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发帖数: 4825
BEIJING — Timothy F. Geithner, the U.S. Treasury secretary, came to Beijing
on Tuesday hoping to persuade Chinese leaders to toughen their diplomatic
stance toward Iran and soften their opposition to fiscal changes like a
stronger renminbi that might help the American economy.
By many accounts, including some from the Chinese themselves, his odds of
success are long. But on other issues, led by the need to address Europe’s
debt prob... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 901
FORT BRAGG, N.C. (AP) — An Army general who carried on a three-year affair
with a captain and had two other inappropriate relationships with
subordinates was reprimanded and docked $20,000 in pay Thursday, avoiding
jail time in one of the military's most closely watched courts-martial.
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2nd day of sentencing in US Army general sex case Associated Press Judge
accepts plea deal in Army general sex case Associated Press New hearing set
Monday in Army general's sex case Associated Pre... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3620
BEIJING — Timothy F. Geithner, the U.S. Treasury secretary, came to Beijing
on Tuesday hoping to persuade Chinese leaders to toughen their diplomatic
stance toward Iran and soften their opposition to fiscal changes like a
stronger renminbi that might help the American economy.
By many accounts, including some from the Chinese themselves, his odds of
success are long. But on other issues, led by the need to address Europe’s
debt prob... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
by Rick aka Mr. Brutally Honest
Mark Steyn on Our Celebrity President:
Last week, the republic’s citizen-president passed among his fellow
Americans. Where? Cleveland? Dubuque? Presque Isle, Maine? No, Beverly Hills
. These days, it’s pretty much always Beverly Hills or Manhattan, because
that’s where the money is. That’s the Green Zone, and you losers are
outside it. Appearing at an Obama fundraiser at the home of Glee creator
Ryan Murphy and his “fiancé” David Miller, the president, reasonab... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
White House: Biden Acted Like Complete Asshole Because He Has ‘Passion and
Joy’ for His Job
by Jammie
In three months he’ll need to find another job that he has a passion and
joy for. Judging by his behavior last night a hosting gig at MSNBC ought to
do the trick.
Carney did add that Biden laughed at Ryan over Ryan’s criticism of the
stimulus. “He knew how hypocritical that was,” Carney said of Biden’s
reaction to his rival.
“I think it is for the American people to decide,” Carney init... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29576
Trump had plenty more zingers for the Republican Party's 2012 presidential
nominee who has recently attacked Trump for not releasing his tax returns.
"Romney turned out to be a disaster. I know he'll support Rubio. He probably
has no choice. Honestly, if he wanted to support me, I wouldn't accept his
support. We have to be honest, right," Trump said during a speech in Fort
Worth, Texas.
"Romney, how about this beauty. Runs one of the worst campaigns in the
history of politics. He should have bea... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2744
Trump is probably too dumb to realize it, or maybe he isn't, but he doesn't
need to win anything to become the most dangerous person in America. He can
do plenty of damage just by encouraging people to be as uninhibited in their
stupidity as he is.
发帖数: 29576
Carson says he's been offered HUD secretary job
By BRENT GRIFFITHS 11/22/16 05:22 PM EST
Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson said on Tuesday that he'd had multiple "
offers on the table" for positions in the incoming Trump administration,
including secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
"I would say that was one of the offers that is on the table," the retired
neurosurgeon told Fox News' Neil Cavuto of the possibility that he is being
considered for the the top job at HUD.
Aft... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 24733
A Nebraska Democratic Party official was removed from his post on Thursday
after an audio recording surfaced of him saying he's “glad” House Majority
Whip Steve Scalise got shot last week.
Phil Montag, now-former co-chair of the state party’s technology committee,
was recorded saying he wishes Scalise, R-La., were “dead.”
“His whole job is to get people, convince Republicans to [expletive] ... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
Outrage as Nevada professor suggests Trump deserves blame for Las Vegas
A university professor in Las Vegas was filmed in class this week suggesting
President Trump deserves some blame for the city’s shooting massacre
because “all he’s done” is “encourage violence.”
“Right when he got elected, I told my classes, three semesters ago, that
some of us won’t be affected by t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 283
Thanks. I hope he is not mad to that point.
He kept saying that he needs to get back the file from his old firm(he
recently switched job)so he can make sure everything looks right. I waited
and waited. Then I told him to just send it (I already checked on my end). I
don't want this to become his excuse later for messing up the case.
发帖数: 136
He May Be a God, but He’s No Politician
NEARLY a decade ago, while staying with a nomad family in the remote
grasslands of northeastern Tibet, I asked Namdrub, a man who fought in the
anti-Communist resistance in the 1950s, what he thought about the exiled
Tibetans who campaigned for his freedom. “It may make them feel good, but
for us, it makes life worse,” he replied. “It makes t
发帖数: 13
Jason Collins' Ex-Fiancee
I Had NO IDEA He Was Gay
Exclusive DetailsThe woman who was once engaged to NBA star Jason Collins
tells TMZ, she had NO CLUE he was gay at the time of their relationship ...
in fact, she only found out last weekend ... and she was floored.
Carolyn Moos (who played a few seasons in the WNBA) dated Collins for seven
years and was engaged to him until they broke up in 2009 ... after Collins
pulled the plug on their wedding.
Carolyn tells TMZ, she never once suspected he w... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 17256
That's one of the great ironies of this -- James is trying to flee pressure,
but he will just face more of it. He is trying to maximize his "brand," but
he just damaged it.
The first time I watched LeBron James live, I thought he could be the
greatest player ever. The sad truth for us, for him, and for the NBA is that
he never really believed it himself.
Read more:
发帖数: 942
"I've been the one putting him on a pedestal saying Joe's a top-five, elite
quarterback, and he's proving it," agent Joe Linta said. "He's in the
rarified air of having already won seven playoff games in his short career.
He's really demonstrating that he's one of the top guys out there."
发帖数: 2047
nt regarding his future. Well, it appears as though the wait is over, as the two-time Super Bowl champ released the following statement just minute ago: “I know you’ve all been waiting for me to make an announcement regarding my future plans. After thinking long and hard about it for the past 24 hours, consulting with my family, friends, teammates, Broncos owner John Elway, and, of course, Papa John, I’ve come to a decision: “I will be taking my talents to Dallas to help bring Jerry Jones an... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 11154
来自主题: GunsAndGears版 - Man shot in head thought he was hit by fireworks
BERLIN — A 35-year-old man who walked around for five years with a
bullet lodged in the back of his head says he suspected for a while
something was there but only went to doctors after he started getting
Robert Chojecki was partying on New Years Eve five years ago in the
German town of Herne when he was hit with the .22-caliber bullet.
Doctors removed it this week from between his skin and skull.
The Polish-born Chojecki told RTL television Wednesday he thought he’d
been hit by firew
发帖数: 11198
Alleged Penn State Victim’s Mom: Son Felt He Could Not Say No to Sandusky
The mother of one of Jerry Sandusky’s alleged child sex assault victims
tells ABC News that her son felt he didn’t have the power to resist the
former Penn State assistant football coach.
The boy also told his mother that he was so traumatized that he still has
difficulty openly discussing what happened years later.
In fact, even the boy’s mother did not fully... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1565
No matter what 姿势 he is, his has fewer number of mistakes.
I guess that the role of a good 姿势 is 1) to increase power, 2) to reduce
the number of mistakes.
Since he has fewer number of mistakes, 姿势 is no that important at all.
If he changes a good 姿势, he may make more mistakes since he is familar to
his 姿势.
发帖数: 4158
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - why he so slow and weak play such hand
I read that he's either worries that he got beaten, or he does not get a han
d at all. I reaised river because, if it's the first case, he'll be bluffed;
if it's the second case, he won't call. but it turned out to be so wrong.

发帖数: 1989
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - love Norman Chad, He is hilarious!
Phil is typical TAG likes to trap. It is not about how he plays (well, he
won alot). Just how he reacts to a hand. Too dramatic.
He self-dintingishes from others. The fact he is a poker player as
very every one else.
发帖数: 717
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - I don't knows who he is
Stazko was literally trembling. Ben lamb raised 8m, that was designed for
him to fold.
Here is an observation. Ben lamb likes to stare people very scarily
especially when he is weak. I do not know if this is a tell or just my bias.
But when he has strong hands, he tends to appear comfortable/confident.
Ben lamb's specialty is crushing/milking weak players imho. He always pushed
them to fold. I am amazed by his confidence to let the opponent fold. But
when facing tricky players, he is not that co... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 259
i think "he never do" is wrong.
he never did is ok
he never does is ok too with a different meaning
发帖数: 18007
He could not accept a simple fact that he is only a nutty silly person from
rural Weifang, shandong not NB person, he went crasy, period.
发帖数: 437
来自主题: _ChenChuSheng版 - Before He Cheats
Carrie Underwood 是我稀罕的歌手之一,嗓子好,身材Hot,人也PL。贴一首她的很有
Before He Cheats
Right now he's probably slow dancing
With a bleached-blond tramp
And she's probably getting frisky
Right now, he's probably buying
Her some fruity little drink
'Cause she can't shoot whiskey
Right now, he's probably up behind her
With a pool stick
Showing her how to shoot a combo
And he don't know
I dug my key into the side
Of his pretty little s
发帖数: 4391
来自主题: _America版 - Blindly he goes... up
【 以下文字转载自 Fitness 讨论区 】
发信人: ayanami (螃蟹@big larry), 信区: Fitness
标 题: Blindly he goes... up
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jul 23 16:31:57 2005), 转信
I can only admire....
Before he climbed to the summit of Mount Everest four years ago, Erik
Weihenmayer felt compelled to prove to his disbelieving sherpas that
he really was blind. So he pulled down his lower left eyelid, leaned
forward and let his prosthetic eye drop into his cupped hand, like an
olive into a martini glass. When he offered to remove his fal
发帖数: 395
M777: He Ain’t Heavy, He’s my Howitzer
02-Apr-2008 17:58 EDT
Related Stories: Americas - Other, Americas - USA, Ammunition, BAE, Britain/
U.K., Contracts - Awards, Contracts - Modifications, Design Innovations,
Europe - Other, FOCUS Articles, Field Reports, Finmeccanica, General
Dynamics, Guns - Artillery & Mortars, Materials Innovations, New Systems
Tech, Other Corporation, Partnerships & Consortia, Raytheon
发帖数: 10330
Was Taliban PoW a deserter before he was captured and held for five years?
Soldier 'sent emails that he was planning to leave his post after becoming
disillusioned with the war'
原来是个逃兵。 水很深。
But there is controversy, too. Rolling Stone magazine quoted emails Bergdahl
is said to have sent to his parents that suggest he was disillusioned with
America's mission in Afghanistan, had lost faith in the U.S. Army's mission
there and was considering desertion. 阅读全帖
发帖数: 21010
In this week of trial and tragedy, Trump showed us how he would govern — by
fear, by intimidation, by lies, by turning American against American, by
exhibiting all the empathy of a sociopath. Seal this week. Put it in a time
capsule. Teach it. History will remember. But come November, will we?
发帖数: 18158
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Tuesday he would
intervene in the Justice Department’s case against a top executive at China
’s Huawei Technologies [HWT.UL] if it would serve national security
interests or help close a trade deal with China.
Huawei’s Chief Financial Officer Meng Wanzhou was arrested in Canada Dec. 1
and has been accused by the United States of misleading multinational banks
about Iran-linked transactions, putting the banks at risk of violating U.S.
san... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5093
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un sent a "personal letter" to South Korean
President Moon Jae-in Wednesday, Blue House spokesman Yoon Do-hyun said
In the letter, Kim conveyed "his message of comfort" to the South Korean
people who are battling the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, Yoon said.
Kim said he remains confident that South Korea will prevail in this fight "
without fail" and wished for good health of the "brethren in the South,"
Yoon added.
The North Korean leader also expresse... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 43
He is Xu Huaxin, 60 years old,
Lives in Yingcheng City Hubei Province China.
11 years ago, his son- Xu Siwen
was misled by the theory of “Immortality”of Li Hongzhi.
On the eve of chinese luna new year,
he poisoned himself to death
for proving whether Falun Gong can protect the practicers
He was only 25 years old at that time.
His wife remarried after Xu Siwen’s death,
and Xu Siwen’s poor son had been brought up by the grandparents.
I hate Li Hongzhi very much when I mention my son.
If he (Li Hon
发帖数: 2249
(CNN) -- Democrats accused former colleague Sen. Joe Lieberman of
misleading the Republican National Convention when he addressed them in a
speech Tuesday night.
Joe Lieberman felt the brunt of Democratic attacks after he said Barack
Obama didn't reach across party lines.
Joe Lieberman felt the brunt of Democratic attacks after he said Barack
Obama didn't reach across party lines.
A senior Barack Obama campaign adviser said Lieberman flat-out lied when he
told delegates that Obama never successf
发帖数: 315
来自主题: USANews版 - Berg says he has a tape
Not sure the tape is authentic or not and how he got it.
The Pennsylvania Democrat who has sued Sen. Barack Obama
demanding he prove his American citizenship – and therefore qualifications
to run for the office of president – has confirmed he has a recording of a
telephone call from the senator's paternal grandmother confirming his birth
in Kenya.
The issue of Obama's birthplace, which he states is Honolulu in 1961, has
been raised
发帖数: 29846
by Jammie
Of course he didn’t get away with murder because he didn’t murder Trayvon
Martin. But this genius was upended by a pesky little thing called evidence
and just couldn’t convict him. But not that the hubbub has died down a bit,
this woman comes forward to restir the racial animosity.
The only minority on the all-female jury that voted to acquit George
Zimmerman said today that Zimmerman “got away with murder” for killing
Trayvon Martin and feels she owes an apology Martin’s parents.
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
by Jammie
A married Premier League footballer who already has three children by his
wife and mistress has just taken a second bride in his native Cote’Ivoire.
Cheick Tiote, 28, who earns £45,000 a week playing for Newcastle United
, reportedly wed Laeticia Doukrou in a traditional ceremony earlier this
month, saying taking another wife was ‘nothing unusual’ given he is a
But news of the second wedding came as a surprise to his first wife, Madah,
25, who is said to have only found o... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1001
McCarthy Dodges Question On Whether He Could Work With President Cruz (VIDEO)
House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) said he could easily work with
Donald Trump as President, but on Monday's episode of "Morning Joe," he
dodged the question of whether he could work with Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX).
"Oh, yeah, I think it will work with Donald Trump," McCarthy readily told
MSNBC host Joe Scarborough.
When McCarthy balked when asked about... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 11523
For him, the position of the president is just another show.
If got, he is happy, if not, he is also happy.
He is just enjoying this journey, which is the reason he is so brave and
politically incorrect.
发帖数: 209
Herman Cain, as a black man, is very conservative and has common senses.
Today, on his WSBradio show, he criticized crazy people like Glenn Beck, who
were trying hard to persuade voters not to vote for Trump in Nov if Mr.
Trump becomes the nominee.
Mr. Cain called these crazy guys Intellectual Conservative, which I guess
means retard.
Moreover, he talked about Black Lives Matter and called it noise. He praised
Trump on his response to BLM with the statement "All Lives Matter".
What a respectful ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8906
He won his primary dominantly he thought he could go without trump

: He is gonna lose his seat in Congress for sure. No one would turn out

: him.

发帖数: 18158
Former President Jimmy Carter says he has been taught to value truthfulness
— and that is one of the primary reasons he does not support the presidency
of Donald Trump.
“I think he’s a disaster … In human rights and in treating people equal,
” the 39th president said before his wife, former First Lady Rosalynn
Carter, 91, jumped in. “The worst is that he is not telling the truth, and
that just hurts everything,” she added.
发帖数: 20421
发帖数: 20421
发帖数: 142
He is sick for two months expectly. So he stayed here one month more than he
should have.
Can he come here again?
发帖数: 178
If he mess up your case your company can mess up his license by complaining
to the state bar association. 这个事情你干不了(so dont tell him that he
will not buy your threat) 因为你只是beneficiary of the case. 然而谁会和自己
[在 sleighride (sleighride) 的大作中提到:]
:1 sent supporting documents for RFE to the attorney 2 weeks ago and he
still can not get it out till today. Later this week, he has almost stopped
:responding. I have been emailing and leaving messages but got no answer. I
发帖数: 101
来自主题: LosAngeles版 - before he cheats--Carrie Underwood
Right now, he's probably slow dancing with a
bleached-blonde tramp
And she's probably getting frisky
Right now he's probably buying her some Fruity little drink
'Cause she can't shoot whiskey
Right now, he's probably up behind her with a pool-stick
Showing her how to shoot a combo
Oh and he don't know...
That I dug my key into the side of his
Pretty little souped up four wheel drive
Carved my name into his leather seat
I took a Louisville slugger to both head lights
Slashed a hole in all four ti
发帖数: 10208
In a bizarre turn of events, the Vietnamese creator of the maddeningly
difficult #1 Android and Apple iOS game Flappy Bird is saying that he’s
taking the game down within the next day.
flappy bird
This sort of move is perplexing as Nguyen is reported to be bringing in $50,
000 a day from in-app advertising revenue.
He also says he’s not interested in selling Flappy Bird, and he still makes
other games, many of which are also quite popular on the Android and iOS
app stores.
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