n******e 发帖数: 203 | 1 宝宝是BLUECROSS BLUESHIELD HDHP保险,请问回国到和睦家打疫苗可以问保险公司
指教。 |
j****e 发帖数: 347 | 3 刚发现自己怀孕了,正好公司又要开始选下一年的保险,有Aetna的HDHP,EPO,PPO和
大家支支招,谢谢! |
s*****m 发帖数: 8094 | 4
还是kaiser好,前后俺们用了不到200。明年要换成cigna的hdhp+hsa,怕怕。。。 |
j*******y 发帖数: 1039 | 5 是hdhp吗?
我们也是3000的deductible (family)。 因为没有insurance premium (不交保费),
所以要自费3000以后insurance才kick in. 3000-5000的费用是保险付90%我们付10%,
5000后全包。 个人觉得保3个人还是很划算的。 |
j*******y 发帖数: 1039 | 6 我们公司的cdhp还是Fsa. Hdhp才是hsa, balance可以carryover. 一个人买不划算,
全家4口子买划算。 我们已经买了2年了, 明年继续。:)
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.5 |
h****7 发帖数: 44 | 7 我去年用的HDHP. 我以为我的已经够贵了没想到你的保险更吭啊
你是哪个保险公司? |
S*********s 发帖数: 1963 | 8 first trimester注册的话,可以拿到$150 reward;second trimester注册的话,可以
拿到$75。过去的政策好像是可以拿到up to $1000 到HSA,如果你是cigna HDHP然后开
我家现在才知道,但已经开始third trimester,所以拿不到了估计。
搜了一下,版上没有人提到过这个program,特提醒一下。 |
S*********s 发帖数: 1963 | 9 first trimester注册的话,可以拿到$150 reward;second trimester注册的话,可以
拿到$75。过去的政策好像是可以拿到up to $1000 到HSA,如果你是cigna HDHP然后开
我家现在才知道,但已经开始third trimester,所以拿不到了估计。
搜了一下,版上没有人提到过这个program,特提醒一下。 |
s*******e 发帖数: 257 | 10 不知道发这个版和不合适,想问问有没有妈妈有类似的经历:我的保险是HDHP的。生完
孩子以后,跟family doctor make appointment,要求做身体检查(annual physical
back pain),医生说,要多锻炼,做yoga/pilate会有帮助。
3个月之后收到账单$150,本来annual physical应该保险是100% cover的,结果发现诊
所是按照regular office visit收费的,理由是我和医生谈了我的back pain。我想请
问大家,这个是正常的吗?如果真是这样,以后annual physical要特别注意了。 |
w******1 发帖数: 154 | 11 所以我现在选hdhp保险和hsa,并contribute maximum of hsa. 然后孩子出生后,改成
ppo保险, 再开一个新的fsa(我现在没有fsa),再放钱在里边。那改了保险后,是不是
hsa 就不能再contribute 了?所以孩子出生前,应该尽量将hsa 放满,对吗? |
w******1 发帖数: 154 | 12 所以我现在选hdhp保险和hsa,并contribute maximum of hsa. 然后孩子出生后,改成
ppo保险, 再开一个新的fsa(我现在没有fsa),再放钱在里边。那改了保险后,是不是
hsa 就不能再contribute 了?所以孩子出生前,应该尽量将hsa 放满,对吗? |
w******1 发帖数: 154 | 13 因为ppo的保险额是hdhp的5倍,生孩子前的花费几乎没有,所以没有必要那么早就改保
MM |
s*******e 发帖数: 257 | 14 怀孕检查:如果只是常规检查,没有什么疑难杂症,保险一般都是cover的。
小孩出生:如果你的保险是HDHP之类的,会一次性到达out of pocket maximum;如果
是那种high premium只付copay的话,那么费用可能只有几百刀,你需要查policy。 |
a****u 发帖数: 1537 | 15 有5000 deductible 的HDHP和80% coninsurance 的PPO,选哪种对自己有利? |
G***n 发帖数: 877 | 16 公司有PPO和High Deductible,小孩的regular visit好像是全cover的,不懂什么是
regular visit.感冒发烧都是?小孩出生后会不会经常要去看医生?对家庭来说哪种保
险好点? |
b******r 发帖数: 1137 | 17 it's probably "well visit", the routine checkup like adults' annual physical |
R*********i 发帖数: 7643 | 18 得具体分析,泛泛地不好比。一般来说看医生特别少或者特别多的high deductible合
cut-off lines,看deductible和insurance premium的数额。 |
r*****n 发帖数: 3014 | 19 任何生病导致的都不是regular visit |
j*p 发帖数: 780 | 20 family每月是几十刀premium,single是0刀。知道有单位全付,employees不付premium。
preventive services 有一些,我们主要用immunization vaccines,annual physical
我记录过high deductible plan我们一家的out of pocket,和premium加起来总花费比
HMO 一年的premium少。HMO premium稍高,每次看病不花钱。
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 1.0.2 |
o****g 发帖数: 655 | 21 The first page lists the all the eligible treatment and medicine. The second
pages lists those excluded by IRS.
A health savings account (HSA), is a tax-advantaged medical savings account
available to taxpayers in the United States who are enrolled in a High
Deductible Health Plan (HDHP). The funds contributed to the account are not
subject to federal income tax at the time of deposit. Unlike a flexible
spending account (FSA), funds roll over and accumulate year to year if not
spent. HSAs a |
G****y 发帖数: 3537 | 22 还真是最后可以和TRADITIONAL IRA一样的。看来选了HDHP后,HSA要放满啊。
After age 65 or Medicare eligibility, withdrawals for nonmedical expenses
are not subject to the 20 percent penalty, though they are subject to income
taxes, just as they would be from a traditional IRA. |
G****y 发帖数: 3537 | 23 我明白你说的公司MATCH 1000刀什么意思了,应该是如果你选HDHP,然后开了HSA的话
,公司给你往里面投1000块。这个钱一般我都用来跟其它PLAN一起比较。 |
Y********e 发帖数: 2445 | 24 我的医疗保险是我公司的High-Deductible Health Plan (HDHP),所以我有HSA
谢谢。 |
F***P 发帖数: 100 | 25 An HSA may pay or reimburse qualified medical expenses of a non-HDHP covered
dependent (as defined in Code Section 152), to the extent that the amounts
are not compensated for by insurance or otherwise [IRC 223(d)(2)(A)] |
a*******a 发帖数: 825 | 26 老公h1b,我h4,我就是跟着他单位的医保的 part 1 的第一个问题就看来看去没看懂
。。。。。Check the box to indicate your coverage under a high-deductible
health plan (HDHP) during 2012 (see instructions).............. self only?
or family?
看了instructions了,没懂,请路过的好心人指教一下。谢谢 |
f*****e 发帖数: 5177 | 27 Line 18 - 21 are for those who doesn't have HDHP coverage.
account. |
t*********g 发帖数: 114 | 28 在公司选择的是HDHP的family plan,W2上有Medicare的税。Turbo Tax上问我们是否被
Medicare cover,应该选是还是否? |
k*b 发帖数: 1256 | 29 往下翻,有HDHP的定义。对照你的公司保险看看是否符合,或者直接问公司。 |
H******e 发帖数: 767 | 30 If your company provides medical insurance, then you do not have Medicare
issue.HDHP is high deductible insurance that you have to pay negotiated rate
until deductible (couple thousands) is met. |
S**C 发帖数: 2964 | 31 Can I enroll myself and my kids in HDHP and contribute max ($5550) to HSA
plus company free contribution ($1000), and my LD (just self) enrolls in PPO
and contribute to FSA (let's say $1000 to cover the whole family)?
H******e 发帖数: 767 | 32 Family coverage is any coverage other than self only coverage. It does not
necessarily cover the other spouse. For example, it might cover only one
parent and the children. Code § 223, the statutory rules governing HSAs,
contains a special rule for married individuals, which provides that if
either spouse has family coverage, then both spouses are treated as having
only that family coverage. Consequently, family non HDHP coverage on the
part of either spouse that covers
both spouses would make b... 阅读全帖 |
y**u 发帖数: 426 | 33 如果你存的是HDHP的HSA,你只能在deductible满足以后才能用里面的钱支付医疗费,
貌似你被罚款了。 |
M*******s 发帖数: 4074 | 35 “irs怎么知道没有”??????
在美国生活久了也许就不会问这样的问题了????? |
b*****r 发帖数: 199 | 39
No. There is no joint HSA. Also, it would be a bad idea.
There are a lot of banks offer HSA accounts. You can shop around and open a
HSA account for you. |
M****I 发帖数: 825 | 41 可以的。你LD存满家庭的HSA就好了。我家就是这样的。 |
F**********t 发帖数: 80 | 42 不知道在哪里问好,就在这里问了。。。
我的health insurance是blue shield hdhp,我办了hsa,自动给我发了个optum bank
的卡,我看有月费,就给取消了,又建了个inland bank的hsa。但是trinet这个
! |
F**********t 发帖数: 80 | 43 发现我现在存也不能到2016税年的,那时候没hdhp。。。多谢了!
form |
w****t 发帖数: 137 | 44 多谢windfollower和xingxing!但是你们还是没回答俺的问题。:-)
HDHP计划也需要指定primary physicican(家庭医生)么? |
c****o 发帖数: 32446 | 45 简单来讲,HDHP vs (一般的)PPO 这个就像401K vs Pension Plan一样 |
r****9 发帖数: 4961 | 46 if you are healthy, use HDHP with max HSA.
if you plan to have baby and other known large medical expense which is
covered, use EPO.
Otherwise, use PPO. |
j***a 发帖数: 832 | 48 嗨,你这位小同学,怎么tax后就只有16W呢? 现在正是报税的时候,我给你讲讲
a 两个挣得一样多 12.5W/person(如果一个高点一个少点,更好). Social Security
Tax limit 是106800$
b 假设只有一个孩子 (两个孩子更省税), DEPENDANT CARE放2000 for After School
Care or summer camp etc.
c 401k 加满,$33000,一个比较惨在MOT工作,没有COMPANY MATCH,一个在一般的公
d FLEX HEALTH ACCOUNT/HSA 放 1000 (如果小孩要BRACE,就更省税)
注意b,d,e不用交Social Security Medicare TAX,FEDERAL TAX and State Tax.
401k 还是要交后面两个税
1) federal tax
AGI (line44) ... 阅读全帖 |
z********3 发帖数: 1430 | 49 http://www.massresources.org/health-reform.html#howmuchpenalty
What is the Massachusetts Health Reform Act?
The Massachusetts Health Reform Act is a state law passed in 2006 that
requires all adult Massachusetts residents to have health insurance if they
can afford it. Residents without health insurance face a tax penalty.
Massachusetts residents with limited incomes may be eligible for MassHealth
or Commonwealth Care. For other residents, the state determines how much you
should be able to spen... 阅读全帖 |
b**l 发帖数: 33123 | 50 你在这儿抱怨没有用,医疗制度这个问题吵了多少年了,现在保险还越来越贵。用HDHP
你一 |