

全部话题 - 话题: rebid
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发帖数: 3277
The jump rebid over partner's two over one game forcing shows a solid
suit and at least two controls outside the suit(which makes the hand slamish).
SAKQJxx HAxx Dxxx Cx
after 1S 2C,
bid 3S.
SAKQTxxx HKxx Dxx Cx,
bid 4S, not enough out side controls, it's good to bid 4S to show a hand
slightly better than 4S opening. It denies out side Aces.
After the jump rebid,
3NT: I have no outside Aces, but I do have some kings and primary trump
1S 2C
3S 3NT
4C: relay,
4D: D
发帖数: 623
For starters I think a better example of 4S rebid would be something like
KQJT9xx Kxx Kx x
to illustrate that the suit can play itself for 1 loser even facing a void,
but may not be immediately running.
If one does not have a failing memory, Namyats has its merit in such cases
(well its disadvantage is in other aspects...).
Also after jump, I like to play rebidding partner's suit as showing a filler,
that can often be key to slam when you have all the controls and still
couldn't be suit if you c
发帖数: 554
同样的条件,失败了,等24小时后re-bid,还是会提示你有similar request already
XXX: hi, just wanna check with you, how long do I have to wait to resubmit
if my bidding fails?
priceline: Hi, that’s an excellent question! Let me look into that, I'll
have an answer for you shortly.
priceline: Hi, I'm still researching your issue. I'll have an update
xxx: thanks
priceline: You're welcome.
priceline: I appreciate your patience. I have reviewed your submitted
request and I apologize ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 295

The structure is plausible. Be sure it fits your system.
I doubt this will work with your jumping rebid Axx xxx AKQJ10x x,
which is "enough" in your method. However, seems here the responder
has to bid 4D with a moderate hand. I just wonder how you are going
to manage to get 11 tricks in diamonds, comparing with the laid-down
9-trick 3NT, which can never be reached now. I hate useing artificial
examples. But sometime, it may help clearify the point.
Say, responder has a boring hand l
发帖数: 623

I guess I'm a bit uncomfortable to be forced to 4D with holdings of more than
2 D. In many case with a minimum 3N is still the last train. So 3N just denies
a cuebid and slam interest (for the time being), and shows broken major
As to a hand like Axx xxx AKQJTx x, it's a very good hand, surely better than
your average 18 counts. I don't see a problem of rebidding 3D after 2C. With
above pd's hand, a bidding such as:
1D 2C
3D 3H(H ace)
3S(S control) 3N (no further interest)
is con
发帖数: 623
* Rebidding considerations
In many cases, what to open is dictated by rebidding
This problem is especially obvious when you hold a 2-suiter,
while you expect to bid your 2nd suit on next turn, reality
often forbids you to do so.
Say, if you have S-C minimum to medium, and open 1S, you'll
be end-bid if partner responds 2D. You can't bid 3C and
rebidding S may be a distortion of your hand.
Generally if you have 2-majors or 2 minors you are less
concerned. If you have:
* S-D, H-D, r
发帖数: 623
来自主题: Bridge版 - what's your call?(1)
Non issue if playing forcing 1NT. Planning to take preference to 2H after
partner's 2C response, and raise 2D to 3D as a preempt as oppo rate to have at
least 8-card S fit. This normally does not show an invitation as you have a
stronger 2S (impossible S) rebid. If partner rebids 2H you pass. If partner
rebids 2N, you sign off 3D. If he reverses to 2S, my preference is to play
lebensohl style: 2N relay to 3C, and you bid 3D to sign off.
发帖数: 3277
来自主题: Bridge版 - more on bidding(1)
the back bone of walsh style response is that the system allows opener
to rebid 1NT without mentioning his major suits.
If you bid 1D, over pd's 1NT you would have no good rebid.
2S shows at least 4-5 distribution.
2C/2D are both sign off.
Actually now I play modified walsh response over 1C.
We bid 1D with 4-5 distribution and invitational hand, because
we have some gadget over 1NT rebid.
1C 1D
now 2C relays to 2D, then responder can bid his 4 card major suit to show
a invitational hand.
发帖数: 623
来自主题: Bridge版 - more on bidding (2)
The problem of 2N is it distorts your shape and removed the possibility of 5D
very much. Say, partner has some garbage like
Tx QJx Qxxx Axx, do you think partner will ever consider 5D after your 2N
This problem is also somewhat system-related, if you have ways to sign off
after a reverse, then reversing with a good 17 is really not a crime.
You are right in that you lack info to decide now, so convey them. And I don't
think rebidding 2N describes your hand right. 2N rebid is a deviation f
发帖数: 295
来自主题: Bridge版 - Simple bidding question Follow-up
As I remember, Hardy briefly mentioned signoff after reverse in his old book.
A 2NT or a simple rebid of his suit by responder shows no more than 9 hcp, and
any other rebid shows 9+ and game forcing. Therefore, 3D is the preferred call
here. 4D definitely claims a more distributional hand if no other
other special agreement between your partnership.
In this particular sequence, the responder have to rebid 3H with 5 hearts and
a minimium, not always a pleasant choice for you guys. Thus I suppose
发帖数: 3277
来自主题: Bridge版 - a slam bid problem
the point is that for single suit strong hands,
you would always have rebidding problems if you open one level,
because the basic framework in bridge bidding is that:
new suit forcing, not rebidding your own suit forcing.
So no matter how hard you try, you would always have rebidding problems.
You may argue that you can survive it. However, if you often jump to
3C with doubleton or singleton, your partner would never be able to
raise you. next time, when you have a real two suiter hand, you woul
发帖数: 295
来自主题: Bridge版 - Truscott and bridge scandles (3)
Shapiro, holding:
H A1097
D J10973
C ---
opens 1S, and after Reese responds 1NT, he rebids 2H.
Reese holds
S 4
H J6532
D Q5
C KQJ104
and bid 4H.
Claimed Truscott:" you only rebid 2 if you know that partner has a heart
Reese said, 2H is the only correct rebid because the heart fit might otherwise
be lost.
Had Shapiro known the heart fit, why didn't he open 1H?
Had Reese known the heart fit, why didn't he respond 2H, like
the Americans at the other table?
发帖数: 295
来自主题: Bridge版 - 6-8 or 8-10?


For this particular hand, to pass 1S may be a good idea.
Generally, I think the 1NT rebid doesn't promise extras. The reason is that
he may not like to leave you in 1S while 1NT seems "right".
You may raise 2NT with the hand above.
Moreover, with 4243 or 4342 minimum, will you rebid 1S over 1H or 1NT?
if you always rebid 1S with 4 of them, then partner's 1NT cannot promise
any extras because he has no idea about your diamond length and thus even
can not make a "preference" in diamonds.
发帖数: 623
来自主题: Bridge版 - seeking advice on bidding of this hand
pd will pass 2D with Axxxx Axx xx xxx for sure. When you rebid 1NT, at least
you always expect a positive score, when you rebid 2D, it's far from certain.
You can actually get minus on a hand that's cold for game.
It's a misunderstanding that rebidding minor just shows 5 of them. True it
does not necessarily guarantee 6, but it does show a playable suit at least.
Here this Qxxxx is clearly not, and unless raises you, you never want to
suggest this D as a possible stream.
In fact 2D makes things
发帖数: 472
来自主题: Bridge版 - new minor forcing
how do you play this convention?
Googled and found out not all bids are well defined.
it's common agreement that
(1) opener's rebid of responder's major suit shows 3-card support
(2) opener's rebid of the other major shows a 4-card suit
(3) opener's rebid of his minor suit shows 5+ cards
how about the other bids?
e.g. 1D - 1H - 1NT - 2C - ?
what do 2S, 2NT, 3C, 3S mean here?
Some suggests that openner uses these bids to show stoppers, so the
partnership can reach the most likely game 3NT. Some
发帖数: 472
来自主题: Bridge版 - [合集] new minor forcing
boreas ( 北风之神~在人生的N叉路口) 于 (Mon Jul 9 00:31:18 2007) 提到:
how do you play this convention?
Googled and found out not all bids are well defined.
it's common agreement that
(1) opener's rebid of responder's major suit shows 3-card support
(2) opener's rebid of the other major shows a 4-card suit
(3) opener's rebid of his minor suit shows 5+ cards
how about the other bids?
e.g. 1D - 1H - 1NT - 2C - ?
what do 2S, 2NT, 3C, 3S mean here?
Some suggests that o
发帖数: 3277
来自主题: Bridge版 - 谁能给讲讲2NT after 1H/S
This 2NT is called Jacoby 2NT, showing a good hand with 4 card support in
major and normally no singleton in side suits.
For the opener,
any new suit at 3 level after 2NT is to show a singleton or void.
rebid of the major showing a good 6 card suit without singleton or void.
rebid of 4M shows a minimum opener.
4 lever new suit shows a 5 card side suit. 3NT shows a balanced hand,
above 15 HCP.
That's it.
发帖数: 244
来自主题: Bridge版 - 谁能给讲讲2NT after 1H/S
Jacoby 2NT is use for game forcing, showing 12+ pt and trump supporting.
Opener should rebid his singleton or void at 3 level.
If opener rebid his major suit at 3 level, it shows he has extra length
and no singleton.
3NT to show 15-18 pts, no singleton
If he has another strong suit (4+), he should bid out at 4 level.
With minimum, he shoul just accept game invitation.
发帖数: 295
来自主题: Bridge版 - where to land?

What's the difference between solid and independent?
This is a matter of style. But with this hand a rebid of 2D lose nothing
if there's no point to find 44 fit, why did you want to take 4H rebid
(after 3D jumping) as suit?(article 2557) funny.
no difference between 4405/4414/3325/3334/3434/4324/3316... actually any
distribution is possible, and you call it a perfect call?
Yes, with your example above only.
Again, contradict with your analysis earlier. if 3H is cuebid, why opener's
4H is
发帖数: 3277
来自主题: Bridge版 - more on bidding(1)
if you don't bid your spade, you may miss spade fit sometimes.
if you bid 1S, you can always rebid NT over pd's raise to show a weak
sp suit and suggestions to NT.
The logic is similiar to this one;
when you hold
Sxxx HKxx DQTx DATxx
if pd opens 1S, you can always raise him to 2S then later
rebid NT if possible to show your NT oriented hand.
but if you don't raise pd, you might not show your 3 card support
at all which can be critical sometimes if pd holds strong sp suit and
unbalanced hand.
发帖数: 3277
来自主题: Bridge版 - some common hands

I bid 4D. over 4S I bid 5C to make the last slam try.
pd still may have something like this:
SAxx HJxx DAKxxx CAx.
I'd not rebid 3NT.
over 4NT, I'd jump to 6C. 7C need very little from pd:
SAxxx HKx DAKxxx Cxx would have some play.
or even:
SAKxx HKx DAxxxx Cxx. that's why I am against 3NT. this hand
is too distributional. I'd rather rebid 4C to show my strong C holding.
I'd lead CQ. another choice is D7. CQ is slightly better because
once a while they may have a running D suit when pd has stro
发帖数: 3277
来自主题: Bridge版 - Simple bidding question
It's marginal.
1S rebid shows good 11-bad 18, however your good 17 has
some potential if the hand fits well.
you may have a a reasonable 4H if partner has something like:
Sxxx HKQxxx Dx Cxxxx
anyway, if it's MP, I'd just rebid 1S, if it's IMP, I tend to overbid
to 2S.
发帖数: 623
来自主题: Bridge版 - a slam bid problem
I think there's some merit to treat 4D as splinter in such sequence,
especially if the response is constructive, i.e, promises 2 of the 3 top
The idea is that there's a good chance that 2C opener has a long solid suit,
so the responder should often treat opener's rebid of suit as that. On the
other hand, strong 4-4-4-1 (or 5-4-3-1) hands are always the hardest to treat.
So after the constructive response, and opener's suit bid, generally
responder's any rebid should be cuebid, assuming o
发帖数: 3277
来自主题: Bridge版 - a slam bid problem
the problem is that you might not always hear partner responds 2C
when you open 1D. you often have no good rebid if partner bids 1H/S/NT,
well, arrows suggests a 3C rebid, usually it shows at least 4 clubs, but now
... I am just wondering this might happen sometimes:
1D 1N
3C ?
wow, 7C is possible when I hold:
SKQx Hxxx D- CAxxxxxx
but I don't know how to ask for key cards,
ok, let's try 6C only,
1D 1N
3C 6C
oops, I'd rather bid 6D,
1D 1N
3C 6C
6D ?
can I correct it to 7C? perhaps may not have
发帖数: 295
来自主题: Bridge版 - 1c or 1d?

with 4-4 minor usually I open 1C, unless the singleton in spade and have
a rebid problem. In this case you open 1D so that you can rebid 2C over a
1S response.
for balanced hand with weak clubs, some choose to open 1D because they don't
like partner lead a club if your side has to defense this hand.
with 4 diamonds and 5 clubs, sometimes you still have to open 1D if you want
show both minors with a minimum. This method creates a problem when partner
doubleton in both minors,
发帖数: 623
来自主题: Bridge版 - 1c or 1d?
A very good question, and even in the expert circle, you get split answers,
and some of them would even have very strong opinions.
Here's my view. I think instead of a definite answer, a more useful tool is to
figure out along what lines to think, and what criteria to take. There are two
important factors in your decision: rebid & lead directing, and in that order.
arrowhits' desciption on the rebidding issue is on target. Let me explain the
lead direction consideration. When you are 3rd or some
发帖数: 295
来自主题: Bridge版 - 6-8 or 8-10?
There's significant difference between 1C and 1D open.
1NT response to 1C is 8-10 HCP on many textbook. Because when you have a 5-7
balanced, you may bid 1D (sometimes with 3 diamonds) and then rebid 1NT,
if the auction continues. So here the 1NT rebid by responder is rather a
when opening 1D, no room for this kind of maneuver and you don't like response
1H without real heart suit. Thus a 1NT response shows 5-9 Hcp and 2NT shows
Now you can see only an immediate 1NT response to 1
发帖数: 3277
1S 2C
we have had the problem of showing balanced hand with 3 or more
trump support for a long time, some play 1S 2NT to show balanced
hand, however, 2NT takes up a lot of bidding space.
One solution is to play 2C as either real C suit, gameforcing or
3 or more spade support, game forcing.
2D: artificial relay, showing no features.
any rebids other than 2S would guarantee a real club suit.
and 3 level rebid other than 3S would show extra values. Without extra, bid 2
发帖数: 623
来自主题: Bridge版 - seeking advice on bidding of this hand
This is a situation that you choose the least among evils. Reversing to H with
this terrible suit, 16 count, only A being a singleton, is evil. But then, so
are rebidding 1NT. And the biggest evil among all would be rebidding 2D, I'll
have to say.
So I think 2S would be the least among all evils. If you can survive that bid,
you are in great shape.
Actually I'd open this hand 1NT and hope to survive that.

发帖数: 2449
来自主题: Bridge版 - seeking advice on bidding of this hand
Open 1NT is a good though.
But rebidding 1NT after 1s? not good ba
Why the biggest evil is rebidding 2D?
first of all, open 1D is 4 card, bidding a suit show 5 cards and show no NT
interests is not that bad ba.
IF you PD have some streng, he could bid 2S after 2D.
then you should have a 4S. or if he has 4H, he could bid 2H...
even he has C suite other than S and around 10 points, he could bid 2NT.
so what do you lost for 2D?

发帖数: 3277
来自主题: Bridge版 - Weak NT structure
1NT 2D

So you can probably play 12-16 1 level openings, something like blue club.
this shows 11-12 if you play 13-15 1NT opening.
this is upto your opening style and responding style.
If you open 1NT with 5-3-3-2, 5 card major, 2NT should be
some conventional meanings.
one good convention is to show 6 solid hearts + some meat in side suits:
It's often hard to define the jump rebid hand types for precision,
because there are not many hands that justify a jump rebid.
For exam
发帖数: 3277
来自主题: Bridge版 - bidding question
opener can rebid 4S over 3D as splinter. over 3D rebid, one should be able
to show this feature. 3S isn't as descriptive as 4S.
发帖数: 623
来自主题: Bridge版 - 【每周一题】 It's Your Call
After 1H-1S, I bid 1NT. 1x-1y-2z is usually a much harder sequence to handle
, whereas there are so many tools for 1x-1y-1N. I only get myself into that
sequence if I have extra shape or extra strength. When you have a minimum
without shape, and pd has a minimum gf, if you can't make 3NT, 5m is usually
way out too. Same thing, if I have a 6/7 card m, 6-3-2-2 or 7-2-2-2, I'll
rebid 1NT with minimum. So when I rebid 2m, it's much easier for pd to judge
. Occasionally I play in a bad 1NT where 2m i
发帖数: 20570

In this hand, Zia and Rosenberg overbid to 4S after 1H(opp) 1S p 2H p 2S p
3N p 4S.
Of course this is a typical hand showing that the standard new suit
nonforcing style is very difficult to play even for top pairs like Zia and
Rosenberg. One clear improvement is to make 1S overcall sounder, usually in
the range of 1 HCP lower than a typical opening minimum and the responder should
play new suit one round forcing(still, it doesn't guarantee a rebid after
non... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 20570
来自主题: Bridge版 - 飞还是挤
Here, there are quite a few different schools. One is to play any suit bids
as cuebids to show honors, this is tuned for slam bidding purpose, which is
fine if 3C shows clear slam interest.
Another is to play every bid as natural. This is good for marginal slam
decisions based on shape and game decisions.
A third school is to play a hybrid method. So 3D/H are natural. new suits
are cuebids.
A 4th is to play the 4th suit to show doubts in 3NT, which is strongly tuned
to 3NT bidding, for example x... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 623
来自主题: Bridge版 - 叫牌问题(12)
I also play a pass suggests to defend. This does not have to be based on
loads of value or trump stacks, especially when it gets higher and higher.
I'd bid 4C now. This should show a tolerance of D suit, and suggest a
different strain. Since with strong D raise, you have 4D available. I almost
never play 4m as invitations (including your previous post) -- that bid is
there just to win bidding contest and not bridge.
This 4C should also be game forcing for the same reason. So pd should bid
his 4 ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 524
来自主题: Bridge版 - 【每周一题】叫牌探讨
3H as splinter is of course pure nonsense.
As you know, these people just always seems to play the right convention at
the right moment.
Have you ever seen they play an inconvenient convention for the problem given
The right answer, of course is to response 2C over 1D, not 1S.
If you bid 1S with this, you will have a zillion rebid problems later, which
of course, can be solved by using conventions, XYZ or 4SF comes to your
ha, unlucky, partner rebid 2D, then you stuck. But that's not ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2804
来自主题: Bridge版 - some hands in regional (1)
Actually you may be allowed to play 2D if you are in 4-2 fit. The reason is
that the opponents will have too many diamonds (and not enough hearts) to
balance. Think about 1D-1S-2C-2D, say partner holds 5422 shape, is the
opponent going to balance on pass-out seat with 3 hearts and 4 diamonds?
Opening 1C then rebidding 2C is 本手. Rebidding 1NT is fine if you have a
good 重询手段 to cater for the singleton spade case.
发帖数: 524
来自主题: Bridge版 - some hands in regional (3)
None IMP,
S AK8732
H A5
D K74
C K3
partner open 1C, you 1S, he rebids 1N?
you play New minor forcing, and jump rebid 3S is invitational.
What is your plan?
发帖数: 2804
来自主题: Bridge版 - NABC+ Swiss Team (6)
There are different schools of 2/1. Some play that 1H-2m-2S doesn't show
extra value, then H-S-S would show 5-6, strength undefined. Others play that
1H-2m-2S shows extra (although it doesn't have to be as strong as true
reverse), so H-S-S would show 5-6 and strong hand, while H-H-S shows 4-6 or
5-6 weakish hand. Another factor is whether 1H-2m-2H promises 6+ cards. If
2H rebid doesn't promise 6+, then with many 4-6 shape you would just rebid
3H again, unless your 4-card spades are strong.
发帖数: 1284
来自主题: Bridge版 - lets discuss a hand
Qustion 1: I will rebid 1NT, which I think is the best description of this
hand. It doesn't deny the holding of 4 hearts so we won't miss a possible 4-
4 heart game. If you choose to rebid 2C, then partner might think that you
have at least 9 cards in minors to make it meaningless to pursue heart game
even if he has 4 hearts other than 6 spades.
Question 2: I will choose 4S as my AKs are better for suit contract but it
is my personal preference.
发帖数: 20570
来自主题: Bridge版 - lets discuss a hand
I think 1NT wins more times in MP, as long as partner doesn't bid 2S with 5
spades and bad hands (Also, you may easily miss some cold slams in D or H).
2D would usually lead to reasonable games and slams, but may lead to some 5-
1 or 5-0 fit 2D and may miss some really nice H partials (and games
sometimes)... 2C may miss the most likely making contract of 1NT in a
seemingly misfit hand. So it's bad in both MP and IMP...
In R-S' original system, they play reverse to be game forcing, which means
t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1153
来自主题: Travel版 - Cheap hotels 攻略
写的不错。但是个人认为你的所谓free rebid zone的理解有些风险
对于SFO 3*以上酒店来说应该只有一个free rebid zone: lombard,因为这个区没
有超过2星的酒店。虽说一般情况union square那边3星不太可能bid到40这么低,但是
理论上还是有可能的,如果你必须住在SFO附近,不小心bid到union square去了,还是
另外个人认为那个机场的Best Western绝对是个好deal,趴车还免费。只可惜这几天我几次bid 在50以下都没有拿到。

发帖数: 906
来自主题: Travel版 - Priceline每天可以bid多少次?
我bid 3*的,所以每次算有一个rebid机会
最后把first/last name换了再来重复,才bid到,前后一共13次
换email换card还是不够的,即使我每次用不同的virtual cc&email,
first/last name搞错了,一般去hotel跟人解释一下都没啥问题的
发帖数: 1634
发帖数: 2622
经过慎重考虑,我们决定推出一个帮您Bid 的专业程序: "Priceline Bidding Helper"
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现在这个程序还在测试当中,它使用完全透明的Free Rebid 方法帮助您Bid到最低的
Priceline 的Bid 价格. 请大家免费试用.
系统为 Windows 并安装有 Firefox
发帖数: 827
来自主题: Stock版 - 有人对VeriSign公司感兴趣吗
I am not 高人。I just happen to knowVerisign. The 6-year is not a rebid, but
a renewel. As long as Verisign fulfill its responsibilities, it gets the
next six year. Neither ICCAN nor VRSN can afford change.

[发表自未名空间手机版 - m.mitbbs.com]
发帖数: 15860
俺见过最长的一个,你猜多少年了? 27年!而且还没有结束的迹象。
发帖数: 31
来自主题: Bridge版 - Bidding after a reverse
This is a hand I played in club last night, since my partner and I did not
have an agreement of the following bid after a reverse, it was bad.
My hand was :
D: A
1C P 1S P
2H P 2S P
3C P 3N P
4C P P P
I thought we were playing lebonsol 2NT slow down, so his 2S shows a decent
hand. I rebid 3C, he bid 3N. I think I have a chance to make a slam, if he
has heart shortness and some clubs. I bid 4C and he passed.
Dummy comes down to:
D: X
The actual han
发帖数: 4965
From http://www.mcn.net/~jimloy/reviewc.html#def
* hints Suggests a bid. yes/no.
* takeback Undo bid. yes/no.
conventions Significant optional conventions.
rebid Restart bidding. yes/no.
explain bids yes/no.
systems A list of bidding systems.
Abbreviations: SA = Standa
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