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发帖数: 20570
Nobody really knows what's going on in reactor 4 because of the high
radiation level. My estimation is that situation may not look good there. Zr
reacts with water to produce H2 at high temperature, which is the cause of
the fire and explosion there. The pool is at the 5th floor with two big
holes on the wall. Little water has been reported to put there in the past
day (the focus is reactor 3). That probably means that the water level can
go down further. Also that is probably indicated by the ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4429
earning money is diferent story. "Green" Taiwan businessman also like to
do business in mainland china...
if you check the poll in taiwan, I am not sure you are still that optimistic
不管你信不信 反正我是信了
发帖数: 2153
现存的婚姻制度needs to be redefined because nothing is perfect.That's how
the society and technology move forward.
If in today's society some male people, with 200 years old of minds, ask
their women in the family to warp feet and only they can control their lives
. These male people will no longer be accepted by today's rules. So things
are always moving forward. With this in mind, you can be more optimistic and
live longer.
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Hawaii Could Legalize Same-Sex Unions
Posted on November 07, 2010
Hawaii Could Legalize Same-Sex Unions
By Editors
Same-sex civil unions in Hawaii could become state law next year, following
the election victory of pro-gay rights Democratic Gov.-elect Neil
Abercrombie and the rejection of many church-backed candidates, reports
Washington Post.
Democratic majorities were retained in the state House and Senate, which
approved a civil unions bill this year before it was ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Marriage Equality Coming to Maryland?
Posted on November 19, 2010
Marriage Equality Coming to Maryland?
By Julie Bolcer
RichardMadalenox180 (Maryland) |
Out Maryland state senator Richard Madaleno said he is “guardedly
optimistic” that the state legislature will pass a marriage equality bill
in early 2011.
In an interview with Gay Politics, Madaleno put chances in the “six, seven
eight range” on a scale of one to 10 for the bill's passage in the next 90-
day session from January to mid-April of next year.
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Illinois Vote on Civil Unions Today?
Posted on November 30, 2010
Illinois Vote on Civil Unions Today?
By Julie Bolcer
The Illinois House of Representatives could vote on a civil unions measure
for same-sex couples as early as Tuesday during the lame-duck session. The
bill has a strong chance of passage in the senate and Governor Pat Quinn has
pledged to sign it.
According to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, supporters of the measure
including Rep. Greg Harris, the openly gay Democratic sponsor from Chicago,
were still cou... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Yes, it is time to talk about DOMA!
Posted on December 20, 2010
Frank: U.S. Not Ready for Gay President
By Julie Bolcer
The openly gay Congressman from Massachusetts told Maureen Dowd of The New
York Times that the existence of the Defense of Marriage Act shows that the
United States is not ready for a gay president because it raises the
question, “Would his partner have to pay rent in the White House?”
Dowd explored the possibility of a gay president in light of the ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - 第九巡回法庭说话了
Date posted: 1/4/2011 11:44:32 PM
Hometown: Los Angeles
I'm afraid that the Prop 8 Initiative's Proponents do have legal standing to
defend it under California law, according to my interpretation of
California law. If they do not have standing to defend the measure, then
they would not have standing to bring the measure forth initially. My hope
is that the California Supreme Court give Prop 8 Proponents the legal
standing, and that the 9th Circuit then rule against Prop 8 and strike it
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Congresswoman Shot at Public Event
By TERRY TANG and AMANDA LEE MYERS, Associated Press Terry Tang And Amanda
Lee Myers, Associated Press – 10 mins ago
TUCSON, Ariz. – Rep. Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona was shot in the head
Saturday when an assailant opened fire outside a grocery store during a
meeting with constituents, killing a 9-year-old boy and a federal judge and
wounding several others in a rampage that rattled the nation.
Giffords was among at least 10 people wounded, and the hospital said her
outlook was "optimistic"... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - 12 reasons Obama wins in 2012
The economy’s rebounding, his approval ratings are ticking up, and the GOP
field is a mess. Mark McKinnon and Myra Adams on the president’s odds of a
return ticket to the White House.
President Obama’s poll ratings are climbing. And the online prediction
market Intrade has Obama at a 58.9 percent chance of winning a second term.
Though November 2012 is light years away in political time, as Team Obama
regroups in Chicago, they should be optimistic about their reelection
prospects. Here are 12 re... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Key Maryland. Republican Backs Marriage
Posted on February 02, 2011
Key Md. Republican Backs Marriage
By Julie Bolcer
Allan and Robin Kittleman Sen. Allan Kittleman announced his support for the
marriage equality bill in Maryland on Wednesday, becoming the first, and
perhaps the only, Republican senator to support the measure in a move
expected to strengthen its prospects for passage.
The senator released a statement one day after publicly breaking ranks with
his Republican colleagues, who voted as a caucus to oppose the ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - R.I. House Committee to Hear Marriage Bill
Posted on February 06, 2011
R.I. House Committee to Hear Marriage Bill
By Editors
The Rhode Island house judiciary committee will hear testimony this
Wednesday on the marriage equality bill.
A hearing last Wednesday on the bill was delayed because of weather, reports
the Associated Press.
Advocates feel more hopeful about passage than in previous years, when
former Gov. Don Carcieri and legislative leaders blocked the bill.
“This year, advocates are more optimistic beca... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Maryland=MarryLand!!!!
Marriage in Maryland
By Julie Bolcer
The Maryland marriage equality bill cleared a crucial hurdle Thursday
evening when senators voted 25-21 to pass the bill on the third and final
reading. The measure now heads to the house of delegates, where approval is
anticipated. Gov. Martin O’Malley has pledged to sign the bill.
Senators convened in the evening for less than one hour of debate, passing
the bill shortly before 6:30 p.m. Check back with soon for
reactions on the historic approv... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 657
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Obama: Our First Gay President
I'll write something about Justice Kennedy and his stance on issues of gay
rights later when I have time. But I'm not completely optimistic about
challenging DOMA in supreme court either, despite the fact that I believe it
's our only hope.
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Colo. Advances Civil Unions Bill
Posted on March 08, 2011
Colo. Advances Civil Unions Bill
By Sunnivie Brydum
Colorado Senate Judiciary Committee vice-chair senator Lucía Guzmán (left)
and senator Pat Steadman
In a bipartisan vote of 6-3, the Colorado Senate Judiciary Committee on
Monday approved a civil unions bill, more than 18 years after state voters
passed an amendment barring antidiscrimination protections for gays and
lesbians — one that was overturned four years later... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 657
There are analyses out there claiming the strategy Obama is tackling the
problem of DOMA is trying to drive a wedge between the cultural right, and
the federalist right, while the former is strictly anti-gay, the latter
actually recognizes and respects state sovereignty. But again, on issues
regarding DOMA, these twpo sectors of conservative america might be
discordant, but on the gay issues in general, they do share similar negative
I agree, Justice Kennedy might repeal DOMA Sec 3 ba... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174

The oldest sitting judge is actually a liberal judge Justice Ginsburg... so.
.. I'm not really optimistic that we'll see a democratic majority in the SC
in the forseeable future... :(
发帖数: 657
If the supreme court concludes that prop 8 is unconstitutional, then any
effort banning gay marriage through state legislation will be
unconstitutional, and easily challengable in court by this binding precedent
, which again means the state is in no position to define the marriage as
between a man and a woman anymore.
Considering the consequences, the chance that the supreme court will strike
down Prop8 is minimal if not none. The most likely scenario is that they
will not take the case.
As for... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
Fed says economic recovery on firmer footing
By The Associated Press
Posted: 03/16/2011 12:00:00 AM PDT
The Federal Reserve offered its most optimistic view of the U.S. economy
since the recession ended, even as Japan's nuclear crisis stoked new worries
around the globe.
The economic recovery is on "firmer footing" and the jobs market is "
improving gradually," the Fed declared in its statement released at the
conclusion of its meeting Tuesday.
That's a more upbeat tone from its previous meeting... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
Posted on
Civil Unions Pass Initial Colorado Sen. Vote
By Editors
In an initial voice-vote, the Colorado State Senate approved a bill that
would establish civil unions on Monday. Senate Bill 172, introduced by
openly gay Sen. Pat Steadman (pictured), would create civil unions which
offer most of the rights and benefits given to married Colorado couples. The
bill will face a final vote in the Senate later this week, after which it
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
Posted on March 31, 2011
Shumlin Pushes for Marriage Equality in R.I.
By Julie Bolcer
Vermont governor Peter Shumlin spoke about his state’s journey toward
marriage equality in Rhode Island, where he urged lawmakers to put aside any
fears and vote on the right side of history.
Shumlin visited Thursday afternoon at the invitation of Marriage Equality
Rhode Island, which organized a news conference in Providence with Rhode
Island governor Lincoln Chafee. The Vermont governor also met ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 24887
Obama, given his particular upbringing and ethnicity, is bound to be a
special president in the history of this country. Whether this will play
into the benefits of our community remains unseen, though the trend seems
cautiously optimistic.

发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Bill Clinton Endorses N.Y. Marriage
Posted on May 05, 2011 09:45:00 AM ET
Bill Clinton Endorses N.Y. Marriage
By Julie Bolcer
President Bill Clinton endorsed marriage equality legislation in New York as
it appears increasingly likely that lawmakers will vote on the measure by
Clinton, a popular figure in the Democratic Party, announced his support in
a statement released by the Human Rights Campaign on Thursday, saying that
the goal of achieving a “more perfect union” in... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19713
来自主题: QueerNews版 - 纽约州长再次呼吁同性婚姻
Cuomo Robo-Calls for Marriage Equality
By Julie Bolcer
CUOMO x390 (getty) | ADVOATE.CO
A new robo-call from Gov. Andrew Cuomo urges New Yorkers to call their
lawmakers and ask them to vote in support of marriage equality. "It is a
question of New York going forward or backward," says the governor.
The New York State Democratic Committee released a transcript of the call on
Monday afternoon. Calls will go out to regions across the state starting
this week.
Cuomo, who enjoys high approval ratings ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 703
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Good News, Bad News on AIDS
At least one HIV patient has been cured. The future looks optimistic.
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Mehlman Lobbies for New York Marriage
Posted on June 07, 2011 10:35:00 AM ET
Mehlman Lobbies for New York Marriage
By Julie Bolcer
Former Republican National Committee chair Ken Mehlman took his most visible
step to date for marriage equality in New York Monday when he traveled to
Albany to lobby undecided state lawmakers on the bill that could receive a
vote in less than two weeks.
The visit, which included a brief media availability with state capitol
reporters, marked an unusually public display of involvement from M... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - NY update
The New York State Senate is expected to vote on Governor Cuomo’s same-&#
8203;sex marriage equality bill as early as Monday, optimists believe,
though a vote, if indeed it takes place, could be delayed to as late as
Wednesday. New York’s same-​sex marriage equality battle —&#
8201;now just one vote shy of passage — raged on a playing
field last week of so-​called religious exemptions, or, as some would
call it, discrimination written directly into the bill. But rep... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19713
DECISION TIME All Eyes on Senate in New York
By Julie Bolcer
Pride flag hangs in New York on Tuesday.
The New York state legislature could adjourn as early as Wednesday, but it
remains unclear whether the state senate will bring the marriage equality
bill to a vote.
Republican state senators, in whose power the decision rests, are scheduled
to meet Wednesday morning in Albany, where they could decide whether to
bring the marriage equality bil... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19713
N.Y. Senate Leader Sees Progress on Religious Exemptions
By Julie Bolcer
New York state senate majority leader Dean Skelos said Wednesday that his
conference and Gov. Andrew Cuomo have moved closer to agreement on
exemptions for religious organizations, an issue standing in the way of a
vote on the marriage equality bill.
Skelos emerged in the afternoon from a meeting with Cuomo and Assembly
Speaker Sheldon Silver in Albany, where the three leaders discusse... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19713
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Some Deportations Halted for Gay Immigrants
Some Deportations Halted for Gay Immigrants
By Trudy Ring
panda girls
From left: Violeta and Sujey Pando
Some binational same-sex couples received good news about pending
deportation orders this week, thanks partly to the Obama administration’s
new policy making certain deportations low priority.
Denver immigration judge Mimi Tsankov Friday halted the deportation of Sujey
Pando and scheduled a new hearing in January based on her marriage to U.S.
citizen Violeta Pa... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
WASHINGTON -- GOP presidential candidate Jon Huntsman says the U.S. is a "
center-right" country politically and the public is "crying out for a
sensible middle ground" – just what he says he offers.
The former Utah governor says his Republican rivals as well as President
Barack Obama are on the political "fringes." Huntsman says Obama is too
liberal and there are Republican candidates who are too far to the right and
have "zero substance."
Huntsman, who's lagging in national polls, saved his ha... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Canada Loses Hero for Gay Rights to Cancer
Posted on August 24, 2011 03:45:00 PM ET
Canada Loses Hero for Gay Rights to Cancer
By Lucas Grindley
Jack Layton. A mainstream leader for the gay rights movement in Canada, Jack
Layton, is being mourned across the country after losing a fight with
Layton, 61, led the country's opposition New Democratic Party and is being
celebrated by the LGBT community for a long list of contributions. Gay
newspaper Xtra! rounded up a timeline that begins in 1982 with Layton's
election as ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 24887
来自主题: QueerNews版 - 什么样的人是OBAMA的对手?
Suppose DEM wins presidential election in 2012, which I think is more than
likely, then GOP will have to wait until 2016 to possibly reclaim the White
House. But, one can be reasonably optimistic that the economy will see a
substantial improvement during this course from now till 2016, then by 2015,
what would GOP play to make their case? Maybe they will suffer yet another
loss. We probably should be hopeful that the White House will remain
Democratic for another 9 years.
发帖数: 2153
Gay entertainment mogul Michael Lucas warns of the risks of homophobic
Islamist governments forming after the Arab Spring.
After decades in power, a brutal dictator in a Muslim country is
dramatically deposed by a massive popular uprising. Sound familiar? Of
course: that’s what happened in Egypt and Libya this year, as part of what
’s known as the Arab Spring. But it’s also what happened in Iran in 1979
— and that should make us pause for a moment.
It’s easy to cheer for democratic change and ce... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 24887
In fact, I am less optimistic that you.
But it does not hurt to give the survey a good-faith (damn) try.
发帖数: 291
My data are from the following coverage in Washington Post:
To quote the poll: "Overall, the Post poll found that 50 percent of
Marylanders support allowing gay and lesbian couples to marry while 44
percent are opposed."
That leaves 6% undecided.
The reason I am less optimistic about the referendum is that gay-marriage
opponents are more motivated to vote than supporters. Some people will voice
their support for gay marriage when in... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2153
125,000 sign Iraq veteran’s petition to keep New Hampshire’s equal
marriage law
125,000 people across the US have called on New Hampshire’s legislature to
keep the state’s equal marriage laws in a vote tomorrow, signing a petition
started by marine who wants to be best man at his brother’s wedding.
Craig Stowell, a married marine, said he started the petition to
lobby lawmakers to protect the marriage laws for his brother, who, he said,
finally felt accepted under the law.
New Hampshi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 24887
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Obama在连任以后将支持同性婚姻
The logic is easy to understand.
We can, however, only afford to be cautiously optimistic.
发帖数: 2596
Gay couples campaigning for civil unions in Colorado have claimed their
biggest victory yet as a key Republican-led House committee advanced a bill
it had previously opposed.
The newfound support means Colorado is likely to become the latest of more
than a dozen states to provide legal protections to gay couples similar to
The measure approved Thursday evening faces two more committee votes, but
sponsors are optimistic they have enough support to get the legislation to
Gov. John Hicken... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 24887
Maybe I am not as optimistic as you are.
I still think to take the WHOLE country over would take more than Obama.
Anything wrong with me?
发帖数: 4174
DENVER (AP) — A last-ditch effort by Colorado's governor to give gay
couples in the state rights similar to married couples failed Monday after
Republicans rejected the proposal during a special legislative session.
Democratic Gov. John Hickenlooper had said the special session was needed to
address a "fundamental question of fairness and civil rights."
The bill's demise was expected by Democrats, who have begun using the issue
as a rallying cry to topple Republicans in the November elections.
R... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 24887
来自主题: QueerNews版 - 今年的选举真BORING
There are various such polls.
But it may be true to declare that Obama only has very limited advantage.
Both the left and the right already made up their mind. It is now down to
the few in the middle to tell who they will eventually lean to.
I am very cautiously optimistic that Obama will make it this time,
definitely not with much of ease.
发帖数: 2113
来自主题: QueerNews版 - prop8 and windsor are granted
The long-awaited announcement has finally come. The Supreme Court of the
United States will take up two cases involving same-sex marriage. Thus we
could be in the final days of the discrimination wrought by the so-called
Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).
The court will hear a challenge to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals’
decision that California’s Proposition 8 is unconstitutional. The 2008
ballot measure made same-sex marriag... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19713
Marriage equality supporters rallied in Chicago over the weekend, looking to
the upcoming Illinois legislative session for action on the issue.
More than 100 people gathered Saturday at the James R. Thompson Center, a
state government building in downtown Chicago, with signs bearing such
slogans as “Opposition to Legal Equality Is Bigotry” and “Call Your
Legislators for Marriage Equality,” Windy City Times reports.
Several speakers addressed the crowd on the need for marriage equality. Boyd
and ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 24887
Apparently, the House will be a less optimistic case.
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Danish Scientists On Verge of HIV Cure
Scientists in Denmark are reporting that they are just months away from
unveiling a breakthrough treatment that could functionally cure HIV, reports
U.K. newspaper the Telegraph.
The researchers are currently conducting clinical trials of a "novel
strategy" that strips the HIV virus from human DNA, allowing the immune
system to permanently destroy the virus. The treatment involves releasing
the HIV virus from "reservoirs" it forms within DNA, bringing the virus to
the surface of the cell. Resear... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 24887
Though this new development may sound like a roadblock to marriage equality
for the four involved states (for now), it is highly likely to become a
catalyst for the SCOTUS to issue the much-anticipated nationwide ruling so
as to strike down same-sex marriage ban ONCE AND FOR ALL. People should be
cautiously optimistic about this potential outcome.
发帖数: 26623
来自主题: RisingChina版 - Why Japan And China Are Squaring Off
By Brian Bremner in Tokyo, with Dexter Roberts in Beijing and Stan Crock in
For years, optimists in China and Japan have argued that breakneck economic
integration of the two Asian powers would trump festering historical enmities.
After all, last year, China overtook the U.S. as Japan's biggest trading
partner, and two-way trade clocked in at $211 billion. But the Sino-Japanese
strategic rivalry is real, intense,
发帖数: 3408
Dalai Lama aide optimistic over talks with China
By ANITA CHANG, Associated Press Writer 11 minutes ago
BEIJING - The Dalai Lama's government-in-exile expressed optimism about
upcoming talks with Chinese officials, but cautioned Saturday not to expect
too much from the first meeting between the two sides since violent anti-
government protests erupted in Tibet.
clear Email:
发帖数: 3365
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The myth of US industrial revival
by John Ross, 31 January 2012
Currently a number of attempts are being made to claim a major revival of US
industry is taking place. For example Harold L. Sirkin, of the Boston
Consulting Group, writes: ‘A resurgence of U.S. manufacturing seems to be
in ... 阅读全帖
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