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发帖数: 127
I think you should look at what the guy wrote before you post it. I think that
is very irresponsible to the people who don't know the music. If then, your postings
I think are just waters. You do not deserve to be the board master.
我认为你应该见看一看他们写得是什么, 然后在把它们贴上来. 你这样不负责任得贴Post,
对很多不懂或不知道的人来说是很糟糕, 你这是Misguiding他们。这样来看,我觉得你
不合格当板主。 你这简直是在灌水。
发帖数: 91
来自主题: WaterWorld版 - UCSD事件跟进内容
(原载http://www.mitbbs.com/article_t2/Military/35811555.html 18楼)
“It is obvious that the offender cannot be unaware
of the extreme derogatory nature of his choice of
'Chinaman/Chinamen" in addressing the Chinese, and
given his rank, he is inciting others to follow his
racist examples. The University should show its true
sincerity in stamping out racism against minorities
by taking immediate, conc... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1184
来自主题: WaterWorld版 - Zakaria: Will China stay on course?
Will China stay on course?
By Fareed Zakaria, CNN
Events in the Middle East and North Africa are of historic importance, but
the even bigger, long-term story is the rise of China. What path will it
choose at home and abroad in the years ahead?
For decades there has been debate at the highest levels of the Chinese
government about how much to modernize politically to ensure growth and
stave off revolution.
It’s notoriously difficult to analyze the inner workings off the Chinese
Communist Party. ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 14447
Frank Dikötter’s Mao’s Great Famine {henceforth “MGF”} is the
longest and most detailed study of the Great Leap Forward (GLF) famine to
appear in English to date.{…} The tone throughout is one of abhorrence and
outrage, and sometimes MGF reads more like a catalogue of anecdotes about
atrocities than a sustained analytic argument. In style and approach it
recalls Jung Chang and Jon Halliday’s controversial Mao: The Unknown Story
(2005); indeed, Chang leads the ”praise” for MGF on t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3225
This paragraph I read before and you are not the author. The original
article seems right, but it has quite a few mistakes about 中国武术. The
author claimed that it is from Daoxin Zhao. However, if Zhao is really an
expert, I doubt whether he will make those silly mistakes.
中国武术, when applied in the real fight, is very differnt from the forms we
saw in movies. It is the movies and novels that misguided people like you.
There i... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4451
This protest is about America and American.
It's about how American children and public are misguided, misinformed and
It's about how some in the Media continues to manipulate viewers and spread
evil among us.
The general public lamented, felt grief and anger whenever senseless and
evil gun violence shocked the nation.
We saw the all too familiar scenes of sirens and SWAT teams on campuses.
We condemned the acts that were getting worse amd worse, that are
Unspeakab... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8992
looks like you REALLY want to know.
the short answer. YES 就因为她是寡妇.
people here are too hyped, too excited, they think the fact 她是寡妇 is
negligible. people brush that aside too quickly. just because they think
they found an issue of wrong and right to debate about. they hang on a self-
righteous "let's root out this evil" banner.
Peerrrlease! give me a break.
Don't think so HIGHLY of all of you. there are all kinds of evil, all kinds
of wrong doings in this world.
You guys laugh my fat ass of... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4448
来自主题: WaterWorld版 - 阴谋,是可能的吗?
Why Rational People Buy Into Conspiracy Theories
In the days following the bombings at the Boston Marathon, speculation
online regarding the identity and motive of the unknown perpetrator or
perpetrators was rampant. And once the Tsarnaev brothers were identified and
the manhunt came to a close, the speculation didn’t cease. It took a new
form. A sampling: Maybe the brothers Tsarnaev were just patsies, fall guys
set up to take the h... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5309
This is misguided.
I think the first thing WSN should do is to stop fantasizing that picking
new female students or drive them shopping would end up in some kind of
relationship. The second thing to do is to stop given women any expensive
gift except for flowers if you are courting them. Remember that women are
stupid enough to fall in anything they believe romantic, but they never fall
into your laps for the real help you provide. Don't expect your money is
enough to buy a pretty female gradu... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2932
【 以下文字转载自 Stock 讨论区 】
发信人: audi (QQQ), 信区: Stock
标 题: 瞻仰一个华人牛b fund manager
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jan 22 12:13:29 2015, 美东)
几个月能把一亿刀炒成20万,然后一封 sorry email 说 bye bye.
Manager 'truly sorry' for blowing up hedge fund
A hedge fund manager told clients he is "truly sorry" for losing virtually
all their money.
Owen Li, the founder of Canarsie Capital in New York, said Tuesday he had
lost all but $200,000 of the firm's capital—down from the roughly $100
million it ran as of late March.
"I take responsi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6788
wonder how many men and women these sorts of BS have misguided?
发帖数: 5087
来自主题: MiddleSchool版 - History of the LoveNLust Gang: Book of Genesis
【 以下文字转载自 LoveNLust 讨论区 】
发信人: NWWolf (西北の狼), 信区: LoveNLust
标 题: History of the LoveNLust Gang: Book of Genesis
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Feb 8 01:27:12 2011, 美东)
We hereby dedicate the following words to WH, one of the most
celebrated scholars and authors on all of MITBBS, and the latest in
a long line of inquirers who have asked this historian about the
mysterious origins of the LoveNLust gang. Without her incitation,
this piece would never have been composed.
History of the LoveNLust Gang: Book ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3501
【 以下文字转载自 LoveNLust 讨论区 】
发信人: Dome (河东狮不吼~~给我打分吧 :P), 信区: LoveNLust
标 题: 国史文情群英传:开国篇--翻译狼兄大作
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Feb 10 00:42:22 2011, 美东)
We hereby dedicate the following words to WH, one of the most celebrated
scholars and authors on all of MITBBS, and the latest in a long line of
inquirers who have asked this historian about the mysterious origins of the
LoveNLust gang. Without her incitation, this piece would never have been
奉天承运,... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3428
来自主题: pets版 - Registered vs Backyard Breeders (ZZ)
Registered breeders vs backyard breeders can be a very emotive subject for
cat lovers. What are the differences between the two and is anyone whose
cat has had a litter of kittens a backyard breeder?
Let’s start by looking at definitions of these terms:
The term “registered breeder” denotes that a person is a member of one of
the numerous cat registering bodies with Australia. These are located in
all states of Australia and have similar aim and objectives, cat welfare
being the most importan... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10
来自主题: single版 - 今天和MM吃饭,真郁闷. (转载)
stop misguiding...
发帖数: 10
来自主题: single版 - 今天和MM吃饭,真郁闷. (转载)
stop misguiding...
发帖数: 2024
来自主题: Literature版 - 三人行-侧记wh&sasa (转载)
hehe, just joking. The first I remembered you was that you replied my post
in Movie and your ID picture misguided me. If I go to the east next time, I
would look for you all! :)
发帖数: 25759
We hereby dedicate the following words to WH, one of the most
celebrated scholars and authors on all of MITBBS, and the latest in
a long line of inquirers who have asked this historian about the
mysterious origins of the LoveNLust gang. Without her incitation,
this piece would never have been composed.
History of the LoveNLust Gang: Book of Genesis
In the beginning, there was no heaven, nor the earth. There was
only the Sex Board, under the benevolent reign of the immortal
king Beegeintar, and... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 141625
“...both Dome and Thisia fell to the misguided belief that the gods' wills
would be best served by asceticism in seclusion.”这是指建... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3675
We hereby dedicate the following words to WH, one of the most celebrated
scholars and authors on all of MITBBS, and the latest in long line of
inquirers who have asked this historian about the mysterious origins of the
LoveNLust gang. Without her incitation, this piece would never have been
奉天承运,狼帝昭曰: 文豪,当世大儒,买卖体不二才女也。然于文情端倪,不尽熟
History of the LoveNLust Gang: Book of Genesis
In the beginning, there wa... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10965

We hereby dedicate the following words to WH, one of the most celebrated
scholars and authors on all of MITBBS, and the latest in long line of
inquirers who have asked this historian about the mysterious origins of the
LoveNLust gang. Without her incitation, this piece would never have been
奉天承运,狼帝昭曰: 文豪,当世大儒,买卖体不二才女也。然于文情端倪,不尽熟
History of the LoveNLust Gang: Book of Genesis
In the beginning, ther... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 25759
来自主题: LoveNLust版 - 【版庆活动】版史旧文重贴
发信人: NWWolf (西北の狼), 信区: LoveNLust
标 题: History of the LoveNLust Gang: Book of Genesis
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Feb 8 01:27:12 2011, 美东)
We hereby dedicate the following words to WH, one of the most
celebrated scholars and authors on all of MITBBS, and the latest in
a long line of inquirers who have asked this historian about the
mysterious origins of the LoveNLust gang. Without her incitation,
this piece would never have been composed.
History of the Lov... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 141625
来自主题: LoveNLust版 - 【版庆活动】版史旧文重贴
发信人: Dome (河东狮不吼~~给我打分吧 :P), 信区: LoveNLust
标 题: 国史文情群英传:开国篇--翻译狼兄大作
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Feb 10 00:42:22 2011, 美东)
We hereby dedicate the following words to WH, one of the most celebrated
scholars and authors on all of MITBBS, and the latest in a long line of
inquirers who have asked this historian about the mysterious origins of the
LoveNLust gang. Without her incitation, this piece woul... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1822
来自主题: OperaHouse版 - No news ... is good news?
Opera News, 76 years old and one of the leading classical music magazines in
the country, said on Monday that it would stop reviewing the Metropolitan
Opera, a policy prompted by the Met’s dissatisfaction over negative
The decision by the magazine, which is published by a Met fund-raising
affiliate, the Metropolitan Opera Guild, and which freely reviews companies
around the world, troubles some opera experts. It is also the latest sign of
sensitivity from the Met under its general man... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 73
来自主题: Thoughts版 - 社会稳定 or 政治稳定
Posted on CDF by pierrotlefou
It appears that we are now talking about "stability" as well. We might as well
make a few distinctions, then. First of all, social stability or political
stability? The inherent instability of authoritarianism is social in nature.
The inherent instability of democracy is political. Simply put, since no
government in the world can stand without some sort of popular support (no
matter how minute or misguided), then the true test of any government occurs
发帖数: 9567
Isaiah 7:14 controversy
Main article: Isaiah 7:14
From the earliest days of Christianity, Jewish critics have argued that
Christians were mistaken in their reading of almah in Isaiah 7:14.[13]
Because the author of Matthew 1:23, believed that Jesus was born of a virgin
, he quoted Isaiah: "Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring
forth a son" as a proof-text for the divine origin of Jesus. Jewish scholars
[who?] declare that... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3781
by Dave Hunt
Right here we confront another vital distinction. It is one thing for God in
His sovereignty, and without diminishing that sovereignty, to give man the
power to rebel against Him. This would open the door for sin as being solely
man's responsibility by a free choice. Is there any reason why God could no
t do this while retaining His absolute sovereignty? Of course not. A denial
of free will in protection of God's sovereignty is well intentioned but unne
cessary and misguided.
In or... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1449
来自主题: TrustInJesus版 - 科学与宗教是互不相容的吗? (转)
Kenneth R. Miller
Professor of biology, Brown University
Any suggestion that science and religion are incompatible flies in the face
of history, logic, and common sense. Modern science developed in the context
of western religious thought, was nurtured in universities first
established for religious reasons, and owes some of its greatest discoveries
and advances to scientists who themselves were deeply religious. From Roger
Bacon, the 13th century Franciscan who pioneered the scientif... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 217
来自主题: TrustInJesus版 - NCAA vs Catholic Church ZZ
(CNN) – As a resident of the most Catholic state in the nation (
Massachusetts), I have watched for more than a decade as the Roman Catholic
Church responded to charges of priestly pedophilia with a troubling
combination of procrastination and obfuscation.
Far too often, Catholic priests, bishops and cardinals have identified not
with abused children but with their “band of brothers,” their fellow
In the case of the sex cri... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3382
来自主题: TrustInJesus版 - 請問 YNML
the point is a bunch of christians take the Young Earth Creationism very
seriously and do believe humans and dinos coexisted. are you saying they are
wrong? for what reason? are they misguided? by what?

发帖数: 5754
来自主题: TrustInJesus版 - 請問 YNML

As far as Christian belief is concerned, the only book that shall be taken
seriously is the Bible. Any claim deviates from the Bible shall be seriously
As to scientific research, anyone is entiled to believe in any scientific
hypothesis, and their position shall be evaluated thru scientific methods if
possible. If not, it is not in the realm of science.
Also a question to you, a bunch of atheists take "evolution theory" as the "
scientific disproof" to Gensis. Are they misguide... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7299
【 以下文字转载自 GayStudy 俱乐部 】
发信人: msgc (为了下一代免遭变态残害), 信区: GayStudy
标 题: 一个同性恋者站出来反对同性恋婚姻 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Mar 23 12:40:04 2013, 美东)
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: lczlcz (lcz), 信区: USANews
标 题: 一个同性恋者站出来反对同性恋婚姻
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Mar 22 19:45:32 2013, 美东)
"Pure sophistry is pitted against reason. Reason is losing."
by Rick aka Mr. Brutally Honest
A gay guy speaks out against... gay marriage:
In our sometimes misguided ef... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38403
Months after snake-handling preacher's death, his son recovering from
Snake-handling preacher Cody Coots got scared when the 6-foot long rattler
bit his right hand early Monday.
Just three months ago, his father, Jamie Coots, died within minutes of being
bitten by a rattlesnake during a service at his Middlesboro church.
The loss was still fresh for his family and friends, and Cody Coots, who
took over for his father, had just been bitten by an even bigger rattler.
At first, "All I cou... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6523
来自主题: Wisdom版 - 究竟什么是修行?
Re this.
Actually for any passion or heart's desire, one would naturally put his/her
heart into pursuing it, and s/he would surely excel in it.
The sad part is that we often use our rational thinking or others' advices
to misguide ourselves on what we really want to do. If we often say "I
should do this or that" a lot, but we are not actually doing it or
procrastinating a lot on it, then perhaps we should NOT do that.
Instead, find out what we really want to do. Here's a very good book on this
t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 130
来自主题: BIT版 - 调剂调剂

Please don't misguide people chilly!!!
I mean this someone is someone else
not the someone you think of as
To tell the truth
the someone is just a someone here.
发帖数: 19743
来自主题: Apple版 - 这回iPhone 4一反常态啊
sorry was misguided by people's comments on Sprint skipping 3G for WiMax
发帖数: 19743
来自主题: Apple版 - iCloud真的是很烂。
iTunes is not a failure at all. You are misguided.

★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.7
发帖数: 1540
来自主题: Apple版 - [合集] iCloud真的是很烂。
aaaty (阿提) 于 (Sat Dec 8 02:02:01 2012, 美东) 提到:
但是一旦到了Documents in the cloud和iWork的integration,苹果做的就非常非常烂。
改过,请问保留哪个? 其实给的信息也很少不知道自己选对没有。最可怕的是经
我想也许是需要重设一下吧。在Numbers和Pages里面关闭iCloud功能,提... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1136
来自主题: Programming版 - 看来2013还是Javascript最流行
Are you talking about dart UI outside the browser? What is the api it can
use to render then?
In chromeos, browser is the entire OS, html dom is the only way to render
Clearly you didn't even look at the dart api before posting! No wonder why
they are so misguided.
发帖数: 1810
众议院共和党领袖说了” “Today’s decision makes one thing clear: Congress
must act to repeal this misguided law. … Today’s decision does nothing to
diminish the fact that Obamacare’s mandates, tax hikes, and Medicare cuts
should be repealed and replaced with common sense reforms that lower costs
and that the American people actually want.”
发帖数: 270
来自主题: Biology版 - Nature News: The controversy over NgAgo
转一个 Nature news 下面的了评论,直接冲着方舟子去的。
DONGXIAO YUE•2016-08-08 08:06 PM
The following is a summary of some very heated debate in China on the Han
NgAgo paper. 1. Fang's rash accusation of fraud was a mere result of his
misunderstandings of the Han paper and molecular biology in general. Even
one of Fang's ardent supporters pointed out to him that he misinterpreted
the electrophoresis bands presented in the paper. Fang further mistook
distances between target sites for DNA segment size deltas. 2... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 25
来自主题: Business版 - 关于学商科和学工科人的区别
This is mostly a misguided comment. Engineering requires much more basic
training in math and science than most business fields (as someone said,
leave aside those technical classes in business schools, which are actually
much harder than engineering classes even for most engineering or science
students.) I have graduate degrees in all three areas, engineering,
business, and physics. We used to joke about engineers in a similar way,
because most students who dropped out of the physics phd prog... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 87
来自主题: Chemistry版 - 博后之命运
Recovering From Postdoc MistakesBy Alaina Levine
March 18, 2011
“It is vitally important for postdocs to be aggressive and take charge of
their careers.”
"The best thing you can do in a postdoc is to do things that you enjoy,"
urges Doon Gibbs, deputy director for science and technology at Brookhaven
National Laboratory, who has overseen the supervision of many postdocs over
25 years. Ensure those tasks are noticeable, such as publishing papers and
presenting at conferences, he adds. But possess... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 789
来自主题: ChineseMed版 - 新天方夜谭
CDC Panel Votes to Extend HPV Vaccine to Young Boys
All males starting at age 11 should receive the HPV vaccine Gardasil to
protect themselves against sexually transmitted forms of human
papillomavirus, the cause of most cervical and anal cancers as well as most
mouth and throat cancers, a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
advisory committee voted today.
Thirteen members of the committee voted in favor of extending the HPV
vaccine recommendation to young boys, and one member abstained. ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 604
来自主题: PoliticalScience版 - 余永定即将发表在 Financial Times上的文章
He asked: "why pressure China to revalue? U.S. policymakers surely
understand the downsides of a yuan revaluation for the U.S. economy. And
they certainly must realize that their very public campaign only makes it
more difficult for the Chinese to take action. Could it be that this is the
point? A cynic might hope that the push for a Chinese exchange-rate change
is not a response to misguided political pressures, but is instead a devious
attempt to prolong the enormous benefits the United States
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