinking Nokia CEO Stephen Elop is going to bring to the company
in the former’s $7.2 billion acquisition of the latter, then look no
further than his famous ‘Burning Platform’ memo to Nokia staff, written in
February 2011,” Jim Edwards writes for Business Insider.
“The memo describes in brutal terms how Elop saw Nokia’s business — as an
oil rig that’s on fire, forcing workers to jump into the North Sea.
Clinging to a ‘burning platform’ only means certain death, in Elop’s
thinking,” Edwards writes. “Even though Nokia jumped from its own “
burning platform” onto Microsoft’s, it may simply have jumped from a
smaller burning platform onto a larger one. “
Edwards writes, “The memo feels especially ominous if the rumors that Elop
may succeed Steve Ballmer as Microsoft CEO turn out to be true: Which other
Microsoft products might look like burning platforms to Elop?”
1 (共1页)
S Ballmer将现身WWDC?!想买iphone5,那个牌子的比较好?
为什么mac book pro这么难用iPhone 3G成为消费者群体中最畅销智能手机型号
app store非常好绝不允许被Mac超越 微软禁媒体用苹果
zz 黑莓设备将把必应作为默认搜索引擎Newsweek预测2010年SB会被M$解职
老果粉John Gruber也开始YY Marissa Mayer了.Slate PC announced just now.
谁知道怎么改safari的search engine?steve jobs的net worth才3.4B??
大家的Iphone 4接听声音怎么样?果果就像一个波大无脑的美女
也开会了Windows Phone 7 前途无量呀! (转载)
话题: burning话题: elop话题: nokia话题: platform话题: microsoft