

全部话题 - 话题: remebered
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发帖数: 23
来自主题: Business版 - 身份和MBA,选择哪个?
can you do both? since you are in IB, get a partime MBA and transfer
internally will be fine, right? H1B can be renewed after 6 years, if I still
发帖数: 405
来自主题: Business版 - 也想被拍砖-申请finance Ph.D
if your purpose of pursuing a phd in finance is to find a job in academia (
it is what a phd is supposed to do), then the current events will not hurt
you but will help you. this is because demand for b-school education goes up
and the demand for finance faculty goes up as well.
if you want to find a job in industry, why not go directly. why spend 5-6
years of time doing a phd in finance. remeber, your opportunity costs are
very high...
发帖数: 405
depends on what kind of schools you want. remeber, accounting recruits even
less students than finance does...
发帖数: 68
来自主题: Business版 - Which school to go?
I remeber that GWU does not admit students who have not ALREADY graduated (
graduating is not an option)...
发帖数: 6437
RE this
an entry database person has 80k / year. why still remeber transportation?
发帖数: 53
来自主题: Economics版 - 请教有经验的前辈
No need to write an email beforehand...Nobody really remebers that..Just say
sorry at the time when you step into the interview.. Be polite and sincere.
People will understand.
发帖数: 1160
来自主题: Education版 - student teaching
make good relationship with your coorperating teacher or mentor, usually
they don't fail you if you work hard even your class is not perfect. They
know that you are learning, if you have good relationship with them they
will give you a good evaluation. Remeber, we are humen beings, no matter
American or Chinese, little gift is always good, but should be a good reason
on the right time.
发帖数: 460
1.yes.yes.Seismic, not sure. It seems me it is new.
2.I heard copied book is not allowed in some states.You need to go over
textbooks and bring Codes to the exam. All you need it to remeber where to
find answers.You need a lot of codes, such as ACI, AISC,etc.
发帖数: 578
来自主题: Macromolecules版 - 微流系统
oh. too many professors are doing nano. hehe. not enough brain to remeber them
all. hehe what is he good at?
I am not exactly in his fileds (kind of SAM stuff, right? just checked his
publications). and he is not in top 25 highly cited scientists in
nanotechnology field and neither got nanotechnology prize. Why should I know
him? hehe.


发帖数: 47
来自主题: Macromolecules版 - famouse polymer scientists
Just had a long vacation. I remeber that I read it somewhere saying
entanglement length, as estimated from viscoelasticity measurment and
theoretical models, is usually several times longer than the correlation
length of polymer solutions of the same concentration as measured by
light/neutron scattering (?) experiment. Forget the original literature and
the details, just this conclusion vaguely in my memory. These two concepts
seem easy to understand with de Gennes' drawing in his book.
As for t
发帖数: 4
来自主题: Mathematics版 - Re: [转载] Re: US national math competition
OK, i figured it out. i only remeber the idea, not the problem itself. the
description of the problem may *NOT* be accurate, but as long as you give the
correct idea about how to solve it, it's enough. i don't think it's very
difficult, but ...
there're 4 persons a, b, c, d walking along 4 straight roads at constant
speeds respectively (their speeds are generally different). we know,
a meets b, c, and d
b meets a, c, and d
show: c meets d.
of course, straight roads are lines, persons are spots.
发帖数: 110
来自主题: MedicalCareer版 - 老糊涂了,他该考医生吗?
there is no body does not make mistakes. one of my attending always told me,
there is a grave yard in every one's back. we are doctors, our job require
us to be 100% correct all the time. but at the same time, we are human, we
make mistakes. I remebered the first time I perforated someone's colon when
doing colonoscopy, my face looks like ash, I wantted to die. my attending
told me, "welcome to the club". what he means is you , like every body else,
has complications. we took patient to OR, repa
发帖数: 84
来自主题: MedicalCareer版 - Dr.Lanjing's Match Training Course Was Good
Lanjing's workshop is great! After attending this workshop, I can figure out
the way to shine among all the applicants and let the PD remeber you in IV
and rank you. And also the individualized stategy on how to get IVs.
发帖数: 264
来自主题: Nursing版 - Nurse intervention for HGBS child
I can't remember exactly what are the options for the question, but I did
remeber 2 of the options given and the answer given from the book.
What's the proper nursing intervention when pt is in sickle cell crisis?
1. Maintain hydration
2. keep pt NPO
the answer gave as choice 2 in reason that pt has sickle cell crisis usually
go to surgery asap, so it's proper to prepare pt for the upcoming surgery.
I'm thinking Maintain hydration is the proper answer since it is mentioned
in the HESI that keep
发帖数: 33
来自主题: Nursing版 - hurstreview
I took Hurstreview this May. I took it alive. I pass Nclex with 75 questions.
Personally I think it is very good. It is very popular in the south. It is
cheaper than Kaplan, $350 total. I think they are using the same ideas that
Kaplan is using, and I found that some practice questions are copied from
the Kaplan test bank.
I recommend it. It will save you lots of time to get ready. You will have a
handout only about 300 pages, that is all you need to remeber to pass Nclex.
发帖数: 134
来自主题: Nursing版 - 问个怀孕请假的问题!急!!
I had my son when I was in shcool. I got a letter from my OB doctor, which
said I can take 3 credit hours in the fall semester and take full time in
next spring semester. And then, bring this letter to internationl office.
They can let you drop to part time, otherwise, all international students
must be full time.
I remeber on each academic level, we can get 12mon medical leave.
In your case, maybe ask your doctor if you can take part time and that will
help a lot. One course is not that bad.
发帖数: 134
来自主题: Nursing版 - 怎么学习微生物
BSO: I got A+ for this class and it is the only A+ I got.:-) But I took the
on-line class, so maybe that's different. I think this class needs a lot of
memories. I cannot remeber anything right now.
发帖数: 1212
来自主题: Nursing版 - 求助,我不会critical thinking.
agree. I did pass all my courses and graduated, my GPA dropped semester
after semester. I did feel bad about GPA but nobody in my program got an A.
So don't worry too much about your gpa. Remeber you are in nursing school. C
means continue.(to LZ)
To Imageall,
agree with you. critical thinking comes from practice and learn from
mistakes, at least for me. I am not that smart, so I learned in a hard way.
发帖数: 151
来自主题: Nursing版 - 请教休斯顿糖城的护士学校
Theyhave BSN before as I know :) I remeber they have community college in
the same building too.
发帖数: 3927
来自主题: Nursing版 - 有比微生物更恶心的课吗?
Haha, Microbiology is the most horrible class ever given in human history.
You need to remeber EVERY WORD on your lectur notes. My bf used to be a
microbiology major and this class prompted him to transfer to computer
sciences. He didn't even have the nerve to take the microbiology mid-term.
Good luck.
发帖数: 138
bioinformatics needs quite a bit molecular and cellular biology knowledge.
But most of the time we query sequence and ontology databases for biology
discussion. hehe, just because too many genes and functions to remeber.
It is also a broad field. Typically we use statistics/modeling/computation
strategies to help interpret genomic and proteomic experiments.
We do quite a bit software development too...
发帖数: 66
来自主题: Psychology版 - Re: [转载] Of SR but PI
good article ya.
I remeber reading an article about the importance of parenting and peer
interaction 4 years ago. ft, couldn't remember what the conclusion was. But at
that time, I really thought that make sense. 555.
btw, nature vs nurture is a very old and classic argument in child development


发帖数: 1172
来自主题: Psychology版 - A quick question
dependent on that you are remebering or creatively thinking,
in deception detection, they consider
the former will be down and up, the latter is left and right.
in other word, left and right means you are lying.
发帖数: 213
You are absolutely right. This is the first company that I got interview
from, and I did not prepare for brainteaser at all, and I knew only basic
For the second one, I would guess zero, and this is definitely not the answer he was looking for. but I wanted to give an
vigorous mathematical explanation anyway (he definitely gonna ask me how I got it
after I told him the result, and I cannot say it's my guess).
For the third one, I tried two ways:
1. use chosky decomposition to transfo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 107
来自主题: Science版 - 请教粒子的群表示观点
I think it is the tranformation should satisfy U_{deg} * U = 1
and Linear space is not so complicated. Just in QM, remeber Lx, Ly, Lz matrix
reprensation in L=1/2, 1, 2, .... So, different Sz composes a linear space
for rotation.
发帖数: 107

So, u dicussed it in Lorentz group. Even in that group, if u include boost,
not only rotation, and do not have momentum quantum number, you still need
infinate dimension to give an unitary represntation. I remebered that
boost(K) will tansform spin j to spin j+/-1. not quite sure about this. I
calculated it long time ago, just for fun.
It still exist SO(3) group, I guess. :)
发帖数: 346
来自主题: Statistics版 - survreg vs coxph
Kind of remeber coxph is used for cox mode, survreg is used for AFT model.
发帖数: 48
来自主题: Medicalpractice版 - Capillary telangiectasia 加上 A-fib, 杯具啊!
If she just had a massive stroke, the immediate problem might be life or
death, rather than anticoag or not. If massive stroke, I would not start
anti coag at least in the next few days. But family has to know the
consequence if she suffer another stroke. Then if she survive this, to make
a decision about anticoag, I would discuss with her in detail the risk and
benifits, give her all the numbers to help her make an informed decision.
Doctors are not god. I had a similar case before. I remeber ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 48
来自主题: Medicalpractice版 - Capillary telangiectasia 加上 A-fib, 杯具啊!
If she just had a massive stroke, the immediate problem might be life or
death, rather than anticoag or not. If massive stroke, I would not start
anti coag at least in the next few days. But family has to know the
consequence if she suffer another stroke. Then if she survive this, to make
a decision about anticoag, I would discuss with her in detail the risk and
benifits, give her all the numbers to help her make an informed decision.
Doctors are not god. I had a similar case before. I remeber ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9638
来自主题: Medicalpractice版 - 这个网站可靠否?
I remeber Roy brought the site to us before and peter also came here
Roy is a nice guy who has a website for all CMGs. Do not know much about
Peter though.
I think you may give them a try.
发帖数: 798
来自主题: PhotoProcessing版 - 问个问题,请组织解决以下:
remeber blur your mask not the picture itself
发帖数: 466
Please check with your doctor,
I remeberred that you need wait 3-4 months after injectable iui to start a
new IVF/IUI cycle.
Happy New Year!
发帖数: 60932
Here I extract the link direct to drugstore
You may select to 5 items from serveral de-luxe products. You only have to
pay .01 each + shipping $5.99
Also remeber to get 3 free samples worth $3
We may sale up to > $30
发帖数: 60932
Just walked out of Best Buy with a few cheap blu-rays:
In Bruges, 7.99
The Negotiator, 7.99
Into the Wild, 7.99
Donnie Darko, 9.99
There were a few others, but they didn't catch my eye long enough to remeber
the exact price.
The prices weren't on Best Buy's website. Probably a weekly store ad thing.
Best Buy was in Springdale, OH, fyi.
发帖数: 3386
hehe... I remeber GS has the annual target somewhere above 1200?

发帖数: 5997
来自主题: _pennystock版 - Wow, Symx flew away
I remebered. Did u have it now?
发帖数: 1285
来自主题: _OurFantasia版 - Now I think of a chance for Steel Brightblade
Remeber at the beginning of Autumn dragon, they tried to meet at
the inn in Solace? Before that, the friends separated to investigate
about the truth, in which journey Sturm and Kitiara went to north
together....Now you see, they fell in love and had Steel at that time.
From that time on, I could not think of a moment they two be together le.
needless to say, making a baby.
发帖数: 585
来自主题: _FilmArts版 - My major discover last night
did you guys remeber the old beardy guy who sit beside Glun Glouz on the sort
of back DJ seats. Isnt' that Mr. Taylor in "Da(4) Wan(4) er" that horrible
Chinese new year movie.
发帖数: 12367
来自主题: _FilmArts版 - Los Amantes Del Circulo Polar
seen it, but didnt catch those details.
just remeber two coincidents happened in one family.
发帖数: 19242
来自主题: _K12版 - 看我家的低EQ
I'm so jealous now!
I don't remeber how I was treated when I was her age, but looking at my mom
taking care of my sis just makes me so jealous
it feels like never enough
I don't know how to express this and "win" their love back
maybe my leaving them will make them hurt (just like how I'm feeling now)
看个性,有的天生比较drama queen :)
发帖数: 3447
来自主题: _Xiyu版 - 问个洗牙的事
ft, I just remeber I have two insurances for now too...
发帖数: 1536
来自主题: _Xiyu版 - 昨天晚上做梦和leon一起打牌
Maybe. But the bad thing is that I don't remeber who 出大猫.
发帖数: 3447
恩,我们说的不是一件事。增加像素提高分辨绿同时会hurt contrast,所以增加像素同
时需要图像处理,这和直接插枝不一样。but what you said is very true too,
somehow I remeber it needs 2 times sampling frequency of the signal in order
to reconstruct...
发帖数: 819
来自主题: _Bimmer版 - 考虑买二手02-03宝马525i
I did some research on the last generation 5 before and remebered that 2003
5 has some engin problem.
Please see the link bellow. 2002 would be a better choice.
发帖数: 5550
来自主题: _FantaSoccer版 - 王朝马汉长的也不错
hehe...don't remeber at all leh...
发帖数: 5550
来自主题: _FantaSoccer版 - sigh
I will remeber that!
surrounded by people speaking spanish was really not good for making the
right choice. :)
发帖数: 242
来自主题: _America版 - King Arthur and His Knights...
Did you read Le Morte D'arthur by Sir Malory? I remeber checking out five
different editions of the book at my school library. One was as old as 1830's
and had bookticket with the school's old name on it. The printing is
excellent, but the story.....I simply could not bear to read it. I have been
interested in the story for a long time but have not found a good edition of
the story.

发帖数: 2783
来自主题: _America版 - 自由
Nah, I am doing the translation myself when I feel happy doing it. LOL.
Currently it is on 1/3+ of the whole book, I made my new year's resolution
to finish it this year, hope I can keep it.
I remebered that I posted the ISBN before but could not find it on the
board, anyway, I will post it again after I get back home.
发帖数: 859
来自主题: _ZST版 - 理想
在冠层下, 树叶摇晃
心灵敞开, 人类安居于
Dawn in my soul
A bit of sun for each home
A bit of light for everyone
Under the canopy, a leaf
And the dew remebers the clouds
And the earth exhales a huge wind
And life shivers, shivers
Kite of my childhood
Fragile hope hanging in the sky
Hearts open, human abodes
In a world where no one is exluded
发帖数: 1617
来自主题: _ZST版 - 清明寄语
(Christina Rossetti 1830-1894)
When I am dead, my dearest,
Sing no sad songs for me;
Plant thou no roses at my head,
Nor shady cypress tree;
Be the green grass above me
With showers and dewdrops wet;
And if thou wilt, remember,
And if thou wilt, forget.
I shall not see the shadows,
I shall not feel the rain;
I shall not hear the nightingale
Sing on, as if in pain;
And dreaming through the twilight
That doth not rise not set,
Haply I may remeber,
And haply may forget.
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