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发帖数: 5601
Posted at 08:00 PM ET, 11/16/2011 By E.J. Dionne Jr.
I knew that there was a lot of automatic revenue there but didn't realize
how much until I called Jim Horney, Vice President for Federal Fiscal Policy
at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. He walked me through the
math and explained how the actual total in deficit reduction is $7.1
trillion. Jim kindly agreed to let me share with readers an email he wrote
me outling this. Here's what he said:
What would happen, however, if Congres... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
By Matt Cover
(CNSNews.com) – Although the national debt under President Barack Obama has
increased $4 trillion since he took office in 2009, as a presidential
candidate in 2008 Obama criticized then-President George W. Bush for adding
$4 trillion to the national debt, saying it was “unpatriotic” and also “
irresponsible” to saddle future generations with such a large national debt.
“The problem is, is that the way Bush has done it over the last eight years
is to take ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
By: Daniel Horowitz (Diary) | February 5th, 2013 at 04:24 PM |
We’ve all been waiting to see the updated CBO Budget and Economic Outlook
for 2013 and the next ten years. Most of the news articles are focusing
their headlines on the deficit and debt numbers projected in the CBO report.
But remember that the reason why CBO deficit projections always understate
the reality is because they overstate the amount of revenue they expect to
come into the Treasury.
CBO projects the gross federal d... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
On October 22, 1981, the government of the United States of America
accumulated an astounding $1 TRILLION in debt.
At that point, it had taken the country 74,984 days (more than 205 years) to
accumulate its first trillion in debt.
It would take less than five years to accumulate its second trillion.
And as the US government just hit $18 trillion in debt on Friday afternoon,
it has taken a measly 403 days to accumulate its most recen... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: tonyxu007 (tony), 信区: USANews
标 题: 感谢 trump, 国债终于突破 $22 trillion
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Feb 12 19:17:26 2019, 美东)
感谢 trump, 国债终于突破 $22 trillion
National debt tops $22 trillion for the first time as experts warn of ripple
USA TODAY Michael Collins,USA TODAY 1 hour 25 minutes ago
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WASHINGTON – The national debt surpassed $22 trillion for the first time on
Tuesday, a milestone that experts warned is further proof ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5601
Hot rhetoric, tiny numbers separate Obama, Boehner
By By ALAN FRAM | Associated Press – Thu, Dec 20, 2012
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Despite all the hot fiscal cliff rhetoric, the
differences between President Barack Obama and House Speaker John Boehner
seem relatively narrow. So why haven't they shaken hands already? One answer
In their cliff standoff, Obama wants to raise taxes by about $20 billion a
year more than Boehner. The two men differ over spending cuts by roughly the
same amount.
That's real ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
By Terence P. Jeffrey
December 30, 2012
(CNSNews.com) - Appearing on NBCs “Meet the Press” on Sunday, President
Barack Obama said that he cut spending by more than $1 trillion in 2011.
However, the White House Office of Management and Budget says that federal
spending increased by $147 billion from fiscal 2010 to fiscal 2011.
Host David Gregory asked Obama: “Well, you talk about dysfunction in
Washington. You signed this legislation setting up the fiscal cliff 17
months ago. How accountable are ... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
感谢 trump, 国债终于突破 $22 trillion
National debt tops $22 trillion for the first time as experts warn of ripple
USA TODAY Michael Collins,USA TODAY 1 hour 25 minutes ago
Reactions Reblog on Tumblr Share Tweet Email
WASHINGTON – The national debt surpassed $22 trillion for the first time on
Tuesday, a milestone that experts warned is further proof the country is on
an unsustainable financial path that could jeopardize the economic security
of every American.
The Treasury Department repor... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
CBO: Obama’s Policies to Increase National Debt 47 Percent to $21.7
Trillion by 2022
CNS News
February 1, 2012
The Congressional Budget Office projects that the national debt under
President Obama’s policies will rise to $21.665 trillion by 2022, according
to its updated budget outlook.
The updated outlook, released Tuesday, found that current Obama
administration policies will result in a 50 percent increase in debt held by
the public and a 40 percent increase in intra-governmental debt held in... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
(CNSNews.com) – Federal and state welfare assistance has grown almost 19
percent under President Barack Obama, according to the conservative Heritage
All in all, there are 79 means-tested federal welfare programs, at a cost
approaching $1 trillion annually, said Heritage Senior Research Fellow
Robert Rector.
Rector conducted a comprehensive analysis of spending for government
assistance programs, ranging from food, education and childcare programs to
housing and medical care.
Since F... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
With three weeks still to go in the fiscal year, the federal government
already has notched its fourth straight trillion-dollar deficit, the
Congressional Budget Office said Monday.
CBO, which releases estimates each month, said the government ran a $192
billion deficit in August, putting the federal government $1.17 trillion in
arrears for fiscal 2012, which ends Sept. 30.
The $192 billion deficit was the worst August on record, though the total
deficit so far this year is actually lower than i... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 16625
Total Welfare Spending Now at $1 Trillion
By NRO Staff
October 18, 2012 4:00 A.M.
Total annual spending on federal means-tested welfare programs has hit $1
trillion. The Congressional Research Service is out with a new memorandum on
spending on these programs. Senator Jeff Sessions, the ranking Republican
on the Senate budget committee who requested the memo, has crunched the
numbers and come up with the astonishing figu... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1598
来自主题: SanFrancisco版 - 天朝又要打鸡血了----10 trillion yuan
China confirmed to visiting U.S. officials that Beijing plans to pour $1.7
trillion into the so-called "strategic sectors" over the coming five years,
U.S. Commerce Secretary John Bryson told reporters on Monday.
The confirmation of the huge sum of money showed Beijing's ambition to shift
the growth engine of the world's No.2 economy to cleaner and hi-tech
sectors while also boosting domestic growth as the global economy struggles.
Reuters reported a year ago that Beijing was considering investi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1034
January 15, 2015 12:15 PM
Dean Takahashi
We know that mobile technology has had a huge impact on the world economy
and society, and now a new report seeks to quantify that impact. Mobile tech
generated a value chain of $3.3 trillion in revenues in 2014, according to
a report by The Boston Consulting Group.
Qualcomm, one of the world’s biggest mobile chip makers, commissioned the
report, dubbed “The Mobile Technology Revolution.” Companies in the mobile
value chain invested $1.8 trillion in infra... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10416
巴马 1.4 trillion 是base on 14 trillion GDP,合10%
tg 1.5 trillion 是 base on 5 trillion GDP,将近30%乐耶。。。。。。。
发帖数: 29846
Obamacare's Gross Costs Double to $1.76 Trillion, CBO Projects
Wednesday, March 14, 2012 10:29 AM
By: Richard Wagner and Martin Gould
The gross costs of the national healthcare law rammed through Congress by
President Barack Obama will reach an estimated $1.76 trillion over 10 years
– nearly twice the amount originally projected.
The figure, which the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) revealed on
Wednesday, is bound to cause embarrassment to the administration as it comes
just as debate on “Obam... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
3:53 PM, Oct 4, 2012 • By DANIEL HALPER
Vice President Joe Biden, speaking earlier today in Iowa said, "Yes, we do"
want to raise taxes by a trillion dollars:
"On top of the trillions of dollars of spending that we have already cut, we
’re gonna ask – yes – we’re gonna ask the wealthy to pay more," said
Biden. "My heart breaks, come on man. You know the phrase they always use?
Obama and Biden want to raise taxes by a trillion dollars. Guess what? Yes
we do in one regard. We want to let tha... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10729
Obama proposes $3.99 trillion budget, setting up a battle with Republicans
Higher taxes on corporations and wealthy Americans expected to be among the
main points of contention.
President Barack Obama on Monday proposed a $3.99 trillion budget for fiscal
year 2016 that sets up a battle with Republicans over programs to boost the
middle class that are funded by higher taxes on corporations and wealthy
The budget foresees a $474 billion deficit, which is 2.5 percent of U.S.
gross domest... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7128
鉑金又要完蛋了。 跌到銀價差不多。
US Will Not Mint Trillion-Dollar Coin in Debt Ceiling Ploy
Jan. 13, 2013
Washington (dpa) - It was an idea that seemed too good to be true, and
advocates of minting a 1-trillion-dollar coin to solve the US debt ceiling
debate will have to look elsewhere for a solution after the Treasury nixed
the plan.
The suggestion of the massive platinum coin had captured the imagination of
many and received extensive media attention in recent weeks as a showdown
with Congress over raising t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10416
来自主题: Military版 - $5 trillion tax cut ~~
The president repeatedly referring to a "$5 trillion tax cut" and Gov.
Romney saying it was nothing of the sort.
"I'm not looking for a $5 trillion tax cut," Romney said. "What I've said is
I won't put in place a tax cut that adds to the deficit."
难道 obama is looking for another $5 trillion on deficit ~~~~~~~~~~lol
发帖数: 405
他是想说,我本来想花2 Trillion的,现在只花了1 Trillion,所以给大家省了1
发帖数: 2980
来自主题: USANews版 - 20 trillion 5% 的利率
2009年一月国债是$6.307 trillion。 At the end of FY 2016 the gross US federal
government debt is estimated to be $19.3 trillion。 奥黑增加了13 trillion.太
发帖数: 8227
According to the rumor, the Obama administration could announce a program
modeled on one that was originally devised by Columbia University economists
Glenn Hubbard and Christopher Mayer. Under that plan, all homeowners with a
Fannie or Freddie-backed mortgage can refinance with a new mortgage at a
fixed rate of 4.2% or less if they have been current on their payments for
at least three months. And the clincher is that the plan imposes no other
qualification - no appraisal or income verification... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1972
Obama $1 Trillion Mortgage Fix Rumor Pushing Bank Stocks
NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- Bank stocks were reversing early losses and rising
Thursday afternoon, amid market chatter that President Obama might soon
announce a massive refinancing program that could help boost housing and the
economy in the election year.
A blog post by Jim Pethokoukis at the American Enterprise Institute appears
to be generating much excitement on Twitter, alth... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19049
Researchers have found the largest body of water anywhere in the universe,
to date, with mass that measures several trillion times the mass of water on
the entire planet Earth.
The reservoir is gigantic, holding 140 trillion times the mass of water in
the Earth's oceans, residing 10 billion light years away.
"Since astronomers expected water vapor to be present even in the early
universe, the discovery of water is not itself a surprise," the Carnegie
Institution, one of the groups behind the fin... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 61690
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: brihand (brihand), 信区: USANews
标 题: reid准备把国债上限提到18.794 trillion
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Nov 12 14:47:50 2012, 美东)
Harry Reid ready to raise the debt ceiling to $18.794 trillion
发帖数: 4612
【 以下文字转载自 SanFrancisco 讨论区 】
发信人: onetiemyshoe (onetiemyshoe), 信区: SanFrancisco
标 题: 4 天才小朋友一听就知道"trillion"是大数字
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Oct 27 09:14:17 2013, 美东)
Kemmel said We owe the Chinese 1.3 trillion dollars. 4 genius 6 year old
immediately launched into a discussion of a solution of this problem.
Amazing American kids, their math is VERY GOOD. Too bad Kimmel's going to
be fired. A kid solved the problem with "killing all chinese", he thinks
it's FUNNY.
Well, think again.
发帖数: 18403

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发信人: onetiemyshoe (onetiemyshoe), 信区: Military
标 题: Fire Kimmel for Race-Baiting and Child Abuse
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Oct 27 09:58:59 2013, 美东)
There are several reason why Kimmel has to apologize and be fired:
1. Kimmel says "we owe China 1.3 trillion dollars"
All the kids immediately knew that "1.3 trillion" is a big number, and
launched into the bloodiest and stupidest solution possible. That is a very
strong sign of ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 11365
来自主题: Military版 - welfare每年接近一个trillion

不到一个trillion吧 1 trillion = 1,000 billion. 福利不比军费高多少。
发帖数: 38600
Four Reasons the U.S. Deficit Is Out of Control
The U.S. federal budget deficit for fiscal year 2019 is $985 billion. FY
2019 covers October 1, 2018 through September 30, 2019. The deficit occurs
because the U.S. government spending of $4.407 trillion is higher than its
revenue of $3.422 trillion.
4374亿美元增加到2011年的8551亿... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
The collective wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria have cost more than $1.5
trillion, according to a Defense Department report.According to the report,
the money goes toward training, equipment, maintenance as well as food,
clothing, medical services and pay for troops.Ahead of an announced trip to
Afghanistan, Secretary of Defense James Mattis told reporters traveling with
him that he was h... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
The budget deficit for the first four months of fiscal 2020 is $389.2
billion, the Treasury Department reported Wednesday.
In relative terms, that’s a 25% gain from the same period a year ago.
Over the past 12 months, the gap has been nearly $1.1 trillion as the
national debt has swelled past $23 trillion.
发帖数: 29846
Obamacare will increase the long-term federal deficit by $6.2 trillion,
according to a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report released today.
Senator Jeff Sessions (R., Ala.), who requested the report, revealed the
findings this morning at a Senate Budget Committee hearing. The report, he
said, “confirms everything critics and Republicans were saying about the
faults of this bill,” and “dramatically proves that the promises made
assuring the nation that the largest new entitlement program... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2964
来自主题: Investment版 - Wall Street Got $1.2 Trillion from Fed
"By 2008, the housing market’s collapse forced those companies to take more
than six times as much, $669 billion, in emergency loans from the U.S.
Federal Reserve. The loans dwarfed the $160 billion in public bailouts the
top 10 got from the U.S. Treasury, yet until now the full amounts have
remained secret.
Fed Chairman Ben S. Bernanke’s unprecedented effort to keep the economy
from plunging into depression included lendin... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2173
The BOJ has offered a total of 55.6 trillion yen in short-term funds in the
past three days, including 28 trillion yen in same-day loans.
日本怎么这么有钱啊 3天拿出好几万亿人民币啊…………
发帖数: 18403
There are several reason why Kimmel has to apologize and be fired:
1. Kimmel says "we owe China 1.3 trillion dollars"
All the kids immediately knew that "1.3 trillion" is a big number, and
launched into the bloodiest and stupidest solution possible. That is a very
strong sign of pre-paration and rehearsal of some kind.
Remember China is a 1/7 holder of US debts, why Kimmel thinks it's funny to
ask the kids about the Chinese, not the Japanese, American and other debtors?
Kimmel is clearly guilt... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4534
来自主题: pets版 - trillion's 激动牌猫粮
现居然罐头是咸的!从此戒罐头,改吃science diet 的hairball control,没想到小
发帖数: 14561
andie2008 (andie) 于 (Sat Jul 9 13:35:34 2011, 美东) 提到:
我家的猫喜欢睡crib和playyard 就是婴儿床 我婆婆要过来带小孩 所以强烈要求把猫
送走, 在我反对之下 建议把猫咪declaw 因为她小时候被猫抓 我个人表示无奈 我老公
首先要感谢大家对trillion的关心 抨击虽然多 不过都是为了trillion好 所以第一次
看见骂人的贴哭笑不得 不知道是说谢谢还是骂回去 大家不要站着说话不腰疼 家庭和
睦还是第一位的 这个版上众多id毕竟没有宝宝只有宠物 我们只有养宠物的经验 没有
同时养宝宝和猫的经验 分析看问题容易偏激 所以我专门问问家里同时有猫有婴儿的家
所以大家不要悲愤了 declaw的可能性基本很小 再一个 领养我的猫这件事情也是基本
是不可能的 当居委会大妈有瘾啊 第三 再看见骂人的贴我就骂回去了
大家要给就给点建设性意见 嗯 就这样
☆─────────────────────────... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 94
来自主题: Quant版 - The $55 trillion question
【 以下文字转载自 Stock 讨论区 】
发信人: dude (lost), 信区: Stock
标 题: The $55 trillion question
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Sep 30 06:24:14 2008), 转信
The $55 trillion question
The financial crisis has put a spotlight on the obscure world of credit
default swaps - which trade in a vast, unregulated market that most people
haven't heard of and even fewer understand. Will this be the next disaster?
By Nicholas Varchaver, senior editor and Katie Benner, writer-reporter
September 30, 2008: 5:38 AM ET
(Fortune Magazine) --
发帖数: 1034
Dr. Apple Takes First Steps Into the Trillion-Dollar Health Sector
By John Tozzi September 10, 2014

Photograph by David Paul Morris/Bloomberg
Tim Cook gestures after unveiling the Apple Watch
The introduction of the pulse-reading Apple Watch along with HealthKit
software designed to log activity and health data form something of a
beachhead into the $2.7 trillion U.S. health sector, a vast domain where
tech companies large and small have been trying to improve care and reduce
cost. And bec... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8144
The cost of fixing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the mortgage companies that
last year bought or guaranteed three-quarters of all U.S. home loans, will
be at least $160 billion and could grow to as much as $1 trillion after the
biggest bailout in American history.
Fannie and Freddie, now 80 percent owned by U.S. taxpayers, already have
drawn $145 billion from an unlimited line of government credit granted to
ensure that home buyers can get loans while the private housing-finance
industry is moribu
发帖数: 4718
By Lorraine Woellert and John Gittelsohn
June 14 (Bloomberg) -- The cost of fixing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the
mortgage companies that last year bought or guaranteed three-quarters of all
U.S. home loans, will be at least $160 billion and could grow to as much as
$1 trillion after the biggest bailout in American history.
Fannie and Freddie, now 80 percent owned by U.S. taxpayers, already have
drawn $145 billion from an u
发帖数: 61690
The Federal Reserve and the big banks fought for more than two years to keep
details of the largest bailout in U.S. history a secret. Now, the rest of
the world can see what it was missing.
The Fed didnt tell anyone which banks were in trouble so deep they required
a combined $1.2 trillion on Dec. 5, 2008, their single neediest day. Bankers
didnt mention that they took tens ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 901
According to today's Commerce Department report, the current account deficit
in the U.S. widened more than forecast in the fourth quarter to $124.1
billion. And with the current administration in power, we don't see that
deficit shrinking anytime soon. Consider this, the Congressional Budget
Office today announced Obama's national health care law (Obamacare) will
cost $1.76 trillion over the next 10 years. That's up from Obama's $940
billion estimate when it was signed into law.
发帖数: 4083
来自主题: Military版 - $5 trillion tax cut ~~
what romney mean is his $5 trillion tax cut won't add to the deficit
发帖数: 8600
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: theboxer (boxer), 信区: USANews
标 题: $17 trillion= $56,667/person in debt!!!!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Oct 13 18:33:52 2013, 美东)
shame on america! shame on O8!
发帖数: 10182
来自主题: Military版 - welfare每年接近一个trillion
发帖数: 4044
来自主题: Military版 - welfare每年接近一个trillion
发帖数: 33885
来自主题: Military版 - welfare每年接近一个trillion
发帖数: 33885
来自主题: Military版 - 美帝的国债达 22 trillion
22 trillion = 22 兆
美帝欠了 22 x 一百万个一百万
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