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发帖数: 642
来自主题: Bridge版 - I was kicked out from BBO

That is perfectly fine in my opinion. But as you can see, both pd and opps
don't understand 4NT, so 1NT or 2NT would be even disastrous :)
My thought was that, if opps stayed at 3 level, I would let them play.
Passing 4NT won't be a disaster. I remember the blue team played un-doubled
1-1 5C, and won the hand :)
For serious partnership, I guess passing 4NT (only at this color) may mean
no preference for known two suits, and ask partner to bid his better suit
after double.
发帖数: 20570
来自主题: Bridge版 - play 4S
the most straight forward play is to ruff D, draw trumps then play H to J. H
has to be 3-3 if opps play UDCA( of course, some times opps may lead A from
Axxx and his partner happens to hold KT, which is very very rare.)
LHO has to duck HK, otherwise, you win 2H, 1D, 7 trumps.
so you win HJ, cash DA and ruff D again. now you can play H again to end
play LHO.
This line requires LHO to hold 2-3-3-5 or 3-3-3-4 shape to work. It also
works when LHO holds doubleton D, and H9, so he can't pitch HK to u... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 642
来自主题: Bridge版 - what to lead?
A trump lead is bad if pard holds Qxx.
The real layout for opps:
The bidding is rough, especially for the final 6S. The 5H bid takes away the
room for key card, and everyone has to guess. I personally don't like 5H,
but it works very well here, pushing opps to 6 with two aces missing. But it
backfires, since the lead was a low club, the only lead to allow 6S to make.
Sometimes, a reasonable lead could be the only failing lead, then we have to
live with it. I don... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 679
来自主题: Bridge版 - chances for the 3NT
I see - it's attitude lead. In this case, h2 should be count, right? since
the count information helps partner more (declarer won't be able to tell if
LHO is 5/4/3-cards). If h2 is count(std), that means LHO is hAQxx3. I can't
see how declarer is going to make it. Whenever LHO/RHO gets in, LHO can cash
hA to drop the declarer's bare K (based on count) - 5 tricks already.
If h2 is not count, then h is probably 4-4 (LHO not likely to lead from AQ3)
.I'll try to avoid RHO getting in. Run s8 (to pla... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 109
It is tie-break.
Your daughter's tourney is Swiss, the rule for ranking is:
1. the total points: W=1, D=0.5, L=0
2. if total points the same, then tie-break 1:
each player played 5 games with 5 different opps, let's say for
example: player-1/2/3/4/5=2,3,2,1,3 points
the lowest point(1) is removed, then add the other 4 together
you get: 2+3+2+3=10 points, these number is compared to see
who is higher ranking for award. The reason is: if you get same
points but played stronger op... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 33123
来自主题: Football版 - 上一场赢buccs真是奇迹
rushing yds 32
opp passing yds 30
opp rushing yds 31
发帖数: 13724
来自主题: Football版 - 野马弃妇的数据很好玩
野马 弃妇
PASSING YDS 1st Overall 27th Overall
RUSHING YDS 20th Overall 12th Overall
OPP PASSING YDS 30th Overall 6th Overall
OPP RUSHING YDS 4th Overall 24th Overall
发帖数: 2828
head coach of raiders. was probably youngest coach ever. offense wizard.
turned raiders into a contender by converting career journeyman qb gannon
into a all pro qb at age of 35.
then got into arugment with late owner al davis and got Traded to bucs for
5m and two 1st round picks
took bucs to sb in first year and ironically beat raiders in sb. revenge
served hot.
some question how much the sb was due to gruden or one of the best defense
ever (sapp lynch brooks rice barber). still it was incredib... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2047
all playoff games started at QB by Peyton Manning
Rk Day Date Tm Opp Tm Opp
1 Sun January 16, 2000 L Indianapolis Colts Tennessee
Titans 16 19 boxscore
2 Sat December 30, 2000 L Indianapolis Colts @ Miami
Dolphins 17 23 boxscore
3 Sat January 4, 2003 L Indianapolis Colts @ New York Jets
0 41 boxscore
4 Sun January 4, 2004 W Indianapolis Colts Denver Broncos
41 ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2828
来自主题: Football版 - redzone targets
pretty interesting stats.
Team Opps. RZ TDs RZ TD%
Antonio Brown 17 4 23.5%
Demaryius Thomas 16 3 18.8%
Brandon Marshall 14 5 35.7%
Jordy Nelson 14 3 21.4%
Rueben Randle 13 2 15.4%
Randall Cobb 12 7 58.3%
Mike Wallace 12 5 41.7%
Julian Edelman 11 2 18.2%
Andre Johnson 11 1 9.1%
Kelvin Benjamin 10 2 20.0%
Vincent Jackson 10 ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 621
来自主题: Go版 - 求道派 Vs MKL
During xyh cup, babe has watched how loser and halfsea MKL and 揉躏 opp.
babe used to be a street fighter and made the name by snap opp's dragon and
is now becoming YDFR, in other words, babe is on the same road with tuzi le,
just dont know why babe also picked up tuzi's spoon habbit.
With new tom 6d our top MKL's gracious permission, babe will get a chance to
领落 MKL 真谛 from happyloser in 10 games ( only if babe did not fall to 6
There will be a bet of 50 MITBBS big dollars per game and win
发帖数: 621
maybe it is because of the styles.
in most cases, there will always be a few options for every move unless got
surrounded and have to make a life, if they really want to capure mine, I
will just give up and let them eat as long as I can switch and gain
somewhere else.
I tend to pick the moves that wont aggravate opp and hopefully gain a little
bit without letting opp know, but also become weaker when dragged into
part of the reasons I respect Nie and Wu so much is their 弃子 technique and
发帖数: 47
来自主题: NCAA版 - about LSU's schedule -1 & 2

Gators played FSU/Miami year in and year out. Hello? Give me any PAC-10 team
to match this OOC SOS? Only Tenn and Auburn? What a joke.
'Only 1/2 of the quality teams in the league'? Is he a liar, or just plain
idiot? He doesn't know every SEC team has to play all five same division opps,
AND 3 opps in the other division? For an example, Gators played Tenn. UGA in the same
division, AND LSU Miss. in the other div. LSU played every single team in SEC west
plus UF, UGA from SEC east.
That's 'o
发帖数: 3252
来自主题: NCAA版 - WISC!!!!!!

DL 和 LB 的问题更严重,被人打了653yard,要不是UCLA最后两个knee down -6 yards,
就要破学校yards allowed的记录了。
NU 现在的防守排名:
Rush Defense: 119/124
Scoring Defense: 84
Pass Defense: 43
Total Defense 98
Opp 1st Downs: 87
Opp 3rd Down Conv: 100
110th in net punting
100th in time of procession
最令人不解的是我们本身有以跑攻为主的传统,QB也是dual threat QB,怎么在这些方
发帖数: 2842
发帖数: 5391
来自主题: Tennis版 - [合集] 美网PARTY十周年群奔贴
asus (Null) 于 (Fri Sep 14 10:29:43 2012, 美东) 提到:
请大家踊跃给TennisFund捐款鼓励裸奔 :)
预告片by Dimajo
开胃菜by Ken123
by areyoueye:
http://www.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 978
来自主题: Tennis版 - 发球和扔球
Throw racquet up -> top spin brush the ball -> Ball will go over the net
easily -> top spin will dip the ball in.
感觉欲扬先抑。。。so we can use momentum.
Lean forward bounce the ball, so you can Rock back.
Rock Back, so you can archive your hip forward to toss.
drop the racquet behind your back, so you can brush up,
Brush up, so you can create top spin to dip the ball down into the service
Top spin heavy ball, so the ball will bounce high.
Bounce high, so you... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3277
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - pocket AA
the point is that it's just which poison you choose to take. if you call the
huge flop raise, then later, you may either be bluffed out of pot with
the best hand or call with the worse hand. Position is the most important
thing in deep stack games, without position, AA is also very vulnerable
against deep stack skillful opps. Folding the flop raise also may
have a good advantage, it may induce more bluffs in latter more
expensive hands and you may penalize your opps there.
发帖数: 3277
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - ace, an interesting card
that's actually a big difference between limit holdem and no limit holdem.
For limit, bluffs after a raise play a big role and cb is almost automatic,
for deep stack no limit poker, one should seek for good situations and the
preflop money invested isn't a big deal comparing with your deep stack.
It's like boxing, if you are tough, you can survive many small
attacks by opps and make only one hit that knocks your opp down. That's why
deep stack nl holdem is tough and profitable.

发帖数: 78
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - the fate of KK
I don't quite understand your play. You pushed all-in every time when board
gave straight or flush possibility. If your opps made them, you are toaste;
if they didn't, you are not gonna get paid, unless the opps had two pairs.
The bot size bets on the flop were OK, as you had the odds. If they hit,
they hit, learn to give up. It will work in your favor in the long run.
发帖数: 3277
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Don't let downswing bother you
generally for cash games without a very deep stack, less than 100 bb,
one has to play a rather tight game IMO. if the buyin is 150 bb or 200 bb,
and the player plays good postflop games, he can loosen up with positions.
Also, it's really a matter how loose your opps play. If your opps play a
loose and bad game, loosing up with positions
is the right adjustment; if they play a very
solid game, you just can't loosen up too much cause when you hit your
hand, you don't get paid off well. I trie
发帖数: 3277
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - one hand
The point is that if you call, you may win another bet on the turn here.
If you raise, you will be very unlikely to win that big bet on turn
even if your opp calls with over pairs. I am not saying you should never
raise, but I'd just call about 80-90 % of times and raise the rest.
If opp has $400 or more, I would certainly raise, cause that's the only way
to stack him. For a 300 stack, it may just go like:
raise 20, call 20,
bet 30, call 30,
bet 60, raise 140, tank(either fold or call, if he cal
发帖数: 3277
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - -3000
the basic idea of LAG is to make a lot of small mistakes and induce
opp's big mistakes. That's why the LAG style is very exploitable
by good players, because it's a poker mistake by itself. You win big
money by this style only because you induce huge stack size mistakes by opps.
That's why you sometimes see Phil Ivey can be insanely aggressive preflop
or on flop bets, but when the pot gets bigger, his game becomes very tough.
Also this style is based on good hand reading skills.

发帖数: 3277
sure. AA, KK are actually vulnerable
hands in this game, when they hit trips, usually
you can't get actions unless your opp hits a low trip or two pairs
as well. However, against extremely loose players, they are very good,
you may often stack your opp with AAor KK and you often want to push all in
preflop against them. cbet often works when your image is tight and don't
frequently. Still, in my experience, the most money you make is in the
big hand confrontation and you hold the nut.

发帖数: 3277
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - fold Q high flush
when you hit a K-high flush, you can fold only when your opps make
huge overbets or raises, otherwise, I don't see a way to get out
when opp bets about 4/5 pots on turn and river.

majority of the time here.
发帖数: 1989
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - one hand in live poker
why fold at river?! At turn, I would check-raise big. If the opp. call the
raise on turn and allin at river, I would possiblely fold. O.W., no.
To me, the opp. takes your call on turn as weak and then bluff you on river.
BTW, one quest, why at live poker the standard raise is 4~5BB w/ AK/QQ? I
mean the standard one for online is 3BB.
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - HUSNG Variance 到底多大

I have feeling that the best time for HUSNG is over. the game is not as
good as before , at least at 100+ buyin level. too many regs now and they
fight each other often.
Ss your opp everytime, only rematch with opp whose roi is below 0.
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - HUSNG Variance 到底多大
Ss your opp everytime, only rematch with opp whose roi is below 0.
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - ftp取钱变快了?
LOL. Being nit is the way to go in Rush, in my opinion since you do not
know how your opp play a lot of times. Honestly, I do not think many reg
even look at these stat at Rush. My stat is one of nittest in Rush and my 3
betting range range OOP against EP raiser are extremely tight, mainly KK
and AA. But when I 3 betting in BB with AA and KK, I still got shoved a lot
with AK, QQ, even JJ by some decent reg. A lot of reg in NL 400 always
auto shove AK, regargless opp/sitution. AK never pl... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Made a Hero call yesterday.
My first super hero call since playing Electro. Only about 100$ in the
pot , have to call a near 400$ all in with only pure bluff catcher. But
going through the logical process, only thing he can have is missed draw. If
you have a monster ,why bet so small on the turn with 2 opp in the pot and
the board is draw heavy. I usually do not like
this kind of call since bad risk/reward, but this one I decide to trust my
read and I was right. :) I was thinking Phil Golfond's vid , when he
ca... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - which river bet will you call?
it certainly very opp dependant. without any opp info, I prefer fold first
one and call second one.
【 在 Windstormm (Windstormm) 的大作中提到: 】
think it through. Which hand would you call? Which hand do you think we
have them beat? Or should we fold or call both?
发帖数: 4896
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 版上码code的同学给点建议把
btw, do you guys think about following data mining software?
1. Build a large database and got enough hand history
2. Use pattern recognization or machine learning techniques to learn
opp's range and possibly cards combination. For example, the environment
input could be the position of all players involved in the pot, the bet
size and maybe opp's HM stats.
3. Make play suggestion for you.
I don't think it is not doable and situations in poker are really less
than games like chess. I know it loo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 有没有人可以具体谈谈Pot Control?
I think stackszie and opp are the key factors. When stacksize are short,
you do not need pot control much. Lot of time one pair is good enough to
take your opp's whole stack.
It certainly depends who you are playing against. Some ppl are willing to
pay you off with tp weak kicker or second pair, some ppl are only willing
to get in with at least a set.

player at NL10/NL25 level on-line. It is very useful indeed, but mostly
towards ordinary players (like almost everyone on live 1$/2$ pla... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 142
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - tournament strategy
make sense. maybe I have too much ego and try too hard not to be overplayed
one more hand..
online, heads-up
I have 400k vs 700k, blind 12k-25k + 2.5k ante
Dealt AcKd, raise to 50k, getting called.
Flop Kc8c2c...
Opp lead 50k bet, I call.
turn and river blank.
Opp bet three streets and I just called.
turns out he has a made flush and I am crippled.
At the flop, call or raise? which one is a better play in HU case? I will
raise if there is no flush draw. This one I am not very sur... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 发现自己还是不能克服ego这一关
lol. 妹妹ego大战后, 好久不出现了。 Actually, sometime , second pair or
bottom pair can make lot of money based on what opp have and his play

Talking about catching bluff, also being able to make big laydown is
a also big edge. In a limit game, doly laid down AA on A224 board on the
turn. Three way action on the flop, they capped on the flop. The turn is a 2
, doly led out , somebody raised , he knew that the only hand that guy can
raise on the turn is quad 2's. so he let his Aces fu... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - a few hands last night
Dolye's call with J high on the river is another classic hand.

They have strong reason to make this kind of call. For me, unless in
heads up situation which justify a lot of loose call against opp who bluff a
lot with missed draw, I do not like this kind of hero call often unless I
have very strong reasoning to do so. There is always risk/reward issue that
you want to consider. Do not worry about being bluffed out some... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - A sick fold on the flop
I did mention in OP that I have no spade in my hand.
say if one guy has KJ, one guy has js9s, I run pokerstov. I only have
about 35% equality to win the pot although I am ahead on the flop. 35%
equality is a solid underdog for me.

AQ on that draw heavy board against two tight opp with strong bet/call
is pretty weak. Combined the range of two opp, it
is very likely to be -EV , or slightly +EV to proceed. I think I can get bigger edge
in the game instead of chasing such low EV( if p... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - husng question for player
it depends on lots of factors. For hu game, studying your opp is always the
first thing you want to do. Start to think your opp's tendency when start
the first hand in the match. If you are in postion , you may raise bluff
these weak donk bet often with total air. But once they called, I do not
like to fire second barrel often unless my hand improves since for 25BB
structure, it is too commited after the calling the raise and nobody like to
fold anything.
Pay attendtion to image and dy... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 94
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 终于轮到我了
actually, turn card did not change anything.
so what you are trying to present when you betting on the turn?
absolutely will get raise for that situation coz he knows you are on the
draw. the question is just a flush draw or a combo draw.
thinking, if you have set on the flop you will flat his raise?
i see many hands, when people have set on the flop get raise will re-raise
i can understand your strategy, do some investments since you have a big
draw. to be honesty, your opp's style is like ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 68152
来自主题: WaterWorld版 - 砸到脚了叫“Ouch”
发帖数: 600
2010-12-03 23:00:27 来自: Kakadu
[0.1 挑选的原则]
a. 我们今天所知的音乐的源头和开始在17——19世纪初。当然音乐史是连续的,但是
b. 20世纪音乐。我个人作为一个对音乐有兴趣的人,很难对我们自己时代的音乐不感
[0.2 使用... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1168
http://ishare.iask.sina.com.cn/f/22443964.html listen to music看下面... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4956
The Christological Controversies
(Louis Berkhof, A History of Christian Doctrines, pp. 101ff.)
Connection of Christological and Trinitarian Problems
的,因此祂是神。从此而发生的问题,就是基督... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 419
来自主题: Database版 - 现在还有人考Oracle 的DBA吗?

I don't know ah,@@
anyway,I passed the first today just in case.Today is the last day for taking
a test without need to take a lesson first.save 1500 bucks,by the way,anyone
want to take can use the code OPP or OTN20 to get some off.
OPP 35%
OTN20 20% off
发帖数: 821
来自主题: Chemistry版 - 有点雷的作者名字
Theoretical study of solvent effects on the coil-globule transition
J. Chem. Phys. 130, 244902 (2009); DOI:10.1063/1.3153350
Published 24 June 2009
James M. Polson, Sheldon B. Opps, and Nicholas Abou Risk
Department of Physics, University of Prince Edward Island, 550 University
Ave., Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island C1A 4P3, Canada
Poison? Opps, Risk!!!
发帖数: 318
来自主题: _KiteRunner版 - 新加坡自助游傻瓜攻略
The Southern Ridges Walk is a nine-kilometer stroll across the hills of
southern Singapore.
[edit] Understand
Singapore is one of the world's most densely populated countries, but after
a slow start the country has recently put much effort into preserving the
bits of greenery that remain, and the Southern Ridges [1] are perhaps the
most impressive result.
The trail consists of four parks stretching across the western half of
Singapore, with impressive bridges allowing pedestrians to cross busy
h... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 82
Trip information:
Sat November 28, 2009
New York, Penn Station 31st St. and 8th. Ave to Washington, DC - Parking Lot
H St. NW opp. 10th St. NW
4:30 PM Depart New York, Penn Station 31st St. and 8th. Ave
8:50 PM Arrive Washington, DC - Parking Lot H St. NW opp. 10th St. NW
Please call me if needed. 850-728-5739
发帖数: 3277
来自主题: _TexasHoldem版 - pocket AA
the point is that it's just which poison you choose to take. if you call the
huge flop raise, then later, you may either be bluffed out of pot with
the best hand or call with the worse hand. Position is the most important
thing in deep stack games, without position, AA is also very vulnerable
against deep stack skillful opps. Folding the flop raise also may
have a good advantage, it may induce more bluffs in latter more
expensive hands and you may penalize your opps there.
发帖数: 3277
来自主题: _TexasHoldem版 - ace, an interesting card
that's actually a big difference between limit holdem and no limit holdem.
For limit, bluffs after a raise play a big role and cb is almost automatic,
for deep stack no limit poker, one should seek for good situations and the
preflop money invested isn't a big deal comparing with your deep stack.
It's like boxing, if you are tough, you can survive many small
attacks by opps and make only one hit that knocks your opp down. That's why
deep stack nl holdem is tough and profitable.

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