

全部话题 - 话题: zhiwen
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 791
来自主题: Prose版 - 失 语 / At lost 4 words [4.a]
Zhiwen Lu opened the door, and saw a middle-aged man
standing outside, looking stocky and muscular. The
set of long sleeve/long pant pajamas he wore reminded
Zhiwen of his own three-musketeers branded set, which
he bought before coming aboard and never got to wear
much. Looking livid, the man bellowed in rage: “What
the hell do you f*cking want?”
Zhiwen opened his mouth but said nothing, for a minute.
Glancing at the knife he left on the table, he fought
hard to regain control. “What do you wan-
发帖数: 791
来自主题: Translation版 - At Lost 4 Words(1.a) --from 失 语 (1)
Zhiwen Lu likes to refer to the place he lives, the place
in Queens, as Yu-Shu-Bao (Fort of Elm). It is commonly
known as Elmhurst. A Chinese resident there would just
call the fourth Chinatown ‘Ahmoohezi’te’. The Longman
dictionary Zhiwen bought from the laundry place back in
his university days, the one that accompanied his journey
oversea, does not have ‘-hurst’ as a suffix. So this par-
ticular translation of his, Zhiwen admits, is more or less
a product of wishful thinking. It won’t cause
发帖数: 791
来自主题: Translation版 - 失 语 / At lost 4 words [3.c]
The woman finished her chores. Standing by and idling,
she asked him: “Have you got a girlfriend?”
Zhiwen froze. “No,” he said, afterwards.
“Want me to hook you up with someone? ---Have you got
a greencard?” She asked.
Zhiwen was even more embarrassed. “Not yet.” He shook
his head and replied.
The woman sighed. “Aiya, then it’s gonna be tough…”
Suddenly she giggled to herself. “I’ve heard women’s
voice coming from your room!”
For a split second, Zhiwen flushed crimson, thinking
that she must hav
发帖数: 791
来自主题: Translation版 - 失 语 / At lost 4 words [4.a]
Zhiwen Lu opened the door, and saw a middle-aged man
standing outside, looking stocky and muscular. The
set of long sleeve/long pant pajamas he wore reminded
Zhiwen of his own three-musketeers branded set, which
he bought before coming aboard and never got to wear
much. Looking livid, the man bellowed in rage: “What
the hell do you f*cking want?”
Zhiwen opened his mouth but said nothing, for a minute.
Glancing at the knife left on the table, he fought
hard to regain control. “What do you wan- Wh
发帖数: 1834
来自主题: Pingpong版 - 老何威武
One week ago at the GAC Group 2015 ITTF World Tour German Open in Bremen,
Japan’s Mima Ito became the youngest player to win an ITTF World Tour title
, when she beat Germany’s Petrissa Solja in the final of the Women’s
Singles event.
She was 14 years and 252 days old; now one week later, on Sunday 29th March,
at the GAC Group 2015 ITTF World Tour Spanish Open in Almeria, the host
nation’s He Zhiwen has become the oldest player to se... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 791
【 以下文字转载自 Translation 讨论区,原文如下 】
发信人: lynny (熊猫 legendary tailor), 信区: Translation
标 题: tongue-tied(1.a) --from 失 语 (1)
发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Mon Mar 8 22:32:13 2004) WWW-POST
Zhiwen Lu likes to refer to the place he lives, the place
in Queens, as Yu-Shu-Bao (Fort of Elm). It is commonly
known as Elmhurst. A Chinese resident would just
call the fourth Chinatown ‘Ahmoohezi’te’. The Longman
dictionary Zhiwen bought from the laundry place back in
his university days, the one that accompa
发帖数: 791
【 以下文字转载自 Translation 讨论区,原文如下 】
发信人: lynny (熊猫 in a muzzle), 信区: Translation
标 题: 失 语 / At lost 4 words [3.c]
发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Sat May 29 05:05:49 2004) WWW-POST
The woman finished her chores. Standing by and idling,
she asked him: “Have you got a girlfriend?”
Zhiwen froze. “No,” he said, afterwards.
“Want me to hook you up with someone? ---Have you got
a greencard?” She asked.
Zhiwen was even more embarrassed. “Not yet.” He shook
his head and replied.
The woman sighed. “Aiya, then i
发帖数: 791
【 以下文字转载自 Translation 讨论区,原文如下 】
发信人: lynny (熊猫 junker pilot), 信区: Translation
标 题: 失 语 / At lost 4 words [4.b]
发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Fri Jul 23 18:24:11 2004) WWW-POST
Silence descended, to upstairs and downstairs alike. Zhiwen
couldn’t decide if he should cheer or mourn for this moment
of clarity. Moving to the living room, he found himself
snatching up the phone and dialing that familiar number to
“It’s me…”
“You? Who’s that?”
For a minute or two, Zhiwen hang on to that
发帖数: 791
来自主题: Translation版 - At Lost 4 Words(2.b) --from 失 语 (2)
Warning: Rated R for mature content
Zhiwen got off at Elmhurst and paid a visit to the Asian food
market. Each time he went there, he reminded himself against
buying a whole lot, what ever bought had to carried on foot
afterwards; yet each time he'd find things he hadn’t had
for ages, such as arrowhead, or bagged almond, or Tsingtao
beer, etc. This time Zhiwen filled up his basket in such a
decisiveness as if each item of food could fulfill some
spiritual need. At checkout he regret
发帖数: 791
来自主题: Translation版 - 失 语 / At lost 4 words [3.d]
He was working in the office in the afternoon when
Joe again stomped and slammed down the phone that
he was holding; pretty soon his manager was seen
walking alongside Ken, mouthing “son of a fucking
bitch.” That was a first time for Zhiwen Lu who’d
never heard of things put in this order. It was almost
Joe wrote him shortly after that: the UI design
needed some minor adjustments, and the end-date was
moved forward slightly… it would be great if he
could hurry up with it.
Zhiwen replied p
发帖数: 791
来自主题: Translation版 - 失 语 / At lost 4 words [4.b]
Silence descended, to upstairs and downstairs alike. Zhiwen
couldn’t decide if he should cheer or mourn for this moment
of clarity. Moving to the living room, he found himself
snatching up the phone and dialing that familiar number to
“It’s me…”
“You? Who’s that?”
For a minute or two, Zhiwen hang on to that silence. The
other would never believe he’d call China at 4 a.m. in
the morning. He disconnected with careful, tender moments.
There he sat, in the dark, bemoaning the lines t
发帖数: 791
来自主题: Translation版 - 失 语 / At lost 4 words [5.a]
Strolling around Broadway in Elmhurst, Zhiwen Lu finally
found the pharmacy whose commercials were currently running
on the local Chinese channel. He made clear of his intention
with croaking sounds and miming. The clerk tended him in a
Beijing accent as she went about the medicine cabinets and
cashing machine, filling up his order and ringing him up.
"Yoh, looks pretty awful, the infection you've got. Seen
a doctor yet?"
Zhiwen shook his head.
"Is that so," she went on. "Say you go to the docto
发帖数: 38600
来自主题: Military版 - 中国乒乓球海外团队
43 out of 172 players are born in China
>Ladies – 28 av 86 of chinese origin
KINA: Ning Ding, 26, Li Xiaoxia, 28, Liu Shiwen, 25
AUSTRALIEN: Ziyu Zhang, 25, Jian Fang Lay, 43
BRASILIEN: Gui Lin, 22
HONGKONG: Tie Yana, 37
KANADA: Zhang Mo, 27
KONGO: Han Xing, 26
LUXEMBURG: Ni Xia Lian, 53
NEDERLÄNDERNA: Li Jiao, 43, Li Jie, 32
POLEN: Li Qian, 30
PORTUGAL: Shao Jieni, 22, Yu Fu, 37
SINGAPORE: Tianwei Feng, 29, Yu Mengyu, 26, Zhou Yihan, 22
SPANIEN: Shen Yanfei, 36
SVERIG... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3257
来自主题: WashingtonDC版 - 请以下朋友出钱请ZHIWEI吃饭
发帖数: 10218
来自主题: WashingtonDC版 - Good morning DC!
Zhiwen 好
发帖数: 837
来自主题: Pingpong版 - 剑宗赢了气宗,器宗灭了剑宗
This is still very confusing, as it isn't that much mutually exclusive.
For example, "赢不赢球倒在其次", but junkwind really wanted to win every
point. "该打打,该拉拉", but I don't see milestone do any loops in the
first 2 games when a lot of times he could just have loop killed junkwind's
returns easily (thus leading me to believe that milestone doesn't know how
to loop at all), and his smash wasn't that great either. "球路多变", that's
really how junkwind won the first 2 games and I don't see milestone did to... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5654
来自主题: Pingpong版 - 看走眼了。。。。 ItachiUchiha
lZ: google He Zhiwen's video at youtube, learn how he could still play
at top 40 at his 50s...
发帖数: 2239
来自主题: Pingpong版 - Kanak Jha单打出局了
Feng 输给了5十多的He zhiwen.
发帖数: 2239
来自主题: Pingpong版 - Kanak Jha单打出局了
西班牙选手 He Zhiwen. LOL
发帖数: 10821
when i was young i watch to the tv
this voice better than zhiwen
except rhythm
发帖数: 2250
来自主题: Music版 - 好声音剑宗气宗论!!
2.理性的音乐理解+感性的音乐表达。 这是音乐方面
很多时候,却似为大厅里面那一位听众而唱,除了他在音... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1364
来自主题: PhotoGear版 - 擦,好声音4强诞生了
Any of the last 8 would be fine (Ping An replace Jin Zhiwen), but my
personal preference would be
Zhang Wei
Ping An
Either one between Quan and Summer
Shi Tai
So I'm guessing all the reverse...
发帖数: 8
看到有人指出在icmlc 2011会议中同一个作者发表论文达10多篇。本文深知做学术
Le Li, Xiaohang Zhang, Zhiwen yu, Zijian Feng, Ruiping Wei, USOM: Mining
and Visualizing Uncertain Data Based on Self-Organizing Maps, Proceedings
of the 2011 International Conference on machine Learning and Cybernetics,
School of Computer Science and Engineering, South China University of
Technology, Guangzhou, China
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 791
【 以下文字转载自 Translation 讨论区,原文如下 】
发信人: lynny (熊猫 legendary tailor), 信区: Translation
标 题: tongue-tied(1.b) --from 失 语 (1)
发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Thu Mar 11 10:18:59 2004) WWW-POST
It’s only days ago that Zhiwen contemplated on dealing
with the people upstairs, debating with himself whether
he should be upfront with his neighbors –flinching at
the idea-- while the feeling that he would not find the
right time to confront them gnawed at him. Every night
after he finished his dinner-and-TV, t
发帖数: 791
来自主题: Prose版 - tongue-tied(1.c) --from 失 语 (1)
Round the corner of 76th St and two blocks ahead, there
lay Elmhurst Ave. Two blocks further down was the
hydeous and stinky adult home, where a number of waif-
looking man and women, colored or white, hang around in
their exercise time. It took Zhiwen (who eventually
consulted his landord) quite some time to find out what
exactly an adult home was --some place like a nuthouse
for people who'd only partially gone nuts. Benjeming
Lee, Sr also added that the government had taken special
发帖数: 791
【 以下文字转载自 Translation 讨论区,原文如下 】
发信人: lynny (熊猫 legendary tailor), 信区: Translation
标 题: At Lost 4 Words(2.a) --from 失 语 (2)
发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Thu Mar 25 18:18:40 2004) WWW-POST
There are times when Zhiwen could even prefer his working days: these
weekdays, though distressful, are at least more ‘fun’ than staying alone
and bored at home; occasionally he could muster some interest in the work
he’s doing, the same way a stably wedded couple occassionally muster a
impromptu romance in t
发帖数: 791
【 以下文字转载自 Translation 讨论区,原文如下 】
发信人: lynny (熊猫 legendary tailor), 信区: Translation
标 题: At Lost 4 Words(2.b) --from 失 语 (2)
发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Fri Mar 26 21:23:54 2004) WWW-POST
Warning: Rated R for mature content
Zhiwen got off at Elmhurst and paid a visit to the Asian food
market. Each time he went there, he reminded himself against
buying a whole lot, what ever bought had to carried on the
return trip; yet each time he'd find things he hadn’t had
for ages, such as arr
发帖数: 791
【 以下文字转载自 Translation 讨论区,原文如下 】
发信人: lynny (熊猫 legendary tailor), 信区: Translation
标 题: At Lost 4 Words(2.c) --from 失 语 (2)
发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Mon Apr 19 12:27:33 2004) WWW-POST
Saturday afternoon found Zhiwen paying a routine visit to
the launder mat. Pushing the laundry-filled handcart in
the streets often got him flustered, and the place was 7
blocks away. Once there, it piqued him even more to be
stuck with a roomful of ethnic women flocked by their kids.
He dived into the adjace
发帖数: 791
【 以下文字转载自 Translation 讨论区,原文如下 】
发信人: lynny (熊猫 in a muzzle), 信区: Translation
标 题: 失 语 / At lost 4 words [3.a]
发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Sat May 22 03:04:39 2004) WWW-POST
Zhiwen went on with his cooking after the landlord had left.
Feeling his throat burn, maybe or maybe not from all the talks,
he sought for drinks. The fridge was opened revealing the
platoon of Xingtao beers standing at attention. He took one
out. The phone rang just as he was ready to commence dinner.
He picked it up in ha
发帖数: 791
【 以下文字转载自 Translation 讨论区,原文如下 】
发信人: lynny (熊猫 in a muzzle), 信区: Translation
标 题: 失 语 / At lost 4 words [3.b]
发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Fri May 28 22:18:47 2004) WWW-POST
At night, when he returned home, the sound of the
woman upstairs could already be heard. Zhiwen
wondered if it would be easier to negotiate with
the woman alone, but decided to wait a while longer.
He deleted several soliciting messages on his
answering machine, trashed a host of spam emails
in his electronic mailbox, heated
发帖数: 791
【 以下文字转载自 Translation 讨论区,原文如下 】
发信人: lynny (熊猫 in a muzzle), 信区: Translation
标 题: 失 语 / At lost 4 words [3.d]
发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Thu Jun 17 17:34:51 2004) WWW-POST
He was working in the office in the afternoon when
Joe again stomped and slammed down the phone that
he was holding; pretty soon his manager was seen
walking alongside Ken, mouthing “son of a fucking
bitch.” That was a first time for Zhiwen Lu who’d
never heard of things put in this way. It was almost
Joe wrote him sh
发帖数: 791
【 以下文字转载自 Translation 讨论区,原文如下 】
发信人: lynny (熊猫 junker pilot), 信区: Translation
标 题: 失 语 / At lost 4 words [5.a]
发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Mon Aug 23 23:28:27 2004) WWW-POST
Strolling around Broadway in Elmhurst, Zhiwen Lu finally
found the pharmacy whose commercials were currently running
on the local Chinese channel. He made clear of his intention
with croaking sounds and miming. The clerk tended him in a
Beijing accent as she went about the medicine cabinets and
cashing machine, filling up h
发帖数: 791
来自主题: Translation版 - At Lost 4 Words(1.b) --from 失 语 (1)
It’s only days ago that Zhiwen contemplated on dealing
with the people upstairs, debating with himself whether
he should be upfront with his neighbors –flinching at
the idea-- while the feeling that he would not find the
right time to confront them gnawed at him. Every night
after he finished his dinner-and-TV, the couple upstairs
seemed to be just starting theirs; by the time he bathed
it would be too much hassle to get dressed again; besides,
*they* would have changed into their PJs, too, and,
发帖数: 791
来自主题: Translation版 - At Lost 4 Words(1.c) --from 失 语 (1)
Round the corner of 76th St and two blocks ahead, there
lay Elmhurst Ave. Two more blocks further down was the
hydeous and stinky adult home, where a number of waif-
looking man and women, colored or white, hang around in
their exercise time. It took Zhiwen (who eventually
consulted his landord) quite some time to find out what
exactly was an adult home -- someplace like a nuthouse
for people who had only partially gone nuts. Benjeming
Lee, Sr also added that the government had taken special
发帖数: 791
来自主题: Translation版 - At Lost 4 Words(2.a) --from 失 语 (2)
There are times when Zhiwen could even prefer his working days: these
weekdays, though distressful, are at least more ‘fun’ than staying alone
and bored at home; occasionally he could muster some interest in the work
he’s doing, the same way a stably wedded couple occassionally muster a
impromptu romance in their marriage life – it was quite a blessing.
On that particular day he arrived at work, over an hour later than his
manager Joe (who commuted from PA), opened his inbox, and found quite
a f
发帖数: 194
来自主题: Translation版 - At Lost 4 Words(2.b) --from 失 语 (2)
Was encouraged into the mood of picking bones in the eggs and self-frying, :)
There are two BIG Chinese grocery supermarkets over there: one is the
ChinaTown Supermarket and the other is Hongkong Supermarket. Lu Zhiwen should
have visited either one of these.
I was more concerned his carrying grocery bags by hand walking blocks on foot.
armchair sounds so fancy here. hehe.
toyed with sounds too toyish, or playish to me.
were now filling his ears more agressively?
发帖数: 791
来自主题: Translation版 - At Lost 4 Words(2.c) --from 失 语 (2)
Saturday afternoon found Zhiwen paying a routine visit to
the launder mat. Pushing the laundry-filled handcart in
the streets often got him flustered, and the place was 7
blocks away. Once there, it piqued him even more to be
stuck with a roomful of ethnic women flocked by their kids.
He dived into the adjacent Video store as soon as the
clothes got dumped to the washers.
After a lengthy browsing, he picked last year’s flick,
'Adaptation’. The Korean boy at the cashing machine wore
a screen Tee,
发帖数: 791
来自主题: Translation版 - 失 语 / At lost 4 words [3.a]
Zhiwen went on with his cooking after the landlord had left.
Feeling his throat burn, maybe or maybe not from all the talks,
he sought for drinks. The fridge was opened revealing the
platoon of Xingtao beers standing at attention. He took one
out. The phone rang just as he was ready to commence dinner.
He picked it up in haste, and heard a woman’s voice asking:
‘how is your day today?’
The caller proceeded to explain that it is a consumer’s
survey. Would he agree to answer some questions and col
发帖数: 124
来自主题: Translation版 - 失 语 / At lost 4 words [3.a]
i didn't read all those earlier chapters
but this one I read on
i liked the part of the subtle description of the call
Zhiwen had..
发帖数: 791
来自主题: Translation版 - 失 语 / At lost 4 words [3.b]
At night, when he returned home, the sound of the
woman upstairs could already be heard. Zhiwen
wondered if it would be easier to negotiate with
the woman alone, but decided to wait a while longer.
He deleted several soliciting messages on his
answering machine, trashed a host of spam emails
in his electronic mailbox, heated dinner, finished
it, and, keeping track of the solo sound-maker
upstairs, worked up his courage to get the talk
over with. Having dumped the chopstick-and-bowl
into the wok
发帖数: 791
来自主题: Translation版 - 失 语 / At lost 4 words [3.c]
this needs re-working a little bit. i'll come back to it tomorrow. please
wait and don't forward it.//wink to aries
boy, hasn't he got a sense of humor! :)))

发帖数: 791
来自主题: Translation版 - 失 语 / At lost 4 words [5.c]
It was morning time in Mainland China, the time when his parents were having
breakfast. Zhiwen spoke into the phone and regretted, fearing that they’d
find out he was ill from his raspy voice. He opted to be as curt as possible.
Upon his inquiry of their breakfast, his mother went with the details,
“There’re things and things that people dared not buy nor eat now. You-tiao,
for example, we haven’t dared to buy it for quite a while-- they said it’s
fried with oil salvaged from the se
发帖数: 791
来自主题: Translation版 - 失 语 / At lost 4 words [5.d]
Zhiwen's thoughts went momentarily haywire after he'd
hang up the phone. He checked the calendar, and it was
truly his birthday today - how did he manage to forget?
So it was on his birthday he quarreled, got sick, and took
a day off, oblivious of the fact that there could be a
supernatural thingy trying to push him towards some con-
clusion. As to his parents, they clearly wished to visit
him aboard. Holding on to this life is worth the price, then,
even if it's just for their sake. But didn't
发帖数: 791
来自主题: Translation版 - 失 语 / At lost 4 words [final]
Once again Zhiwen took some sleeping pills before bed. It was a wonder indeed
to get another full night’s sleep. The second day saw him going to work as
usual. The subway trains were less packed. He even got a seat.
The same happened as he returned from work. Holding the “One man’s Bible”,
he dozed with the sound of carts clanking in the subterranean tunnel. At
74-st./Roosevelt Station, he was woken when more passengers got on or off his
cart. He roused and turned another page.
Soon the train wa
发帖数: 662
来自主题: Chemistry版 - 牛!
Zhiwen Zhang 似乎还在UT?
发帖数: 139
来自主题: EE版 - 包子求文献-2
1。A genetic-based cognitive link decision algorithm for OFDM system
Xiaobo Tan1,*, Hang Zhang1, Zhiwen Liu1, Jian Hu2
- International Journal of Communication Systems, John Wiley & Sons
2。Cross-layer sensors for green cognitive radio
Jacques Palicot
- annals of telecommunications - annales des télécommunications
麻烦email到 t*************[email protected]
1 (共1页)