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发帖数: 42
来自主题: Running版 - NYCM2 Report while it is stil 2011
Each year for a day in November, we have the privilege of occupying the
roads of NYC. Drivers, motorcyclists and even our usual co-conspirators
the cyclists, all stepped aside. The road belong to us today.
It sure feels great to own the road for even a day. We zipped down the road
with millions cheering us on. These are most likely the millions that were
welcomed to the Land of the Free by the Lady in the Harbor. Bands are
playing, music is loud, people screamming words of encouragements... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 41236
How much do you eat/drink while running?
During training, on runs of 4 hours of more I generally eat one GU per hour
after the first two hours. I have found this to usually be enough but
certainly not ideal in terms of energy needs. In the summer I will carry a
20 oz. bottle on runs over 2 hours (and refill at streams when I feel the
need). In the winter, I generally need to be running 4 hours in order to
bring a bottle along. This kind of fueling allows me to keep running but I
certainly fi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 11
========== Update ============
Thanks to the replies. Glad to share my experience here.
A few notes for first-time 1/2 Marathoner:
1. Respect distance: A few more long runs could have been helpful for me to
do better for the last 4 miles. My breathing was fine all the way but my
legs felt so heavy towards the end. For my case, the long runs were most
important to strengthen leg muscles.
2. How much time for preparation. If you are running regularly, say about 15
miles/week, three months should b... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 533
来自主题: Running版 - 2014 Boston 可能会增加9000人
Police Chief: Bigger Field for 2014 Boston Marathon
Commissioner says the race will have an additional 9,000 runners.
By Scott Douglas;
Published August 03, 2013
Next year's Boston Marathon will host an additional 9,000 runners, according
to Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis.
"There's also going to be an increase in the number of runners. We have 9,
000 more runners that are going to be in the field," Davis said Friday
morning on New England Cable News.
Asked on Friday evening to confirm Davis... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 41236
来自主题: Running版 - 波马网站给的16周训练计划
有兴趣的可以看看, 当然他家的高级计划跟这里很多人比都不算啥了..
Rest Day
All training programs must have planned recovery. How often this takes place
is highly variable between athletes. Some people take two or three days off
from training each week. Others rarely take a day off. Everyone should have
planned easy days with little or no training. The program has the recovery
day set every... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 41236
来自主题: Running版 - 波马网站给的16周训练计划
有兴趣的可以看看, 当然他家的高级计划跟这里很多人比都不算啥了..
Rest Day
All training programs must have planned recovery. How often this takes place
is highly variable between athletes. Some people take two or three days off
from training each week. Others rarely take a day off. Everyone should have
planned easy days with little or no training. The program has the recovery
day set every... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 41236
How Meb Keflezighi Trained to Win the Boston Marathon
Exclusive details on mileage, diet and more.
By Scott Douglas
May 2, 2014
Meb Keflezighi is an excellent example of the modern professional marathoner
. Running comes first, of course, but there’s a lot more to Keflezighi’s
preparation than putting in the miles; he considers everything he does in
terms of how it affects his readiness to race.
Below are what Keflezighi d... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 904
most schools on the east coast have 2-4 days off from school in addition to
the 3-day president's day weekend.
we also have similar winter breaks, usually 8-12 days including the whole
week between christmas and new year. the other big break is the spring break
, which is usually the second and third week of march.
over the last few years we used two of these breaks for skiing trips, the
other one for some international travels, usually to somewhere tropical.

发帖数: 27852
来自主题: Soccer版 - 看看荷兰是怎么培养球星的
How a Soccer Star Is Made
The youth academy of the famed dutch soccer club Ajax is grandiosely called
De Toekomst — The Future. Set down beside a highway in an unprepossessing
district of Amsterdam, it consists of eight well-kept playing fields and a
two-story building that houses locker rooms, classrooms, workout facilities
and offices for coaches and sports scientists. In an airy cafe and bar,
players are served meals and visitors can have a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1696
来自主题: Tennis版 - 豆子哪里伤了?
Usually a player's momentum goes down when the opponent claims injury. On
the other hand, player with injury usually gets a sudden advantage on
momentum. You see this even in amateur games if anybody had played with
injury and played injured partner.
Further, the player who complained to the Umpire on the timeout usually gets
booed or at least less support from audience, which makes the situation
worse for that player.
These things add up, sometimes are critical enough to change a close game.
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1329
Here is my thought.
3.0- if one can hit consistently 4-5 times, one can win a point. Pace is
usually slow. If one can hit slice serve, opponent might struggle to return.
Weak backhand. Double faults a lot.
3.5-more consistent than 3.0. Usually players can almost rally forever with
slow pace. Mostly medium pace. Struggles to handle fast pace. Backhands are
better. might see more slices from weak backhand players. Serves are better
but second serves are usually weak. Forget about slow slice serves... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 有人一天之内要SICK两次!
I have 6bb, she can not call.
Usually speak, 6bb is good stack for shoving, 12bb is good for reshoving.
And When I allin, I usually have sth. sth like, one ace or one king or two
broadway, 22-55.
A5, A8 is terrible for reshoving, usually suited connector is good for
reshove, shove is ok also.

发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - small champ
from my knowledge, tourney and cash games are different in some way.
But when play a hand, usually it is one player against anonther player, it is very similar.
So, I like to play heads up poker, a lot of hands are involved.
In cash games, it is usually deep stack poker, usually 100bb deep.
In tourney, in the beginning, it is deep stack poker, and sometimes, FTOP
later stage, it is deep stack,around 60bb+ each people.
So, deep stack poker skill must be mastered.
Typical stage of tourney, you has
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - This is funny..
Screen Names and Avatars
If a player has a screen name of an alcoholic drink or a car, then he is
usually a recreational player over the age of 30. Such examples are
whiskey72 or Ferrari_lover.
If a player has a screen name of a famous player follow by a number, then he
is usually bad. Such examples are Phil_Ivey_123 or Hellmuth33.
If a player has a screen name of a sports team with the team’s logo, then
he is usually bad. Some examples are Lakers2000 or Colts13424.
If a player’s screen name has
发帖数: 121
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Why you should play AK aggressively preflop
In higher stakes game, most players are fairly aggressive. Aggressive poker
is good poker right? Well.. not always true, but unless you are playing
against true maniacs, aggressive is usually right since we just don't make
that many strong hands in Holdem, you have to win your share of the pots
where no one has a strong hand to stay afloat of the rake and blinds.
So back to the topic, why you see AK being played so aggressively preflop by
most good players? Ready?...
Reason #1) It's a damn ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 528
Yeah I agree with this. Most of my friends believe LHE is deeper
strategically than NL at the higher levels. Because of the fixed-bet format
a lot of setups is more delicate and requires adaptation to game flow /
dynamic elements. You're also forced to make plays more at the big-bet
streets, and LHE has more multi-street aggression change. As long as you
are in a high enough stakes or serious enough game, these elements will be
the key difference between winning or losing.
Also a lot of peo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 讨论几手牌
3Bet pot is way different, especially Blinds 3Bet against Btn's raise, (Btn
3Bet against loose utg's raise).
1. 3Bet pot is sort of shallow, it will take half pot, half pot, half pot to
go allin.
you have to raise in some point to go allin from single raise pot, or you
could say you need 4th street to get all chips in.
2. Blinds 3Bet with all kinds of crap, and usually they will continuation
bet. Because blinds' hand range is wild, and CB so wild, it is very hard to
read their hands.
However, we... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 36
We have bought a time-share at this beautiful resort just 45-minutes away
from the Cancun airport. Check out the hotel website http://www.sandoshotels.com/en/sandos_experiences.html.
We have some extra weeks left each year. If you are interested in a vacation
in the resort, feel free to contact us at f******[email protected].
Here is the deal. You pay us $400 for one-week of hotel (1 room, up to 7-
nights, you can stay for a shorter period, but price will be the same). This
is the unit price. You can ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1130
if cost is concern, you can camp at KOA. in montreal, there are two: south
and west. in quebec, there is only one. about 40 per site per night.
for dinner at Montreal, make reservation couple of days early at Au pied de
cochon. not open on monday.
for lunch/dinner at Montreal, try http://www.schwartzsdeli.com/index2.html, smoke meat (recommend medium, other choice are slim or fat) sandwich at lunch open at 10:30am, or combo/steak at dinner (close at midnight). On the same street, there is one br... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6973
来自主题: Travel版 - 去阿拉斯加的千万别吃生鱼
Here you come again, Chinese defaming Japan--gratuitously.
* gratuitous (adj): "not called for by the circumstances : UNWARRANTED <
gratuitous insolence> "
You claim you had known the biohazard of eating raw salmon, but chose to
ignore the warning anyway. Live by the sword, die by the sword.
If you keep your ignorance to yourself, that is your business. Now that you
further spread falsefoods, I h... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1130
I believe you from detroit? I have done the similar trip, 1600 miles round
1. Toronto's restaurant
DON'T go Ba Shu Ren Jia 巴蜀人家川菜馆. It's the worst.
避风塘小炒 is cantonese restaurant. it's Ok, but they close after midnight
for dimsum, you can try
Rol San Restaurant
close at 4am
84 reviewsRating Details
Category: Dim Sum [Edit]
323 Spadina Ave
Toronto, ON M5T 2E9
Neighbourhoods: Chinatown, Downtown Core, Kensington Market
(416) 977-1128
2. I heard Ottawa is Ok, never been there.
3. you time in ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1474
First you have to determine which island you want to stay.
To rent a condo, usually you have to rent a car otherwise travel may not be
convenient. The good thing about condo is that usually the owner supply
you with beach chairs, and other stuff that you can use and stay in a condo
really let you feel at home, not at hotel. However, usually there is
minimal stay nights requirement and no maid service during the stay.
★ Sent from iPhone App: iReader Mitbbs Lite 7.21
发帖数: 1130
cut Ottawa and add 1 day in Montreal.
for dinner at Montreal, make reservation couple of days early at Au pied de
cochon. not open on monday.
for lunch/dinner at Montreal, try http://www.schwartzsdeli.com/index2.html, smoke meat (recommend medium, other choice are slim or fat) sandwich at lunch open at 10:30am, or combo/steak at dinner (close at midnight). On the same street, there is one bread store, delicious!
for breakfast at Quebec city, try Casse-Crepe Breton
for dinner at quebec city, try ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 16971
> While driving on a rural end of the roadway on Thursday morning, I saw
> an infant car seat on the side of the road with a blanket draped over
> it.
> For whatever reason, I did not stop, even though I had all kinds of
> thoughts running through my head. But when I got to my destination, I
> called the Canton PD and they were going to check it out. But, this is
> what the Police advised even before they went ou... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3838
来自主题: TVGame版 - infinity blade 攻略 (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 Apple 讨论区 】
发信人: rhapsody ( input type=\"button\" value=), 信区: Apple
标 题: infinity blade 攻略
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Dec 18 20:42:22 2010, 美东)
thought it might be interesting to describe how the lvl850 and lvl900
fights go.
My health is 6120, and my magic is 112. The high magic allows me to heal
much more often. It only takes 4
regular hits from the God King to kill me. His long swinging attacks do
double damage, and I think t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2328
来自主题: astrology版 - Leo Horoscope for February 2011 zz
Leo Horoscope for February 2011
By Susan Miller
You seem ready to join forces with someone special, and that's unusual for
you. Leo tends to like to be in charge and control the flow, but these days
a new spirit of "let's join forces" will be in the air, and suddenly you'll
be willing to form a partnership that is equal to you in every sense. You
seem excited by the possibilities of this "coming together" of you and one
special individual. Talks and plans will begin to shape up quickly this
mont... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 13789
The TAURUS Child
"It'll be no use putting their heads down and saying, 'Come up again, dear!'
. . . // / tike being that person, fll come up:
If not, I'll stay down here. ..."
It may begin to be evident that your newborn baby is a Taurean when you try
to dress him to take him home from the hospital. "Put your little arms
inside your nice sweater Grandma knit for you," you'll murmur in tender,
maternal tones. "Why are you clenching your little fists and holding your
arms so stiff? Let go, like a ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19
来自主题: astrology版 - 天蝎七月前瞻 Susan Miller
Scorpio Horoscope for July 2011
By Susan Miller
You've just come through two major eclipses last month, a solar eclipse on
June 1, and a full moon lunar eclipse on June 15, and both almost forced you
to focus exclusively on money. Among the financial topics on your mind
include finding a way to appropriate funds more wisely, as well as another
pressing matter, how to find ways to earn a bigger salary. A source of
income is about to change dramatically, either immediately or within the
coming eig... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8271
You may still be feeling unseen or imperceptible to “others” but then in
reality 95% of you really IS invisible and untouchable. Fact.
To help you with the process of changing this mindset I want you to dwell on
the words of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow; “ the sky is filled with stars,
invisible by day”.
For example there is a hell of a lot of fun to be had out there and a lot of
it will be taking place at night…..if you get my drift. Whilst there have
been confusing elements within your emo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 347
来自主题: astrology版 - Discover the Link Between Lifetimes (ZZ)
这篇文章比较了两个人出生盘的强烈的联系。Bruce Kelly和James Edward Johnston。
Bruce Kelly有对水的强烈恐惧。在Hypnotherapist,Rick Brown帮助的催眠中,它指
出以前是James Edward Johnston,在二战中因为潜艇被袭击而死。
有兴趣的自己看,没有翻译 [仅供娱乐]
Past Lives: Discover the Link Between Lifetimes
by Rose Murray
There are two anonymous natal charts on the blackboard this evening in my
Advanced Astrology class. I have identified the first as "Possible Past
Life," the second as "Present Life."
In the back of the classroom, a q... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 347
来自主题: astrology版 - Discover the Link Between Lifetimes (ZZ)
这篇文章比较了两个人出生盘的强烈的联系。Bruce Kelly和James Edward Johnston。
Bruce Kelly有对水的强烈恐惧。在Hypnotherapist,Rick Brown帮助的催眠中,它指
出以前是James Edward Johnston,在二战中因为潜艇被袭击而死。
有兴趣的自己看,没有翻译 [仅供娱乐]
Youtube 链接:
Past Lives: Discover the Link Between Lifetimes
by Rose Murray
There are two anonymous natal charts on the blackboard this evening in my
Advanced Astrology class. I have identified the first as "Possible Past
Life," the second as "Present Life."
In the back of the cl... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 829
Question:Is THE plane Flight 370 in the ocean?
正位2张   逆位1张
最重要的大牌出现在【未来】 是关于duality,阴阳,循环,【过去】已经是 完成时... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 851
来自主题: Collectibles版 - 菜鸟请教2
邮票图案不在中间,切的时候off center,两边margin 不一样。 这几张都是。美国早
copied from some website:
Grade is about centering, cancels and gum. Grade describes
how well the stamp's design is centered between the
perforations*, both horizontally and vertically, on the paper,
and the condition of the gum for mint stamps, or the effect of
the cancellation on used stamps. (*or margins in the case of
Grades are meted out like school exam scores: "superb" all
the way down to "poor," but an adequate descr... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 191
来自主题: gardening版 - 请问这是什么花。
Camellia has two types.
- camellia sasanqua usually has smaller flower, but blooms earlier, usually
start in late fall.
- camellia Japonica usullay has larger and more beautiful flower, but
usually blooms later.
Look at this Carmellia Japonica's picture. (nuccio's gem)
发帖数: 26187
almeda (土木工程) 于 (Sat Jun 4 18:20:16 2011, 美东) 提到:
进入6月炎炎夏日, 随着气温的上升, 春天播种下的希望, 开始勃勃生长, 满园一
片绿色生机, 瓜果蔬菜飘香的季节, SHOW出你的劳动成果, 当大家一起分享这份喜
悦吧。新老农友们, 还等什么, 发扬本版将BSO进行到底的精神, 秀出你的最强音!
还额外有版面MARK 的一个小包子。 拟申请站方奖励3K伪币,具体到个人, 视参与人
希望大家踊跃参与, 谢谢!
http://www.mitbbs.com/article_t/gardening/30990131.ht... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 26187
成功奖励 10 伪币的用户: cjcup, guolude, lynnez
成功奖励 10 伪币的用户: almeda, lct, lonelycloud
成功奖励 10 伪币的用户: going395, lct, usual
成功奖励 10 伪币的用户: HifoCH, grapetomato
成功奖励 10 伪币的用户: Taraxacum, David1231, SSA
成功奖励 10 伪币的用户: almeda, zhanglaosan, Fishingtank
成功奖励 10 伪币的用户: lct, Fishingtank, RoyceG
成功奖励 10 伪币的用户: Fishingtank, HifoCH, guolude, lct
成功奖励 10 伪币的用户: Taraxacum, David1231, lynnez, LynnCA, GIANTPANDA,
Fishingtank, grapetomato, PigHead5
成功奖励 10 伪币的用户: going395, Taraxacum, ggone, liozodell, cjcup,
lon... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 14217
Orange-fleshed Varieties
Big Jim
Originated in San Diego, Calif. by Jim Neitzel. Large, roundish to
oblong fruit, 1-1/4 to 1-1/2 inches in diameter. Skin pale orange-yellow,
medium-thick, easy to peel. Flesh orange-yellow, very sweet but with some
acidity, of excellent flavor. Ripens midseason, March to April. Tree
vigorous, upright, highly productive.
Early Red
Originated by C. P. Taft in 1909. Medium-large, pear-shaped fruit, borne
in com... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4170
来自主题: gardening版 - 含有大量味精的天然食品
Monosodium glutamate
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to: navigation, search
This article is about the chemical compound. For its use in food, see
glutamic acid (flavor). For glutamic acid in general, see glutamic acid.
Monosodium glutamate
Chemical composition of monosodium glutamate
Structure of monosodium glutamate
Crystalline monosodium glutamate
IUPAC name[hide]
Sodium 2-Aminopentanedioate
CAS number 142-47-2 Yes
PubChem 85314
ChemSpider 76943 Yes
UNII ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2351
来自主题: gardening版 - 求推荐lawn mower
5.0 out of 5 stars
Seafoam Lifestyle
ByDavid R. Kelleron September 13, 2016
Size: 16 Ounce
Verified Purchase
Seafoam is awesome. I use it pretty much everywhere. In the crank case
before an oil change to clean up sludge and carbon deposits. It works great.
Although, it's best to start these treatments on an engine when it's new
and continue to do so at each oil change. You can see the how well it's
working by how black your oil gets. I usually run my engi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 82482
来自主题: LeisureTime版 - 看电影前来一张
The ferrous ion is greenish in solution, while the ferric ion is a light
violet. The distinct colors of iron compounds are due to the d-electrons,
which can interact with light in many interesting ways. Ferrous oxide, as a
mineral, is called hematite ("blood-stone") and is usually almost black. It
leaves a red streak on unglazed porcelain, and in its usually finely-divided
condition is a characteristic bright earthy red. In pure form, it is called
rouge, good fo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3373
Playboy Interview: Vladimir Nabokov
Playboy: With the American publication of Lolita in 1958, your fame and
fortune mushroomed almost overnight from high repute among the literary
cognoscenti—which you had enjoyed for more than 30 years—to both acclaim
and abuse as the world-renowned author of a sensational best seller. In the
aftermath of this cause célèbre, do you ever regret having written Lolita?... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
来自主题: LeisureTime版 - 《红海行动》观后感
not all battle ships can carry 武装直升机.
choppers on the ships usually is for search & rescue, and/or anti submarines.
武装直升机 usually is from 陆航 and main job is to clear land targets.
you can refer to the US navy ships related movies, their choppers usually
are not 武装直升机 either.
for the missiles attack, the ship is in other country territory, without
their consent, initially attacking their people/property is like declaring
however, once being attacked, you can then counter strike.
发帖数: 40
来自主题: PhotoForum版 - Re: see, the reason I'm asking
Usually, when you print, all you adjust is the exposure time
and contrast, the dilution for developer and developing time
should be kept standard.
I am not sure what we used :-P, it's the assistant's job, I
have a vague recollection that it's 1:2.
We used ILFORD Multigrade IV RC paper, pretty standard for
schoold use.
Your time is not awefully short, although the time should be
>6 secs usually. I usually use F8 or F11, for 8X10 prints,
the time is f11, 12-18s, depending on the bulb of the
发帖数: 142
来自主题: PhotoGear版 - a few ebay tips
1. use advance search to find items listed within 1 hours with BIN (and
limit search to film camera for example). sometimes you will find BIN good
deal this way.
if you just list an item, usually you can not find it right away in regular
search. I think ebay has some way to delay items show up in regular search.
not sure why.
2. a good deal is usually listed BIN price at least below 60% of keh BGN
price but mentioned as ex or above condition.
3. many good deal usually listed at 9-10pm centre ti
发帖数: 5462
The simple description
Use the inverse of the focal length as the minimum shutter speed to avoid
blurred pictures (i.e. 50mm -> max 1/50 sec)
"Executive summary"
There is a well known rule of thumb in the photographers' world that you
shouldn't use a shutter speed lower than the focal length. This rule is
coming from the 35mm film world. With s... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 14299

Guy Sajer's book THE FORGOTTEN SOLDIER is rather notorious in the historical
community; the book purports to be the memoirs of an Alsatian who served
with the Division for the last years of the Second World War. Much has been
written on the subject of whether or not the book is a true story or not.
Two articles are presented here, plus an exchange of letters to the editor
to an American military journal. Those curious may wish to obtain a copy of
their own, and to inv... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4593
Used the Google translator to translate. Some of the text can not be copy-
pasted for some reasons. Most of the comments for each camera were copied.
Here is from output from Google translator
A sharp photo of example
to shoot a building is today
no longer a challenge for
a system camera. But alas, the subject
moves: Be it the pedaling child, the
rennende athletes or vorbeiflitzende
Sports car, the autofocus systems are guided to their limits. During
the focus on static
Motifs in the laboratory ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1599
All very good shows though a lot of people can't really appreciate the
second one. A little different from usual with considerable lesbian sex
You may want to try some BBC series, such as North and South (if you like
classic period dramas), Downton Abbey, The Paradise (if you like fashion and
its history)...I love Sherlock the most myself so far. The new show The
Peaky Blinders is phenomenal as well (crime and gangsters). A big difference
between British show and American show is that th... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1599
All very good shows though a lot of people can't really appreciate the
second one. A little different from usual with considerable lesbian sex
You may want to try some BBC series, such as North and South (if you like
classic period dramas), Downton Abbey, The Paradise (if you like fashion and
its history)...I love Sherlock the most myself so far. The new show The
Peaky Blinders is phenomenal as well (crime and gangsters). A big difference
between British show and American show is that th... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 28562
That's luck-based...
Also, many those decent American guys who would marry Asian are those who
are obsessed with Asian. Those people usually have weird tastes. In their
eyes, a beatiful Asian woman must have a big face, a plat nose, a pair of
small eyes and very dark skin. Therefore those decent American guys don't
usually marry those pretty Chinese women, but those very strane looking ones
Many of those pretty Chinese girls, if they marry an American guy, usually
it is an ugly, weird one...
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