

全部话题 - 话题: soreness
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发帖数: 2325
来自主题: Fitness版 - [bssd] 奔段视频
的确是不能把一般 POWERLIFTING 中频繁冲击大重量的方式用在 KB EXERCISE 上。
KB EXERCISE 的花样多, 但是不能看到好玩就做。
我觉得最好一个一个一段时间琢步引进, 如果有必要的话。
用KB 做 BP, SQ, DL 还是很好。使用起来还蛮灵活.
KB STRENGTH COACH 一般都主张多样性, 比如
我最近很ENJOY 做这种 MOBILITY, 空手。 general guide line - 若果空手都做不好
, 就别加重做了。 而且也可以发现关节中的SORENESS 和MOVE 存在的弱点。
TENDON 酸跟 MUSCLE 酸还是不一样。比如, 关节转动和移动有响声, 那明显是 TENDON/LIGAMENT 有STRAIN 和 STIFF 了。 tendon soreness lasts longer.
http://www.youtube.com/user/I... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1733
来自主题: Fitness版 - 肌肉酸痛
It is hard to say without a comprehensive evaluation. EMG and MIR tests are
needed to exclude the possibility of neurological disease.
vitamin B12 deficiency can also lead to chronic leg soreness.
If he has a misaligned sacroiliac joint, the muscles deep in there will
start seizing up and lead to muscle tightness and soreness.
Go check with your family Doc., he/she might refer your husband to a medical
发帖数: 1142
这篇文章里关于stretch 和 warmup 一些说法和我们平时了解的不大一样,贴出来供大
The 3 Most Effective Ways to Waste Time in the Gym
You are likely wasting time on all three.
by Mark Rippetoe
Time is money.
Money is scarce these days, everywhere but D.C. You want to be stronger, so
you go to the gym. The best use of your time there is the simple progressive
barbell training program we have discussed before, one that drives an
upward strength adaptation with a programmed increase in load over a full
range of motion using as m... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 22800
来自主题: loseweight版 - 跑得右膝盖
偶在google Achilles Tendon Pain 和它的防护措施了。偶知道偶要补钙。
The best remedy for Achilles tendon pain is PREVENTION of an injury in the
first place.
General Injury Prevention:
• Regular exercise
• Good diet (insufficient calcium could lead to tight muscles,
resulting in excess Achilles tendon strain) including plenty of water.
• Get enough sleep.
• Maintain good health by maintaining a good weight, avoiding smoking,
excessive caffeine, and alcohol and drugs.
• Take good care of ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 27294
说完scientific literature,说说缓解方法,这篇文章是个popular magazine的level
总结:delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS)的根本原因不是乳酸堆积,虽然很多人
都这么认为。主要原因是你的肌肉在强烈运动下break down了
(5)吃ibuprofen 一类去炎症药
(6)轻量运动其实可以train through酸痛

发帖数: 50662
来自主题: NBA版 - Shaq在twitter上宣布退役
‘I’m about to retire’
BOSTON (AP)—Shaquille O’Neal, a 15-time All-Star who struggled to get on
the court last season because of injuries, tweeted on Wednesday that he is
going to retire after a 19-year career in which he won four titles and the
2000 league Most Valuable Player award.
O’Neal wrote on Twitter shortly before 2:45 p.m. that, “im retiring.” It
included a link to a 16-second video in which he says, “We did it; 19 years
, ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 36508
来自主题: NBA版 - Bad move: about Nene
应该是game time decision
BAD MOVE: .Wittman played Nene 29 minutes on Saturday, nine more than he
planned. As a result, Nene's left foot was too sore to play on Monday.
Wittman said Nene, who missed the first nine games with a sore left foot,
played in just his second game on Saturday.
发帖数: 52743
来自主题: NBA版 - 我跟小牛拚了
2000, 小牛赢盘大分
Bogut dealing with flu-like syndroms
Parsons: sore back, questionable
Nelson: sore back, questionable
A status of an NBA player who is fully capable of playing and has determined
to play the game. The status is often listed before the game starts, in
order for Vegas to adjust betting odds and fool gamblers to pour money in.
flu-like syndroms
An unofficial questionable status. It is used when a key player is
considered questionable but has no... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 14583
来自主题: NCAA版 - 大象输在fire 了林气氛
saban 输了球永远这么说
也许他确实有资本这么说,但是 a sore loser is a sore loser
发帖数: 4931
来自主题: Running版 - pace run
It's the weekend again. Started with 3-mile warm up. My legs were actually a
tiny bit sore from yesterday's strides, but the soreness went away after I
warmed up. Set my pace at 7:10-7:15, and did the first lap of 2.25 miles
averaging 7:15. In the second lap I followed a faster guy, held 6:50-7:00
pace for a while, ended up averaging 7:02. The third lap, the fast guy left,
and I took it easy a bit, averaging 7:08. 0.75 miles into the fourth lap, I
had to take a bathroom break. Damn it, too much
发帖数: 10018
来自主题: Running版 - feeling better after a tempo run, weird!
Sunday, I did a 16 mile long run with 10 miles at marathon pace. I was tired
afterward. Rested a whole day on Monday. Yesterday I still felt sore and
struggling during my 5 mile recovery run even at 9:00/mile pace. I was
indeed worried about today's Tempo run.
Then this morning, i went on with the scheduled 2.5 mile warm up, 5 mile
tempo, 2.5 mile cool down. I suddenly felt fresh and energized, no problem
in maintaining tempo pace at all. And all my leg muscle soreness is gone now
. That's prett
发帖数: 2651
来自主题: Running版 - 右大腿内侧酸痛
Probably you should be able to tell whether it is muscle sore
or tendon problem. If it is muscle sore because of long mileage,
it can heal itself in a couple of days. If it is tendon issue, then
you need to pay attention.
发帖数: 2651
来自主题: Running版 - tough weekend
This weekend's long run was tough for me too.
I got calf muscle sore due to mileage increase
and hill workout.
I rested on Friday before Saturday's 20-miler
hoping to recover from calf muscle sore. But
It did not go away when I started on Saturday
morning. I was debating whether to cut down on
mileage along the run, but didn't think I have the
time for another 20-miler before the race, so I pushed
on and on ... It was painful, but I finally pull it off.
All I can say is thank God for letting fin
发帖数: 2651
来自主题: Running版 - tough weekend
It's just soreness, so I could still push on.
But I constantly focused on my form so that I
would not cause damage to other body parts
because sore muscle was like a weakest link
that could cause other muscles to perform
abnomally to pick up the slacks.
发帖数: 4931
来自主题: Running版 - tough weekend
sore muscles can develop into pulled muscles, if you push too hard.
generally if my legs feel sore even after
fully warmed up, I wouldn't push too hard. I also wouldn't push in training
if there is lactose build up in my
legs -- which is an essential difference from racing. I believe if you keep
pushing when there is lactose built
up in the legs, you are doing more damage to your legs than improving your
发帖数: 819
来自主题: Running版 - barefoot experiment
first time in regular running shoes since converted to quasi-barefoot.
the run was awful...
initially i did't even know how to run in the regular shoes. i tried to do
forefoot landing, but since the shoe heels are much thicker than forefoot,
to avoid heel impact, i had to flex my forefoot more, which made them very
sore just half a mile. maybe soft soles also contributed to the soreness.
when barefoot, i only need to raise my heel a little bit to avoid heel
impact, it's totally different in regu
发帖数: 4931
Surely I have done some runs on the forefoot to begin with, otherwise my
calfs will get sore from just a few
miles of forefoot strike. What surprised me is that, when I was in surviving
mode, and couldn't care about sore
muscles, my calfs held up just fine. I have underestimated the endurance of
my calf muscles. But importantly,
forefoot running is more about the body position than holding your calf
muscles. If it feels unnatural to hold
up your calfs, you are not doing it right. On the other ha
发帖数: 10018
来自主题: Running版 - wanna run fast? work on your hamstring!
earlier this year, i did some 200m sprintings in the 29"-32" range on the
i don't remember feeling sore in the hamstrings, i only felt soreness in my
calfs and quads.

发帖数: 4931
来自主题: Running版 - Tips on Vibram Five Fingers?
if you don't have barefoot running experience, start VERY slow and easy.
Even a 1-mile jog may prove to be
too much, initially. Even just walking in them will be a good exercise. Don'
t feel too good if there is no
soreness after the run -- your calf may start to feel sore only 48 hours
发帖数: 19210
After last night's 5K, my left calf now feels a bit sore and tight. But my
right calf is okay. Is that normal? Why shouldn't both of them feel sore and
tight at the same time?

发帖数: 4931
来自主题: Running版 - 新手也问一个关于ITBS的问题
when I say alarming I just meant that you have to be careful, not
necessarily that you did anything wrong. it's
normal to feel some soreness at the beginning of a training cycle. when I'm
fully healthy and in good training, I
feel no soreness at all after a long run (like the 22-miler I did last
发帖数: 658
来自主题: Running版 - 还是关于右脚踝
不知道是内踝还是外踝。感觉有点像peroneal tendonitis:
Peroneal tendon problems mostly occur where the tendons glide within the
pulley behind the lateral malleolus (外踝). Their movement can cause
irritation of the lining of the tendons. This condition is called
tenosynovitis(肌腱滑膜炎). The irritation can also occur after an ankle
injury, such as a blow to the outside of the ankle or an ankle sprain.
Initial treatments may involve resting and protecting the sore tendons. We
may need to immobilize your foot and lower l... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 13580
Recovery: for the whole afternoon, I was icing both knees and stretching.
The next morning, I could feel the soreness in quads but otherwise OK. In
the afternoon, I took a slow bike ride on my fixie bike for 14 miles. The
soreness felt a lot better after the ride. Today is the 3rd day, I'm just
back from another 14 mile ride. Avg speed was 18.4 and avg HR was 132. Looks
like the cardio vascular system has recovered pretty well. Is that a sign
that I didn't push hard enough?

发帖数: 10018
Post-run soreness is caused by muscle damage instead of lactate. As long as
you increase your work load gradually, don't suddenly run too fast or too
long or too much downhill pounding, you should be able to minimize the post-
run soreness.

发帖数: 3799
【 以下文字转载自 Tri 讨论区 】
发信人: pecanlover (SheRox), 信区: Tri
标 题: 憋死我了,终于写完了(有关VFF的)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu May 17 17:51:35 2012, 美东)
1) Bikila LS
Why LS ? LS 就是 lace system, 主要适合高脚背和宽脚掌的人。
第一双VFF是Bikila LS. 穿bikila主要是road running. 也穿Bikila跑过treadmill.
我在店里试过不是LS的bikila, 根本就是穿不进去,后来知道不是鞋的问题,是我的
脚背太高。后来在网上定了bikila LS, 鞋刚到手的时候,还真的费了点劲,可能是新
穿VFF 的感觉,很像女生穿flat的感觉,估计女生穿VFF会适应的快些。和穿flat 不同
的,就是五指插开。有的人不喜欢,觉得有... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6366
来自主题: Running版 - Should You Run When You're Sick? (zz)
Runners don't like to skip workouts--even when they're ill. Here's how to
decide when you should take a sick day from training. By Marc Bloom Image by
Timothy Archibald From the August 2004 issue of Runner's World
Runners seem to live by a creed that's stricter than the postman's: "Neither
rain, nor snow, nor sniffle, nor fever shall keep me from my training
schedule." Indeed, the coming of winter ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2634
来自主题: Running版 - 疲劳和疼痛
It depends on the intensity of your running and recovery time
you need, I believe.
As most people experienced, at young ages, the soreness usually
appears the next morning, but goes away in two days. So young
guns can train at very high intensity but still recover quickly.
When people are getting older, the soreness comes later, and the
recovery takes much longer time. Eventually, older guns have
to either decrease training volume/intensity or increase rest
period after each training. The result... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2634
来自主题: Running版 - 疲劳和疼痛
It depends on the intensity of your running and recovery time
you need, I believe.
As most people experienced, at young ages, the soreness usually
appears the next morning, but goes away in two days. So young
guns can train at very high intensity but still recover quickly.
When people are getting older, the soreness comes later, and the
recovery takes much longer time. Eventually, older guns have
to either decrease training volume/intensity or increase rest
period after each training. The result... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1283
来自主题: Running版 - three quality days
a nice post by "Sprintgeezer" on letsrun on sprint training:
1. Sprinting is NOT running. The training is completely different.
2. Some sprint workouts are repeat 300's or 400's, or similar things.
3. There are short sprinters and long sprinters, and the training is
different. No serious short sprinter does anything above 400m, and even then
, only once in a blue moon.
4. "Long sprinters" are actually "short runners", and while the energy
system varies between short sprint and middle distance, t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2634
来自主题: Running版 - After long run rest?
Thanks, I will do a slow easy run after sunset.
I went bed two hours earlier and watering here. Had a very good
night sleep.
I monitored my HR last night. It was 120bpm higher than usual.
Thought muscles might be very sore this morning. However, only
slightly sore in my legs today - might be due to the very slow
Went out for shopping around noon time. Strangely that I felt
pretty strong, although legs felt a little weak when climbing
I shaved my head just now, so a totally bold gu... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9308
Your friendly beginning runner's guide to .... runner's jargon.
You'll notice we don't have a FAQ here -- that's because we want you to ask
your questions, join in, become part of the community! That said, I am sure
new runners get overwhelmed by phrases we throw around all the time here
with impunity; you probably think we're all speaking some strange language.
To follow along here, ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3714
来自主题: Running版 - long run 差点搞成tempo
这次,我这个菜鸟想好好的训练一下,准备4/7的StLouis. 以前跟着他们,其实我并没搞
请前辈指点.. 谢谢.
Tempo Run
The tempo run is one of the most critical components of any training program
. A tempo run teaches your body how to run at a fast pace for a long period
of time. They also are critical in developing the mental concentration and
toughness needed to race well. Training yourself to maintain a pace that is
outside of your comfort level for an extend... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 833
来自主题: Running版 - Running Terminology
Your friendly beginning runner's guide to .... runner's jargon.
You'll notice we don't have a FAQ here -- that's because we want you to ask
your questions, join in, become part of the community! That said, I am sure
new runners get overwhelmed by phrases we throw around all the time here wit
h impunity; you probably think we're all speaking some strange language. To
follow along here, it's really helpful just to know some general stuff and w
hat terms mean. So in the interest of hel... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9308
来自主题: Running版 - 你们说的MP是什么 ?
marathon pace
Your friendly beginning runner's guide to .... runner's jargon. Cool
You'll notice we don't have a FAQ here -- that's because we want you to ask
your questions, join in, become part of the community! That said, I am sure
new runners get overwhelmed by phrases we throw around all the time here wit
h impunity; you probably think we're all speaking some strange language. To
follow along here, it's really helpful just to know some general stuff and w
hat terms mean. So in the in... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 41236
不小心看到这么一篇, 貌似Vibram要翻身:
Contrary to what you may read in the coming days about a new study that just
came out, Vibram just got the best Christmas present they could have
The question of whether minimalist running shoes reduce or increase injury
risk has been debated extensively over the past 3-4 years. Much of this
debate has been based largely on anecdotal reports from runners and
therapists: many runners have reported re... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 16928
来自主题: Soccer版 - 这球C罗确实被踢到了
sore loser这个词用得很多啊,调侃一下输球之后气急败坏怪这个怪那个的球迷没啥,

发帖数: 385
来自主题: Swimming版 - Progress
A little sore in upper arm (san jiao ji?) when lifting my arms. But not pain
. Also sore in the back upper arm (gong San?) and the connecting part
between upper arm and jian jia gu.
发帖数: 93
来自主题: Tennis版 - 非常不理解tennis elbow
Yes, I would say hard strings will cause more problems than stiff rackets.
I had never had any soreness with my arm
or shoulder before I started trying out the big banger string, my arm and
shoulder started to hurt after only two hours of
playing doubles. Lowered the tension to 50 did not help much, now trying a
hybrid setup with a soft string. Also, light
racket will cause more stress as well. Try a stiff light racket with big
banger and I will guarantee you have soreness
after one session.

... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 461
来自主题: Tennis版 - 没人在看莎娃被虐么
nice. sharapova out. does her justice. she is just a eye sore (and ear sore
too). not sure why but her personality is just annoying and off-putting.
look at this girl who just won. she speaks her mind, looks natural and easy
on the eye, and is very likable.
发帖数: 12862
来自主题: Tennis版 - 已经累残了的铁证。。。
After winning the final 7/6(8) 6/4, the Mallorcan player admitted how the
week just ended was very tiring: 'It's logical that after a hard week, I've
been playing a lot of matches, a lot of hours out there on the court, I feel
like it's sore, a little bit tired', Rafa said. 'Because I'm not walking
perfectly doesn't mean I have an injury. I'm just a little bit sore, tight.
I'm 31 years old. That's all.”
都已经不能walking properly了,Rome还i will give it my best呢。。。
发帖数: 36252
Yeah, my arm and chest muscles are sore the day after. So I switched to use
left hand the next day. I can play with left hand in real life, about 50%
ability of right hand.
Now both sides are sore....
发帖数: 4468
来自主题: Weightlifting版 - overhead squat
其实多数人都没必要, 很多人都不能shoulder press 40kg, 其实完全没必要做OHS,
但是对肩膀和背的确是很有效果就是了。 我做12组isolation 肩膀都不sore, OHS做
3x10第二天就很sore 了。
发帖数: 2325
that's encouraging to know the examples.
but from my personal experiences, i feel just have to be careful and pay
attentions to details after you get into the WRONG side of age 30.
for instance, 3 days after workout, my arm/back/shoulder muscle remains sore
. feel fine, but i massage them or tigthen them, the soreness is very
i would probably go to gym working weights today if NOT for that i start to pay attention to my body status more carefully recently.
since my workout is not aero
发帖数: 2325
关节酸是joint ligament tear and cartilage wear?
as the saying epxress: "no pain no gain" .. hope the pain is not serious...
*slight muscle strain, rest and can recover within 3 days.
Allow 10 days to three weeks for mild strains, and six to eight weeks for more severe strains.
*rest 3 days, soreness at tendon/ligament location, could be tendon or ligament micro tear, need rest 4 weeks and more
*chronic soreness, can be cartilage wear, common in running and jumping, not common from weight lifting
发帖数: 342
来自主题: gardening版 - 【冬季征文】Unfortunate fall
With my partner roughly 10 yards behind me, I raise my weapon and engage the
enemy. The size of our enemy is greatly reduced to half the original, but
they still pose much threat, and any careless mistake i make can be fatal to
our survival. As I test the gladiatrices skill and experience cautiously
thrusting the spear at them here and there from a distance, they show me
some experience with sword wielding apparently fought in previous wars and
were most likely captured by the Roman legions in b... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 172
来自主题: LeisureTime版 - 大家听过这首伤感的歌曲么?
何が欲しいと言うの [Nani ga hoshii to iu no]
私それとも愛 [Watashi so re tomo ai]
是我? 还是爱?
つばさ癒す鳥たちも [Tsu ba sa iya su to ri-tachi mo]
私を欲しいと騒がしい [Watashi o hoshii to sawagashii]
壊れたおもちゃ箱を子供みたいに [Kowareta omocha-bako o Kodomo mitai ni]
かかえこんで涙ぐんで [Kakae konde Namida gunde]
それでどうなるの [Sore de dou naru no]
何が欲しいと言うの [Nani ga hoshii to iu no]
私それとも愛 [Watashi so re tomo ai]
疲れはてた心には[Tsukare hateta kokoro ni wa]
やさしくし... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 558
来自主题: LeisureTime版 - 【我希望】
我希望长着翅膀飞翔, 翻译一首 Emily Dickinson 的有关希望的诗, 算是我希望的
造句。被认为是她的代表作之一, 也附上我找到的分析。
“Hope” is the thing with feathers - (314)
“Hope” is the thing with feathers -
That perches in the soul -
And sings the tune without the words -
And never stops - at all -
And sweetest - in the Gale - is heard -
And sore must be the storm -
That could abash the little Bird
That kept so many warm -
I’ve heard it in the chillest land -
And on the strangest Sea -
Yet - never - in Extremity,
It asked a crumb... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 32122
来自主题: PhotoGear版 - NEX的软肋 zz
Sony Nex, counting up the sores I'm already noting some sores in the NEX
system that will matter in every day use, and it seems they are worthy of
Here's what I've noticed so far in the Nex3 and Nex5:
1. Complicated and fiddly menu system teamed with very little external
2. A dust reduction system that doesn't work nearly as good as the
competition (not good for such a exposed sensor)- Quoted from Imaging
Resource Review "We have found, however, that in-camera dust-removal systems
发帖数: 519
来自主题: PhotoGear版 - 新手拍娃请问镜头
在网上狗狗了下关于VR70-200和Non-VR 80-200 F2.8的用户reviews,有些观点供大
The Best Kept Secret in Photography.
Everyone who is at all serious about shooting needs to pick up a 70 (or 80
in this case) to 200 mm f2.8 sooner or later. For me, it was sooner.
Typically, I like to shoot wide but I found myself (yet again) in need of
something with reach to shoot my son's 5th grade basketball gam... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 430
来自主题: Rock版 - I made something today
haha... 有首Tom Waits的歌Tango Till They're Sore,
"And they drive along the pipeline,
They tango till they're sore,
Let me fall out of the window,
with confetti in my hair"
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