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发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Interesting hand
NL 10 is 5c/10c NL 100 is 50c/1$.. microstake stuff. *blush*
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Calling station calls river?
i called. he flips over pocket 2s.. where do these donks come from? NL 10
and NL 100 same crops of people? I have a feeling that if he doesn't have a set, i have him beat. and his smallish bets flop make me suspect that he has a set. when I under represent my hand this much i guess i have to pay off river
发帖数: 1114
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 纪念一下

It's NL 1000 not NL 100
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 愚人节?
Do you get called a lot with over shove AA on NL 25? I rarely gets called if
any at all. Are people laying down their KK QQ JJs AK or I was just not
lucky enough to catch them at the right time? When i was at NL 10, i gets
called all the time with all sorts of junk

发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Fryking 很牛
everyone improves by time. i have to say i disagree some of your old view
of how to play after flop (maybe still your view now). But to have 10bb/100 hand, it is pretty great.
For myself, I didn't think i could win consistently in cash game until 20k
hands ago. Now i can beat NL 25 very easily with minimum variance. But i
am pretty far away from 10bb /100 hand. this win rate shows huge edge towards the player pool of NL 25
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 刚上NL50总能碰donky吗?
not enough data for me in NL 50.. fryking share 不share hand history ah?
only the ones for NL 50
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - blueprint 看完了。。
感觉自己不够凶啊。。。 惭愧。。。
i do not know whether I should go back to NL 25 to practice or stick with NL 50...
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - when you keep running hot
The difference between NL 25 and NL 50 for me. I don't feel much difference
on starting hand (I am very tight preflop). I actually 3 bet more preflop.
the difference is probably variance. I am more aggressive after flop.
发帖数: 175
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 准备学打牌了,大家有啥建议没有
我之前玩很小的limited Hold em。
发帖数: 447
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - comparison about pokeryjj and soleeyeboy
上个星期开始打RUSH。 30 BUYIN 的 UP SWING。 straight up. 我还真的觉得自
己可以MOVE UP 到 NL10 了。 结果这个星期 20个BUYIN 的 DOWN SWING。 整
停了RUSH。 还是持续的输了几个BUYIN。 可能有些ON TILT 了。 现在也不明白到底是
怎么回事。 我差点儿就降级到NL2 去了。
今天刚刚缓过来。 慢慢打。 基本上可以保证WINNING SEASON 了。 以后碰到难打的牌

很多人打了很久其实还没理解... 看了好几个你的回帖, 我
发帖数: 309
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 我玩扑克的经历和心得
玩NL hold'em的经历和有限的实战经验,也对自己的扑克生涯做一个总结。
的时候知道姐夫去了WSOP main event还进了钱圈,于是经常看espn的poker节目,很向
往弹指一挥间千百万美元纵横驰骋的感觉。随后两年和LD去过两次Vegas,玩1/2 NL基
本上是break even还小赚一点,对poker的爱好也越来越浓厚。前年毕业到东部以后,
第一个周末就去了AC,以后经常周末去Harrah's AC,一年
发帖数: 15860
驴不停蹄,越过美加边境线,壮观的尼亚加拉大瀑布旁,就是雄伟的Fallsview Casino。
这里最小的桌子是$2/5NL,有2,3张5/10 NL,还有一张5/5 PLO,再大的游戏可以应赌
客要求临时增加。毛驴爱玩的1/2 NL也有,不过要到分店(Casino Niagara)去,那里据
说有12张桌子,两家是一伙的,这边也看得到那边的waiting list,靠,也很长。
也许是节日的缘故,战斗非常之LAG,拿A9o这样垃圾TP和人硬拼,和疯狂chase draws
$2/5NL桌子没有rake,每半小时收$6 fee。
Session 1: 7个小时
发帖数: 2356
Tom "durrrr" Dwan has started today his big Heads-Up match at Macau, and according to poker room manager of the StarWorld Casino, Stella Yeh, he has been playing against "a guy from Shanghai" ~$4000/$8000 NL Hold'em heads-up.
Few big pots from the game (update from Stella Yeh):
"Hi All,
So as someone has posted earlier, everyone is already aware that durrrr's been playing heads up with a guy from Shanghai for over 12+ hours already. 30k-60k HKD NL . As I've said already I cannot mention who's wi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 215
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Las vegas trip,欢迎讨论提高 :)
汇报一下几手all in 的牌吧
昨天到的,前天晚上party只睡了4个小时,中午到的las vegas,晚上在vennezia玩的,
人还蛮多的,1/2 NL
1) 我 89s 方块late position, BB 加注到12刀,5个人跟注。
flop  A10J,两个方块, BB 下注半个Pot, UTG加注全压,我想了大概
半分钟, 只有大概75刀,也全下了, BB called
BB拿的AK, UTG拿的是 10Jo, 我想我进入的时候有最好的概率,不过运气不在我这边
2) KJs 方块
UTG 加注到7刀, 我在 middle position call, 按钮
flop K65,两个方块5,6,BB下了25 bucks,将近pot,我加
注到75,他想了一下call了,然后转牌blank,他check,我也all in 最后
的大概50 刀,然后他call了,河牌没有flush,他show K6o,两对。
这手牌也没有啥说的,也许flat call更好吧,而且转牌的push也显得牵强,因为我没
有更多的筹码给他... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 回炉了
看了 Chris Fengason 从 0 打到 10K 的故事。里面 Chris 讲到他 bankroll
management 的原则:
1. Cash game, never buy in more than 5% of your bankroll.
2. if anytime the money on the table exceed 10% of your bank roll, you have
to quit.
决定照做。 就当 bankroll management 的 training. 于是把 ftp 左右钱都取出来了
,只剩 200 快。
按照原则,200 的 5%, 我只能从 NL10 打起。
计划是这样的,初始资金 200 --> NL 10,
要跳到 NL 25,资金值需在 600 (500 就可以了,但想给自己 cushion)。如果每天平
均进账 5 元,最少需 120 天,4 个月左右。
今天在 NL10 buy-in full,打了一个多小时,挣了 15 元。撤。
乖乖,NL10 的同志们水平比我想象的好的多,Harrinton 书中说的一... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 回炉了
我从 NL10 打起的原因是我觉得打牌打到现在没有好好的做过资金管理,从 NL10 打起
可以说是一种尝试。看看自己到底有没有 Displine 彻底贯彻 Chris 的资金管理原则。
其实从 NL100 被打下来,原则来说也是要 move down 去打 low limit 的。 NL 25 需
要的资金是 500, NL 50 需要的资金是 1000。 跟 NL10 的 200 快初始资金 差的并不
是太多。如果运气好,可能 3 个多月就可以 Move up 到 NL25。
最重要的一点,从最底层打起,我觉得会让我感觉 move up 是多不容易,打 high
limit 的时候会更加 focus,如果从 low limit 就养成资金管理的习惯,到 high
limit 遇到 down swing 可能会处理的更好一些。
最近 NL100 也打的不顺也是一个重要原因,holdem manager 查了一下,从 12/1 日到
今天,我在 NL100 single table, 40k 手牌,我赚了可怜兮兮的 99.85 元,ev
adjusted 是 $1656.74, 见图。最... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Rounders 2
yeah. NL holdem ring game is pretty much dead at middle-high stake level
online. You can find decent NL game(at 5-10 or 10/20/25 level) sometime
live at Vegas. I read 2p2, somebody can make average 1200$/session at 10-20
level, around 200$/h playing live at commerce. Of course, these good game do
not exist all the time.
But there are still tons of new opportunies poping up, like HU, PLO
, recently Rush. You just have to learn new skill and adapt to new game
It is something l... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 怎么办?
take a small portion of your BR to take a shot at next level and keep
enough BR reserved if you do not run well in higher level. Feel comfortable
to move down when necessary. Taking shot at next level is important as well
. It will improve your game. That is what I learned from Jen Harmon's
I played a few session NL 100, not much difference with NL 400. Just feel
NL400 is more aggressive, more 3 betting preflop and more c-bet. Both
filled with regs and fishes.
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 就没有叫nuts的东西
哎,此时我从 nl 100 下来的就有这样一手牌啊, flop k high flush , 给人从一个
pair 变成 runner full house.
老大也升了嘛? 现在也开 nl 100 的桌了? 不是说有要添娃了,要少打,怎么反而生
了。风暴妹妹新年愿望也是要少打,结果变成从 3 桌到 4 桌,还跷班打。敢情就我老
大家真真这么有空,要不再在 大西洋聚聚,春暖花开的时候?
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Played some NL50 rush last night
Biggest leak for NL 50 player and some of NL100 player is not able to laying
down a hand when they have their hands faced up and are clearly beat. So
value bet good and strong is definitely the way to make the most profit.
Of course sometimes it works to their advantage when I run some crazy bluffs.
Yesterday a hand at NL 100 that I regret to bluff river even though i think
it was a good bluff.. I don't have the hand history, but it goes like this.
I raise A9s mp 3$, lp mini raise to 5$. I call.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1500
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - ftp取钱变快了?

人感觉最低级别的NL其实就是2级分化非常明显,不是说fish and pro,而是说 c-
station、donk 和 super nits,本就不是正常的打法,push cstation 最后一barrel
的话,呵呵 大家心知肚明。所以end up like 大家 multitabling as nits,这绝对是
最有效的micro的赚钱法。 可是问题来了,一旦养成习惯,思维惯性,升级起来就及其
发帖数: 9164

yeah. some decent pro at commerce can make about 200/h at 10/20 NL game. of
course, you need decent poker skill and BR to do that. my poker buddy in
Vegas can make about 20k playing live 10-20 NL live/month.
发帖数: 1114
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 问个问题
This could be developed to a new game. And you can play with your friends.
Player A and B, Game is NL HU. B is always the dealer as he deals the cards.
When B deals the cards out,
he deals his own 2 cards face up on the table. A can see B's cards as they
are on the table but B could not see A's as they are in A's hand.
B can continue deal the flop/turn/river as his hole cards. Then they play NL
HU as usual.
B has huge advantage for sure.

preference shows a little whether you like playing the ca... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - This is how much respect I get
He tilt that easily? I would think being a rush nl 400 regular and play that
many hand every day, this will mean to happen once or twice. maybe he is in
a downswing and this hand triggers it.
just yesterday I played nl 200 and had AA in sb, several people called 6
dollars raise and I think for a while and shove 100bb in the pot ,think
somebody will call with JJ or TTs, sure enough the second caller called.
turn out he slow plays his QQ and just smooth called the original raise and
sure enough h... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - This is how much respect I get
He tilt that easily? I would think being a rush nl 400 regular and play that
many hand every day, this will mean to happen once or twice. maybe he is in
a downswing and this hand triggers it.
just yesterday I played nl 200 and had AA in sb, several people called 6
dollars raise and I think for a while and shove 100bb in the pot ,think
somebody will call with JJ or TTs, sure enough the second caller called.
turn out he slow plays his QQ and just smooth called the original raise and
sure enough h... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Are you serious?
"this is one of the biggest advantage of rush. no table image, no game
flow, no much balance needed. very few will pay attention to what you do .
even stat does not show bet sizing. you can choose the optimal bet size
based on postion, opp and hand strenth. "
Amazing this is concluded from NL 400 game. This should not even work on a
semi decent reg at NL 100 in my opinion.
How many hands have you played at NL400 rush? What is your overall
winrate? care to share?
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Watched one of the Damn Ringer's video

I agree. he is just a very mediocre player. played way too lose (19/14) c bet too
much. that is why he is a middle/low stake coach. :)
I do not like how he played he hand at all. but what helps me a lot
from his vid is how to use stat to adjust my play , which I did not use
enough before. Like if villian has very high cbet percentage on flop, low
turn cbet percentage, you can call the flop and see what he does on the turn
Just played a hand with him,... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 版上码code的同学给点建议把
it is not really popular in local casino, but if you visit Vegas during
wsop , you will find out how popular it is now. During 2008 Wsop, I played a
lots of 5/10 NL in Rio , by then , on middle-high stakes game, it is like
half NLHE, half other games(PLO,mixed etc). But during WSOP 2010, there is
only 4-5 tables for NLHE over 10-25 limit, all other tables are PLO and
mixed games. Some are even straight razz, triple draw, stud HL. Now days all
almost all high stakes are mixed games. There is almo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 版上码code的同学给点建议把
I would not say poker envioment is not bad now. yeah. there are much less
U.S online fish now coz the legal issue and economy, but there are many new
market that generate enough fish, like Brazil, Korean etc. I played NL 400
Rush and middle-high stakes HUSNG, there are still tons of fish there.
法,各有千秋。 所以要拜师,就争取拜最好的。江南七怪对郭靖很好,但永远不能把
它培养成高手。 他跟了洪七公,才发现,不时自己天赋太差,是师父不行。For
poker, I watched a lot of Phil Golfold's vid on Bluefire, it helps my game
so much!... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Run it twice in Rush
The following is copy&paste from the blog I posted before. Hopefully no
copyright issue.
Running it twice is great for risk-reverse. I really do not mind the
extra 1$ rake since I only do it a few times a day at most. Guess it is
worth more in NL 200 and NL 400. Unless you have unlimited BR(over 200bi),
this is great way to reduce variance. When you look at these high risk game
(Poker, stock etc) , EV is not the only thing you should consider, reducing
variance is very important as well... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
for me, NL400 Rush is much more profitable than 5-10 NL live. Most 5-10
NL live I played are no max buy in game, more profitable than most cap game.
these game in vegas now are reg packed. usually 7-8 reg wait for 1-2 fish.
But sometime, you can find really big fat fish, but it does happen often
nowdays. I did not play many 10-20NL session, hard to justify.
In live game, you play around 30h/h, for Rush, even only 2 table,
I played around 600h/h.

发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Live 的确是比以前忙多了。
there are 3 casinos in Vegas offering 5/10 NL on a regular basis before
them, Wynn, Venetion, Bellagio(1500 cap). so it may divert the 5/10 NL

发帖数: 1128
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - One of the best live hand that I played.

Shoving on the flop with QQ was a very good play there. People who play high
limits are usually thinking players. That over bet did look like a bluff.
However, if it was a 1-3 NL game, then I think a lot of people would not
call your bet because most of 1-3 NL players are not that high level yet.
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 有没有人可以具体谈谈Pot Control?
Very nice post.
I think pot control can go either way. Whey you hand is marginal, you
wanna get value from one street or two, like when you have AA on KTT
rainbow board. But you do not even have go all the way, since you can just
let it go against lot of opp when you get strong resistance based on betting
size/tell etc. Against lot of opp, you can easily fold AA when you got
raised any time on KTT board. Lots of time you may need a plan with your
On the other side, even mo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 有没有人可以具体谈谈Pot Control?
pot control is a lot more important when you are playing deep stack.
I do not play much 100 BB stack live game ,but lot of time you can get
decent value from tptk, over pair kind of hand. Poker is always very
situational, nothing is absolute. When you think you are ahead and you can
get value from your hand, just go for it. In heads up sitation, you can even
get lot of value from second pr or third pr.
No need to over adjust , but keeping pot control in mind is very
helpful... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 有没有人可以具体谈谈Pot Control?
yeah. you need decent bank roll to get started for live game and there will
be lot of up and downs. For online game, there are lots of game that
basically do not need bankroll.
There are some significent difference between online and live game.
Nowdays, most live game are NL cash game and the game is getting tougher.
but online you have a LOT more options. I started with FTP to play HUSNG with
50$ deposit and had almost 200$k total profit combined with winning from
Rush Poker and Rakeb... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 有没有人可以具体谈谈Pot Control?
河底是river? :) 我在BF之后,才开始熟悉这些中文的扑克称呼。 如果你发现有
人会overbet bluff when you pot control , 你可以在turn check nuts or strong
holding, 然后让他上钩。 Poker is always a mouse/cat game.
说道 depolarize range, 有一次poker after dark cash game, durrr有一次QQ
He raised QQ in position, picking 2 callers, including Eli Eliza.
Flop comes JJ4, two hearts(maybe diamond , not big deal anyway). Eli had
baby flush draw, checked, another caller checked, and Durrrr checked QQ in
position.The turn gave Eli an pa... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 今年的赌棍大会
yeah. good idea. but need make too early commitment and not enough poker on
a cruise.Guess only private game. Plus we can not afford to miss our Lao
da :)
If you guys do not mind flying to west coast, LA could be a better
option than Vegas. commerce is the biggest poker room in the world , has all
kind of action , from NL 1-2 to NL 20-40 running all day, all time. there
are many other big poker rooms as well. Plus LA has lot of fun things to do
, nice beach, best chinese food around etc. ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1128
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 大家谈谈对emotion control的看法吧
First, I already admitted on my previous post that I made a mistake by
calling the big river bet because I didn't expect the back door flush draw
or straight draw. Second, I was pot committed. Yes, it would be a really
easy fold for you because you were not in the hand, but after you already
put 130 in the pot, then it was not that easy. For that player, he could've
made that kind of bluff too because he thought I didn't have a good hand. If
the river was a 7, he might've made the same bet becau... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4896
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - A well executed bluff by Vassesa Selbst
I totally agree with you on the learning part!
Before BF, I can only say I can make money from 6-max ST on FTP.
After BF, I was forced to play cash on Merge. I can't even beat 25NL before
BF. But I spent a lot of time on reading NL cash materials and watched at
least 100
vids(6max or HU cash) from CR.
I think I can play at 50NL level on Merge, at least break even before RB.
But I am not sure whether this will apply to mid-stake NL cash because I
uncomfortable playing 6-max midstake cash gam... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Top online cash winners from China
靠, emilyran竟然还是top 10, 我和她/他在 nl 400 rush 打过多手牌, 在nl
400 rush 就是一条小鱼, 有牌经常overplay, 有nuts又不敢打, call a lot of
raise OOP with marginal holding. 不知道中国还有不少人在ipoker上打。不知道
ipoker那个皮好。好像见过jj_raise, 的确不错。

Full Tilt Poker
Full Tilt Poker
Full Tilt Poker
5.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2123
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 请教一手牌
昨天在一个1/2 NL的桌子上, 刚上桌不久, 桌子就是个1/2 NL正常桌子, 比较紧,
我有240, 拿9cKc 在后卫raise 10, 只有button call, 他有400多, 他打得不差也
不坏, 后面看到他用JJ 3bet UTG, UTG 4bet All-in, 竟然call。
flop 3c7c8c, 我check, 他bet 20, 我call, turn Ks, 我bet 30, 他raise to 70,
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 周末在WV玩了(中)
5000$ in 1-3 session? with 300 max buyin? that is really unreal! that is
like 17buyin winning in live game. Even he played 25 hand/hour for 10 hours,
only 250hand. Saw somebody have 6k stack in 2-4 rush, but that is rush
poker, playing 250hand/h and they have played so many hours with super LAG
style. It is only 15buyin stack.
I played so many sessions of 2-5 NL no max buyin , usually buy in 2-3k.
The biggest winning day so far in 2-5 NL is around 3.5k.
【 在 lziueng (追梦的人) 的大作中提到: 】
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 666
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Two Depressing Hands on Saturday Night
Hand 1 - 1-2 NL, 5 limpers including SB, I was in BB with 4d2d and checked.
Flop came 653 rainbow. SB checked, I checked, and MP Asian player made a
pot-size bet with $120 behind. His image was nit-TAG and one LP loose
passive player called. Given actions so far, it was clear that I had the
best hand. MP Asian player's range was crystal clear: top 2 being 70% and
set being 30%, and LP probably had a 4 or A6. Folded to me, and I popped to 40
with 120 behind. Seeing me in the BB, my primary ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - rivered top 2 pair
Raise pre won't make too much a difference, IMO. Loose goose players will
call your raise with connectors, suited or not, even oop, that what we see
constantly in low stake games in NL 2-5 and 1-2 game.
Lost minimum is all you want in those situation.
I had a similar hand played last week at NL 2-5 game. A chinese guy (I
thought we friends because we met a couple times in Casino) limp, an Indian
women limp, I raised to $25 at btn with AQo. Both called.
Flop Qh, 9s, 2s, check to me, I bet $40, b... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 报一下喜
It is all right. I was up almost $600 in Vegas (playing very few hours,
mostly in NL 1/2), until last half day I lost it all back and - $900 in NL 2
/5 table.
Just a swing not in our favor. Talk about frustration.
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 2011年LV牌痴大会纪实(维基解密版)
she used to play lot of 10/20 NL at Bellagio. I played with her quite a few
times, mostly at 5/10 NL though.
Also, that pot she lost more than 60k, the pot is well over 100k.
Nothing she can do,putting her all stack in preflop with AA.
发帖数: 1169
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 这里有没有limit 高手?
并非高手,对full ring的Limit而言,感觉有如下几点:
2, 选择起手牌,紧是王道。而且要非常Selective,JJ,AQ都很marginal
3, 起起落落,最终的收益来在于一个一个small or big bet,所以要respect每一个

我上周在各路豪杰聚首LV之际,在local的一个Casino打15/30limit with kill。不知
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - $12K pot
5/10 NL is not that scary at all.... sometime it is even easier than 1-2
NL hehe. there are quite a few old nitty guys in LV who can survive 5-10NL
by just playing ABC nitty poker...
发帖数: 113
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 年底了,欢迎各种总结贴
也响应一下斑竹把,我在加拿大,可以网上,也可以去赌场,我们城市5-6 casino,也
比较有选择,不过其实真正能玩 poker的时间也不多。有时候出差,反倒是晚上能玩,
都能赢好几百(1-2 NL),有一次从$200 到$1000,很high. 在自己的城市很多职业的,我
只有时间一周去一两次,基本broke even.
望2012 能beat live $1-2 NL, 有机会能在5年内去wsop玩玩,就心满意足拉!
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