

全部话题 - 话题: miniftop
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发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - watch ftop and miniftop whole way yesterday
miniftop HU game,
Brazil buddy makes at least 2 big mistakes.
1. Limp pot, paired board, allin with one pair, the other guy has trips
2. Limp pot, flop a monster draw, and allin with it, should fold no matter
how big is the draw.
mitiftop Event #10
one guy is crazy, on final table, KO the other 7 or 8 guys.
Get lucky several pot, A4 vs AK, preflop allin, flop 2 pair
But he owns the table, doom to win, best performer on that table. -----
raise 75% pot
FTOP Event #10
the buddy squeeze with a
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 3bet with j7o
miniftop event 10, On final table, chip leader KO all other 8 opponents.
30$ buyin, 1st prize 52k.
Then you will know how many pots he is involved.
miniftop event 12, I did watch it till final 3 table.
I guess similar things happend, chip leader will KO most of players.
It is 6max game, I guess chip leader will KO at least 4 other guys on the
final table.
Similarly, Jerry yang KO 6 ppl on WSOP FT.
Jamie Gold KO 5ppl(my estimation) on WSOP FT.
The way they play is to play virtually every possible
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - skill is SO important, lol
This kind of lesson is too much expensive.
Crouts is good, and a little bit luck for the final table, catch the cards,
and get the donk to play with him.
If good regular there, crouts has almost no way to win that match.
I have watched miniftop event#10, ftop event#10 before. The chip leader is
just so strong, completely domination.
miniftop event#10's winner looks like fishy, but from my experience, he is
very advanced in poker skills, he KO the other 8 guys on the final table,
which is ama
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Limited Omaha 8 和 PLO 8 的策略区别?
Yes. Omaha 8(tourney) usually is limit game.
Cash game should have a lot of PL game.
Still remember my first O8 tourney(miniftop) 20 days ago. I am folding
folding, folding. Frykings asked me what I am doing, folding to death. lol
I finally squeeze into the money, my first time into money in ftop series
and miniftop series.
My last hand(11BB) is AA2q on the button, raise it, BB calls, flop 3j8
rainbow, ... somehow BB has j3 in his holding, and somehow BB wins it with 2
haha, not so bad for
发帖数: 1989
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 小赢一次
Hehe. 24+2 token is the buy-in for MiniFTOPs. Last weekend, I took a look.
It has 16K+ ppl and it takes 10 hours to reach final table (6-handed) and 13
hours to finish.
My first time to play with chip in millions. It is a warm-up. Plan to try
MiniFTOPs late.
发帖数: 1989
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - FryKing, One Quest
Medium Buy-in is extremely tough. I saw the MiniFTOPs below
Only the final table guys get decent money. Even finish around 10 to 20, the
money is so-so compared with the toughness.
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 得意一下
Bo, maybe you can try 3* shootout game on ftp.(miniftop, or ftop)
totally 729ppl, 9ppl each table, winer goes to next round, 81ppl left---->into the money
then 2nd round, 9ppl each table, winer goes to next round, 9ppl left
then final table, wait for big prize.
Since you are hot, I recommend this game to u.
发帖数: 113
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Won a seat to MiniFTOPS Event #7
T ID:84241340
下周六 16:05 如果打不了,可以退钱吗?
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Won a seat to MiniFTOPS Event #7
到这个比赛注册画面去,点击“Unregister Now”,参赛费可以现在返还到你的帐户上
,是“tournament dollars”,而非现金,可以拿这个去打别的任何比赛(功能相当于
fulltilt不希望有很多人赢了初赛而不参加决赛,所以搞个“tournament dollars”(
发帖数: 914
45 or 90 sng感觉不难,不犯错误都能有个名次啥的。
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - watch ftop and miniftop whole way yesterday
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - yesterday's miniftop event #12 is good show
I almost cetertainly know who will win the tourney when 27ppl left.
That buddy raises every unraised pot.
3bet 30% raised pot.
When he raises, and get repoped, 50% chance get allin, then the 3bet guy
will fold.
Capable to make 3 barrels with complete air. So, when someone floats him, it
is very hard to win the pot.
The guy finished 2nd, calls 70% chips with king 10 o, on king jack 6 flop, turn ace, river jack board.
The chip leader shows 78o(, it is a triple barrel). The river bet is 2/3 pot,
发帖数: 3932
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - yesterday's miniftop event #12 is good show
theoretically, if other 26 guys fold every mediocre hand and put him allin
on every ok and above hand (such as Ax), he should be out pretty soon... but
guess there's no way to make 26 guys think the same way.. so he still can
steal enough.

发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - yesterday's miniftop event #12 is good show
The way he played is awesome.
A lot of ppl(usually high buyin fellows) repops him. Almost 30% chance he
get repoped, then he use 4bets(almost 50% chance, the 4bet could be very
very light, of course the 3bet(might be 27o) also very very light) to
resteal it.
The stack is very deep, hard to allin. If you are short, then allin very
easily. One guy(high buyin buddy) allin him with k9s and wins, and he calls,
show tjo. But if you have 20+bb deep, he raises to 2.3BB, hard to allin, if
you 3bet him, h
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - yesterday's miniftop event #12 is good show
He also 3bet very often, almost 25-30% raised pot get repoped by him.
You might raise with ace 10o, will you allin with it?(consider you have 20+bb, invest 2.3BB)
But I guess his 3bet hand includes Q8o, Qts, 79s, even 10 2 o
Some guys does shove in with a9s, he shows 99.
Another guy shoves with a9o, he calls with aqo.

发帖数: 914
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - yesterday's miniftop event #12 is good show
I didn't get the point.
So he is just bluffing? if someone calls with a big hand, (like ace king, AA
, KK), what will he do?

+bb, invest 2.3BB)
发帖数: 6301
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - yesterday's miniftop event #12 is good show
I think you overestimate the power of player, and underestimate the power of
On a 10 players table, every 5-6 hands one of the 10 player would hit a hand that is either QQ,KK,AA or AK.If the guy raises too often, he will be killed very soon.
Unless either he hit too many good hands, or other players don't
hit good hands during that mentioned time.

to win the pot.
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - yesterday's miniftop event #12 is good show
this buddy is smart on poker, believe me.
It is very hard to get his chips.
He surely can make good guess if you hit or not, whether you have a big hand
or not.
(Sometimes I do the same call 3-bet allin with a5o, the opponent show j7o)
During the time I watch, every 3bet against him, his 4bet is good.
And he 3bet, and get shoved, he calls, his hand(not that strong) is good.

发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - yesterday's miniftop event #12 is good show
Aggressor wins the game. If you watch main event, You may wonder how the
heck Jammie Gold always has str8, full house, the reason is so simple---play
virtual every hand.
On that table, Jammie Gold raise almost every unraised pot.
Similarly, Jerry Yang did the same. And play super aggressively. Did he hit
the board? No, but he won the pot.
There are a lot of good online MTT players, they win a lot of big tourneys,
how could they always have such luck? From my estimation, the skill is much
more im
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - yesterday's miniftop event #12 is good show
Just won a hand, different player plays differently.
Full Tilt Poker Game #12184952561: $35,000 Guarantee (90973433), Table 58 -
25/50 - No Limit Hold'em - 20:36:45 ET - 2009/05/12
Seat 1: nhunt83 (5,895)
Seat 2: 0815User (2,705)
Seat 3: pokeryjj (3,670)
Seat 4: njw11 (2,635)
Seat 5: moewells100 (2,745), is sitting out
Seat 6: joao bauer (4,905)
Seat 7: dangerbdh (760)
Seat 8: teamhonda3 (3,445)
Seat 9: jillson (4,120)
teamhonda3 posts the small blind of 25
jillson posts the big blind of 50
发帖数: 6301
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - yesterday's miniftop event #12 is good show
I think Jerry Yang is a joke.
Jammie Gold is over aggressive.
在NBC看过几场Jerry Yang 的HU,差不多no read,就知道别人raise,他再reraise.差不多他所有的reraise都撞板.别人bluff是靠read,他是靠瞎蒙.2+2都在议论他是个fish.他拿一次世界冠军运气好而已.
我看过一次pokerstars欧洲之旅锦标赛,有一傻冒就知道raise,别人一bet,他就raise allin.大部分牌都是落后把人家badbeat,最后还拿了亚军.这个和Jerry Yang有一比.
发帖数: 269
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - yesterday's miniftop event #12 is good show
successful aggressive players usually have superior reading skills. play
lose and aggreesive is much more difficult than tight and aggressive.
That said, luck is still very much a major factor in tournments. Jammie
Gold is simply horrible at cash games. He disappared from high stack poker
cash game already. If he didn't, I think he would be totally broke by now.
Many people have wondered how he won the WSOP. He is just so not in the
same class as all the other great poker players.

发帖数: 606
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - yesterday's miniftop event #12 is good show
Gold is a joke.
simply betting all 3 streets does not work. you must balance your
aggressive plays (between betting, floating-betting the next street and
luck is more imprtant than we ever will realize. ppl tends to attribute
their (or other experts') success to knowledge/skill way too much than
knowledge/skill really deserves.
any player who has studied the basic theories should not be worse than 35:65
dog against any pro, heads-up with 100bb deep stack. eventhe the world's
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - yesterday's miniftop event #12 is good show
No matter what, Gold plays the best on that game, especially final 3 table, almost doom to win.
any player who has studied the basic theories should not be worse than 35:65
dog against any pro, heads-up with 100bb deep stack.
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - yesterday's miniftop event #12 is good show
But everyone should admit Jerry Yang played best on that table, I guess that
Russian buddy also plays very well on that game.
If I hold the same card on that game as Jerry Yang's, I should say I can not
win it.
Jerry Yang's beting style is complete maniac, hard to play against him.
NBC HU game is the toughest HU game in the world. No one has great edge
against other player. It is completely different game.
From my knowledge, Jerry Yang plays big stack very very well. I have watched
some Final ta
发帖数: 3932
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - yesterday's miniftop event #12 is good show
I think Jerry Yang played better than Jamie Gold at least, hehe. Gold was wa
y too lucky.

发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - yesterday's miniftop event #12 is good show
If you play a lot, the luck factor will be even out.(Just like coin flip(can
be treated as luck), if you flip 2000 times, it almost 5050. )
Those successful players win big every month. You have to admit the skill
factor there.
And watch ftop final 2 table, and final table, you will find the guy who
will win in the end from the beginning. Just by the way he plays.
Similarly, when you watch Jerry Yang, and Gold or Greg plays that FT, you
almost sure they can win in the end.

发帖数: 269
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - yesterday's miniftop event #12 is good show
it is very much a game of skills. :) that is the main reason I like this
game so much. it is just so much fun. something new to learn every day.
any one tournment is really short term. so luck dominates. :) but the good
players always win consistantly over long period of time.

发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 眼泪哗哗的
You have won 2 tokens for that game.
生猛is good.
I played a lot of token games recently.
Monday, I won 4 miniftop Event #12 tokens in 2 hours.
Bubble 3 tokens.
Wish you will win more tokens.
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - skill is SO important, lol
last night yjj and i watched miniFTOP event #22 ($250+20 buy in), thousands
of players.
when it's down to the last 3: crouts, a strong regular ($40K in winnings)
whom yjj had played with before, a girl (whose biggest win ever was $462),
and a loose fish (big loser in general).
girl was in big lead, about 6 million in chips.
fish was middle, 2.5m.
crouts was short stack, less than 2m.
blinds still kind of low, 25K/50K...
back and forth for a while, crouts took a big hit and was down to 999K in
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - my first PS tourney win
Eventually we chop it, I get 1600bucks, others even chop.
Actually I lose at least 800k chips in the later part.
The structure determines we can play no more. 30 minutes, up one blinds
level. And 5000chips starting chip stacks. Everyone still got 70+BB. If continuing playing, I guess need another
3+ hours, does not worth the time.
Actually, I do not pay attention to this tourney in the beginning, just try
to finish it, and have a good rest and have energy to play miniftop. But
this one goes on a
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - still 2k ppl left, i can not say anything
costly mistake
Full Tilt Poker Game #19266878918: MiniFTOPS Event #10 (128337446), Table
1883 - 10000/20000 Ante 2500 - No Limit Hold'em - 1:12:30 ET - 2010/03/15
Seat 1: thick_mick (664,215)
Seat 2: Radiance747 (312,889)
Seat 3: pokercj95 (1,127,266)
Seat 4: alan1431 (127,092)
Seat 5: spam-it (246,906)
Seat 7: intl farmer (539,118)
Seat 8: NoixDeCocoX (180,842), is sitting out
Seat 9: SHlP_lT_MY_WAY (912,669)
thick_mick antes 2,500
Radiance747 antes 2,500
pokercj95 antes 2,500
alan1431 antes 2,
发帖数: 1989
I found I have one. But I would try MiniFTOPs. I saw it last weekend. It is
发帖数: 1989
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 小赢一次
1000+ ppl, Buy-in 3+0.3
Finished 2nd. The final winner got luck from me. When 4 ppl left and I
covered him, my QQ cannot snap his JJ. If it did, I would have 78% of total
Sigh. Tried next one (5+0.5 buy with 500+ ppl), finshed exact 100th(no penny).
下次要试试MiniFTOPs (15,000 ppl)
发帖数: 1989
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - FryKing, One Quest
What is his mitbbs id? Or his email. I do like to ask him.
Like to try medion buy-in once or while. Saw MiniFTOP final once. It pays
25K+ each. Not to expect to get a score yet. But surely ready to
touch the water and try out.
I believe I have not get the texture yet.
发帖数: 1989
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - FryKing, One Quest
Yes, yes. Frankly and fairly to speak, only final table player get good
"last year for $200K in MiniFTOPs". WOW, nice. He got be EXCEL on this.

发帖数: 1989
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - FryKing, One Quest
THe MiniFTOPs I observed has guys all (except the pro host) have big
negative ROI. All had never a significant win before. When they chat on
making a deal,
one guys says he had <15$ at account and the other say <1$. Serious.
Yes it does take experiece and skills. Say that improves chance by 5X. But
if the non-experienced and non-skilled are 100X over. The non-experienced/
skilled will and should dominated the final table. That is what happened,
what is happenning and what would happen (especiall
发帖数: 1989
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - MiniFTOP this upcoming two weekends
FTOPs are gone. Minimees are coming this two weekends.
Plan to try one or two. Sicne no need go satellite for this, bet I am
to save some time especially on week days.
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - MiniFTOP this upcoming two weekends
you can do it!
发帖数: 1989
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - MiniFTOP this upcoming two weekends
hehe, thx. In my dream, I always. In reality, I am to try and sharpen.
发帖数: 7793
i see that 10$ sngs can use tounrment ticket as well. but there is no such
price in the step ticket. How do you get those? Can I just buy the miniftop
ticket with the equal face value and use it on 10$ sng??
发帖数: 15860
step ticket is just one type, there're many others, even daily dollar ticket.
if you go to fulltilt store (the one uses FTP points), you'll see tons of
choices, low to high.

发帖数: 7793
My question is whether you can use those specific ticket with the equal face
value for regular sng where it says it is possible to use step ticket.
Because i am not finding the regular step ticket that has the same face value
with regular 10$ sng except the miniftop entry ticket. I have some ironman medals which i would love to spend to buy some tickets to i can play some of my 10$ STT which i used to play.

发帖数: 1989
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Find Playing Worse and Worse
Not for just for the outcome, indeed many hands show internal perils.
Sigh, the virture of patience and being analytical is gone and bet
Tried two MiniFTOPs.
One: 10 Buy-in w/ 400K guaranteed; After rebuy-addon period is over, dealt w
/ QQ at SB. I walked away alittle bit and found it when timing-out. The
mouse got stuck, it happened to slide on 6X, I click it on last second (3BB
from UTG; 6X=1/4 of my chip). UTG allin and I call. I bet coin flip and it
was (UTG has AKo). UTG has m
发帖数: 1989
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 打 Tourney 太费体力了
脑力也的费, 一步不留神就完完.
Sunday, play multiple MiniFTOPs and guarantees and all failed w/ simple
slip. Cannot pay attention on all the tables.
Today just played a 32K MTT guarantee while playing a setellite by side. While
won the satellite, the MTT game quickly sliped away and fell at top 20% line.
Need improve this side before make any significant move.
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - what do you do here? call with Q high?
Today, I played a crappy hand similar way. After that hand, we begins a
dirty conversion in the chat box.
Full Tilt Poker Game #23880809458: MiniFTOPS Event #16 (168454658), Table
218 - 80/160 - No Limit Hold'em - 22:49:09 ET - 2010/09/13
Seat 1: Frank1The1Tank (3,530)
Seat 2: boil1232 (4,775), is sitting out
Seat 3: pokercj95 (6,784)
Seat 4: kobrakai222 (8,130)
Seat 5: -Done-Deed-iT- (3,532)
Seat 6: Poker4fool (6,960)
Seat 7: BWestbrook036 (7,682)
Seat 8: BLUNT-A-Day (5,450)
Seat 9: bfrench1244
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - soleeyeboy's luck is crappy
you mean you went deep in this miniFTOPS?
for how much?

发帖数: 1989
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Finally find the post by YJJ
I have two goals. 1) win WSOP package. It did not happen.
2) Win a MTT. I mean win it not just at final table. I had a few final
But either made mistakes or go for deal. Have not happened yet. But one
to try. Might MiniFTOP is place to go.
Last weekend, at one final table made silly mistake wtice. Call allin from
short stack TWICE. 1) raise 2.4BB at CO w/ A8s and call allin from SB (1/4
chip). SB had JJ and held. 2) SB limpin and BB/I raise to 3BB. SB allin (1/3
chip), I tank(I kno... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - sigh, need luck for this one
long hours, 40th in miniftops event #4, 3954 players, 1st gets $77K.
shoved the same 3x opener in previous hand, and thought this one was a sure win
(2 shoves in a row strength), BB woke up with monster.
result sucks but may be the best tourney i ever played:
1) played with annettt_15, lol, and busted one ex ftop champ;
2) pulled quite a few big bluffs with air on river, big pots;
3) played stack/pot well.
发帖数: 4210
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 这手牌你会怎么打?
good to know this. will try tonight at the MiniFTOP event.

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