
全部话题 - 话题: unbear
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发帖数: 20965
第一:工资就是用来买东西的。如果东西很少,工资很多,物价就贵。。 所以恶意地
的大概也就10万美元(含401K存入的,mortgage principle, 和存款)。而中国父母
能做很多很多事情。而美国夫妇两个扣除401和mortgage, 基本也就3-4万美元。购买
个本科生设计管理个小东西,... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 20306
来自主题: Military版 - 又惹上了疥螨
My husband had broken out with a "rash" that seemed to become worse with
time. He had extreme itching, raised red bumps, and brownish spots that kind
of looked like bruises. He applied steroid creams, but these spots would
not go away. Then I started to notice spots on myself that intensified with
time. I went to a local health department and was diagnosed with herpes. I
took the prescribed medicine but it didn't work. The itching became
unbearable, and the sores spread... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8565
Only after we are born do our parents begin to panic and start trying to
instill self-esteem in us by teaching us about our heritage (my parents
trying to teach me Chinese, pushing me into Taekwondo, Karate and learning
to use chopsticks), falsely encouraging us to believe that we will be
accepted by whites, or worse, by Asians, the same Asians that our mothers
were trying to escape from.The irony of teaching Hapas to be proud to be
Asian when Asian women are willfully throwing themselves at whi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7349
来自主题: Military版 - IMF指导中国经济发展
What is perhaps most striking of all is the price that the IMF puts on “
short-term pain”.
It reckons that, if implemented, the array of reforms would cut growth to
about 6% next year, followed by a long stretch of annual growth of 6.5%.
Inaction, by contrast, would allow for stronger growth next year but then
lead to a steady decline to as low as 3% by 2020.
These are of course just estimates. But the message ought to embolden China
’s reformers: short-term pain need not be unbearably painful.
发帖数: 17243
来自主题: Military版 - 广西男子生殖器被戒指卡住
Eye-watering images have captured the moment firefighters attempted to free
a man after his penis became trapped in a wedding ring.
The 18-year-old from Liuzhou, China's Guangxi province had his penis stuck
in the ring for two days before the pain became so unbearable that he called
emergency services for help on September 13.

发帖数: 1
发帖数: 955
So many people died or were mistreated during that ten years of "exploration
The cost for this kind of exploration is unbearable. In other words this
exploration is a disaster, so ten years of exploration is really ten years
of disaster.
Plus a lot of things had been proved to be vital to modern society, there is
no need to pay the cost to re-explore these things...


发帖数: 1
你不无知,你来讲讲德国人是不是认为他们是自卫的。 我帮你起个头,呵呵。
What are we fighting for?
We are fighting for our most valuable possession: our freedom. We are
fighting for our land and our skies. We are fighting so that our children
will not be slaves of foreign rulers. That is in no way an exaggeration or
empty phrase.
We know the English. We know about Versailles, about the colonies England
stole from us, about the Ruhr, about Golzheimer Heath, about the starvation
blockade. We know that we will be slaves if we do not w... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 21077

发帖数: 1
发帖数: 580
[在 ziwang2 (ziwang2) 的大作中提到:]

发帖数: 1
来自主题: Military版 - the last email (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 PKU 讨论区 】
发信人: biter (PP), 信区: PKU
标 题: the last email
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Mon Nov 8 17:08:49 1999) WWW-POST
I just posted this in "Love" board, but it seems something wrong there.
Anyway, since I am from PKU too, I'll just put it here. Hope you don't mind.
Below is the last email I sent to a girl.
I met her a year ago and then something happened.
She (in the email, I used "XX" for her name) is only 19 years old.
She came here at the age of 16 and is trying to enroll the American... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1275
NYT以前有过文章,说是硅谷大公司努力创造一个playground 的环境,让culture幼稚
话,让员工与世隔绝(比如提供食堂,健身房),保持kindergarten mentality, 人人以
unbearable suffocating
发帖数: 1275
NYT以前有过文章,说是硅谷大公司努力创造一个playground 的环境,让culture幼稚
话,让员工与世隔绝(比如提供食堂,健身房),保持kindergarten mentality, 人人以
unbearable suffocating
发帖数: 19544
投机失败痛感是极强烈的,Unbearably gut-wrenching感觉日日夜夜,无休无止。
发帖数: 4339
the unbearable lightness of being...
发帖数: 8422
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: siphon (西风), 信区: Military
标 题: 挪威枪手赞道:阿里巴巴是很好的网站
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jul 27 12:23:46 2011, 美东)
While a significant number of citizens in Islamic or Muslim countries are
directly hostile to Europeans, Chinese are usually just after your money. It
is unbearable to live the rest of your life in a country where there is a
constant and an overwhelming danger of being “Shanghaied”. My stepmother
was the Norwegian Vice C... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7254
Musicologist and historian Roland John Wiley suggests another alternative, b
ased on Tchaikovsky's letters. He suggests that while Tchaikovsky experience
d "no unbearable guilt" over his homosexuality, he remained aware of the neg
ative consequences of that knowledge becoming public, especially of the rami
fications for his family.[47] His decision to enter into a heterosexual unio
n and try to lead a double life was prompted by several factors—the possibi
lity of exposure, the willingness to pl... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5444
Entry Into WTO
Amidst this backdrop of rural poverty and inequality, China has finally won
its bid to join the WTO. Such a move is not a step but a leap on the urban-
oriented path that the Chinese government has walked. It will greatly
exacerbate the issues of unemployment and inequality, making the situation
unbearable for many.
The import quotas, subsidies, and tariffs that have traditionally protected
Chinese agriculture are going to disappear, and foreign companies will dump
wheat, corn, ri
发帖数: 28502
anir (炉边人似月) 于 (Tue Dec 29 12:55:27 2009, 美东) 提到:
China's Divisive Development
Growing Urban-Rural Inequality Bodes Trouble by Joshua Levin
Disease, Vol. 23 (3) - Fall 2001 Issue
JOSHUA LEVIN is a Staff Writer at the Harvard International Review.
In an August 1999 incident reminiscent of the Cultural Revolution,
Chinese farmers rampaged through government offices and pillaged the
homes of the rich in Jiangxi province. Two thousand People’s Armed
Polic... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7927
来自主题: RuralChina版 - 说说文艺明星
BM was asking for elegant and noble stuff ah.
He is noble and elegant, my idol ah.
" Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life:
the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the
suffering of mankind. These passions, like great winds, have blown me hither
and thither, in a wayward course over a deep ocean of anguish, reaching to
the very verge of despair.
This has been my life. I have found it worth living, and would gladly live
it ag... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 918
来自主题: Talk版 - Li has the "charm" and legal theory
"The Lord Buddha" and medicine really decree by destiny
Li has repeatedly denied that he had to disease, denied that he had, in his
the worshipers method solution. Answer in zhengzhou thing, "she said, did
much bragging about the" I grow so big don't know what is disease? Give me
check disease are also get into my game." To the United States in July 25,
1999, the daily news reporter sea blow: "I have never been to a hospital,
had never been born disease." Li has he likes to use the "decree by de... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 918
Li has repeatedly denied that he had to disease, denied that he had, in his
the worshipers method solution. Answer in zhengzhou thing, "she said, did
much bragging about the" I grow so big don't know what is disease? Give me
check disease are also get into my game." To the United States in July 25,
1999, the daily news reporter sea blow: "I have never been to a hospital,
had never been born disease." Li has he likes to use the "decree by destiny"
, "fate" and "affinity" and other words to illust... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7272
来自主题: USANews版 - 惨绝人寰的美国唐纳小道
The story of Donner Party is a classic incident during the westward
expansion. However, the author of this essay has totally mis-quoted the
fact! This is unbearable!
Donner Party:
- about Donner family: George Donner was originally from North Carolina, but
had gradually moved west to Kentucky, Indiana, and Texas. In early 1846, he
was a 62-year-old farmer in Springfield, Illinois. Donner brought his 44-
year-old wife Tamsen and five daughters ranging i... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
By Rabbi Aryeh Spero
What if a Muslim country, such as Iran, launched a nuclear attack against us
, or if agents aligned with Pakistan using dirty bombs were to attack
America? Would Barack Hussein Obama retaliate with nuclear force, as has
been our stated policy since the 1950s? Would he even unleash a barrage of
non-nuclear shock and awe that would level those countries so that they'd be
incapable of striking a second time?
When queried in Japan in November 2009, Mr. Obama declined to defend... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
by Rick aka Mr. Brutally Honest
Lloyd Marcus is doing the wondering from a perspective of wisdom we should
all be considering:
ZimmermanWantedForMurderMost Americans desire a fair and just outcome of
this tragedy. But, Lord help us if the evidence proves Zimmerman to be
innocent. If Zimmerman is ruled not-guilty and allowed to walk, I foresee
Rodney King-type riots in the streets. Thus, is Zimmerman's fate already
sealed? Will a jury decide Zimmerman must be declared guilty of something?
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
By Michael F. Haverluck
A lawsuit that challenges the placement of the cross at the site of the 9/11
attack on the World Trade Center alleges atheist plaintiffs have suffered
serious physical and mental illness because the religious symbol has made
them feel excluded.
Nonsense, says a new friend-of-the-court brief to be filed Monday in the
case by the American Center for Law and Justice. The brief, which carries
the signatures of more than 100,000 people, argues there have been no known
sighting... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
October 12, 2012 10:58 A.M.
Women weren’t wowed by Joe “Sex Symbol” Biden’s manners in last night’s
debate, when he repeatedly interrupted Paul Ryan with the kind of brazen
rudeness usually reserved for pundits on cable TV.
When I asked for reactions on Twitter, the consensus that emerged was that
Biden was seen as condescending, obnoxious, creepy, and generally unbearable
. Nichole Perreault compared the scene to “Thanksgiving when that rude,
inappropriate elder relative makes you want to rip h... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1209
来自主题: USANews版 - No matter who wins, America loses
They call it a choice.
By John Kaminski
As with every American presidential election of this new 21st century, it is
no choice at all.
The worst was 2004 — Bush II vs. Kerry — when both candidates were
actually from the same college fraternity, appropriately named Skull & Bones
. 2008 was little better — Obama vs. McCain — when the choice ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1458
来自主题: USANews版 - 鳌八开此裁人了
Last night's victory for the President marks the first time since its
inception that Obamacare is no longer a what-if; it is the future of health
care in America.
It also means a near immediate impact on the economy. With 20 or so new or
higher taxes set to be implemented, ranging from a $123 billion surtax on
investment income, through the $20 billion medical device tax, all the way
down to the $600 million executive compensation limit, Obamacare will be a
nearly unbearable tax burden on the ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
5 Groups Of Obama Voters That Are Being Crushed By Democrats
By John Hawkins
Hollywood, the mainstream media and the public school system are all almost
entirely controlled by people and groups friendly to the Democrat Party. Yet
and still, even with that almost overwhelming advantage, Democrats can't do
any better than a rough parity with the Republicans. If the tables were
turned and the GOP controlled what you see on TV, in the ne... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3803
Chris Matthews Is Determined To Find Out Boston Marathon Bomber’s Ethnicity
By Alex Groberman, Thu, April 18, 2013
This has been something of a rough week for Chris Matthews.
On a personal level, he got exposed as nothing more than the loud-mouthed,
flip-flopping political troll that he is when he was forced to cover the
Boston Marathon bombings – something slightly outside of his comfort zone.
Rather than buckling down and doing his best Shep Smith impr... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Suspected Taliban militants in Afghanistan on Thursday shot dead an Indian
woman whose memoir about marrying an Afghan and life under the Islamist
militia was made into a Bollywood movie, officials said.
The killing of Sushmita Banerjee was the latest in a string of attacks on
prominent women in Afghanistan, adding to fears women's rights in a country
where many are barely allowed outside the house will recede even more after
U.S.-led foreign forces fully withdraw in 2014.
The militants arrived ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
De Blasio’s Revenge: Garbage Piling Up In Area That Didn’t Vote for Him
by Jammie
By the time this moron is done New Yorkers will be looking back fondly on
the dreary days of David Dinkins. Seriously, is this guy a five-year-old?
Upper East Siders still steamed about last week’s botched snow removal
unleashed a new torrent of outrage Monday over the massive mounds of trash
piling up on sidewalks.
Dozens of piles of plastic bags stuffed with refuse marred the posh
neighborhood, despite of... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
Even though I don't like Feebe and some of his current political standing,
I think the person to create this rumor is lack of integrity which is what I
hate most .... Those guys who treat Feebe this way today will treat me the
same in the future.
Please prove to ppl your motion, otherwise this is unbearable to me....
发帖数: 5411
来自主题: USANews版 - 我觉得这是对cruz最好的形容
cruz is repeating trump's idea these few days.
he is merely repeating.
btw, his voice is unbearable.

发帖数: 1
我只是想听不同的意见,从中学习。今天一ofay说:you are still "teenage" to
American society ... 在中国我受够了一边倒的言论,在这里,in this forum, it
is unbearable for me...
发帖数: 16594
VOGUE 史上第一次。
For all the chaos and unpredictability and the sometimes appalling spectacle
of this election season, the question of which candidate actually deserves
to be president has never been a difficult one.
Vogue has no history of political endorsements. Editors in chief have made
their opinions known from time to time, but the magazine has never spoken in
an election with a single voice. Given the profou... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 609
I didn't want to write this. I avoided making a decision as long as I could.
I schlepped my absentee ballot all over the country for almost four weeks.
I would periodically take it out of the envelope, look at it, shake my head
in disgust, and put it back in my suitcase.
I had decided to write-in my mother as a symbolic protest vote against the
Democratic and Republican nominees. I didn't want to vote for either of them.
I had hoped that a week before the election, Trump would be losing Florida
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 17225
Two suicide bombers killed nine other people and wounded 30 on Friday near a
camp in northern Cameroon housing civilians displaced by Nigeria's Boko
Haram militants, the region's governor and other officials said.
The bombers - both men - entered the town of Kolofata, around 10 kilometers
(6 miles) from the border with Nigeria, before dawn on Friday, posing as
refugees looking for food before the start of the daytime fast for Ramadan.
"Once among the population, they detonated their explosives, ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 31
来自主题: WorldNews版 - 马克思 1867 年的资本论 (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: wyoming1801 (QUO VADIS), 信区: USANews
标 题: 马克思 1867 年的资本论
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jan 15 13:27:39 2009)
Owners of capital will stimulate the working class to buy more and more of
expensive goods, houses, and technology. pushing them to take more and more
of expensive credits, until their debt becomes unbearable.
The unpaid debt will lead to bankruptcy of banks, which will have to be
nationalized, and the state will have to take the road which will eventually
lead to comm
发帖数: 804
花了一下午的时间test drive 了CRV, Pilot EX, Equinox 4-cyl, Escape 6-cyl,
Accord 4-cyl, outback 2.5i, legacy 3.5 R.
整体说来, CRV 感觉最差,感觉就像sedan,缺动力,又吵,加速慢,内饰差,外形也
Pilot 是个EX-L,动力相对crv好多了,静多了,maneuverability不错,内饰也比CRV好。
Accord 4cyl就是一个sedan, nothing exciting, nothing unbearable,比CRV感觉
Equinox 4-cyl,动力也不太足,内饰比较一般,all in plastic, I mean not
premium plastic, cargo space was not as spacious as its exterior
suggests but had roomier legroom than CRV. Driving experience felt
just like a standard Chevy, kin
发帖数: 1269
来自主题: Automobile版 - 2012 Accord Sedan
Current generation Honda is way too big and hence the handling suffers. The
ongoing recall saga on its ancient 5-speed automatic transmission and
unbearable road noise certainly kills it to me. If you can live with these
defects, or better yet, get a stick shift, there are good deals.
发帖数: 3915
来自主题: Automobile版 - 你们天天黑subaru黑outback的
Fact about what?
Toyota help Subaru build better CVT?
Is that your point? It doesn't change Subaru found its CVT by itself !!!!!!!
What's the matter? What's your problem?
Do you want me list how many other brand use Toyota technology?
You ignorant to the point that it is unbearable?
You are so pathetic? Like cocky frog sitting in front of the screen and keep
wondering why why why!
Sorry, feel sad about you
And god can't help you!
Go open your mind to laoselang, he may help!

发帖数: 152
来自主题: Automobile版 - volvo XC90
I test drove a XC90 a few weeks ago. I really hate the acceleration - if you
floor the pedal it does pick up speed reasonably fast, but the engine noise
is unbearable for a 50k+ vehicle. I drive a BMW 535i, which has much better
overall feel. Also, the steering wheel is surprisingly small for its size...
I hate it so much, have to go with a different car.
发帖数: 4052
来自主题: Automobile版 - volvo XC90
[在 dvbbs (H8NJT) 的大作中提到:]
:I test drove a XC90 a few weeks ago. I really hate the acceleration - if
you floor the pedal it does pick up speed reasonably fast, but the engine
noise is unbearable for a 50k+ vehicle. I drive a BMW 535i, which has much
better overall feel. Also, the steering wheel is surprisingly small for its
:I hate it so much, have to go with a different car.
发帖数: 2795
It is okay. Have noises but not to a degree that is unbearable.
发帖数: 1259
We should leave this messy ebiz and go somewhere to start up our own
business. The model here is unfair!!! 3W and Jobman are way too arrogant!
It is unbearable!
发帖数: 1259
来自主题: ebiz版 - 是个deal?
Change what?
I am not capable to change the world, so I am obidient to be changed by the
world. Because that will be much easier and happier. Life is the unbearable
being. No power, no money, no glorious birth certificate. And I take it.
发帖数: 1967
A typo was corrected.
Proof reading is required for important document.
The milestone document.
So , I am careful now..
I learn the lesson by making mistakes.
Making the same mistake twice is unbearable for Uncle Sam!!!
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