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发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 讨论下这手牌
AK for weak preflop raise -> weak flop call in position -> strong turn
action in position?
same for AT except that preflop is ok now.
发帖数: 274
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 讨论下这手牌
he showed Ad3d,I would argue the middle ground between AK and AT!
I never saw how much he raise preflop on AK, it is a little low but not too out of range for this villain.
In retrospect, I feel his delayed flop call represents a range of AQ, AK, A3
, AT and big flush. He probably doesn't have a big pair based on preflop min
raise, and would fold things like 99c.
I feel other legitimate hand (set or baby flush) would see a reraise on the
flop to charge the draw.
My bet on the flop and check on ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 周末在WV玩了(上)
现说Hollywood这个poker room吧,论硬件,不如周围的delaware park,狭长的一个屋
/5 PLO这样的大桌,在非赌城之外不多见。
1)一个超级LAG,坐下来$300,calls preflop $15, re-raise and calls all-in on
985 flop with 93o (oh, yeah) vs. QQ, hits 3 on river... feels like a hero,
lol. then donks keep bluffing him with air, and he hero calls with bottom
pair alike hands, soon builds his ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1128
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 周末在WV玩了(中)
I've seen a guy (a young Korean) who won 5000$ in one session at a 1-3NL game
. He won over 10000$ in that week. He was fearless. He bet 300 with 7 high
many times and he likes to show his bluff to the table. That's actually how
he won all the money, because nobody believed him. Even the biggest nit
called his preflop all in with only 10 J when he actually had KK. He kept
telling me that it is good to show people his bluff because everyone would
pay him off when he actually has a hand, which is ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164

Another article on this subject. I agree with a lot of points of the
author. I started with live cash game, actually not used to online cash
game at beginning when starting 2-4 Rush back then. A lot of more 3 betting
online and a lot of players would like to put whole stack in preflop with hands like JJ, AK.
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 讨论一手以前打的live 牌
my bad that I missed something in the orignal post. both limpers called
100$ raise preflop and there were straddle . So the pot is 430$ preflop.
Onec factor we may consider when making these decision that the stack
in the game was so deep and the game was very loose. The game had a few new
comers/fishes , not much balance needed. I agree that a lot of online
cash players think too much about balance in live game.
With my super tight image and they may already know that I had QQ+, I
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 说到AA quads
MP老中,不是on tilt就是loose了,opens for $10 ($100 left),中间老美,还行,
raises to $30,他有raise这么大with marginal hands的前科,俺LP,short stack $
130,无脑推了。BB是个新来的,看来是reg,smooth calls,俺脚得这下基本完蛋了。
preflop 500的锅,俺低看QQ一声叹息。
flop: Axx,剩下两人各剩200多,BB老头阴阴的bet奇怪的$52,老美蹩红了脸,又是一
turn: A,俺心想难道还有一线生机?老头shoves about $170-180,老美crying call。
river: blank
dealer叫floor,再送老头$250 high hand bonus,老头坐下来还不到一圈。
俺打的话,可能下意识的就preflop push了,让老美还是有相当可能痛苦扔掉。
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 说到AA quads
I probably just shove pre-flop if I were him.
I always prefer AAs against 1 player preflop, 2-3 is too crowed. I saw many
times that mutiple ppl all-in pre-flop, second best hand or even worst hand
preflop win the pot.
I will shove or at least re-reraise, try to isolate against u. It is a nice
pot already.
I don't think it will make any difference for KK guy though. He will just
think I may isolate u with AK or AQ. Whether he Call or move-in, he
basically commit to the pot already.
发帖数: 241
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 这样的牌怎么打?
1/3NL, I had $400, she had $120. She raised preflop to $60. Not long ago I
had seen her raise preflop with AQ, flopped nothing on the flop, and still
shoved. Everybody else folded. I had AKo. What should I do?
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 这条line怎么样?
I think your record at NL400 rush is very good. The preflop leak you
mentioned is definitely there and rush gives you a chance to exploit that
much more frequent. You probably also have a very good and balanced steal
resteal strategy at late position with your experience in HUSNG, along with
the few big preflop leaks you can exploit. I am not surprised that you can
make a good profit.
The nature of Holdem game has decided that for full ring game, peoplep plays
a tighter game has an edge post f... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
1) 如同房市的location, location, location,扑克的position, position,
2)什么牌都一定争取想10秒钟,不管是fold, call, raise,脑子多转一个弯太不一样
确实,stack越深,67o这样的牌潜力越大,preflop raise先下手为强增加隐蔽性,没
hit flop也容易扔或者因地制宜(因为preflop action)。这种牌伤起人来经常是stack

发帖数: 1394
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - One hand last night
i'm fine with preflop play.
don't like chk-raise on the flop.
preflop这样玩的宗旨是希望中tptk拿下一个中等的锅,或者中一个strong draw(flush
draw with overs)玩semi-bluff。flop chk-raise,我觉得违背了这个出发点。

reraised to $160. Both I and the
he called my $50 raise.
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 今天的2把KK
都输了。 parx 1/2
第一把, 没意思, EP raised 7$ couple callers, I reraised to 35,
sb short stack shoved $110, bb donked calls with 165$ left. all folded. I re-shoved all in and had both covered. sb QQ, bb didn't show. Turn was Q. luckily still made 55$ from the deeper stack.. hehe.. the original raiser 是个棒子, 他说他是JJ. big mistake to tell me what he has, 这是后话。
第二把,有点意思 lp raise 15 他有大该250, 那个棒子call. 我在dealer, 有700筹码, 棒子比我多。 我3 bet 45. lp calls. 棒子over shove all in. 我想了大该20 秒, 轻松fold 掉。 lp, 把牌开开, 是QQ, 磨磨唧唧, 说... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 今天的2把KK
well played.
I only folded KK once for below 200 BB effective in live game. He showed
But for deeper stack, I do not 4 bet with KK often.

re-shoved all in and had both covered. sb QQ, bb didn't show. Turn was Q.
luckily still made 55$ from the deeper stack.. hehe.. the original raiser 是
个棒子, 他说他是JJ. big mistake to tell me what he has, 这是后话。
筹码, 棒子比我多。 我3 bet 45. lp calls. 棒子over shove all in. 我想了大该
20 秒, 轻松fold 掉。 lp, 把牌开开, 是QQ, 磨磨唧唧, 说不能fold, 我偷笑,
我KK 都fold 了。 call. 棒子show AA. 他问我是... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2801
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 今天的2把KK
第二把 AA感觉打的很好啊,即可以让250的跟进,又可以push走deep-stake而且在

re-shoved all in and had both covered. sb QQ, bb didn't show. Turn was Q.
luckily still made 55$ from the deeper stack.. hehe.. the original raiser 是
个棒子, 他说他是JJ. big mistake to tell me what he has, 这是后话。
筹码, 棒子比我多。 我3 bet 45. lp calls. 棒子over shove all in. 我想了大该
20 秒, 轻松fold 掉。 lp, 把牌开开, 是QQ, 磨磨唧唧, 说不能fold, 我偷笑,
我KK 都fold 了。 call. 棒子show AA. 他问我是不是KK, 我说是, 他说你怎么不
call, 我说, poker god 要我输钱, 我out play 他了。 lol. ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 39
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 今天的2把KK

re-shoved all in and had both covered. sb QQ, bb didn't show. Turn was Q.
luckily still made 55$ from the deeper stack.. hehe.. the original raiser 是
个棒子, 他说他是JJ. big mistake to tell me what he has, 这是后话。
筹码, 棒子比我多。 我3 bet 45. lp calls. 棒子over shove all in. 我想了大该
20 秒, 轻松fold 掉。 lp, 把牌开开, 是QQ, 磨磨唧唧, 说不能fold, 我偷笑,
我KK 都fold 了。 call. 棒子show AA. 他问我是不是KK, 我说是, 他说你怎么不
call, 我说, poker god 要我输钱, 我out play 他了。 lol. 其实他JJ preflop
都丢了, 这里那么深, 只能是AA. (看来我也能把对手读出一手牌来, 呵呵)。
他这牌其实也打得够差的。他前面... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1114
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 今天的2把KK
both LP and MM can fold this. The only hand of 棒子 could have is AA/KK.
Push 700+ all-in with just 100+ in pot? was he panic? he does not play deep
stack well.
what would MM do if 棒子 4 bet with around 150? 100 on top? this also
introduces the lp shove/commit and MM will be the sandwich... lol

re-shoved all in and had both covered. sb QQ, bb didn't show. Turn was Q.
luckily still made 55$ from the deeper stack.. hehe.. the original raiser 是
个棒子, 他说他是JJ. big mistake to tell me what he has, 这是后话。
筹... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 今天的2把KK
我看他既然没有3 bet, 可能最好就是prelfop call. pot 130$ spr 6. not bad to stack my KK post flop. 如果他3 bet, 我4 bet 那他再call, 就更好了, 因为spr 更小. 这种KK AA, preflop 有3 bet 4 bet. 其实300bb stack 都不算深. preflop 稍微有点耐心, post flop 就打到all in 了.
发帖数: 1114
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 今天的2把KK
if he 4 bet 100 more on top, would you still fold your KK?

stack my KK post flop. 如果他3 bet, 我4 bet 那他再call, 就更好了, 因为spr
更小. 这种KK AA, preflop 有3 bet 4 bet. 其实300bb stack 都不算深. preflop
稍微有点耐心, post flop 就打到all in 了.
发帖数: 2801
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 今天的2把KK
I c the point now. But usually AA would be satisfied to get one target
totally hooked I guess. Maybe I'm still too conservative...

stack my KK post flop. 如果他3 bet, 我4 bet 那他再call, 就更好了, 因为spr
更小. 这种KK AA, preflop 有3 bet 4 bet. 其实300bb stack 都不算深. preflop
稍微有点耐心, post flop 就打到all in 了.
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 大家谈谈physical tell 把
大家聊聊在打live时,经常注意哪些tell, 或一些用tell获取有用信息的例子。
开始打online 后,live 打的不多,但我觉得我在利用phyical tell读取信息这
方面是很差的。 能从Phyical tell读取有用信息,可能是好的 live player 同
onlineplayer比较最大的优势。 看johnny chan 的这个 legendary fold,

在river,他根本没有考虑去call. 这就是一个顶级live pro的精彩表演。这是
online player 不可能有的武器。 跟很多好的Live Player 聊过,有人讲Live poker
很大程度就是打tell, 要读懂别人的tell, 同时自己不要给人tell. 看看 Patrick
Anotonius, 在他那张脸上读出点东西太难了。
Here is my example :
The first ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 一千里路云和月之12/23/11
关键字:poker god.
A8 vs. A6 on A826的turn,bet/raise big, river 6, shit,$250没了。
*********** 严重miss value的一把:
Qd2d at BB in limped pot, flop: Kd8d7d
bet $10, 2 callers, one loose black guy raises to $40 (we each have $400+
turn: blank, check/check
river: Ad (shit), bet $65, black guy shakes his head with sucked out face,
finally calls with 5d9d.
********** 接下来一把更靠:
一个reg老爷爷UTG $15,老爷爷一个小时了也没有preflop raise过,隔壁女“加热器
”chip le... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 155
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Flop question
Thanks for the your replies. I agree checking and betting are close.
It is safe to check it down without risking more money. But checking runs
the risk of overcards connecting with opponents and being bluffed out of the
pot on the turn or river. I have the best hand now a significant percentage
of time. Betting may take down the pot immediately and fits my aggressive
So I bet $20, expecting two folds. The limper folded but the preflop raiser
check-raised me to $45. I was pretty unhappy.
W... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1691
Happy new year, gamblers! ^_^
I was playing in a local poker club for almost half a year. The game is $1/$
3 with unlimited straddle and sleeper. It is at the similar level as $2/$5
in Borgata. Preflop bet is usually $15 to $25.
Last nite, there were 9 ppl. I played with most of them before. Half of the
players is LAG. 1/2 of these LAGs can bet/call/raise with any two cards
Villain is super aggressive. Lots of cbets and many bluffings.
He bought in $1k or $2K every time, a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 817
I think a table full of LAGs are actually super easy to play. Just play
tight and get all in preflop.
Buy in short and limp reraise/3-bet/squeeze all in with decent hands like AQ
, TTs, or even JTs. With so much dead money in the pot, the strategy will be
basically unexploitable.
Playing this way, you will become a headache for those LAGs since they can
no longer 3-bet light or call preflop raise light when you are in the hand.
发帖数: 1128
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 谁帮我分析一把牌
“太追求打牌的creativity,过分的追求balance/widen range,让别人猜不到我的牌
。preflop的loose call就是让对手知道我的preflop call可能是any two card。殊不
知,过于的balance range会丧失optimality(EV)。”
————这个我严重同意。我有时就犯这种错误,比如pre-flop open with 10 9o之类
想着post flop可以outplay对手,其实要让对方把好牌FOLD了没那么容易,特别在别人

发帖数: 44
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - [新手讨论]Flush Draw打法
Weak。。基本我拿到大牌或者对子,preflop $7 肯定有人跟,就算flop没击中,bet $
这里贴一手Flush draw得牌,我还是觉得不知道该怎么打,请各位指点。
Me(MP):As 6s
Preflop: EP bet$17, I call, LP call
Flop:10s Ks Jh
EP Bet $27, I call, LP all in ($150), I have $200
我应该怎么办?我有flush和straight draw,outs不算A我有12, 赢面大概是50%, 但
是我觉得为draw这种东西去all in很不值阿。。
发帖数: 327
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Please help me with these hands (Part III)
5. I had about $300 at MP with KJ hearts limp because I know the LAG 3 seats
behind at SB would raise (he raises preflop many hands). LAG at SB raised
to $6. EP who limped called, 2 other guys and I called.
Flop was a beauty, heart heart heart, something like 9 6 5.
LAG bet $16. EP reraised to $40. EP guy had about $400. I don't have info
about EP. At least in the past 30mins when I joined the table, he didn't
play play much.
I decided to reraise him because:
One, I don't think LAG guy had any. ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 56
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 2-2 NL holdem
I went to casino once in a week or so, lost some money previously, but get
on track lately.
Hero has 240 euros left, villian just came in but he has hero covered. Hero
has been playing really tight in the past 2 hours.
10 player altogether
Villian: UTG+3
Hero: sb
Hero was dealt with 9Js
Preflop: 3 limpers ahead, hero and bb checked, so 5 players to go
Flop: 998 with two hearts
Hero check,
BB check,
Villian bet 12 euros into the 10 euro pot,
a loose player at mp calls,
one folds
Hero check raised... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 95
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 昨晚的牌
1/2/2 is the money btn/sb/bb need to pay preflop. 4 to open the pot as
minimal bet. min/max buyin: 40/200
2/3/5 is the money btn/sb/bb need to pay preflop. 5 to open.
min/max buyin: 200/500
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 这个consulting太牛逼了
RIVER上,POT 540*2+100*2+70*2+15=1435, 你只有1400-70-100-540 = 690,
RIVER BLUFF.他的牌是明牌(,因为它call了turn reraise),一个大对子加一张大红桃
。他用590刀去赢1435+590, RIVER他是不可能FOLD任何大红桃了。所以BLUFF 红桃
RIVER 出其他牌,你能用ALL IN 赢下来的机会也很小。7, 8 ,ace,都算好牌,但即
使如此,出了7,8,ace,他call 你的机会都有50%。
所以river bluff allin 是巨大的-ev.
给对手的odds 又太好。pot: 15+70*2+100*2+200+540 =1095, 对手只要call 540-200=
340。如果对手没有红桃的话,是有可能fold得。但once对手是任何的value hand,你也
是不能让他fold得。(我个人觉得你的turn... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 457
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 这个consulting太牛逼了
Thanks for all the replies and suggestions.
My image on the table is tricky. I only have one showdown (except preflop
all in with short stack) with flopped baby flush. Other than that, I check
raised turn once and got opponents to fold.
I don't incline to fold the flop. To justify the preflop call, we must be
able to win some pots in position with floating and bluffing with
appropriate board texture. Whether I can hit my 4 outs is not that important
. Whether i can bluff him off the pot and when... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 817
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 来讨论一手PLO
Because in Omaha, a hand can never dominate another hand by too much. Even
258J rainbow still has 30%
chance against AAKK double suited.
Because of this, Omaha cannot be no limit. Otherwise a rich, drunk donk can
screw up the whole game by pushing allin on many hands. The game will become
a preflop allin chicken game since, whatever you have, you will rarely be
in huge trouble preflop. There will be no much skill needed.
发帖数: 56
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - How to play this hand?? too interesting
2-2 NL
Hero is at HJ with KdJd, 10 players altogether, 2 or 3 limpers ahead, I
raised to 18 (comtemplating a steal on the flop with position), button (a
very very tight player with around 200 euros) reraised to 38, all folds to
me. I should have folded, but anyhow, can't resist and make the call.
Flop: 9d10dJs
What a flop for me! I am so happy inside, button must have QQ, KK or AA,
either case, I am not behind at least. I don't want to risk more, and just
push all in for the last 180 euros. He d... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 817
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 两手牌

That is fine. Even if Villain calls, the result wont be worse than as if it
was preflop allin.
I use it only against bad players. 7BBs are a lot. It is very tough for them
to call a pot-sized bet with Ace high or king high. A stop and go might
fold their small pairs if there are two or more overcards in the flop.
You use stop and go when you got a weak hand that needs to hit the flop --
and you miss the flop in 2/3 cases. You dont need to stop and go if you got
a big pair -- just... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 817
That hand was a bloated pot preflop (another crazy lag did this by 3-betting
50% of his hand). Hence SPR was only about 6 or 7 on the flop. I was very
happy to get committed with a set on that SPR. The low SPR was the main
reason why AK and A5 were not able to dodge the bullet in that hand.
The flop was something like A45 rainbow, which was a very safe flop, too,
since the initial aggressor on the flop (he didnt 4-bet preflop) was very unlikely to have pocket AAs.
BTW, the funny thing was that o... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4896
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 推荐一个人写的3个系列文章
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Live Game 很多都是limp pot
他们不raise 你raise 哈。有位置啥都可以raise。
2 limper, 我在cut off raise 13$ MP call. 1 fold. I had J3s
flop 25K rain bow.
ep check I bet 18$. He call.
turn 5, he check. i check.
river 9. he check i check.
check down 的原因是我发现他post flop 很tight 的, 加上那干牌面。
我show J high , 他 show 25o with fullhouse.
这牌可有意思了, 他打完后肯定觉得他preflop call 得好。 我打完后觉得我preflop raise 得好,以后基本上有位置,啥都可以raise他的limp. 孰是孰非,只有个人自己体会。
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 被donk抓惨了
I think the turn check/fold or betting/jamming is close, but hate to check
/call with 44 there and face a really tough decision on the river,
especially loose donk may choose to shove river with most of his range.

But I do agree with teacher MM that flat calling preflop is better option
against villian who do not fold to preflop 3 bet much.

发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 有图有真相,嘿嘿
how could you know if your KK is behind? he could do that with TT-QQ as
well, maybe AQ, AK. you need very solid read to fold to KK preflop. Have
you played with him long enough that he only 3 bet preflop with AA? KK vs
AA happpens about every 6k hand for 9 handed table. we play about 20-30
hands/hour in live game, that means you got one KK vs AA cooler once for
every 200 300 hours on average.
I peronsally never fold KK for 100BB effective. just IMHO though.
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - two more live hands
2-5 NL.

A new young white kid just sat down at table and started the hand with
about 750$,I got him covered. He raised to 25 UTG, two callers, I was at SB
with QQ and I reraised to 120$, UTG snap shoved, 2 callers folded, action
to me, call or fold?
2. Villian is an internet kid and used to play a lot online. he is super
lag He raised preflop a ton and 3 bet a ton preflop. And he loves to make
a lot of move and 3 barrel bluff a lot. he is winning player though, with
huge swing. we... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 385
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 昨晚的几首牌
昨晚去离家一个小时的一个小赌场玩了一会,从6点打到11点,up $240...
刚开始的时候牌不好,最好的牌是QTo, hit到nut straight 还是跟别人split pot.
然后8点多的时候来了一个maniac 1, 基本上只要是top pair, 或者是on draw的牌都是
直接shove. 这位哥们在short stack ($100)被清了几次后,开始转运,hit到set,赢
了$100多,拿到一把A5s,flop 55Q5K,结果在他river bet $30后,一位哥们头脑发热
all in,结果他snap call,double up to $350左右。
此后,来了另外一个maniac 2 (长相酷似t-bag),此君pre-flop把把raise (从7到20
一手牌 maniac 2 preflop raise $7, 我左边一位哥们raise到$20,maniac 2 想了一会
call, flop comes AA2, maniac 2 lead out for $20, original raiser s... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
没啥,这牌preflop要是odds不错,人多,$18小意思了,吃着碗里的(dead money),盯
着锅里的(implied odds)。
又上了$xx...泥潭越陷越深,而且是没有希望的深。别说你最后没hit A,hit了可能更
发帖数: 1500
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 一手QQ
bobo兄 你以前一直在玩merge的25NL 6max,来说说这个player pool preflop 3bet/
我打了一阵了,为什么我老觉得everyone is conservative on preflop reraise。
some loose guys always got punished by 4bet light being caught or fold to
5bet shove,再后来,所有人都不4bet light了,反而很多是flat 3bet。还是说这是
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - A 5/10 hand
This turn is a definitely a check raise.
First of all, he might not be bluffing river once you called turn bet.
Second of all, more importantly, if they give you a lot of credit for 3 bet
preflop, you look very bluffy here with your range. The only strong hand
you can have is Ahxh, with very few combo of big x. The rest are over played
over pair + flush draw or pure semi bluff with Ah. I think you might just
get a few 3 bets with set 2 pair or even a nut flush draw if he is agro
simply becaus... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 11
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 求指点,最近的几次比赛。
次bubble,几次final table。
我在想是不是因为输多了,常有bad beat,就胆子变小了,心态失衡,于是就越打越烂。
J7offsuite,他和后面5个人limp in。flop AJ7 rainbow. SB我check,他bet 1000,别
人都fold,我觉得我两对应该比他大,就re-raise to 3000。结果他allin。我call。
他拿着A5。turn safe。river 5。提前出局。
2。又是左面墨西哥胖子,我Button flop straight, raise the 2/3 pot, 他all in
for flush draw, easy call。 he hit flush draw。 又提前出局... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 52
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 0.1/0.25 game, play like crap
anyway, got an online account, playing 0.1/0.25 cash game. 3 days in a row,
down 1 buy-in. Now working on the forth buy-in.
Not sure if I am too loose or not believing other ppl had hands, lose most
of the all-ins. I knew I am a newbee so time to ask questions.
Yesterday section:
played around 100 hands, doing great, winning 60% of the hands going flop.
fold 70% preflop, raise about 20% preflop, LAG image i believe, truth is I
was running cards and getting tons of KQ, KJ, A9o, A10s, so played al... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 385
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - several hands played Sunday and Monday
到赌场比较晚,做下去就玩了1个小时不到up了$56,刚够一个晚上的tournament $55
buyin.于是就退了报名参加MTT. 结果奋战4个小时倒在第6的位置 (前4名有钱)。于
buy in $125. 刚上桌不久就来了一手 JJs at button. raise to $11, got 1 caller
flop: J95 rainbow. cutoff lead out: $15. I thought for a while and flat
called here.
turn: 2. cutoff checked, then I put him on a draw, possible QT or 8T. I
weakly bet $25 and he called.
river: 5. cutoff lead out $45. I only have $78 left, and easy all in for me.
He immediately mucked his hand. yes, he likely has Q hi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 155
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 大战 Motor City
9Ts or 89s is my best guess. Ax possible. A lower pocket pair and a bluff
are pretty remote possibilities.
The problem is preflop. Should reraise to thin the field in a multi-way pot.
If limpers called, your chance of winning the hand would go down very
quickly with increasing number of players in the pot. And make the pot big
so that post flop decisions are easier. Get all-in preflop. Or plan to get
all-in on the flop if no ace flops.
On the turn, seems better to fold. The board is scary. The ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 81
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 百思不得其解,求解
He had a suit connector on spades (TJs/T9s/76s/56s most likely, KTs/KJs not
likely but possible).
1) no raise but called your big raise preflop + he is a tight player, he had
a good starting hand but not a monster preflop hand (AA, KK, QQ, AK can be
excluded). Middle pair (even small pair) or suit connector are most likely.
2) if he had a pair 8, he would slow play his hand. First, he would never
fold and he should be ready to suck all you money into the pot. His all-in
on the turn does not make... 阅读全帖
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