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发帖数: 36252
check your credit report, see if somebody's using your identity, or your
record got mixed up with somebody else's with similar name
发帖数: 36252
来自主题: Automobile版 - 被黑了,请问我现在应该怎么做
check your credit report, see if somebody's using your identity, or your
record got mixed up with somebody else's with similar name
发帖数: 8858
someone can drive without "休息一晚", somebody driving and enjoying,
somebody cant. It all depends on person by person, car by car, weather etc...
发帖数: 1158
Houston tx i610 west section driving north. During transferring to 59 on the
way to Chinatown
The traffic suddenly slowed down. I braked immediately and felt I almost
hitted the front car. At the moment of feeling lucky I heard a bang then
another bang. Then the whole family in my expedition relalized somebody
hitted us twice. Six people aboard. Younger son woke up time was 3:20 march
8. Women's day
My hands were shaking as my wife described afterwards my truck completely
stopped I was thi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 20567

Late to the party, didn't see the original post.
Based on public information,the house was purchased in 2013 about $198K; now
worth over $240K (appraisal value) owned by husband & wife. Mr. Pei had a
business registered in his name and used his residency address; doubt if he
filed tax return as Sole Proprietorship or set up a separate entity. The
revenues/sales of the business was less than $20K each year for the last
three years at least.
The house might have mortgage, sell the house may just ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9331
来自主题: ebiz版 - JC Connection MJ
onsale is in NJ, not in WA, not him, ONLY somebody's MJ
but thanks for him, many people here has 10% amazon cancel rate, geting amazon warning letter for suspend account.
if you stop somebody's rice, what they will do?
发帖数: 90
在恶霸上拍个包。 本想直接寄给病人的。可病人没找好,卖家又催着付钱出货。 就只
好让卖家寄给我了。收到包后,发现价格标签被剪掉了, 而卖家用挂衣服价格标签的
塑料tagging barb 将价格标签勉强挂在了包带的吊环上。给卖家发信。卖家的态度极
其恶劣,拒不认错。看姓名应该是台湾或香港的。last name: chui
Dear litopeekapeek,
i receive the bag today. thanks for the fast delivery. but there is a little
issue here. the item is not as described in your listing. the price tag is
not attached. when you list item, if price tag is not attached, you shouldn'
t say new with tag. the price with or without price tag is huge difference.
so here is my... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2383
Where have all the iPads gone?
Beside asking Apple’s supplier, you could also go to a place like
” to find your answer. This is one of the largest and most popular
Chinese forums in the United States, with 20 thousand people regularly
logged on. “Fleamarket” is one of the several hundred forum boards. The
main topic of discussion is how to use various tactics to obtain
products from the retail distribution channel. It works like this. There
two job titles, “Superd... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 46
I am not a PI yet but I hope I will be some day. so sometime I think about
this kind of things.
If I would hire a post-doc, I would pay attention to his/her career
development and future goal, whether they match or make sense. I would ask
them their motivation. I'd like to get somebody who would want to stay in
academia and become PI some day.
I have to say, many Ph.D from outside US, their purpose is to come to
America, not for research. You have to avoid that, but how, I don't know yet.
If you... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 22
来自主题: Faculty版 - 博后能揽私活么? (转载)
Nothing illegal, but people will try to avoid you.
I know somebody who was not hired for a postdoc position because he had
joint pubs with somebody else while working for his previous bosses.
发帖数: 860
我想起了U2 的一句歌词:
somebody wants to abuse, somebody wants to be abused.......
发帖数: 9035
Depeding on your Institute Dean and department chairman. Somebody got启动经
费, somebody got 0.
发帖数: 233
主要的批评意见是来自系里的研究生团体,但也得到了RPT committee 的认可。
not open enough to new ideas (whose new ideas?)
Should focus on big picture rather than details.
没有列任何支持性的证据。虽然我不很乐意,但也不好反驳,因为太泛泛。 当然,我
This type RPT review is pointless, IMO. Just a tool for the administrator to
fire somebody or suppress somebody if he or she wants.
发帖数: 6997
see, again I received two kinds of solutions to this problem.
Somebody told me to be absolutely strict, somebody told me to 把孩子当成跟你
平等的人. Again, I am lost, more or less.
I guess I will again, combine these two styles of educating the kid and
cross my finger.
发帖数: 636
bobohu (bobohu) 于 (Thu Oct 21 05:35:53 2010, 美东) 提到:
后来,我刚刚回来工作的时候,老公说他姐姐要买房子,他要给他姐姐7 ,8万做支
,8万。 我同意了。
这种不合理交易,我当然不高兴。但当时新婚的喜悦,我就答... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6130
建议看Russel Peters的"Somebody's gonna get a hurt real bad".
中心思想就是, 他小时候也这么威胁他爹, 他爹说"it takes 23 minutes for them to
get here. I can do a lot in 23 minutes, somebody's gonna get a hurt real
发帖数: 580
【 以下文字转载自 Parenting 讨论区 】
发信人: yolanda (今天您 OCEF 了没有), 信区: Parenting
标 题: Anyone want to share Readeez (DVD or digital download)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jul 29 14:16:05 2011, 美东)
Just bought from plumdistrict a Readeez promotional code (12 for 30). Would
like to share (as I also have 40% off digital download coupon) with
For example:
two copies of digital download for the grand slam (vol 1-3 + songdeez) is:
32*2 =$64 - 40% - 30 = $8.4 + 12 = $20.4 and I would like to share w/
somebody fo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3851
来自主题: GiftCard版 - ptf+ link
The problem is last time I used a link , but somebody posted it out later.
My program got canceled for invalid link and lost much money.
This time~~~~~
This kind of public post puts somebody already using in danger!
发帖数: 352
gobbyhu (冬季限定) 于 (Wed Sep 2 09:15:07 2009, 美东) 提到:
联系电话 718-200-8516
qiqi68 (qiqi) 于 (Fri Sep 4 11:56:48 2009, 美东) 提到:
qiqi68 (qiqi) 于 (Fri Sep 4 11:57:29 2009, 美东) 提到:
qiqi68 (qiqi) 于 (Fri Sep 4 12:00:25 2009, 美东) 提到:
☆──────────────────... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1962
来自主题: Investment版 - A few comments for the people on this board
I have been thinking this for a while:
To most people (99%), trading is like a game going a long time. The result
is like you multiply a series numbers consisting of 1.1 and 0.9 together.
Depending on one's character and personality, somebody has it in the
following way:
1.1 x 0.9 x 1.1 x 0.9 x 1.1 x 0.9 x .....
This kind of people never get rich even at one point of life time. Nobody
praise them, nobody notice them. These guys are the LHs on stock board.
On the other hand, somebody has it in th
发帖数: 241
来自主题: Investment版 - 中美交恶了, 债怎么办
here is the crux of the matter. if you lend $1,000 to somebody, he owns you.
but if you lend somebody $1,000,000,000,000, he owns you.
发帖数: 1962
来自主题: Investment版 - What's the true cause of long-term up legend?
hehe, I knew somebody will say this. Come on, be more ambitious.
To make it more relevant, let's assume we are not somebody who is
confident to run a business, like Bill Gates or Steve Jobs.

发帖数: 2416
来自主题: Investment版 - 股票价格为啥是现在这种定义?

Because it reflects the *most recent* willingness
of the market to trade this stock.
That's as close as you can get to reflect the
*current* willingness of the market to trade.
Because the fact that somebody paid $400 for
a share of Google last year doesn't have anything
to do with how much somebody else wants to buy
it today?
发帖数: 1962
来自主题: Investment版 - WFG的人向我推荐理财产品
He is actually right on this point. Either he gets the big cut from your
money, or somebody else. As long as you deal with WFG, there is
always somebody takes the cut.
If you are determined to make a donation, probably it's better to benefit
your 'friend'.
You don't get it. When you put money into WFG VUL, your contribution gets at
least 4 layers' cuts --- your 'friend''s commission, his up-link's commission,
WFG's expensive management charge, and the funds' front-loads and
management fee. Keep ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2324
来自主题: Investment版 - 世纪佳缘
2010年: REVENUE, $25M
Net Income: $2.5M (After TAX)
I mean, this is a small company, and its shares out worth of $759M?
It's net operating income is even smaller than my company. WTF.
Maybe I read it wrong (I am learning to read the financial statement
), somebody point it out to me?
It has a short term investment $17M somewhere I am not even sure.
To me, this is a nono investment, somebody has different opinion?
发帖数: 3158
来自主题: Investment版 - HSA的问题
sure you are right
another good example is robbing banks without being caught
somebody wants to take that risk/reward, somebody does'nt
发帖数: 7049
来自主题: Investment版 - Secondary CD: 与 new issued CD的比较
1) why not? there are dealers on the bond market that trade. somebody made a
2) new issues have full lots ($100k, or whatever). secondary issues have odd
lots. there is only 5K interest at the ask price (vs. 95K at bid), maybe
somebody is eager to liquidate that 5K at a slightly better price.
This is only like 4 months at such low rate, it makes no difference when the
yield differs by only 0.2-0.3%
发帖数: 99
来自主题: Investment版 - 关于buy&hold index fund
Thanks MinaHarker. You deserve credit for both groping your way out of
darkness and for writing up your story. This will help others. And I think
you must have found out your comfort zone with 60/40 allocation. Mine is
higher than that, and I have doubt what my actual response would be at next
downturn. Although I didn't do anything silly in 2008-2009, the stake at
risk was much smaller back then.
Sometimes I wonder why I stay on this board. I cannot convince the market
timers, and vice versa. I... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29
Agreed. I knew somebody does not have a US degree, but she found a good
industry job and got green card sponsored by the company. US degree is not
required for a job or green card sponsored by the company (perm). However
you should have decent english skills and required job experience, or you
well know somebody on top position in the company if you do not have a US
degree. Generally, US degree is useful.
发帖数: 114
来自主题: JobHunting版 - 做个调查,关于三哥电话面试
my Indian interviewer : 100%
White: failed 2 or 3 times.
Chinese : 100%.
And I used to interview with a team where Hiring manager is Indian, and
members are all Indian. I don't think Indian will give you hard time.
Hiring manager just want to find somebody who can get job done and don't
really care the nationality. If you were the hiring manager, you will do
the same. Believe me, you don't want to hire somebody who can't get job
done just because his nationality.
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: JobHunting版 - onsite感觉很好,还是被拒
Sorry to say that you made a big mistake. You seem lacking experiences. A
new graduate?
First, why you told hiring manager you had offers (especially from a
competitor) during interview in the fist place? Of course, they can reject
you based on that alone.
Why? From hiring manager point of view, hiring you most likely will be a
waste of
time. They will think if they give you the offer, you will just use it as
leverage and ask companies entering a bidding war, which they most
definitely don't wan... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8232
IVO, a programmer: Ivo Sega here.
CAROL, a company recruiter: Hi Ivo! It's Carol from Vector Industries.
Thanks again for coming out to meet everyone last week. Josh, our CTO, was
really happy to meet you.
IVO: No problem. I was happy to meet him too. You've got some interesting
projects going on. It could be a lot of fun to tackle one of them.
CAROL: I'm glad to hear it. Can you come back and meet more of our team next
Tuesday at t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1661
来自主题: JobHunting版 - 美国人的思维 其实很聪明
everyone with different experience has different opinions.
somebody regards programming work as garbage jobs
while somebody regards programming work as golden jobs.
发帖数: 8232
来自主题: JobHunting版 - 觉得这个startup list 比较靠谱
Obvious bias aside, the San Francisco Bay Area is one bad ass region. We
embody ingenuity and create products that people around the world love and
enjoy on a daily basis. You're all very welcome.
Though nothing more than a pen-sized dot on your average globe, a lot goes
down here. Brilliant engineering minds, vibrant recruiting teams, and young
CEOs are becoming a staple in the city—seriously, when else in history has
running a multi-million (sometimes bill... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 85
It makes sense for "culture fit" in big companies...
However you are just not aware that white guys also do the same thing, but
they do it in a hidden and deceptive way to make it hard to be noticed. But
they actually do. It is all politics... just somebody makes it more hidden
and somebody does it a strait way. No body can even skip doing it, even
Chinese people...
If you think it is only "A3" you just have not figured it out.
发帖数: 3030
来自主题: JobHunting版 - 国人要团结起来
Who are 国人?
Are you men?
Are you from mainland China?
Did you marry with somebody who is non-chinese family or are you going to
disown your children if they marry somebody non-chinese?
发帖数: 34
Here is just a guess. S/he tries to figure out if there is any discrepancy
between the interviewee and interviewer. If there is, say somebody didn't
like you and gave you poor rating, s/he probably will ask somebody else to
get the 2nd opinion.
发帖数: 34
Here is just a guess. S/he tries to figure out if there is any discrepancy
between the interviewee and interviewer. If there is, say somebody didn't
like you and gave you poor rating, s/he probably will ask somebody else to
get the 2nd opinion.
发帖数: 72
来自主题: JobMarket版 - 英语专业,父母无力支持学费
need to find somebody like that. but as a undergrad, i'm really not used to
getting to know ppl with such an aim.
are there deals like i just find somebody and make him/her my acquaintance,
and then i ask him/her to help?
发帖数: 344
I am applying for a mortgage loan now. I am an H1B. my credit score is about
790. The lender asked for a lot of documents after review my application
package: my H1b doc, my intention to apply for Green Card, etc., my two
years W2, Insurance, and even the appraisal etc.
BTW, should ask somebody to do the appraisal? Doesn't the lender ask somebody to do it?
Is this normal for a loan application?
发帖数: 94654
来自主题: Living版 - 哈,refi批了
the key is this broker was recommended by my coworker, who is a super
cheapskate. If he lands on somebody, that somebody must be good, hehe.
Actually he was pretty good. didn't have any problem with my loan, and he
asked for minimum documents, super fast, straightforward,
my first agent was referred by my agent, thinking back, she was just
bullshit. took advantage that I had to close, gave me shitty rate...
well, maybe, refi is always easier and better than purchase loan. who knows.
发帖数: 36302
来自主题: Living版 - 找到9万不交税的答案了
Nearly half of US households escape fed income tax
Recession, new tax credits have nearly half of US households paying no
federal income tax
FILE - In this April 5, 2010 file photo, Internal Revenue Service
Commissioner Douglas Shulman gestures while speaking at the National Press
Club in Washington. Tax Day is a dreaded symbol of civic responsibility for
millions of taxpayers, but for nearly half of all U.S. households, it's
simply somebody else's problem. About 47 percen... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 13249
My understanding:
Plaintiff doesn't show up---- which means he defaults; if somebody lost
the case because he defaults, he cannot appeal. Appeal right belongs to who
showed up and lost the case.
It is a joke if somebody can "forget" this important thing.
If plaintiff cannot go, he has to request to postpone before this trial,
instead of not showing up.
Not showing is disrespect to the court. Why does the court have to give him another trial??
发帖数: 4674
it's really the question why you need a buyer's agent
my personal experience tells me you may find a better home without an agent.
of course there is reason that buyers agent exists, For example, if you busy
and successful in your own career, and you can make much more money by
saving the time, and enjoy somebody really serving you well. then consider a
buyers agent.
or if you are not decisive and not willing to learn the basics, then
probably pay somebody to do that for you, but please expect t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4035
来自主题: Living版 - 和agent的关系
by Parker Hansen
There is a class of people that is anti-realtor. There is nothing wrong with
that. Indeed one really doesn’t need a realtor to buy or sell a home,
anymore than one absolutely needs a mechanic to fix their car or a plumber
to fix a leak. However, in terms of trust, none of us should put ourselves
on a pedestal. The buyer and seller and the realtors involved are all
looking out for their own self interests. In the end every human being only
truly cares abo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 965
10 Things Your Real Estate Broker Will Not Tell You
.1. "Your open house is really a party for me."
Hire a real estate broker to sell your home and one of the first things he'
ll likely suggest is hosting an open house, so potential buyers can casually
check out your property on a weekend afternoon. While open houses are
promoted as a great way of find... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 496
来自主题: Medicine版 - 乙肝可以终生免疫么?
that means you have been exposed to virus, but no symptoms.
for the immune for the rest of life.
somebody does, somebody doesn't.
发帖数: 1373
In fact, eb1b is easy as long as you have support from your University. So
take it easy.
I understand your pain as I was on the same boat before. We all know
recommendation letters for green card is not the same for residency
Anyway it is hard to just find somebody who is willing to help from Internet
. Think hard and find somebody who can help.
Good luck.
发帖数: 759
我也是找不到后门电话,打了他们的new application电话,asked for transfer,but
they did not transfer and said somebody from recon would call me. a few
days later somebody did call back.
发帖数: 78
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - 有姐妹们要紧急找月嫂吗?
we need somebody to take care our son, he is just 7 weeks now.
we prefer to have somebody live in our house and we live in CT, just 20
mins away from Westchester.
can you leave your cell phone number so I can call you?
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