//- 5.2.3 Generation with minimal changes
package mylib;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
public class Perm implements Iterable>, Iterator> {
final int n;
final int pos[];
final Integer perm[];
final boolean dir[];
final T[] data;
int cnt;
public Perm(List data) {
this.n = data.size();
pos = new int[n];
perm = new Integer[n];
dir = new boo... 阅读全帖
我试着写了下,用java bitset会简单点,assume Location里有block的index, 这种题
class Location{
int idx; //block index
public Location(int idx){
public class myPBuffer extends pBuffer{
BitSet bitSet = new BitSet(1024);
public Location allocate() throws RuntimeException {
return new Location(bitSet.nextClearBit(0));
public void put(Location l, byte[] data) {
int p = l.idx*1024;
int len = Math.m... 阅读全帖
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The Moral Decoding of 9-11
By Prof. John McMurtry
(Journal of 9/11 Studies) - I was sceptical of the 9-11 event from the first
time I saw it on television. It was on every major network within minutes.
All the guilty parties were declared before any evidence was shown. The
first questions of any criminal investigation were erased. Who had the most
compelling motives for... 阅读全帖
那不成写core java了
Re: Should i call EJB′s remove?[ GO TO TOP ]
POSTED BY: Jeryl Cook POSTED ON: June 22 2007 10:56 EDT in response to sawan
Never used it..in most cases u don't n... 阅读全帖
原来java里有balanced的BST, 比C++的好用些,就是接口太多了,记不住。
写了一个求2d overlap矩形面积的题,
public class EPI_14_20_3 {
static class Rectangle {
public int xBeg;
public int xEnd;
public int yBeg;
public int yEnd;
public Rectangle(int xb, int xe, int yb, int ye) {
xBeg = xb;
xEnd = xe;
yBeg = yb;
yEnd = ye;
first, if both B and C override a virtual function foo(), but D did not, the
program is ill-formed anyway. so if both B and C override foo(), D must
also override foo().
Using foo(), this->foo(), or ((A*)this)->foo() are all equivalent since this
always points to an object D, with final overrider D::foo(). so your method
is wrong.
Christie is also being touted as a future presidential nominee of a party
dominated by social conservatives who fear gay marriage will destroy the
nation's moral foundations, even Western civilization itself. It's a party
that gives serious consideration to adulterer and thrice-married Newt
Gingrich, but it has no tolerance for a candidate who supports a tolerant
pro-gay marriage law. Given that reality, why would anyone think Christie, a
possible 2016 candidate for president, will "evolve" like... 阅读全帖
NJ Senate Leaders Challenge Christie on Marriage Referendum
By Julie Bolcer
NJSenateDemocratsGayMarriagex390 (Screengrab) | Advocate.com
Following approval of the marriage equality bill in the New Jersey senate
judiciary committee on Tuesday, the trio of Democratic leaders backing the
measure rejected a suggestion from Governor Chris Christie that the issue be
put to voters in a referendum this fall.
“We do not put civil rights questions on the ballot,” said Senate Majority
Leader Loretta Weinbe... 阅读全帖
But the timing of the president’s veto is designed to erode congressional
support for the bill and put off a politically damaging override vote until
after the November elections.
Obama waited until the very end of the 10-day period he had to issue a veto,
hoping to buy time to lobby members of Congress against the measure.
White House officials also hope congressional leaders will leave Washington
to hit the campaign trail before trying for an override, kicking a vote to
the lame-duck session a... 阅读全帖
The Obama administration's investigation into Toyota safety problems has
found no electronic flaws to account for reports of sudden, unintentional
acceleration and other safety problems. Government investigators said
Tuesday the only known cause of the problems are mechanical defects that
have been addressed by previous recalls.
The Transportation Department, which was assisted by engineers with NASA,
said its 10-month study of Toyo... 阅读全帖
车里已经有两套override system了,叫离合和空挡,另外我等遗老遗少们还以每天
heel and toe downshift为乐呢,装了override怎么降档?
Phone order已经in store pick up了的东西如何改换一张卡付钱?电话了bestbuy他们说只能跑去店里return and rebuy,但是我的东西现在价格已经变了,有没有办法让bb的小二(或者经理)override,return一单,然后override一个一样的价格刷到我的新卡上面去?
== Java ==
1. interface vs abstract class
2. the usages of 'final' keyword
3. overload vs override
4. concept of 'equals' and how to override (need to override hashCode() also)
5. checked vs unchecked exception
== Misc ==
1. 50,000 HTML pages, extract the ones with phone numbers (regex)
2. Find the odd-occurence number in an array (I told him that I have seen
the problem before and he asked the next one)
3. Find the duplicate number in an array of ... 阅读全帖
"Polymorphism is only concerned with the application of specific
implementations to an interface or a more generic base class. Method
overloading refers to methods that have the same name but different
signatures inside the same class. Method overriding is where a subclass
replaces the implementation of one or more of its parent's methods.
Neither method overloading nor method overriding are by themselves
implementations of polymorphism... 阅读全帖
Use factory pattern:
//Define a abstract class Cell which the application (Excel) will
public abstract class Cell {
public TValue getValue();
// Define concrete cell class
public class LiteralCell : Cell { // '500'
public override TValue getValue() { ... }
public class ExpressionCell :Cell { // 'A5 + A10'
public override TValue getValue() { ....}
public class FunctionCell : Cell { // 'f(A1, A2, A5)'
public override TValue getValue() { ....}
// define ... 阅读全帖
这个是我CrimeTypeKey的class,生成composite key object:
public class CrimeTypeKey implements Writable, WritableComparable<
private Text key = new Text();
private IntWritable year = new IntWritable();
public CrimeTypeKey() { }
public CrimeTypeKey(String k, int y)
public static CrimeTypeKey read(DataInput in) throws IOException
CrimeTypeKey keytp = new CrimeTypeKey();
keytp.readFields(... 阅读全帖
// Not thread-safe
// Talk about validation requirement: none vs in next() vs in constructor
private static class DeepIterator implements Iterator {
private final Iterator
// Not thread-safe
// Talk about validation requirement: none vs in next() vs in constructor
private static class DeepIterator implements Iterator {
private final Iterator myIterator;
private final Class eleType;
private final Iterator empty = new ArrayList().iterator();
Code for G question:
public class Solution {
public static class Pair implements Comparable{
int val;
int count;
public Pair(int val, int count) {
this.val = val;
this.count = count;
public int hashCode() {
return val + count * 3;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if ( obj == null ) { return false;}
if ( obj.getClass() != this.get... 阅读全帖
网上申请的,回复的挺快,安排了code challenge,一道题,不限时,半个小时写完了
,发过去,第二天收到了thank you but 88.不知道哪里的问题。
* Write a function that takes two parameters:
* (1) a String representing a text document and
* (2) an integer providing the number of items to return.
* Implement the function such that it returns a list of Strings ordered by
word frequency,
* the most frequently occurring word first.
* Use your best judgement to decide how words are separated.
* Your solution should run in O(n) time where n is the number of cha... 阅读全帖
也写一下最近面的bloomberg 的面经。
总共两次phone interview 每次两个题目。
第一次phone interview
第一题 max stack : 这个是 leetcode 上 min stack 的原题,只是 getMin
第二题 输入 一个String s 在 s 后添加最少的 String s' 得到 新的
String T 是一个 palindromic。
第二次phone interview
第一题 input array of number {1,2,3,4,5,6} return number of array {2
*3*4*5*6, 1*3*4*5*6,1*2*4*5*6,1*2*3*5*6,1*2*3*4*6,1*2*3*4*5 }, 要求 不允许用
my soluction :
publicList getResult(int[] num) {
List res = new ArrayLis... 阅读全帖
最后他老婆的最后他老婆的gc statuc被h1b override了
I don't think that is the case. The wording is wrong.
Green Card is for future employment opportunity which has nothing to do with
current VISA status. You can be in the US with any kind of legal status (F1
/H1B/AP advanced parole) or you can simply stay in foreign countries.
But at any given time, you can only be ONE legal status. That's why once you
use AP to get back to US, H1B is invalid. Otherwise, H1B is valid e... 阅读全帖
5月期的RT看到这么篇有趣的文章,机器流 VS 野兽流, 俺应该算机器流 :)
Of Machines and Beasts http://www.runnersworld.com/race-training/of-machines-and-beast
or Hybrid? :D
Two weeks before the 2012 New York City marathon, I decided to test my
fitness at a small 5K in Queens. I was in my late 30s, and my training had
been solid. Based on the previous year's times, I thought I might be able to
win. Or not.
As I warmed up near the course, I saw two guys doing strides with the form
of col... 阅读全帖
1. rule of thumb: if you override equals, you have to override
hashCode...(though if you don't put your class as key used in
collection/map/set etc, i don't see any point of override hashCode ;-)...well,
if your class is distinct for every instance of it...no need to do this too...
2. (true or not? don't know...though make sense) HashMap/Hashtable will first
check if any two objects hash to the same bucket...by comparing the result
from hashCode...if the two objects map to the same bucket, they
Let me guess what the interviewer want to know one by one:
1) It's java convention that if you override equals method, you should also
override hashcode method. In real situation, it is always true. Otherwise
you don't override either.
2) I think the default hash function should give memory address instead of
constant, because it is much more efficient. So default equals and hashcode
compare the same thing.
3) Constant returned hashcode method is OK (compliable), but actually not a good choice. ... 阅读全帖