

全部话题 - 话题: visant
发帖数: 13
【 以下文字转载自 JobMarket 讨论区 】
发信人: flyingfox81 (未名), 信区: JobMarket
标 题: 招聘: post-doc/software engineer (Boston University)
关键字: postdoc,software enginner
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Sep 27 09:32:19 2011, 美东)
The VisANT http://visant.bu.edu team at Boston University are looking for talent research assistants/postdocs/software engineers to join this exciting project of network/systems biology. The ideal candidate shall have at least one of the following background: bioinformatics, algorithm development, co... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 13
The VisANT http://visant.bu.edu team at Boston University are looking for talent research assistants/postdocs/software engineers to join this exciting project of network/systems biology. The ideal candidate shall have at least one of the following background: bioinformatics, algorithm development, computational biology, graph theory, and modeling and simulation. The candidate needs to know the programming. Knowledge of Java and VisANT is a plus. Persons interested shall send their CV and three... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 13
来自主题: JobMarket版 - Boston: software engineer
The VisANT http://visant.bu.edu team at Boston University are looking for talent software engineers to join this exciting project of network/systems biology. The ideal candidate shall know Java programming, and Knowledge of VisANT, cloud computing and HTML5 will be a plus. The position is open untill filled. We support H1 petition and candidates outside US are also welcome to apply. It's an academic position with more flexibility than something in industry. Persons interested shall send their ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 13
来自主题: Postdoc版 - 招聘:Two postdoc at Boston University
The VisANT http://visant.bu.edu team at Boston University are looking for talent research assistants/postdocs/software engineers to join this exciting project of network/systems biology. The ideal candidate shall have at least one of the following background: bioinformatics, algorithm development, computational biology, graph theory, and modeling and simulation. The candidate needs to know the programming. Knowledge of Java and VisANT is a plus. Persons interested shall send their CV and three... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 13
来自主题: JobMarket版 - Boston University: 招聘程序员
The VisANT http://visant.bu.edu team at Boston University are looking for talent software engineers to join this exciting project of network/systems biology. The ideal candidate shall know Web application development (Javascript & HTML 5, D3 is a plus, flexible). Background in bioinformatics/biology is a plus The position is open until filled. We support H1 petition and candidates outside US are also welcome to apply. Persons interested shall send their resumes to [email protected]/* */
发帖数: 5204
来自主题: Biology版 - Signal pathway制作
Network analysis
Visant Network visualization and analysis http://visant.bu.edu/
Pajek Network visualization and analysis http://pajek.imfm.si/
Vanted Network visualization and analysis http://vanted.ipk-gatersleben.de/
Biotapestry Network visualization and analysis http://www.biotapestry.org/
TYNA/Topnet Network analysis http://tyna.gersteinlab.org/tyna/
Bioconductor Network visualization and analysis http://www.bioconductor.org/
NB: all contents already shown... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 13
来自主题: Classified版 - Boston University: 招聘程序员 & Post-doc
We are looking for talented postdoc and software engineer to join the NIH-
sponsored project in the field of microbiology and systems biology.
Applicants should submit a cover letter, CV and names, e-mail addresses and
phone numbers of 3 referees to Dr. Charles DeLisi ([email protected]/* */), Dr. Segre
, Daniel ([email protected]/* */) and Dr. Zhenjun Hu ([email protected]/* */)
We will provide H1B if necessary. Please visit http://visant.bu.edu/news.htm for detail.
发帖数: 13
We are looking for talented postdoc and software engineer to join the NIH-
sponsored project in the field of microbiology and systems biology.
Applicants should submit a cover letter, CV and names, e-mail addresses and
phone numbers of 3 referees to Dr. Charles DeLisi ([email protected]/* */), Dr. Segre
, Daniel ([email protected]/* */) and Dr. Zhenjun Hu ([email protected]/* */)
We will provide H1B if necessary. Please visit http://visant.bu.edu/news.htm for detail.
发帖数: 13
Internships are available in a joint venture between the Biomolecular
Systems Laboratory and the Daniel Segrè Laboratory at Boston University.
Interns will be able to apply and extend their expertise in systems
programming and information technology by contributing to the development of
a web-based platform (microbialnet.org) for the construction, mining, and
analyses of microbial networks. The project is sponsored by NIH and will be
eventually integrated with another NIH-sponsored project (visa... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 13
来自主题: Postdoc版 - post-doc in Boston University
We are looking for talented postdoc and software engineer to join the NIH-
sponsored project in the field of microbiology, systems biology and
Applicants should submit a cover letter, CV and names, e-mail addresses and
phone numbers of 3 referees to Dr. Charles DeLisi ([email protected]/* */), Dr. Segre
, Daniel ([email protected]/* */) and Dr. Zhenjun Hu ([email protected]/* */)
We will provide H1B if necessary. Please visit http://visant.bu.edu/news.htm for de... 阅读全帖