S***c 发帖数: 19 | 1 考虑到有些感兴趣的朋友不能在站内发信或跟贴, 特建立一个临时信箱:
d********[email protected]
还在做功课的同学, 可以到 www.pianobuyer.com 学习.
The New Piano Market Today
其中有一段谈到国产质量consistency 的问题,我觉得是团购时需要考虑的.大家都知
道每个琴是不一样的, 最好是到店里一个一个选, 而我们大多数家长不是这方面的
专家, 也没有这个时间. 团购可以拿到最好的价钱,却没有这个精挑细选的luxury
. ... 阅读全帖 |
s********s 发帖数: 1 | 4 家有五岁娃学习钢琴,遂上网寻找钢琴团购。无奈休斯顿几个钢琴团购活动都在暑期结
,音质符合我的偏好。于是和Houston Piano Company的Meggie联系,到她的店里去咨
Ritmuller UH121 48” – 10 ppl. For $5600 | MSRP $10440.71
Created by master piano designer, Lothar Thomma, this beautiful workhorse of
an instrument brings the very latest in music design and technology to a
piano especially suite... 阅读全帖 |
p*********e 发帖数: 201 | 5 如果各位對珠江鋼琴有所研究,珠江在2000中買下了一個德國品牌的鋼琴稱Ritmuller.
的鋼琴。近這兩三年來所有的團購無論是YAMAHA, KAWAI 或珠江的家長們參加團購的目
趣呢? 如果你不知道Ritmuller 可以參考以下資料。
Larry Fine's Piano Buyer magazine (now also online as www.pianobuyer.com)
has just released their spring edition today and has upgraded Ritmuller
Premium to the TOP of the consumer grade piano Cat... 阅读全帖 |
i***l 发帖数: 75 | 6 【 以下文字转载自 SFparents 俱乐部 】
发信人: iuril (飞天), 信区: SFparents
标 题: 硅谷买钢琴信息汇总
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Mar 28 05:02:29 2010, 美东)
最近为了给孩子买钢琴,做了一些功课,最后买了kawai k2。觉得应该把我做的功课分
Piano buying learning resources:
- The piano book by Larry Fine (newest version is 2001)
- The piano book supplementary book。如果买新琴而不知道众多品牌的差别,一定
online version at: http://www.pianobuyer.com/publication.html
popular online forums:
www.pianoworld.com : 人气最旺,可以查一下网友的成交价,我的价格就是参考这里
www.pianomart.com : 没 |
m******n 发帖数: 118 | 7 I don't play piano yet, but will learn how to play with my 4 year old
daughter soon. After some research(larry book, pianobuy.com, local store etc
), we came down to the below 3 models
Yamaha P22 $4400 plus tax
Yamaha T118$3935 plus tax
Kawai UST-9 $4600 plus tax
Our only local Kawai dealer is going out of business, I was told this is a
good deal. Our potential piano teacher recommend YAMAHA. After our own
research, it seems that KAWAI vs YAMAHA might be a personal preference, but
we haven't eve |
o********e 发帖数: 609 | 8 It requires a lot of knowledge and luck to get a good deal on used piano
that is why most people here go for new ones. If you want to do your own
research, this is where you start: http://www.pianobuyer.com/ |
v*********o 发帖数: 41 | 9 Boston的琴不錯 其實就是Kawai代工的 所以做工品質和Kawai差不多 音色就有點不同
了 這個要自己去彈看看 喜歡Kawai的音色就買Kawai 喜歡Steinway設計的音色 那就買
這個二手琴118高度有點矮 所以價格似乎有點貴了
贊LZ不隨大流 不和一般人一樣只會買Yamaha U1
4000以下可以買到很好的大陸產高度更高的新琴 如果有dealer在附近可以試試看Halun
(海倫)或Ritmuller(珠江的凱撒堡) 這兩個牌子現在的評價都非常好了 如果不信 可以
自己看看這本算是買鋼琴的bible http://www.pianobuyer.com/publication.html
Craigslist上一堆爛琴 如果不懂琴最好不要去碰 |
d********e 发帖数: 925 | 10 http://www.mitbbstw.com/article_t/Parenting/31421403.html
【 以下文字转载自 SFparents 俱乐部 】
发信人: iuril (飞天), 信区: SFparents
标 题: 硅谷买钢琴信息汇总
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Mar 28 05:02:29 2010, 美东)
最近为了给孩子买钢琴,做了一些功课,最后买了kawai k2。觉得应该把我做的功课分
Piano buying learning resources:
- The piano book by Larry Fine (newest version is 2001)
- The piano book supplementary book。如果买新琴而不知道众多品牌的差别,一定
online version at: http://www.pianobuyer.com/publication.html
popular online forums:
www.pianoworld.c |
i*****r 发帖数: 372 | 11 还有一个.
I would suggest using the pricing in Piano Buyer as a negotiating tool.
Free online at www.pianobuyer.com |
W********w 发帖数: 771 | 12 本着科研精神, 花了两天时间看各种论坛,研究大家为什么都喜欢买Yamaha钢琴U1或
U3,结论是质量和保值。 结论本身不出奇, 主要是让我自己信服这个结论。 原来这
钢琴工业对美国市场的入侵其实是跟汽车工业的轨迹是一样的, 几十年来,就跟低中
造, 搞的现在美国只要三家低产的钢琴制造商。估计未来几十年内就是中国汽车和钢
琴在外资的帮助下大规模进军美国了。 “Foreign firms and investors have
combined low-cost Chinese and Indonesian labor with high-quality design and
manufacturing expertise, parts, and materials from Western countries to
greatly increase the quality of low-priced Chinese and Indonesian pianos.”
http://www.pianobu... 阅读全帖 |
i***l 发帖数: 75 | 13 【 以下文字转载自 SFparents 俱乐部 】
发信人: iuril (飞天), 信区: SFparents
标 题: 硅谷买钢琴信息汇总
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Mar 28 05:02:29 2010, 美东)
最近为了给孩子买钢琴,做了一些功课,最后买了kawai k2。觉得应该把我做的功课分
Piano buying learning resources:
- The piano book by Larry Fine (newest version is 2001)
- The piano book supplementary book。如果买新琴而不知道众多品牌的差别,一定
online version at: http://www.pianobuyer.com/publication.html
popular online forums:
www.pianoworld.com : 人气最旺,可以查一下网友的成交价,我的价格就是参考这里
www.pianomart.com : 没 |
S***c 发帖数: 19 | 17 多谢西西里关注!我从你们那次的团购讨论中学到很多, 也促使我觉得Kawai K3确实
是个good value (跟马哈和入门三脚琴必较).
我这之前浪费了很多时间看入门三角琴(我先生想一步到位 ;).这里韩国琴dealer
较多(made in Indonesia, China, or Korea).国产珠江和海伦里的高端琴按SMP
(suggested maximum price)和质量来说是不错的value. 可是只有encore卖, 价钱
后来偶然发现你们团购的都是Kawai K3, 评价确实不错.初,中级学习都够用了.在
pianobuyer.com是归在professional 档的, 高于大部分consumer档.
就在我犹疑不定的时候, 错过了你们的团购.估计在Dallas 不太容易拿到你们那样
!这样运费可以低些! |
s**X 发帖数: 397 | 18 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
Snowc (May) 于 (Tue Aug 2 18:57:39 2011, 美东) 提到:
最近受这里旧帖的启发, 决定买Kawai K3, 可是错过了前面两次Dallas的团购. 据我
调查, 现在Dallas的行情是这样的: Metroplex Warehouse 是DFW 独家代理Kawai,
Fort Worth 那家已经不再卖Kawai. MW 很牛. 最低价是$5306+tax, incl. delivery
and tuning, and assuming a rebate of $200 in September. 不能再低, 不做
这个价跟以前的团购价比起来, 觉得有点亏. 好在是当地送货和调音.
那么我们在DFW的家长还有什么选择呢? 可以参加外州的团, 省税却加运费. 目前我
还没有找到合适的. 恰好最近Houston 正在组一个大团, 可以包括全德州的. 到DFW
的运费是四五百刀, 但如果dfw有多家订的话, 可以一起运, 分摊运费(... 阅读全帖 |
w***8 发帖数: 78 | 19 我最近想给孩子买钢琴。去琴行看了看,不太喜欢日本琴。我觉得珠江钢琴(Pearl
Maggie Ying 给了我具体的信息如下。如果大家感兴趣的话可以与我站内联系。也可以
和Maggie Ying直接联系。谢谢!
Maggie Ying
Houston Piano Company
Direct Line: 832.594.7267
Pearl River 48” – 10 ppl. For $3800 | Floor price $5401.68 | MSRP $6489.
59– this is the 3rd run of group buy
Please forward this email to your friends. For any questions please do not
hesitate to call me at anytime.
Pearl River EU122 Video ... 阅读全帖 |
s*****i 发帖数: 5548 | 21 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
wm178 (wm178) 于 h 提到:
Maggie Ying 给了我具体的信息如下。如果大家感兴趣的话可以与我站内联系。也可以
和Maggie Ying直接联系。谢谢!
Maggie Ying
Houston Piano Company
Direct Line: 832.594.7267
Pearl River 48” – 10 ppl. For $3800 | Floor price $5401.68 | MSRP $6489.
59– this is the 3rd run of group buy
Please forward this email to your friends. For any questions ple... 阅读全帖 |
b****0 发帖数: 23 | 26 看了很多帖后终于决定买Ritmuller钢琴。准备组个团团购珠江或者Ritmuller琴 (都
(以上两种brand之一即可)。有兴趣的回帖。截至日: 人数已够日或者3/15/15 (若
以下是 Houston Piano Company 的Meggie Pollio 所提供的具体信息:
Ritmuller钢琴 - Ritmuller UH121 48” – 10 ppl. For $5600 | MSRP $10440.71
Created by master piano designer, Lothar Thomma, this beautiful workhorse of
an instrument brings the very latest in music design and technology to a
piano especially suited to studios and professional venues. Re-engineere... 阅读全帖 |
b****0 发帖数: 23 | 27 看了很多帖后终于决定买Ritmuller钢琴。准备组个团团购珠江或者Ritmuller琴 (都
(以上两种brand之一即可)。有兴趣的回帖。截至日: 人数已够日或者3/15/15 (若
以下是 Houston Piano Company 的Meggie Pollio 所提供的具体信息:
Ritmuller钢琴 - Ritmuller UH121 48” – 10 ppl. For $5600 | MSRP $10440.71
Created by master piano designer, Lothar Thomma, this beautiful workhorse of
an instrument brings the very latest in music design and technology to a
piano especially suited to studios and professional venues. Re-engineere... 阅读全帖 |
T*****5 发帖数: 10 | 29 准备组个团团购珠江或者Ritmuller琴 (都是广州用德国技术设计生产的。Ritmuller
截至日: 人数已够日或者10/15/15 (若 10/15日人数不到,自动废团。
以下是 Houston Piano Company 的 Maggie Pollio 所提供的具体信息:
Ritmuller UH121 48” – 10 ppl. For $5600 | MSRP $10440.71
Created by master piano designer, Lothar Thomma, this beautiful workhorse of
an instrument brings the very latest in music design and technology to a
piano especially suited to studios and professional venues. Re-engineered
with quality components, the range... 阅读全帖 |
T*****5 发帖数: 10 | 30 准备组个团团购珠江或者Ritmuller琴 (都是广州用德国技术设计生产的。Ritmuller
截至日: 人数已够日或者10/15/15 (若 10/15日人数不到,自动废团。
以下是 Houston Piano Company 的 Maggie Pollio 所提供的具体信息:
Ritmuller UH121 48” – 10 ppl. For $5600 | MSRP $10440.71
Created by master piano designer, Lothar Thomma, this beautiful workhorse of
an instrument brings the very latest in music design and technology to a
piano especially suited to studios and professional venues. Re-engineered
with quality components, the range... 阅读全帖 |
e**n 发帖数: 478 | 34 We often talk about the fact that many people buying a baby grand are more
interested in the furniture than they are the instrument. But I sold one the
other day that takes the cake.
A guy came into the store and said he wanted a baby grand. It had to be cheap,
he didn't even care if it had been tuned. But it had to be brand new out of the
crate, and shiny black.
I asked him if he intended to play it. "No! I am redecorating my home, and it
is going to be pure furniture, nothing more." This guy o |
C***y 发帖数: 85 | 35 【 以下文字转载自 SFparents 俱乐部 】
发信人: CAamy (benben), 信区: SFparents
标 题: Does anyone know about Ritmüller piano?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Mar 24 14:08:14 2010, 美东)
Here is from pianobuyer
Until last year, Pearl River's Ritmüller line used the same strung back (
structural and acoustical components) as the Pearl River line, but with
different cabinets. Piano designer Lothar Thomma, mentioned above, was hired
to completely redesign the Ritmüller line from the ground up so that it
would be distinct f |
m******n 发帖数: 118 | 36 I don't play piano yet, but will learn how to play with my 4 year old
daughter soon. After some research(larry book, pianobuy.com, local store etc
), we came down to the below 3 models
Yamaha P22 $4400 plus tax
Yamaha T118$3935 plus tax
Kawai UST-9 $4600 plus tax
Our only local Kawai dealer is going out of business, I was told this is a
good deal. Our potential piano teacher recommend YAMAHA. After our own
research, it seems that KAWAI vs YAMAHA might be a personal preference, but
we haven't eve |
m******n 发帖数: 118 | 37 I don't play piano yet, but will learn how to play with my 4 year old
daughter soon. After some research(larry book, pianobuy.com, local store etc
), we came down to the below 3 models
Yamaha P22 $4400 plus tax
Yamaha T118$3935 plus tax
Kawai UST-9 $4600 plus tax
Our only local Kawai dealer is going out of business, I was told this is a
good deal. Our potential piano teacher recommend YAMAHA. After our own
research, it seems that KAWAI vs YAMAHA might be a personal preference, but
we haven't eve |
C***y 发帖数: 85 | 40 Here is from pianobuyer
Until last year, Pearl River's Ritmüller line used the same strung back (
structural and acoustical components) as the Pearl River line, but with
different cabinets. Piano designer Lothar Thomma, mentioned above, was hired
to completely redesign the Ritmüller line from the ground up so that it
would be distinct from the Pearl River line. The new models are those with
model numbers beginning with UH (verticals) or GH (grands). All the new
models feature solid spru |
i***l 发帖数: 75 | 41 最近为了给孩子买钢琴,做了一些功课,最后买了kawai k2。觉得应该把我做的功课分
Piano buying learning resources:
- The piano book by Larry Fine (newest version is 2001)
- The piano book supplementary book。如果买新琴而不知道众多品牌的差别,一定
online version at: http://www.pianobuyer.com/publication.html
popular online forums:
www.pianoworld.com : 人气最旺,可以查一下网友的成交价,我的价格就是参考这里
www.pianomart.com : 没看过,Larry Fine 书里推荐的
www.pianobroker.com : 没看过,Larry Fine 书里推荐的
www.ptg.org : 钢琴家协会的网站,可以找调琴师和技师
Major brands of traditi |