
全部话题 - 话题: shivers
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发帖数: 29846
Brrr: February brought record cold, snow to Northeast
March 1, 2015 - 12:36 PM
Associated Press
ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — February 2015 was one for the record books in the
Northeast — the coldest month ever for three upstate New York cities and
the snowiest month ever for Boston.
The Northeast Regional Climate Center at Cornell University says Buffalo,
Syracuse and Ithaca shivered through their coldest month on record.
Center Director Art DeGaetano says February's average temperature was 10.9
degrees ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 61690
Donald Trump is poised to romp across the South on Super Tuesday, cementing
a hold on the Republican presidential nomination. But it's little-watched
and deeply liberal Massachusetts that's sending shivers down Democrats’
Massachusetts, they fear, is where Trump could chart a course to the White
Story Continued Below
The state — the largest non-Southern prize on the GOP calendar next week —
is packed with the independent, blue-collar voters that will decide key
general election st... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 516
下面很多人回复有shiver down the spine
发帖数: 6571
‘Winter Is Coming’ Warns The Solar Physicist The Alarmists Tried To
by James Delingpole12 Aug 2016
Make the most of this summer because it could be your last decent one:
winter is coming as the planet enters the most devastating cooling period
since the 65-year Maunder Minimum of the 17th and early 18th centuries.
This is the dire forecast of Professor Valentina Zharkova, a solar physicist
at Northumbria University, who has based her prediction on sun spot
activity – known to be a signif... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
来自主题: USANews版 - Is this the real life?
Is this just fantasy?
Caught in a landslide
No escape from reality
Open your eyes
Look up to the skies and see
Too late, my time has come
Sends shivers down my spine
Body's aching all the time
Goodbye everybody I've got to go
Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth
发帖数: 29846
Enviromoonbat Killed by SUV While Hiking Barefoot Across America to Save
Dave Blount
23 Jan, 2017 by Dave Blount
Looks like moonbats could be right about SUVs; they really are a menace —
at least, they are to fools who goof off along the edges of highways:
A man who was hiking across America barefoot on the side of highways to
‘save the earth’ was struck by a Buick SUV and died Saturday.
Mark Baumer, 33, began his shoeless trek in October. His journey aimed
to raise awareness and ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 21
来自主题: Automobile版 - [转载] Measuring the cold
【 以下文字转载自 Joke 讨论区 】
【 原文由 lzcat 所发表 】
Measuring the cold
+60 Californians put on sweaters.
+50 Miami residents turn on the heat.
+45 Vermont residents go to outdoor concert.
+40 You can see your breath.
Californians shiver uncontrollably.
Minnesotans go swimming.
+35 Italians cars don`t start.
+32 Water freezes.
+30 You plan your vacation in Australia.
+25 Ohio water freezes.
Californians weep pitiably
Minnesotans eat ice crea
发帖数: 790
Life became a bit boring lately. Like many great philosophers in human
history:), I began to contemplate the true meaning of my life.
As some of you probably knew, I am an algorithm buff, which is to say that I
am addicted to all sorts of strategic ideas and mathematical algorithms. As
such,it is no wonder I am also deeply fascinated with the personal life of many
great computer scientists. Throughout my career, I had the utmost pleasure
of ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4570
update 最新回复,女主回复给小三的
主题: Re: Damn You
I thought that you should have dropped your pretentious ego by now; however
your facial skin is much thicker than imaginable. Stunning.
How dare you comment on my feelings? "I do understand how you feel" - oh
really? If you do, you should be shivering under a wall by now, as if you
have seen the reaphook of the Death himself. Let me demonstrate you a very
small proportion of my hatred towards you which is still accumulating, after
you robbed my man fr
发帖数: 1090
shivering while watching!
How painful!
How Sad!
发帖数: 6973
来自主题: Food版 - Apple Juice + Calf's Liver + Catfish
(1) Well, How About Them Apple-Juice Futures? Wall Street Journal, Apr 14,
"Americans have been substituting apple juice for O.J. in their
refrigerators in recent years as prices for frozen orange juice * * * have
risen due to a squeeze on supplies.
"Americans have soured on orange juice over the past three decades.
Consumption has been halved between 1978 and 2008, to 5.5 gallons per capita
, according... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 22800
来自主题: HiFi版 - 推广一下拜亚品牌。
“I listen to my Orpheus almost every night, usually choosing one SACD,
often classical.
Within five minutes you are in another world. There is nothing like this
IMHO, not speakers (I have maggies), not Stax (I have 007a with Spritzer mod
) ... it is like hypnosis. Euphonics is the correct term, as others have
Violin concertos so searing they bring tears to my eyes. Opera so intense I
I listen with the lights off, the little l.e.d.'s on various pieces of
equipment sparkle like sta
发帖数: 1398
来自主题: Living版 - 室内湿度应该控制到多少?
Humans control their body temperature mainly by sweating and shivering. The
United States Environmental Protection Agency cites the ASHRAE Standard 55-
1992, Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy, which recommends
keeping relative humidity between 30% and 60%. At high humidity, sweating
is less effective, and we feel hotter.
Air conditioning works by reducing humidity in summer. In winter, heating
cold outdoor air can decrease relative humidity levels indoor to below 30%,
leading ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7122
来自主题: Living版 - 家里需要备把枪吗?
天,我是一直不同意ld买枪的,你这句话sent shivers down my spine。看完了立马写
发帖数: 1378
1.症状:一般炎症有的局部炎症部位红(redness),肿(swelling),热(warmth to touch),
痛(tenderness),这些症状乳腺炎都有.乳腺炎一般还有乳房局部肿块(tender lump),
寒战(shivering & chills),和一下子飙升的高烧(spiking fever, fever of 101 F or
greater).如果发生在哺乳期(breastfeeding period),一般医生会判断大部分可能
是乳腺炎(mastitis),一般医生会立即Phone-in pharmacy开抗生素(antibiotics)
(2)细菌经过乳头的破口(cracked nip... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9094
来自主题: Parenting版 - 美国教育是不是重文轻理?
She is a queen whose name makes my hand shiver.
Our 传统数理化的logic reasoning is mainly straight-forward deduction, one of
the techniques taught in logic reasoning. It's definitely not the whole
发帖数: 9094
来自主题: Parenting版 - 孩子写的小说(2011)
Not a Prisoner, Yet
By James
Monk Klutter, king wherever he strolls, is bested by nobody. At least, that's
what he tells himself while pounding loudly from the inside of Priscilla
Roseberry’s locker door. Not that he would actually have much problem
getting out, of course. If he didn’t manage to pummel the locker enough to
open a big enough hole to escape from, the janitors would come in an hour or
two, and unless they had extreme auditory issues, would surely hear Monk’s
loud rattling of Prisci... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 13135
来自主题: Parenting版 - 过度诊断的自闭症.
我贴两个有关over diagnosing autism的文章, 有兴趣的可以自己放狗查.
"But there are two unfortunate downsides: Many people with the diagnosis
don’t really meet the criteria for it, and the diagnosis has become so
heterogeneous that it loses meaning and predictive value. This is why so
many kids now outgrow their autism. They were never really autistic in the
first place."
也就是说很多被诊断出自闭的, 是正常的孩子. 发育过程中一些落后的现象, 随
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1873
来自主题: Parenting版 - 提高孩子的写作水平
你儿子这个写的太牛了。 你的写作定义是高级的写作。 我的定义只是能能生动的准确
的描述事物。 谈不上创作。我家的上K。 还在写大白话的阶段。 但就是大白话,我希
望他的用词能准确丰富一点, 而不是通篇就3,5个简单动词。 所以我今天这样尝试,
和他阅读了一本很简单的frog and toad 的故事, 分析了里面关于恐惧的描述:
shiver, move deep into the chair, the hand holding teacup shaking。。并要求
又找了一本词汇描写稍难的书Stalalluna, 要求他背诵, 默写几个章节。他们一周有3
节的writing workshop,上了快一学年了,但我没看到什么进步。 老师只是给几个词
让你用,就像造句一样, 但没有什么具体的改进方法。

发帖数: 2253
By Eric Moskowitz, Globe Staff
The 26-year-old Chinese entrepreneur had just pulled his new Mercedes to the
curb on Brighton Avenue to answer a text when an old sedan swerved behind
him, slamming on the brakes. A man in dark clothes got out and approached
the passenger window. It was nearly 11 p.m. last Thursday.
The man rapped on the glass, speaking quickly. Danny, unable to hear him,
lowered the window -- and the man reached an arm through, unlocked the door,
and climbed in, brandishing a silv... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7460
来自主题: Parenting版 - 如何对待孩子date问题 ?
想起我当年看的Jerry Springer秀 //shiver
发帖数: 790
【 以下文字转载自 Faculty 讨论区 】
发信人: outcry (outcry), 信区: Faculty
标 题: 学术界之风花雪月(4)人生无常
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Oct 14 16:04:00 2010, 美东)
Life became a bit boring lately. Like many great philosophers in human
history:), I began to contemplate the true meaning of my life.
As some of you probably knew, I am an algorithm buff, which is to say that I
am addicted to all sorts of strategic ideas and mathematical algorithms. As
such,it is no wonder I am also d... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8363
来自主题: Stock版 - Scott Brown effect

If Republicans really man-up and block Obama's further spending, then
watch out. Just the rumor of a "default" could pour shiver down the spine
of investors and the market will tank.
I hope they do and screw that socialist little bastard Obozo.
发帖数: 8363

The ant works hard, in the withering heat, all summer long.
He builds his house and stores supplies for the winter.
The grasshopper thinks that the ant is a fool. He laughs, dances and plays
the summer away, preparing nothing for the coming winter.
Winter comes, the ant is safe and warm. The shivering grasshopper calls a
press conference and demands to know why the ant should be allowed to be
warm and fed, while others are cold and starving!
CBS, NBC & CNN show up to provide pictures of shiveri
发帖数: 8363

All you need to know about rich, poor, tax and Democrooks.
The ant works hard, in the withering heat, all summer long.
He builds his house and stores supplies for the winter.
The grasshopper thinks that the ant is a fool. He laughs, dances and plays
the summer away, preparing nothing for the coming winter.
Winter comes, the ant is safe and warm. The shivering grasshopper calls a
press conference and demands to know why the ant should be allowed to be
warm and fed, while others are cold and star
发帖数: 7948
Guest Post: Plaza Accord 2.0: Is it Coming? Is it Here?
October 15th, 2010 by Michael Krieger
If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of
zeal, well-meaning but without understanding.
Experience teaches us to be most on our guard to protect liberty when the
government’s purposes are beneficent.
Fear of serious injury alone cannot justify oppression of free speech and
assembly. Men feared witch... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8363
A long long time ago
I can still remember, how those forecasts used to make me smile
And I knew if I had Ben's chance
That I could make those numbers dance
And maybe we'd be happy for a while
But February made me shiver
With every paper Ben delivered
Bad news on our doorstep
Were at the cliff, now take a step
I can't remember if I cried
When I read about this cyanide
But something touched me deep inside
The day that Dollars died
So, why why, did America die?
Bailed out Chevys and banker heavie... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7521
来自主题: Stock版 - Friday Reads
Friday Reads
by Anna W
• The Dumbest Idea In The World: Maximizing Shareholder Value (
• Occupy Beijing? (Diplomat) see also Tokyo and Beijing Agree on
Currency Pact (WSJ)
• Goldman Sachs + Warren Buffett = Not Many Jobs (Bloomberg)
• Soros Sees Gold Prices on Brink of Bear Market (Bloomberg) see
also Commodities Poised for First Annual Decline Since 2008 on European
Crisis (Bloomberg)
•... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 290
来自主题: Stock版 - 中概又被 hammered???
cmg has gone downhill and you don't hold its puts any more.
i am actually feeling so blue.
chilly wind blows,
broken heart shivers.
发帖数: 31659
来自主题: Stock版 - [bssd]也说08年
Globalization creates interlocking fragility, while reducing volatility and
giving the appearance of stability. In other words it creates devastating
Black Swans. We have never lived before under the threat of a global
collapse. Financial Institutions have been merging into a smaller number of
very large banks. Almost all banks are now interrelated. So the financial
ecology is swelling into gigantic, incestuous, bureaucratic banks – when
one falls, they all fall. The increased c... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 27062
发帖数: 604
Another updates (be discretionary on the contents)
主题: Re: Damn You
I thought that you should have dropped your pretentious ego by now; however
your facial skin is much thicker than imaginable. Stunning.
How dare you comment on my feelings? "I do understand how you feel" - oh
really? If you do, you should be shivering under a wall by now, as if you
have seen the reaphook of the Death himself. Let me demonstrate you a very
发帖数: 14490
来自主题: Arizona版 - 看了电影shiver有感 (据透)
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: Arizona版 - 德州人民还是有种的 (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: lczlcz (lcz), 信区: USANews
标 题: 德州人民还是有种的
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Mar 5 19:08:30 2014, 美东)
Texas Voters Take A Stand: 9 out of 10 Want Obamacare Repealed and Welfare
Recipients Drug Tested
Just because one part of the country has seemingly lost its mind and is
willing to give up their freedom for the promise of more security doesn’t
mean everyone is on board.
In Texas, where voters took to the polls Tuesday... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 16223
发帖数: 13236
60° F: Arizonans shiver uncontrollably; people in Chicago are still
50° F: Californians try to turn on the heat; people in Chicago plant
40° F: Italian sports cars won't start; people in Chicago drive with the
windows down.
32° F: Distilled water freezes; Lake Michigan water gets thicker.
20° F: Floridians don coats, thermal underwear, gloves and wool hats;
people in Chicago throw on a light jacket.
15° F: People in Chicago have the last cookout before it gets cold.
0° F: A... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6339
Jerry Talks Back
Controversial talk show host Jerry Springer gave the Commencement address to
the School of Law's 2008 graduates last May, despite the objections of some
students. Here's an edited transcript.
I've been lucky enough to enjoy a comfortable measure of success in my
various careers, but let's be honest, I've been virtually everything you can
't respect: a lawyer, a mayor, a major market news anchor and a talk show
host. Pray for me.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2836
来自主题: Indiana版 - 外面好吓人啊
shit,me too, i was half awake and suddenly the thunder exploded and the
whole house shivered...
发帖数: 1346
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – California will experience unthinkable damage
when the next powerful quake strikes, probably within 30 years, even though
the state prides itself on being on the leading edge of earthquake science.
Modern skyscrapers built to the state's now-rigorous building codes might
ride out the big jolt that experts say is all but inevitable, but the
surviving buildings will tower over a carpet of rubble from older structures
that have collapsed.
Hot desert winds could fan fires t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3066
来自主题: LosAngeles版 - LA征位女友过大年(奔了)
oh my god, who is this stalking JPMM ? Lol..
发帖数: 3066
来自主题: LosAngeles版 - LA有什么好的?
How come people don't take freezing cold and shit loads of snow into
consideration when ranking the so-called "family friendly city" or
"the best place to raise a family" ? I mean, what's so great about waking up
and having to shave ice off your windshield, shoving snow off the drive way
or skidding off the road on some god forsaken black ice?
I suppose snuggling together in front of the fire place is good for family
bonding. Chicago...shiver...I rather live in VA..
发帖数: 7485
来自主题: LosAngeles版 - 童話故事裡面的那條小河
He thought his happiness was complete when, as he meandered aimlessly along,
suddenly he stood by the edge of a full-fed river. Never in his life had he
seen a river before -- this sleek, sinuous, full-bodied animal, chasing and
chuckling, gripping things with with a gurgle and leaving them with a laugh
, to fling itself on fresh playmates that shook themselves free, and were
caught and held again. All was a-shake and a-shiver -- glints and gleams and
sparkles, rustle and swirl, chatter and bubb... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15479
来自主题: Missouri版 - 想回美国了 (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 NewYork 讨论区 】
发信人: beefcurtain5 (beefcurtain5), 信区: NewYork
标 题: 想回美国了
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Oct 26 03:53:34 2014, 美东)
1) 中国到处是灰,天天鞭炮声, 一到周末, 更加是, 结婚什么的。 然后我儿子
就一天到晚就是shiver。 舌头吐出来, 喘大气
人烦, 很烦。 noise, too much noise
2)我父母家对面住了一家人, 大大小小的, 然后一个老头, 吸烟。 在自己家门口
吸烟。 这倒算了。 刚才我回家, 他他妈的站在我们家门口吸烟。。。 然后我说,
不要在我们家门口吸烟。 就他妈的说了一句, 他就来劲了,说什么我怎么能对老人
这么说, 公共场所, 然后看我抱着儿子, 说了一句你是狗。。。 我他妈的怕什么,
我说, 你连狗都不如, 狗至少不抽烟。 你自己家里人都不让你在家里抽烟! 然后
他的几个女儿听到声音出来了, 一个女的, 竟然对我说,你怎么骂人。 估计是那个
老男人跟她们说什么我骂他是狗。。。然后一个女的说, ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1222
chatham的,没整理过,特乱。好像是一个yale,一个stanford,三个 u penn,3个
Abed-Rabbo, Nadia M Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey at New
Brunswick Ahmed, Hader Raritan Valley Community College Allocco, Jennifer
University of Connecticut Alpizar, Valerie County College of Morris Annee,
Peter St. John's College Antao, Olivia Emory University Artigliere, Jessica
Providence College Ballard, Andrew Miami University, Oxford Bancroft, Bailey
Ste... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7881
来自主题: NewYork版 - 想回美国了
1) 中国到处是灰,天天鞭炮声, 一到周末, 更加是, 结婚什么的。 然后我儿子
就一天到晚就是shiver。 舌头吐出来, 喘大气
人烦, 很烦。 noise, too much noise
2)我父母家对面住了一家人, 大大小小的, 然后一个老头, 吸烟。 在自己家门口
吸烟。 这倒算了。 刚才我回家, 他他妈的站在我们家门口吸烟。。。 然后我说,
不要在我们家门口吸烟。 就他妈的说了一句, 他就来劲了,说什么我怎么能对老人
这么说, 公共场所, 然后看我抱着儿子, 说了一句你是狗。。。 我他妈的怕什么,
我说, 你连狗都不如, 狗至少不抽烟。 你自己家里人都不让你在家里抽烟! 然后
他的几个女儿听到声音出来了, 一个女的, 竟然对我说,你怎么骂人。 估计是那个
老男人跟她们说什么我骂他是狗。。。然后一个女的说, 怎么样, 你要打人啊。。。
然后我爸妈出来, 把我拉了回去。。。
发帖数: 7272
来自主题: Oregon版 - Five Unmissable Outdoor Strolls
From Portland Monthly
Beacon Rock, Columbia River Gorge
As one of the Gorge's most recognized landmarks, this 848-foot-tall basalt
monolith has been depicted on everything from oil painting to beer bottles.
The narrow, .9-mile switch backing trail, sections of which were blasted out
of the rock in early 1900s, might induce shivers, but the vista at the top-
-of the might Columbia rolling beneath a blue curtain of dark forests and
steep canyon walls --is well worth the fight.
4T Trail
Completed i... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 361
well I happen to read those whlile in high school it sends shivers to my
spine. and I dislikes him eversince.
发帖数: 15334
来自主题: SanFrancisco版 - 支持真小人-Newt Gingrich
He can, just by being elected, the people would have sent Congress a message
, the corrupt ones will shiver in fear. If Ron Paul is elected, more and
more libertarian politicians will be elected to Congress, and they will
bring about real change.

发帖数: 685
给你看看英文(或者 Chinglish) 原文:
Thank God, the Chinese give up 2026
2010-11-15 10:07
When you hear the Chinese people to give up bid to host the 2026 World Cup
news, I tears, my hands over his head, knelt towards the East, and the body
fell to the ground, shivering thank God.
I think not just me, the whole of London, the whole of Great Britain, the
whole world sigh of relief. In the next 20 years, as long as Chinese people
do not shot the scene experts, the entire Milky Way will no longer... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8469
Microsoft’s plan to stop Bing’s $1 billion bleeding
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) — Bing, Microsoft’s two-year old search engine, is
losing nearly a $1 billion a quarter, with no sign of letting up.
Microsoft (MSFT, Fortune 500) has lost $5.5 billion on Bing since the search
service launched in June 2009, but the company’s search losses actually
pre-date that. In fact, the software giant has never made money in its
online services division. S... 阅读全帖
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