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发帖数: 29846
FBI: Number of Police Officers Killed On-Duty Up By 89 Percent In 2014
Katie Pavlich | May 11, 2015
Over the course of 2014 and the months leading into 2015, the issue of
alleged police brutality from Ferguson to Baltimore has been a hot topic of
news cycles, race baiters like Al Sharpton and advocacy groups. But despite
what many in the media would have us believe, police are human beings too
and they get up everyday to do a dangerous job not many thank them for. They
too deserve justice when t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4091
来自主题: USANews版 - democratic "party switch" myths
Here are all the Dixiecrat politicians that were in office during the
alleged dixiecrat switch…
Dixiecrat – Senators
(D)VA Harry F. Byrd, 1933-1965
(D)VA A. Willis Robertson, 1946-1966
(D)WV Robert C. Byrd, 1959-Present
(D)MS John C. Stennis, 1947-1989
(D)MS James O. Eastland, 1941-1941,1943-1978
(D)LA Allen J. Ellender, 1937-1972
(D)LA Russell B. Long, 1948-1987
(D)NC Sam Ervin, 1954-1974
(D)NC Everett Jordan, 1958-... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 937
来自主题: USANews版 - 又一个勇猛的美国右派。
Louisiana Gunman Is Said to Like Hitler and Hate Liberals
LAFAYETTE, La. — The gunman who killed two women and wounded nine people in
a theater here Thursday night had a history of mental illness and financial
trouble, officials said, and reportedly vented hatred of liberals and the
government online, predicting the collapse of the United States.
The police identified the gunman as John Russell Houser, 59, of Phenix City,
Ala. On Tw... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Meddling Renewable Energy Standards Distort Energy Markets, Raise Prices
By Joe Nichols | August 10, 2015 | 3:06 PM EDT
Environmental groups scorn state leaders who dare question the sanctity of
renewable energy mandates, commonly known as “renewables portfolio
standards” or RPS. Such scorn is misplaced and state leaders should
continue to reconsider the wisdom and value of these mandates.
RPS laws typically require electric utilities to purchase specific
quantities of electricity from renewabl... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
New York Times Throws Massive Fit over Houston Voters Rejecting Transgender
Bathroom Measure
By Curtis Houck | November 4, 2015 | 1:47 AM EST
In what was already a big night for conservatives on Tuesday with election
wins in Kentucky, Maine, Mississippi, and Virginia to name a few, voters in
Houston, Texas overwhelmingly rejected a pro-transgender measure dubbed “
the bathroom ordinance.” Not surprisingly, that did not sit well with The
New York Times as it lamented the loss for the “eq... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 61690
Anti-Trump protesters are patriots
Donald Trump slams protesters at his rallies as “thugs” but, as usual, the
unhinged GOP presidential front-runner is dead wrong:
They’re patriots.
By now, any protester at a Trump rally knows what they will face. The lucky
ones will only be ridiculed by the candidate, have their anti-Trump signs
yanked away and torn to pieces, and be hustled out of the arena. At worst —
at least so far — they’ll be peppered with racist or anti-Semitic
invective, manhandled by s... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2249
来自主题: USANews版 - SANDERS以色列政策
I was invited along with other presidential candidates to be at the AIPAC
conference in Washington, but obviously I could not make it because we are
The issues that AIPAC is dealing with are very important issues and I wanted
to give the same speech here as I would have given if we were at that
Let me begin by saying that I think I am probably the only candidate for
president who has personal ties with Israel. I spe... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 27852
Research: Islam really is the world’s most violent religion
Quran and gun
Together with a number of research assistants, the Danish linguist Tina
Magaard spent three years examining the texts of the ten largest religions.
The purpose was to investigate whether any of the religions incite violence.
The conclusion was clear: “The texts of Islam are clearly distinct from the
other religions texts as they, to a higher degree, call for violence and
aggres... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
No Turning Point: What Happens in Wisconsin Stays in Wisconsin; Hell to Pay
In the wake of an expected victory in Wisconsin, Ted Cruz gave the expected
victory speech.
“Tonight is a turning point. It is a rallying cry,” said Cruz to an elated
crowd of his supporters.
Nonsense. What happens in Wisconsin stays in Wisconsin.
Nomination Analysis
Cruz won 36 of 42 Wisconsin delegates. In the Path to a Trump Victory, Nate
Silver estimated Trump needed to win 18 Wisconsin delegates.
Trump won six, leav... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8869
来自主题: USANews版 - Should we tolerate intolerance?
they can say they decided not to tolerate the intolerance inflicted by trump
发帖数: 691
This is self-inflicted hazing. You have to bark hard before you are accepted
to join the club.
发帖数: 24733
英文原文,Cited from page 273 to page 286
Charles W. Sweeney, et al., War's End: An Eyewitness Account of
America's Last Atomic Mission, July 6, 1999, Quill Press
Testimony of Major General Charles W. Sweeney, U.S.A.F. (Ret.)
delivered before the United States Senate Committee on Rules and
Administration – hearings on the Smithsonian Institution: Management
Guidelines for the Future, May 11, 1995.
I am Major General Charles W.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 24733
发信人: beijingren (to thine own self be true), 信区: USANews
标 题: Re: La Raza 跟 KKK 有啥区别?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jun 7 09:30:51 2016, 美东)
La Raza Studies do not even try to sugar-coat its anti-America agenda and
its bloodthirsty plans to kill off Americans:
Raza Studies textbook “Occupied America,” by Rodolfo Acuña, includes
a violent and blood-curdling speech given by university professor Jose Angel
Gutierrez: “We have got to eliminate the g... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
来自主题: USANews版 - La Raza 跟 KKK 有啥区别?
La Raza Studies do not even try to sugar-coat its anti-America agenda and
its bloodthirsty plans to kill off Americans:
Raza Studies textbook “Occupied America,” by Rodolfo Acuña, includes
a violent and blood-curdling speech given by university professor Jose Angel
Gutierrez: “We have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that
is, if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him,” (pg. 323).
The following is taken directly from La Raza's Occupied America (pg. 167):
“......... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
来自主题: USANews版 - 希望川谱吸取教训
It is a shame if Trump loses due to his self inflicted, damaging, foot-in-
mouth unforced errors. It is a shame, because between him and Hillary, he
is the only one focused on the real, big issues that effect all Americans,
not special segments of Americans. Issues such as: 1) Economic growth, 2)
Global trade, 3) National Security - structure of our alliances -
responsibilities of our allies, 4) Fiscal responsibility, 5) Tax reform.
Hillary offers that same old cliches and platitudes such as... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 61690
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: brihand (brihand), 信区: Military
标 题: 定性了:恐怖袭击加hate crime
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jun 15 15:08:28 2016, 美东)
An FBI official on Wednesday called the Sunday shooting at a gay nightclub
in Orlando, Fla., both a hate crime and an act of terror.
"This was an act of violence, born out of hate, that inflicted terror on an
entire community," special agent in charge Ron Hopper told reporters in
"So I would call it a hate crime, I would call it terrorism — ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8291
但是看到这个robot, 打死它不那么容易,都不知道该往哪儿打。
更别提这个robot是自杀robot, 都没用枪击枪手,而是直接引爆炸药, 跟枪手一起炸
昨天半夜里看新闻,新闻说枪手是两点半死于self-inflicted gun shot, 意思是开枪
发帖数: 5610
“He avoided making enemies. Google has politics like any other large
company, and Sundar navigated those politics to make his team successful
while inflicting the least possible damage on any other team.”
发帖数: 4797
来自主题: USANews版 - 川普大会发言
Friends, delegates and fellow Americans: I humbly and gratefully accept your
nomination for the presidency of the United States.
Together, we will lead our party back to the White House, and we will lead
our country back to safety, prosperity, and peace. We will be a country of
generosity and warmth. But we will also be a country of law and order.
Our Convention occurs at a moment of crisis for our nation. The attacks on
our police, and the terrorism in our cities, threaten our very way of life.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
来自主题: USANews版 - khan: 宪法必须服从sharia
Khizr Khan Believes the Constitution ‘Must Always Be Subordinated to the
by PAUL SPERRY2 Aug 2016
Notwithstanding his war-hero son’s genuinely patriotic example, Khizr M.
Khan has published papers supporting the supremacy of Islamic law over “man
-made” Western law — including the very Constitution he championed in his
Democratic National Convention speech attacking GOP presidential nod Donald
In 1983, for example, Khan wrote a glowing review of a book compiled from a
seminar held... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
Republicans nominate dangerously insane person to lead America, then panic
when he proves he’s dangerously insane
Republicans are in a full scale panic today because Donald Trump’s
candidacy appears to be in chaos. There is talk of an “intervention,”
inspired in part by Trump’s continuing attacks on the Khan family. RNC
chair Reince Priebus is described as “very frustrated” and “stressed,”
because he is “running out of excuses” to offer party bigwigs about Trump
’s political incompetence and ind... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3656
来自主题: USANews版 - right issue,wrong candidate
between white supremacy and BLM, which is a more clear and present danger?
you argument is invalid, largely ilogical. so far Trump has been the single
only candidate that put all these issues on the table.
I agree his style has large room to improve, but he is the only candidate
who hit all those issues and hit them hard. All others shied away from this
or that. Without Trump, we would not even hear about all these issues in the
I also agree that the past week or two, he wasted opportuniti... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3446
来自主题: USANews版 - 华人的出路
1. 坚持华人文化传统。
”的做法,是自我文化灭绝(self inflicted cultural genocide)和自我夷化。如果都
不是华了,还谈什么华人,不过是一群没人待见的边缘人而已。自我夷化之后,成了化... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7021
来自主题: USANews版 - 川普在底特律黑人教会的讲话
“Thank you. That’s so nice. Thank you.
“Well, that’s so nice. And, Bishop Jackson, I want to thank you and Dr.
Jackson and you have some voice, I have to say. Incredible. And some spirit,
some spirit. Talent.
“Thank you. Well, I just wrote this the other day knowing I’d be here. And
, I mean it from the heart and I’d like to just read it and I think you’ll
understand it maybe better than I do in certain ways.
“For centuries, the African-American church has been the conscience of our
country. So ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2053
来自主题: USANews版 - How Donald Trump could win -- CNN
(CNN)Donald Trump is aiming to pull off one of the greatest political
comebacks in history.
The Republican nominee is rebounding from a summer of repeated stumbles that
threatened to undermine his candidacy, underscoring his ability to claw his
way back and stay competitive despite controversies that would sink any
other politician.
Poll: Nine weeks out, a near even race
Trump and Hillary Clinton enter t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 16594
AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - A 14-year-old girl shot and wounded a fellow
student at Alpine High School in rural West Texas on Thursday and then died
of a self-inflicted gunshot wound, the Brewster County sheriff told
The wounded girl, thought to be 16, was taken to a local hospital and is
expected to survive. No names have been released and no motive has been
given for the incident in the town of about 6,000 people, Sheriff Ronny
Dodson said.
The shooter is thought to have moved to Alpi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 243
Not-your-typical Trump rally coming to Philly:
The founder of Black Men for Bernie and two Hindu activists are organizing
an All American Rally for Trump in Philly.
There’s little love lost between Donald Trump and Philadelphia.
The Republican nominee for president has been trashed by two mayors and was
formally denounced by City Council.
But a pro-Trump rally will be held outside Independence ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 33224
“History has proven that the Democratic Party has not been on the fair side
for urban communities,” he said. “The worst thing is to believe that you
have someone who is in your corner. … Donald Trump, racist or not, has not
been in power to inflict damage to the black community.
发帖数: 4283
" Donald Trump, racist or not, has not been in power to inflict damage to
the black community"
- 有识之士,觉醒了

发帖数: 16
来自主题: USANews版 - 纽约时报最新大料
这个才是 new york times 的头条:
Cut Ties to Donald Trump, Big Donors Urge R.N.C.
WASHINGTON — Several of the Republican Party’s most generous donors called
on the Republican National Committee on Thursday to disavow Donald J. Trump
, saying that allegations by multiple women that Mr. Trump had groped or
made inappropriate sexual advances toward them threatened to inflict lasting
damage on the party’s image.
发帖数: 609
I didn't want to write this. I avoided making a decision as long as I could.
I schlepped my absentee ballot all over the country for almost four weeks.
I would periodically take it out of the envelope, look at it, shake my head
in disgust, and put it back in my suitcase.
I had decided to write-in my mother as a symbolic protest vote against the
Democratic and Republican nominees. I didn't want to vote for either of them.
I had hoped that a week before the election, Trump would be losing Florida
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 897
来自主题: USANews版 - mini Berlusconi?
Among the political figures who congratulated Donald Trump on his surprise
election victory was the politician to whom the billionaire real estate
mogul and reality television star has most often been compared: Silvio
The rightwing former Italian prime minister and billionaire media mogul, who
was dogged by claims that he used an underage prostitute at his infamous “
bunga bunga” parties and counted Vladimir Putin as a close ally and friend,
said the comparisons between the two were ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 897
A supporter of Vice President-elect Mike Pence faces a court hearing next
month after police said he called two women in a New York City diner racist
names and pepper-sprayed a bystander who defended them.
Frank Camino, 56, is scheduled to appear in court on Dec. 19 on charges of
assault with intent to cause physical injury, attempted assault, recklessly
causing injury and harassment in the second degree, local news website
Gothamist reported.
Police arrested him early Nov. 20 at a diner after h... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 12853
言论自由不保护以下言论 (节选自 Wiki)
United States free speech exceptions
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Bill of Rights in the National Archives
Exceptions to free speech in the United States are limitations on the First
Amendment's guarantee of free speech and expression as recognized by the
United States Supreme Court. These exceptions have been created over time,
based on certain types of speech and expression, and under different
contexts. While freedom of speech in the United States is a right... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 12853
我们应该鼓励华人一旦被歹徒入室抢劫,就上法庭(包括小额法庭)去告YG 和他的签
还可以带上老婆孩子去本镇的警察局,带上YG 的视频,要求警方保护。记住:要全美
言论自由不保护以下言论 (节选自 Wiki)
United States free speech exceptions
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Bill of Rights in the National Archives
Exceptions to free speech in the United States are limitations on the First
Amendment's guarantee of free speech and expr... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1184
Far-right candidate Norbert Hofer has lost Austria's presidential election.
On Facebook, he described himself as "infinitely sad" and congratulated
Alexander Van der Bellen, former head of the Greens, on his victory.
Although the post is ceremonial in Austria, the poll had been seen as a sign
of how well populist candidates might do elsewhere in Europe.
Mr Van der Bellen called the result a vote for a "pro-European" Austria
based on "freedom, equalit... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
In a way I agree with you. Fundamentally trump is not an ideologist. The
most worrisome is his uncontrollable impulsiveness and intellectual laziness
, which I hope will bring him down sooner than later without inflicting too
much damage to this country.

发帖数: 106
Ian O'Doherty is a columnist who works for the Irish Independent. His "iSpy"
column is published Monday-Thursday. On Fridays O'Doherty publishes a
rather more serious column containing his opinion on a chosen subject in "
The World According to Ian O'Doherty." He was formerly with the Evening
Tuesday November 8, 2016 -- a day that will live in infamy, or the moment
when America was made great again?
The truth, as ever, will lie somewhere in the middle. After all, contrary to
what both hi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 20965
Danny Chen (simplified Chinese: 陈宇晖; traditional Chinese: 陳宇暉[1];
pinyin: Chén Yǔhuī; May 26, 1992 – October 3, 2011) was an American U.S.
Army soldier who served in Afghanistan. Chen was racially harassed and
beaten by his fellow soldiers before his death on October 3, 2011.[2] Chen
was found dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound in a guard tower in
Kandahar province, Afghanistan.[3]
On December 21, 2011, the US Army charged eight soldiers with various ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8357
发帖数: 1071
Growing Number of G.O.P. Lawmakers Criticize Trump’s Refugee Policy
G.O.P. Leaders React to Trump's Order
Several Republicans spoke out on Sunday in response to President Trump’s
temporary ban on immigration from seven countries. Senator John McCain said
he feared it would provide propaganda for the Islamic State. By ELSA BUTLER
on Publish Date January 29, 2017. Photo by Al Drago/The New York Times.
Watch in Times Video »
WA... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4736
Top Senate Democrat urges reversal of Trump immigration order
By/ Reena Flores/ CBS News/ January 29, 2017, 2:32 PM
WASHINGTON, DC - FEBRUARY 11: Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) speaks at a press
conference at the U.S Capitol on February 11, 2016 in Washington, DC.
Schumer and a group of other Democrats are calling on senate Republicans to
support the passage of emergency fundin... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7460
【 以下文字转载自 Parenting 讨论区 】
发信人: dcbang (认真学习,不求结果,抗拒诱惑), 信区: Parenting
标 题: Re: 润恒集团老板毕习习被男友打死 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Feb 9 07:50:47 2017, 美东)
发帖数: 24887
You should fear people like Bannon much more.
The likelihood of you and me being victimized by a Muslim-related terrorist
attack is magnitudes lower than the foreseeable miseries inflicted by the
evil venom from any legislation potentially put in place by White
发帖数: 61690
来自主题: USANews版 - Mccain:trump budget过不了参议院
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) is pouring cold water on President Trump's first
budget, warning that it won't pass the Senate.
“It is clear that this budget proposed today cannot pass the Senate," the
Armed Services Committee chairman said in a statement.
McCain added that as lawmakers work on funding the government, they must
come up with a deal "that provides sufficient funds to rebuild the military."
Trump's budget included $603 billion for total defense spending, which
includes money outside of ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2192
来自主题: USANews版 - 非死不可的英国旗滤镜呢?
lets do this.... We all know the protocol by now -
1. This has nothing to do with Islam.
2. The guy was a mentally ill 'lone wolf'.
3. Those who object to points 1 and 2 are racist bigots.
4. Change Facebook profile to flag of inflicted country.
5. Light some candles, hold a vigil and go on a peace march.
6. Wait for the next slaughter to happen.
7. Repeat.
发帖数: 11604
来自主题: USANews版 - 伦敦举行大规模纪念活动
lets do this.... We all know the protocol by now -
1. This has nothing to do with Islam.
2. The guy was a mentally ill 'lone wolf'.
3. Those who object to points 1 and 2 are racist bigots.
4. Change Facebook profile to flag of inflicted country.
5. Light some candles, hold a vigil and go on a peace march.
6. Wait for the next slaughter to happen.
7. Repeat.
发帖数: 29576
President Trump ignites a lot of fights, but the biggest defeat in his short
time in the White House was the result of a long-running Republican civil
war that had already humbled a generation of party leaders before him.
A precedent-flouting president who believes that Washington’s usual rules
and consequences of politics do not apply to him, Mr. Trump now finds
himself shackled by them.
In stopping the repeal of the Affordable Care Act, the Republican Party’s
professed priority for the last se... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
The Roman Empire's death was far more complicated than "moral rot" and its "
currency devaluation." Read some history books.
Chris Hedges makes the observation that ALL empires that are scourges of the
earth, eventually turn inwards. As the empire begins its fatal decline, the
terror they inflicted on outsiders, is then turned against its own citizens.
We now see that happening in America. Banks, corporations, intel/military,
etc. are turning inward: destroying meaningful employment, humane heal... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 61690
来自主题: USANews版 - 主党脸皮确实厚
Senators in both parties predict blowing up the Senate’s rules to confirm
Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch will inflict serious damage on the
Democrats are mulling whether to employ the same retaliatory tactics that
Republicans used in 2013 after Democrats triggered the “nuclear option” to
prevent the GOP from filibustering President Obama’s executive branch and
judicial nominees.
“They used the age-old Senate tactic of slowing things to a crawl, which
you can do under the rules o... 阅读全帖
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