

全部话题 - 话题: instaling
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发帖数: 582
I am using ubuntu 9.10. We are trying to install two more software based
on ubuntu. One is TinyOS (www.tinyos.net). The other is NXTMOTE
is the tutorial we follow.
1. We first have TinyOS 2.x installed on Ubuntu 9.10. then I try to
install NXTGCC for NXTMOTE. However, I got the following error:
gary at ubuntu:/opt/nxtmote/0.05/usr/src/rpm/RPMS/i386$ s
发帖数: 21578
still you can use grub4dos to boot into Linux installation media
google ubuntu installation from net or hd media
just need to download a kernel image, a net or hd installation media
then setup windows boot options to load grub to load it.
i usually do this on my old computer.
发帖数: 17667
This is very common linux installation pain. Almost everyone will experience
this from time to time with any distro. If you decide to get into the swamp
of Linux, you'd better to learn how to spot problems (driver, package
missing ...) from the sys logs and then install the missing components or
fix wrong config files. No one can help you if you just described it as: "I
installed it, then it crashed ..."
发帖数: 10166
发帖数: 131
本人不太懂电脑, 弱弱的请教各位大侠。
我打开我的Itunes, 想Update我的Itunes到最新版本, 结果被告知不行。 而后下载
Itunes 最新版本到硬盘, 而后安装, 被告知:
“The Windows Install service can not be accessed. This can occur if you run
mode or if the Windows Installer is not correctly installed . ”
我想Uninstll一个很小的软件, 也被告知:
Error 1730. You must be an Administrator to remove this application. To
remove this application, you can log on as an administrator , or contact
your technical support group for assistance.
用扫毒软件查看了, 也没什么效果。希望各位大侠不吝指教! 谢谢!
发帖数: 2334
来自主题: Software版 - clean install的问题 (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 Windows 讨论区 】
发信人: wind (one), 信区: Windows
标 题: clean install的问题
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Apr 24 14:24:45 2011, 美东)
刚买了台t420s,还没收到。计划到手后先clean install windows 7。有些问题没有特
1)那个hidder partition有必要留么?现在手头的x200是删了的,不过不知道咋弄得
还有个partition 叫什么servicev003,没敢动。也就1.5g左右。
2)ThinkVantage 有必要留么?如果想留,能只装我想要的功能吗?,像active
3)Bios 什么时候update合适?
提到了要update bios。不知道是否在clean install之前会好些。
4)刚看到这个,prett... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 80
Windows 7 - Asking for username/password while installing Windows 7 64bits
Asking for username/password while installing Windows 7 Home Premium
Hi. I've got some driver problems so I decided to reinstall the same windows
[Win 7]. While installing, The system restarted and showed up the Win 7
wallpaper asking for username and password. From what ? Also i didn't
configured username/password before this. Tried the old username/pass but it
says "This domain cannot be connected, blah bla... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 131
本人不太懂电脑, 弱弱的请教各位大侠。
我打开我的Itunes, 想Update我的Itunes到最新版本, 结果被告知不行。 而后下载
Itunes 最新版本到硬盘, 而后安装, 被告知:
“The Windows Install service can not be accessed. This can occur if you run
mode or if the Windows Installer is not correctly installed . ”
我想Uninstll一个很小的软件, 也被告知:
Error 1730. You must be an Administrator to remove this application. To
remove this application, you can log on as an administrator , or contact
your technical support group for assistance.
用扫毒软件查看了, 也没什么效果。希望各位大侠不吝指教! 谢谢!
发帖数: 31
if your system don't have X11-dev files installed, it is
very hard for you to install cxterm. Try to find some
machine with X11-dev installed and compile cxterm on it.
BTW, cxterm 5.1 can be found at:
www.debian.org -> packages ->find "cxterm" download
source tar.gz
good luck!
发帖数: 14
My lab's Solaris 2.5 was hacked, we plan to update the
system to Solaris 2.7. I never installed this version. I
have some dumb questions here:
First, do I need to reformat the hard disk because it was
hacked? Or I can just use the update option on the CD?
Second, are there any tricky things I should remember before
Third, how long it will take for a full installation?
Any suggestions and comments are welcome. Thanks.
PS: Thank you, Microbe, for your help on C binary files.
发帖数: 225
You need install all system. backup your home system.
Hacker is beyond you and me.
before install, figure out what you need.
IP, NIS, NFS, WEB, Route, NIS+, DHCP, C/C++/JAVA ..
It is easy to install,usually cost 1 hour.
发帖数: 40
Hi, daxia,
I am sorry that I cannot type chinese since idon't have
chinese input system. sorry about that first.
Now I have just installed sun solaris 8 into the machine for
my boss. before i installed the software, i was asked to
configure the networking services. But i didnot configure
it. so at that time, i just skip it and continue installing
the software related with solaris.
after rebooting system, it asks me again to config the
networking. Suppose i should configure it as DHCP, but i
发帖数: 2074
来自主题: Unix版 - Glib install problem with Sparc 2.5?
hi, all:
i tried to install glib into our lab's Sparc workstation with SunOS5.
1. i downloaded the source from gnu's website: http://www.gtk.org/
2. gunzip it, and tar xvf it.
3. in the source directory, run the command "sh config"
4. make
5. make install
the steps 1 - 4 is all right without any error. however, when i do
step 5, it tells me the destionation ("usr/local/lib") file system is
read only.
so the installation is unsuccessful.
i logged in as administrator -- "root".
and i found the use
发帖数: 36
In my old PC with P3 900 cpu, I can install solaris 8 with no problem. But In
my new computer, P4 2.0G cup, I can't install solaris 8 again.
During install solaris 8, first is the system automatical scaning the
hardware, then choice the boot devices. I can select from the following three
1) Harddisk
3) Network devices.
Because the computer is alone PC, so I choice the second item using cdrom to
boot the system. the system go to the next step and rebooting the system again
发帖数: 375
【 以下文字转载自 Linux 讨论区,原文如下 】
发信人: rockzd (Missing you), 信区: Linux
标 题: Help installing SuSe on PowerEdge 1600sc
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Sat Mar 15 23:24:49 2003) WWW-POST
Any one has the experience in installing SuSe 8.1 on PowerEdge 1600SC?
I tried it, but failed, seems it can't load the driver for the SCSI
controller. I would like to know if some one did the installation of any linux
version (Red Hat, mandrake, Suse, FreeBSD...) without the help of the system
manager provided by Dell.
发帖数: 5690
【 以下文字转载自 Programming 讨论区,原文如下 】
发信人: yongqi (恐龙), 信区: Programming
标 题: Re: [转载] Install GCC on AIX
发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Mon Nov 17 15:26:22 2003) WWW-POST
I tried again:
first tried to reinstall gmake using --prefix option. there are some errors on
compile but it got installed. I guess still not correctly.
Then used the gmake to install gcc. configured OK using --prefix option. Then
build using gmake bootstrap-lean but failed with foloowing errors:
cc: 1501-230 Internal compiler error;
发帖数: 530
hi, there, I am installing a unix based software to my apple. after
installation, it says I need to do followings but I do not know how to do it.
as follows is the information they provides:
If the automated installation succeeded, users need only execute the
initialization scripts that were created, for example by adding lines such as
the following to their ".cshrc" file, preferably at the very end of the file:
if (-e /u/nmr/com/nmrInit.sgi6x.com) then
source /u/nmr/com/
发帖数: 175
【 以下文字转载自 Linux 讨论区 】
发信人: lilyflower (smile), 信区: Linux
标 题: install grace on fedora core 6 problems
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jul 11 13:08:33 2009, 美东)
I tried to install grace -5.* on fedora core 6.0 computer but got
following error message:
checking for a Motif >= 1002 compatible API... no
configure: error: M*tif has not been found
So I installed the lesstif on my local computer and ran the test. The end of
test result is like this:
98 failed out of 584
< means recently pooched
> means recently f
发帖数: 2356
I want to install two system in my machine:
Linux and Win2000
How can I do that?
Do I need any other third tools installed first?
Install Win2000 first or Linux first?
发帖数: 48
来自主题: Windows版 - xp service pack 2 install problem
freshly installed xp, then
continue to install sp2,
after installation, the three options
(automatic,enable,disable) in windows firewall
are gray, so I cannot turn on/off firewall.
What's more, I cannot connect to internet, although
I can ping myself and DNS server...
what the heck?
发帖数: 113
I was trying to install a hardware from cd (bluetooth adaptor, usb ), however,
everytime I connect that adaptor, the xp will automaticcally install that
hardware for me ( find a driver automatically). which can not work with my
adapotor, is there any way that ican turn this auto installation off , it
drives nuts thank you
发帖数: 88
【 以下文字转载自 Linux 讨论区 】
发信人: stevensung (四有青年), 信区: Linux
标 题: Problems while installing UBUNTU in VMWare with WINXP as host.
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Feb 7 12:14:29 2007)
I am trying to install UBUNTU 6.10 (for desktop/laptop) as a guest OS in the
VMWare 5.52. The host OS is WinXP Pro. Everything looks ok until I am
begining the installation of UBUNTU. After I insert the CD burned from the
ubuntu image, there is something like "no boot filename is found" showing in
the VMWare window. And I have to s
发帖数: 853
【 以下文字转载自 Hardware 讨论区 】
发信人: parv (EHL), 信区: Hardware
标 题: hal.dll problem, install xp from usb drive
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Feb 5 14:46:24 2009)
Can boot from usb, copied installation files (took one hour or so).
Then, I got this error:
Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:
Please re-install a copy of the above file.
I remember I saw someone mentioning this "hal" problem but could not
remember the solution.
Could anyone give m
发帖数: 31
【 以下文字转载自 Software 讨论区 】
发信人: stapler (BioFuel), 信区: Software
标 题: Help! Can I install Language Interface Package on Windows 7 Home Premium?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Nov 25 12:47:09 2009, 美东)
I bought a laptop comes with Windows 7 Home Premium. Now I want to install
Language Interface Package so I can use Chinese menu. How do I install LIP
on Windows 7? Does it have to be Ultimate or Business version?
发帖数: 42
Got a Dell XPS studio 1340 laptop with Win 7 Ultimate.
Every time I start it up it says 'Installing device driver software' ...
then, after a little while, it says 'Device driver software was not
successfully installed'.
I checked the device manager, there are yellow exclamation marks (!) around
the more than 100 HP printers (such as HP LaserJet 5100 series) in the "
Other Device". I certainly do not have those printers.
I uninstalled them, and they would come back again.
These printers might be... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 131
本人不太懂电脑, 弱弱的请教各位大侠。 我打开Itunes, 想Update我的Itunes 到最
本, 结果被告知不行。 而后下载Itunes最新版本到硬盘, 而后安装, 被告知:“
Windows Install service can not be accessed. This can occur if you run Safe
mode or if the Windows Install is not correctly installed . ”
我想Uninstall一个很小的软件, 也被告知:
Error 1730. You must be an Administrator to remove this application. To
remove this application, you can log on as an administrator , or contact
your technical support group for assistance.
用扫毒软件查看了, 也没什么效果。希望各位大侠不吝指教! 谢谢!
发帖数: 16
请问,taking Becker living class, passmaster 有几个 installation? Thanks,
waiting on line.
I know they said that I can only install one computer, is that just for
licence issue? Why the other one has three installation? Living class is
diferent? Thanks for your info.
发帖数: 228
来自主题: Nursing版 - how to install Medical Dictionary in PDA
Just got a PDA but don't know how to install the Medical Dictionary.
I searched online and found (湘雅医学词典). I installed the database and
it needs Mdict.exe to open it. But I cannot install Mdict.exe. NGG and
Greenbean, please help.
Anyone knows better dictionary for free than this one? I need it urgent 'and
many many thanks for any suggestion.
PS. the PDA i got is palm T/X. It is really cool. 262$ at Amazon.
Another question, how I can let my PDA recognize chinese. My PDA cannot open Chinese we
发帖数: 2041
来自主题: Nursing版 - how to install Medical Dictionary in PDA
I just got the PALM TX, and played a little.
First of all, you need to install "Palm HotSync® Support". with this software, your PALM can comunicate with your desktop.
To install software onto PALM TX, you need to install it on your computer,
connect computer and PALM with the cable in the PDA box, press the button on
the cable to syncronize, the softare will be transfered to PDA.
It seems the (湘雅医学词典) you downloaded is not complete. You may need
发帖数: 769
可能很多人都有试过。我原来安装过,当时是XP,现在换了win 7,要重新安装,忘了
当时怎么装的了。这个是2010/07/31 过期。
在 select deployment type一步:
-- perform a planned deployment
-- install SAS sofeware
-- configure SAS software
-- Install SAS foundation and related software
-- Install Additional software
发帖数: 1034
来自主题: MobileDevelopment版 - Cost per App Launch Index&Cost per Install: March 2014
The Cost per App Launch Index tracks the cost of each repeat app launch over
time, which focuses on engagement and life-time value of mobile users. In
March, the Android Index dropped 5 percent to $0.10 –a 37 percent decrease
year-over-year; and the iOS Index decreased 10 percent to $0.17 – up 2
percent year-over-year.
Cost per Install (CPI) Index: March 2014
The Cost per Install (CPI) Index measures the cost per app install directly
attributed to advertising. In March, the CPI for iOS saw a sli... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2930
来自主题: _Playstation3版 - No install required for Uncharted 2
Naughty Dog has moved to quash rumors indicating that the firm’s upcoming
PlayStation 3 adventure sequel Uncharted 2: Among Thieves requires a
mandatory install of 1.7GB.
According to VG247, reports on the install originated from a listing printed
on the game’s official boxart. However, this turned out to be nothing more
than a typo, with Naughty Dog asserting that the game will not require an
Posting on the ubiquitous Internet phenomenon that is Twitter, the developer
’s co-president,
发帖数: 2930
来自主题: _Playstation3版 - Tekken 6 PS3 has 4GB optional install
Namco Bandai's Tekken 6 on PS3 features an optional 4GB install, which
massively reduces loading times.
Without the install, matches can take around 15 seconds to load, while
installed copies take just a couple of seconds to get you into the fighting.
While this will come as a nice bonus for players with a new Slim PS3, owners
of older, lower capacity 'Fat' PS3's like the 40GB model may be stuck
playing the waiting game if they're already struggling for space.
How this will affect online play is
发帖数: 572
Yes, installation cost is a big problem. It's not like module, you can
reduce cost by economy of scale. That's why I always suspect that solar
panel cannot achieve grid parity at the end. I do not have a specific number
for installation cost. I roughtly remember it's still larger than $2/W.
Anybody have the data of the current installation cost ?
发帖数: 868
Do you have a link? I can not find any clear information about it.
$2/W installation looks very promising to me.
I'm just wondering why this installation cost is so high. What component
makes it so expensive? Electrical connections like wiring and soldering?
Human labor? If that is the case, the installation cost in China should be
significantly lower than in US or Europe, but sadly the electricity in China
is also much cheaper.

发帖数: 336
Quoted price is not included dealer installed accessories. What are typical
dealer installed accessories? How much will they typically cost? Thanks.
发帖数: 1230
还是更换刹车问题的后续,由于平时去的修车行给的900刀(front and rear, pad and
MUFFLER AND BRAKE的连锁店),打去电话询问说不接受自带part,他们给了一个part+
发帖数: 197
I asked my dealer to install an used tire on a newly purchased rim. I didn't
specifically pay for TPMS sensor. Wondering if the sensor is included in
the price of rim??? Someone says it is even illegal in the US to install a
tire without TPMS. True?
发帖数: 10
来自主题: Automobile版 - Tire Installation
Hi,guys! Just have new tires installed. Driving experience seems as normal
as before.However, I remember that for the old set of tires, the rim of each
wheel was almost covered by the tire so that it was barely seen. But this
time after a new set of tires is installed, I notice that I can clearly see
the rim of the wheel. Does it indicate the tires were not properly mounted?
or It is just OK. No much experience in this. Please kindly help if you can.
发帖数: 3679
【 以下文字转载自 DealGroup 俱乐部 】
发信人: wiiRhappy (wiiRhappy), 信区: DealGroup
标 题: 【$】Boss HIR9.2B Universal Black Headrest with Pre-Installed 9.2" Widescreen MONITOR $58.52 shipped!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jun 25 18:48:53 2010, 美东)
Click here:
Lowest on google product search:
was $102.95
Product Features and Techn
发帖数: 421
来自主题: Living版 - so not easy to install ZephyrAK2100
bought Z, but it's a pain in the neck to install it, sigh. couldn't hire
anyone to install either (you have to buy it from them). If you are not a
handy man, stay away from Z :(
Our kitchen already vented out, all we have to do is to put the Z back to
its place, but the manual is so bad, no information on how to use the screws
and the locations of screws are so hard to reach. Anyone can offer some
comments? Try to find old posts but not so helpful :(
发帖数: 4125
来自主题: Living版 - Door installation labor cost

This should be done by glass company most of the time, I am assuming you are
talking about frameless setup here.
What size doors, are you replacing old ones or just install a new one?
My trim carpenter charge me $20 per door to install just to give you some
ideas. That is a pre-hung door, so he does have to drill the door lock or
router the hinges.
发帖数: 37
来自主题: Living版 - did anyone install the solar panel?
I am interested in installing one on my house. I am in So. Cal and we have a
lot of sun most time of the year.
has anyone already installed one? and how is it?
发帖数: 2544
will buy something and let them to install
can the 10% coupon also be applied for installation fee?
发帖数: 91
Sorry that I cannot type in chinese.
I am about to buy a new house and thinking to install a new bathroom. Just
talk to a contractor. He told me that it would take at least 1 to 2 weeks to
apply for the permit and the installation fee will be doubled compared with
no permit.
Can anybody tell the pros and cons of applying the permit? Thanks in advance.
发帖数: 19331
发帖数: 67
除了月费,还有两个安装选项(必须选一个),一个是Self-install Kit $10,一个是
上门安装 $40。
选了Self-install Kit,发现里面包括一个Modem,会寄到家的。
发帖数: 381
The full balance or at least the Minimum Due is payable by the due date.
Each billing includes a $5 installment fee. You must pay the outstanding
balance in full in order to avoid paying any additional installment fees.
是不是说我必须一次性付清一年的fee,也就是full balance上的数额。如果只付每个
月的数额,也就是Minimum Due,就必须每个月交$5?
发帖数: 38
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - Ip camera install
I want to install a ip camera since I will have a nanny. Where do you
install it in the room? Do you hide it ? Do you tell the nanny? Thanks in
发帖数: 2667
来自主题: PennySaver版 - Installation fee for Comcast Internet service
I moved to new house and did transfer, first time the sales asked 25 for
installation then I said cancel the transfer. the sales immedietly offered
free installation
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