

全部话题 - 话题: optimist
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发帖数: 170
来自主题: EnglishChat版 - Optimistic and pessimistic
Optimistic attitude is assuming and expecting the unknown outcomes of future
events to be positive.
Pessimistic attitude is the opposite of optimistic attitude, expecting and
assuming the outcomes of future events to be negative.
I saw some online tests to make sure whether you are optimistic or
pessimistic. One of the questions was: If you see a deer wandering in the
forest, why? And the answers include: 1. she's worried about her child. 2.
She's lost. 3. She's enjoying the forest.
Choice 2 is
发帖数: 10330
China’s Top Negotiator ‘Cautiously Optimistic’ About Reaching Trade Deal
By Shawn Donnan
November 20, 2019, 9:21 PM EST Updated on November 20, 2019, 11:01 PM EST
Liu He spoke in Beijing on Wednesday at dinner, people said
Liu said he was confident, but confused about U.S. demands
发帖数: 8422
Military optimistic on US arms sales to Taiwan
Publication Date:12/11/2009
Source: China Times
Washington is likely to agree to the sale of submarines to Taiwan as a
gesture of good faith, according to a high-ranking ROC military official Dec
. 10.
The comment was made in response to the latest Reuters report that the
Barack Obama administration is moving toward possible new arms sales to
Taiwan, including Black Hawk helicopters and design

发帖数: 1
An optimistic person with a positive outlook on life
life is short, 传播正能量是一天,咒骂怨念是一天,要怎么过选择权在你手里 :)
发帖数: 667
来自主题: Parenting版 - 推荐The Optimistic Child
The Optimistic Child
by Martin Seligman
者强调要accurate optimism,不是妄自菲薄,也不是盲目乐观,狂妄自大地感觉良好。
书里也抨击了现在美国教育里强调self-esteem中feeling good(而不是doing well)的
做法,美国儿童从小被夸得像朵花,自信心极度膨胀,但作者指出,"they have never
been more depressed".
书里有很多例子,和how to talk so kids will listen listen so kids will talk类
发帖数: 133
Brin's kind of arrogant and shameless
LONG BEACH, California — Google appears to be content to remain in China
doing business as usual while it finds a way to work within the system,
according to one of the search giant’s founders. This despite a strong
statement 30 days ago that it would stop censoring search results in China
and possibly pull its business out of that country.
Google founder Sergey Brin di
发帖数: 1076
来自主题: Rock版 - Optimistic
Optimistic By Radiohead
From the Album Kid A
Tabbed by Andrew Prefontaine
I won't post lyrics with this tab because there seems to be a big stink
about it if
you do.
It's pretty simple, and believe it or not repetitive
Use your own beat style. I only wrote it like this so it would be easy
to understand the dsus4 d dsus4 d part.
standard tuning
D F? Dsus4 D
发帖数: 14561
来自主题: PsychoAnalysis版 - The Optimist Creed(ZZ)
第一次是在文学城上看到的,不知道大家看过没有, 出处应该是 Science of Mind 71
(June 1998): 50.
The Optimist Creed
Promise Yourself -
To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.
To talk health, happiness and prosperity to every person you meet.
To make all your friends feel that there is something in them.
To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true.
To think only of the best, to work only for the best and to expect only the
To be just as enthusiastic about the success of
发帖数: 205
来自主题: USANews版 - Romney’s Optimism Will Win
Romney’s Optimism Will Win
It’s no year for a big-government pessimist.
By Larry Kudlow
Putting aside all the voter models, there’s one overlooked point worth
making with Election Day at hand. Most times in American politics, optimists
win, and pessimists lose. I know that’s not always the case. And sometimes
it’s hard to distinguish between the two. But in this election, I believe
Mitt Romney is the optimist, and Barack Obama is th... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10817
Fracking’s Secret Problem—Oil Wells Aren’t Producing as Much as Forecast
Data analysis reveals thousands of locations are yielding less than their
owners projected to investors; ‘illusory picture’ of prospects
The wells of some producers in the Permian Basin appear to lag behind
By Bradley Olson, Rebecca Elliott and Christopher M. Matthews
January 2, 2019
Link copied…
Thousands of shale wells drilled in the last five years are pumpi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2136
来自主题: WorldNews版 - 小布什回忆录被指是抄编大杂汇

George Bush Book 'Decision Points' Lifted From Advisers' Books
Huffington Post 11-12-10
When Crown Publishing inked a deal with George W. Bush for his memoirs, the
publisher knew it wasn't getting Faulkner. But the book, at least, promises
"gripping, never-before-heard detail" about the former president's key
decisions, offering to bring readers "aboard Air Force One on 9/11, in the
hours after America's most devastating attack since Pearl Harbor; at the
head of the table in the Situ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1972
New Predictions - Last Updated - 01 May 2011
Optimistic: 6/1/2007
Realistic: 3/8/2007
Worst : 1/1/2007
Here is the Prediction for EB2 Category cutoff date movement for Fiscal Year 2011. Basis for this prediction is simple calculations (see below) which is done based on available data i.e. visa statistics recently released for CY 2010, PERM data published by DOL for CY 2010, latest trend on Trackitt for EB2 c... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1034
David Helgason has grown up with indie-game developers by providing tools
like the Unity 5 engine for building cross-platform games. As mobile
exploded, so did Unity, which can be used to publish games across Android,
iOS, PC, Facebook, the web, and next-generation consoles.
But Helgason, the chief executive of Unity Technologies, doesn’t like to
see game developers die. So the San Francisco-based company has expanded
into providing... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 40861
【 以下文字转载自 Biology 讨论区 】
发信人: gshjj (各输己键), 信区: Biology
标 题: Tough Lessons From Golden Rice 不错的转基因故事
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Mar 2 22:51:41 2011, 美东)
Tough Lessons From Golden Rice
Martin Enserink
It was supposed to prevent blindness and death from vitamin A deficiency
in millions of children. But almost a decade after its invention, golden
rice is still stuck in the lab
It's easy to recognize Ingo Potrykus at the train station in Basel,
Switzerland. Quietly waiting while hurried travelers zip ... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
来自主题: Military版 - :Peter Navarro on US-China Talks, Trade
Interview Transcript: Peter Navarro on US-China Talks, Trade
December 06, 2018 3:35 PM
VOA News
FILE - White House trade and economic adviser Peter Navarro, center, speaks
to the press at the White House, June 4, 2018.
In an interview with VOA reporter William Gallo, White House trade and
economic adviser Peter Navarro says he remains optimistic about U.S.-China
talks, but warns that the Chinese government has a long record of breaking
its promises on trade.
QUESTION: "There was obviou... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Optimism About the Upcoming Year Hits A Seven-Year Low
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Americans expected the current year to be better than it turned out but are
more hopeful about the year to come. This is similar to findings in previous
years. Still, adults are less optimistic about the upcoming year than they
’ve been in the previous seven years of surveying.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that just 35%
of Adults expect 2011 to be a good year or better, the lowest l... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
By Katherine Hobson
A new survey of U.S. physicians finds they are decidedly pessimistic about
the health-care overhaul law, with 65% saying it will contribute to a
worsening of health-care quality over the next five years.
The survey, from Thomson Reuters and HCPlexus, which makes management
products for physicians, covers responses from nearly 3,000 physicians. It
was conducted — by fax — last fall.
Only 18% said they felt health-care would improve, with 17% seeing no change
. “The inclusion o... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 109
来自主题: Faculty版 - NIH grant
I have a question regarding a R01 grant application at NIH [NIMH,
specifically]. after I got the impact score, I emailed the PO and she
replied back quite quickly and told me that she is cautiously optimistic and
the grant will reach to my application. she also asked for response to
reviewers and I sent back. then she stopped respond to my emails [one
includes the response, and one on JIT]. the council meeting is next Friday
and I am really anxious. does this mean she is no longer optimistic?
ha... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 363
来自主题: JobHunting版 - 系统设计能力提高捷径
Basics and Algorithms
The Five-Minute Rule Ten Years Later, and Other Computer Storage Rules of
Thumb (1997): This paper (and the original one proposed 10 years earlier)
illustrates a quantitative formula to calculate whether a data page should
be cached in memory or not. It is a delight to read Jim Gray approach to an
array of related problems, e.g. how big should a page size be.
AlphaSort: A Cache-Sensitive Parallel External Sort (1995): Sorting is one
of the most essential algorithms in... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 901
The China uptrend is cracking.
That's bad news for some of China's highest-flying momentum stocks,
including Internet companies like Baidu, Sina, and Sohu.
The latest data from the China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC)
shows total Internet users in China reached over 457 million at the end of
2010, a 19% growth rate over the past year…
That's huge in comparison to the stagnant U.S. market. But it's down from a
30% growth rate a year ago.
Even worse for China's online giants, the majo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1376
我只負責轉貼 不代表個人觀點
Tokyo, Japan (CNN) -- Genetically, Toshiko and Fukuko Kubo are identical
twins. The 30-year-old sisters are physically indistinguishable, from their
height to their walk -- even the way they both break into a wide smile.
Their lives, though, are on two separate paths, mirroring the power shift
that is the economic story in Asia.
Toshiko lives in Tokyo, Japan. She has a graduate degree in art history and... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5637
来自主题: SanDiego版 - SD复活节捡蛋哪里去
Egg Hunts, Bunny Visits & Spring Activities
Bunny Photos. See the Easter Bunny and pose for photos! March 29-April 19.
Mon.-Sat., 11 am-7 pm; Sun., 11 am-6 pm. Gazebo in Macy’s Courtyard,
Grossmont Center, 5500 Grossmont Center Dr., La Mesa. www.grossmontcenter.
San Diego Zoo Play Days. Delight in the climbing, prowling and plunging
skills of the Zoo’s animals at this year’s event. Also, have up-close
encounte... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8732
来自主题: Vancouver版 - Top 10 holiday movies
10. Love, Actually (2005)
With a cast bursting with stars - Colin Firth, Keira Knightley, Hugh Grant,
Emma Thompson, Liam Neeson, and Alan Rickman to name just a few - and an
unflaggingly optimistic screenplay courtesy of director Richard Curtis, this
is a holiday-cocktail-of-a-film filled to the brim with proof that love
actually IS all around. Weaving together a considerable number of plots and
storylines, the best of which is the marvelo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 17520
新手如我要先理解 “无常”, “无我(非我)”, “苦”, “非我所”的诠释,
和弄清楚了它们是五蕴的特性这个感念, 不然讲其他的犹如隔靴搔痒。
LZ前面说是3个消息, 后面又说是定律, 是以消息为形式出现的定律? 哈哈
个人觉得这个消息Neither pessimistic nor optimistic, but realistic
Walpola Rahula explains the importance of this realistic point of view:[13]
First of all, Buddhism is neither pessimistic nor optimistic. If anything at
all, it is realistic, for it takes a realistic view of life and of the
world. It looks at things objectively (yathābhūtam). It does not falsely
lull ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 913
Spring's use of unchecked data access exceptions is consistent with that of
many - probably most - successful persistence frameworks. (Indeed, it was
partly inspired by JDO.) JDBC is one of the few data access APIs to use
checked exceptions. TopLink and JDO, for example, use unchecked exceptions
exclusively. Hibernate switched from checked to unchecked exceptions in
version 3.
这是Rod讲解Spring JDBC的原话
By wrapping JDBC check exce... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 40861
Tough Lessons From Golden Rice
Martin Enserink
It was supposed to prevent blindness and death from vitamin A deficiency
in millions of children. But almost a decade after its invention, golden
rice is still stuck in the lab
It's easy to recognize Ingo Potrykus at the train station in Basel,
Switzerland. Quietly waiting while hurried travelers zip by, he is holding,
as he promised, the framed and slightly yellowed cover of the 31 July 2000
issue of Time magazine. It features Potrykus's bearde... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 283
NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – When Nicholas Navin's R01 grant to use single-
cell sequencing to study tumor evolution in breast cancer was first funded
in 2012, it was funded at 83 percent of the requested budget.
Because of the sequester, Navin's grant now will be cut a further 6 percent.
In addition, he has only been given funding for the next three months.
"After those three months, I assume that it will continue to be ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8131
来自主题: _pennystock版 - an important news
Japanese Manufacturers Were Optimistic for a Fifth Quarter, Survey Shows
Japan’s largest manufacturers were optimistic for a fifth consecutive
quarter, even as the yen’s advance threatened profits from overseas.
Sentiment among manufacturers with more than 1 billion yen ($12 million) in
capital was 13.3 points this quarter compared with a reading of 10 three
months ago, a government report showed in Tokyo today. A number greater than
zero means optimists outnumber pessimists.
The recovery in ear... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2314
来自主题: _GoldenrainClub版 - [合集] goldenrain的观点未免偏颇 (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 SanFrancisco 讨论区 】
发信人: dadabear (bless you), 信区: SanFrancisco
标 题: [合集] goldenrain的观点未免偏颇
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Feb 8 16:24:51 2007), 站内
MSJ (Mission San Jose) 于 (Tue Feb 6 00:42:38 2007) 提到:
1. 常言道“强者恒强,弱者恒弱”。NYC, SF地区房价高企不是一年两年了,支撑房价
2. 正如high tech公司的P/E要远大于... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7918
还是为文,都要活得诚实、负责... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 872
With a much less optimistic forecast for economic growth in northern Europe,
it is not actually feasible to expect the weaker economies to pay off their
debt over any realistic time horizon.
More bouts of austerity simply make the position more difficult.
Europe's leaders need to recognise this and devise a clean-cut solution to
the problem before the markets do it for them.
(CNN) -- If Europe's leaders do not restructure the euro and European debt
within a month, the markets will force it on th... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2801
GG本科国内名校,全奖美国前15计算机硕士, 硅谷工作几年,非常踏实, 勤奋,做事认真
负责;入美籍, 父母教师。身高175cm, 68kg,外表85~90%; 从美公司内部调回北京工
作。 看起来端正干净,身体非常健康(几乎不近视); 不吸烟无不良嗜好,很爱干净,酷
爱音乐运动(2项校队); 主因硅谷电脑业理工科集中女生极少+本人要求又高, 22出国+
12年留美未婚. GG 象多数山东人一样重情义,非常真诚(father from Shandong). 收
入比在中国或美国的80%的美国人高. 硅谷是美国人的梦想之地。加州空气比北京好10
倍(PM2.5低10倍, good environment is priceless. 环境 indicates California
has far better future),计划一年回加州.

1. 身体非常健康, 无任何家族病,传染病(硬条件);
2. 本科或以上; <=27;1.57~1.67cm; 45~55kg, 最好... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2172
来自主题: Military版 - 日本挺不了很久了.
Japan logs record trade gap in 2012 as exports struggle.
Japan logged a record annual trade deficit in 2012 as exports continued to
slide in December in a worrying signal that the effects of a weaker yen and
the new government's moves to boost the economy with fiscal and monetary
stimulus have been slow in coming.
Sentiment among Japanese manufacturers improved for a second straight month
and is seen returning to a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1225
来自主题: Military版 - 哈哈,傅苹自己打自己的脸
John Brant Dec 1, 2005
Entrepreneur of the Year: Ping Fu
Ditto for processors, he adds. "Five years ago you needed a high-end
engineering workstation to digest a good-sized point cloud. Right now, I'm
running all this off my laptop."
And here it comes: Its NURBS automatically produced in less than three
minutes, the part spins on the screen in smooth, gleaming verisimilitude,
accurate to within three-thousa... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 217
Promise and Potential, Cut Short
Friends, family, teachers mourn BU grad student LU Lingzi
04.18.2013 By Rich Barlow and Susan Seligson share it! 57
LU Lingzi, Boston University, Boston Marathon terrorist attack bombing
LU Lingzi (GRS’14), killed at the Boston Marathon, had a winning smile and
a talent for statistics, friends and teachers recall. Photo courtesy of
Menghan Hu (CAS’13, GRS’13)
Her life was filled with academic ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8931
来自主题: Military版 - 多伦多市长福特得了癌症
Toronto Mayor Rob Ford has been diagnosed with a rare type of cancer, his
doctor said Wednesday.
“It is a difficult and very rare type of tumour,” Dr. Zane Cohen said in a
Wednesday evening press conference, describing Ford’s cancer as a
malignant liposarcoma.
“It’s a fairly aggressive tumour…but we are treating this aggressively in
order to irradiate the tumour. We are optimistic about this tumour.”
Dr. Cohen said he is “optimistic” that chemotherapy could be successf... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 13640
来自主题: Military版 - 卡梅伦在苏格兰公投前的演讲
Prime Minister David Cameron today addressed an audience in Aberdeen ahead
of Thursday’s referendum in Scotland.
We meet in a week that could change the United Kingdom forever.
Indeed, it could end the United Kingdom as we know it.
On Thursday, Scotland votes, and the future of our country is at stake.
On Friday, people could be living in a different country, with a different
place in the world and a different future ahead of it.
This is a decision that could break up our fa... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9616
来自主题: Military版 - Putin: West already supplies arms to Kiev
Putin: West already supplies arms to Kiev, but Moscow optimistic about Minsk
Published time: February 17, 2015 19:32
Edited time: February 18, 2015 00:34 Get short URL
Russian President Vladimir Putin (RIA Novosti / Aleksey Nikolskyi)Russian
President Vladimir Putin (RIA Novosti / Aleksey Nikolskyi)
Arms, Conflict, NATO, Security, Ukraine
Vladimir Putin said that Kiev is being armed by Western allies, according to
Moscow's information, but insisted he was “optimistic” about implem... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5601
Pew: Chinese stay optimistic in an otherwise gloomy world
By PAUL WISEMAN, AP Economics Writer
Thursday, 23 Jul 2015 | 10:01 AM ET
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Maybe someone should tell the Chinese their economy is
slowing. They don't seem to buy it.
The Pew Research Center finds that a world-beating 90 percent of Chinese say
their economy is good. And 84 percent expect things to be even better in 12
According to the International Monetary Fund, China's economic growth will
decelerate this year to... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4736
国会参院领袖, Ted Cruz昨天督促尽快立法把中国驻美国大使馆前的路改名为“刘晓
by Neil Thomas July 15, 2017 23 hours ago
U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz is pushing legislation to rename the street outside the
Chinese Embassy in Washington D.C. after pro-democracy dissident Liu Xiaobo,
a Nobel Peace Prize winner who died in Chinese custody on Thursday.
U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz is re-upping his push to rename the address of the
Chinese Embassy in Washington D.C. “as soon as possible” after a pro-
democracy dissident in the wake of the Nobel Peace ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1877

Even if the banks' allegations were true,
which Newegg no doubt will deny,
the banks cannot possibly be without blame,
since they could not be so inexperienced or
incompetent as to be merrily unaware of the
optimistic pricing all those years.
Rather, it was more than likely the banks
were knowingly and implicitly participating
in the optimistic pricing because it was
"good for loan business". It was never a
problem then, but became a problem now, only
because the borrower is no longer ... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
Mnuchin Says U.S., China in ‘Very Good Conversation’ on Trade
Bloomberg News
May 3, 2018, 8:05 AM PDT Updated on May 3, 2018, 6:03 PM PDT
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said the U.S. and China are having a “
very good conversation,” as a second day of negotiations over the two
nations’ trading relationship got under way in Beijing.
很好的会谈”,这是美国财政部长steven 在谈判进入第二天在北京说的。
Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer
and White House adviser Peter Navarro, who are als... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
我可以看得到,copy paste将就看下吧
CreditCreditPhoto illustration by Joan Wong. Photographs by Ronghui Chen for
The New York Times.
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Where Does Affirmative Action Leave Asian-Americans?
A high-profile lawsuit against Harvard is forcing students and their
families to choose sides.
CreditCreditPhoto illustration by Joan Wong. Photographs by Ronghui Chen for
The New York Times.
By Jay Caspian Kang
Photographs by Ronghui Chen
Published Aug. 28, 2019
Updated Sept. ... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
马斯克透露,将很快开始测试星际载人飞船系统, 推力是土星五的两倍!
Musk: Atmospheric tests of interplanetary spaceship could happen next year
March 13, 2018 Stephen Clark
Artist’s concept of the BFR spaceship deploying a satellite in orbit.
Credit: SpaceX
A team of SpaceX engineers is building a prototype of the spaceship Elon
Musk hopes will one day carry people and cargo deep into the solar system,
and it could begin low-altitude testing next year, kicking off a multi-step
test campaign before eventually going into space, the... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2153
I agree with the author that things look optimistic and everyone should be
optimistic even when things reset back. History of equal rights movement
keeps repeating over and over again. Success of reaching our equal rights is
waving her hands not far away any more...
发帖数: 29846
Canada’s Harper Makes Afghanistan Stop to Mark End of Military Mission
By Theophilos Argitis - May 30, 2011 3:10 PM ET
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper made a surprise stop in Afghanistan
to mark the end of the country’s decade-long military mission in the
country, and pay tribute to fallen soldiers.
Harper made his fourth trip to the Asian country less than a month after his
third consecutive election victory, visiting ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
White House economic report hides sharp drop in number of working Americans
White House officials are trying to downplay the growing political damage
caused by a shrinking federal statistic: the percentage of working-age
Americans who actually have jobs.
The increasingly visible statistic shows that roughly 11 million working-age
Americans are being excluded from the nation’s formal tally of 13.75
million unemployed Americans.
Today’s 2012 Economic Report of the President attempts to bury the
st... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
July 2, 2012

WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. manufacturing shrank in June for the first time in
nearly three years, adding to signs that economic growth is weakening.
Production declined, and the number of new orders plunged, according to a
monthly report released Monday by the Institute for Supply Management.
The slowdown comes as U.S. employers have scaled back hiring, consumers have
turned more cautious, Europe faces a recession and manufacturing has slowe... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
By Dan KadlecOct. 25, 2012
It’s widely accepted that unscrupulous bankers tricked unknowing consumers
into loans they could not afford, leading to the financial crisis. No doubt,
plenty of that occurred—underscored Wednesday with a $1 billion federal
suit against Bank of America’s mortgage arm Countrywide Financial.
But it turns out the “victoms” were not, by and large, unsophisticated
rubes. A new study finds that highly educated Americans were most likely to
take on unmanageable debt in the pr... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 16594
来自主题: USANews版 - 天灭Romney呀,唉
Many on Wall Street are increasingly convinced that Barack Obama will win
the election.
On the eve of the election, many financial professionals on Wall Street
believe that Mitt Romney has lost the election. In phone conversations,
email and instant messaging exchanges, and text messages with over 20 people
in different jobs on Wall Street today the message I picked up was almost
universal: The president will be re-elected tomorrow.
Many of those with whom I spoke—all of whom spoke on the condit... 阅读全帖
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