w********h 发帖数: 12367 | 1 he will happily let you graduate...
your advisor must be a senior professor...
I would think it is good for you and eventually you will graduate for sure
and could be proud of your PhD work... |
z****e 发帖数: 555 | 2 Hi,
My nephew is interested in applying graduate school here. His GMAT is 610
and TOEFL is 86. But for some reason his GPA is pretty low 2.97.
I was told the GPA min requirement for graduate school is generally 3.0. I
am looking for suggestions how I can help him to get enrolled. His major is
Finance. Will third party certificate help in his case?
Many thanks, |
y******y 发帖数: 207 | 3 America's Best Graduate Schools 2005 (USNEWS)
This post contain complete ranking information for all categories and sub-
categories. Hope these informatino could help new commers to select graduate
You can find the original post from: http://bbs.gter.net
*** BUSINESS ***
Business->Top Business Schools
Rank.|School|Overall score|Peer assessment score (5.0 highest)|Recruiter
assessment score (5.0 highest)|'03 average undergrad GPA|'03 average GMAT
score|'03 acceptance rate|'03 |
m**a 发帖数: 119 | 4 I post this for my friend. Please contact the professor directly.
If any of you have access to "shui mi qing hua", please kindly fwd it. Thanks.
Chiang Foundation Graduate Fellowship: Scholarship for Chinese students
for master of science degree in manufacturing engineering
The annual Chiang Graduate Foundation Fellowship will support one or
more students in pursuit of the master of science (MS) degree in
manufacturing engineering at The George Washi |
c*********n 发帖数: 1057 | 5 我投了很多Entry level的职位,感觉很多都看不上fresh graduate
在monster上找Student Level的又都是intern
请问大家是怎么找full time的面向fresh graduate的工作的?那些大公司MS, google,
Amazon, Facebook什么的,但不可能就投这么点啊
谢谢了 |
c****3 发帖数: 248 | 6 fresh graduates mean just graduate from U. at most some intern or co-op
experiences. No other experience.
How is that?【 在 nelson0235 (Super) 的大作中提到: 】 |
d****e 发帖数: 29 | 7 【 以下文字转载自 JobMarket 讨论区 】
发信人: devote (身心俱疲), 信区: JobMarket
标 题: Nvidia 招聘 new graduate
关键字: nvidia,new graduate,vlsi,cad,engineer
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Nov 9 15:15:26 2011, 美东)
工作地点在Santa Clara, CA
职位是CAD engineer
需要VLSI design, C/C++, Scripting language
联系方式:站内回信 或 d********[email protected] |
r******l 发帖数: 10760 | 8 很多openning上有Job Type: Recent College Graduate。这种职位,工作过几年的是
不是根本不予考虑? |
r******l 发帖数: 10760 | 9 没有opening啊。
看到一个research scientist的职位,跟我的background很match,但是写了Recent
College Graduate。看起来是没戏了。:( |
l***i 发帖数: 1943 | 10 比如同是IT的职位,
想转网络维护的职位,可以投graduate level的网络维护的职位么?
还是说因为不是毕业生,不能投graduate level的职位阿? |
P*****7 发帖数: 80 | 11 Post for a friend:
A healthcare IT Software Company located in north suburb of Chicago
currently has 2 openings for recent graduates majored in Computer Science or
Management Information Systems.
The company provides sponsorship. Their solutions are used in over 50
percent of U.S. hospitals on a daily basis. The company is also a leader in
solutions that manage complex financial information and optimize resources
and supply chain management.
Please see below for detail. If interested and qualifi... 阅读全帖 |
b*****t 发帖数: 72 | 12 美国的公司招聘有没有应届生这一说,我5月份毕业的,是不是到秋季招聘的时候就不
再是New Graduate了或者会不会对申请New Graduate的职位有影响?
最近突然有这个疑惑,求知道的版友回答下,多谢。 |
S***l 发帖数: 383 | 13 still open.
for fresh graduate (planned graduation this summer/fall), PhD preferred.
area |
S***l 发帖数: 383 | 14 still open.
for fresh graduate (planned graduation this summer/fall), PhD preferred.
area |
S***l 发帖数: 383 | 15 still open.
for fresh graduate (planned graduation this summer/fall), PhD preferred.
area |
r*****d 发帖数: 346 | 16 【 以下文字转载自 Statistics 讨论区 】
发信人: rrented (rrented), 信区: Statistics
标 题: fresh graduate转行找工作历程
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Mar 2 18:55:37 2014, 美东)
首先是感谢,版面、好帖子、赐教的ids, 尤其感谢好几个ids发信赐教,两个认真地
criticized我的简历,一个内推我拿到energy company的电面,一个我们面谈过(还保
转眼间我也勉强能算一个转行的fresh graduate找工作的过来人了,希望我的经验对大
我是math phd, 非牛校,2013年毕业的时候无实习无其他master degree. 转行是从
运的是一直重视了统计跟CS。我真心认为象我这样底子差的有几点非常重要:1. 要有
耐心;2. 不要自闭;3. 最重要的还是要... 阅读全帖 |
l**********r 发帖数: 7 | 17 版上各位大牛,哪位有G家英国的Software Engineer, PhD University Graduate职位
个人按照careercup+leetcode+careercup website来准备。
不胜感激涕零!! |
s*****g 发帖数: 42 | 18 A large software company in San Francisco is hiring new graduate software
engineers, QA and senior software engineers. If you are interested, please
send your resume to h********[email protected].
New Graduate software engineers:
• MS in Computer Science degree or equivalent experience.
• Good object-oriented development skills
• Understanding of various aspects of web application development (MVC
, Databases, ORM, Presentation layers)
• Experience w |
S***l 发帖数: 383 | 19 【 以下文字转载自 JobHunting 讨论区 】
发信人: Snail (fff), 信区: JobHunting
标 题: ASIC DFT engineer position for fresh graduate
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jan 10 01:32:16 2013, 美东)
my department has one opening for fresh graduate (PhD preferred) in the area
of ASIC DFT (Design for Test).
- MS/PHD thesis on test related topics
- clear understanding of key VLSI test topics, such as scan, ATPG,
compression technologies
- programming skills: Verilog/VH... 阅读全帖 |
l*****s 发帖数: 774 | 20 http://www.united.com/page/article/0,6722,3106,00.html
Earn College Plus miles
As a United College Plus® member, you can earn miles toward free travel
on United flights and with Mileage Plus® partners. But you also have
many exclusive bonus-mile opportunities available to you.
Graduation Bonus
We will help you celebrate your college graduation with 10,000 Mileage Plus
bonus miles (see United College Plus rules for details). Just send the
following to the address below, and your bonus w |
s******g 发帖数: 6072 | 21 收到Gerber graduate的奶票,但家旁边的店都没Gerber graduate,这个是否是他家的
二段奶粉?多谢 |
n*****g 发帖数: 25 | 22 Some direction of how to become a good graduate student.
To some these are jokes, to some these are life or death.
The New York Times Magazine. November 29, 1998, Sunday
(the quality considered good for a graduate student:)
He was exactly the kind of student Harvard and every other top-notch
science department looks for: bright, outgoing, likably confident,
intellectually mature, and with an inner reserve of self-reliance that is
indispensable to any researcher working on the cutting edge.
(The |
a****y 发帖数: 11 | 23 A graduate research assistantship is available immediately in the area of
theoretical/computational physics at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez
, PR, USA. The graduate student is expected to work with Prof. Junqiang Lu
to carry out theoretical/computational studies of electronic response to
external dynamic field in nanoscale structures. Detailed information of Prof
. Lu's research can be found at:
The potential candidate is expected to be familiar with quant |
t**j 发帖数: 198 | 24 【 以下文字转载自 WaterWorld 讨论区 】
发信人: tyhj (tyhj), 信区: WaterWorld
标 题: 正在申请phd, graduate director 这么说是什么意思, 是不是被拒
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jan 26 21:43:44 2011, 美东)
打电话去问申请状态, graduate director 说结果已经告诉grad school, 让我等grad
电子邮件通知, 如果到2月10 号没有收到电子邮件再问他
拒的可能性大还是录取可能性大 |
a*****g 发帖数: 19398 | 25 http://www.npr.org/sections/ed/2016/03/10/469831485/americas-hi
A new study confirms what many Americans already knew deep in their hearts:
We're not good at math.
Not only that, but when it comes to technology skills, we're dead last
compared with other developed countries.
The PIAAC study — the Program for International Assessment of Adult
Competencies — looks at the skills adults need to do everyday tasks,
whether it's at work or in their social lives.
"Clearly, we have some work to do in thi... 阅读全帖 |
M*********8 发帖数: 15312 | 26 Gerber graduates puffs or lil' entrees参加mega sale, 买10减5后价格是
1.49 each
另现在有catalina deal
Gerber Graduates products - 10/8 - 10/31
Buy $10 - $14.99 get $2,
buy $15 - $19.99 get $3,
buy $20 or more get $5 cat
有奶娃的可以考虑下。。。 |
y*****y 发帖数: 274 | 27 刚刚添了一轮表,怎么发现还要交给graduate school?
我考!好容易熬出了头,怎么又回graduate school了?
这博士后到底归哪个部门管理呢? |
S*******t 发帖数: 6 | 28 Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering
City University of Hong Kong
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Applications are invited for PhD scholarships or Graduate Research
Assistantships in the area of Geotechnical Engineering in the Department of
Civil and Architectural Engineering. The formal PhD program should start
from the fall semester of the academic calendar year (e.g., September 2012)
or occasionally from the spring semester (e.g., March 2012). Online
applications are accepted anytime of the y... 阅读全帖 |
x********o 发帖数: 132 | 29 From Graduate to CEO in China
by Mr. DUAN Yongping
Chairman and CEO
BBK Electronics Corp. Ltd.
(²½²½¸ß Bu Bu Gao)
Time: 2:00pm-4:00pm, Sunday, February 16th.
Place: Hawes 201, Harvard Business School
(A brand new building right next to Baker Library and Aldrich.)
Map: http://www.hbs.edu/about/campus/visit.html
Language: Mandarin
About the speaker:
As a graduate in econometrics, Mr. Duan Yongping started his career as an
entreprene |
x****g 发帖数: 2000 | 30 【 以下文字转载自 JobHunting 讨论区 】
发信人: xikang (0104~~康熙不语), 信区: JobHunting
标 题: Fresh Graduate可以填W-11表么?(HIRE-Act法案)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Jun 14 19:28:21 2010, 美东)
fresh graduate能沾这个法案的光么? 谢谢
To be eligible, you must have worked no more than 40 hours
during the 60 days prior to your hire date with our company. |
w*****n 发帖数: 4 | 31 【 以下文字转载自 Visa 讨论区 】
发信人: westyan (小静), 信区: Visa
标 题: 问个Graduate assistantship和H1B status的问题
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Oct 18 22:15:41 2012, 美东)
full time H1B上班,同时在上MBA,现在MBA office说可以当tutor给graduate
assistantship,没有paycheck,只是通过financial aid 处理后给credit学分减少学费
,不go through pay-roll,没有w-2,1099.想问问做这个tutor会影响H1B status么?是
不是查不出来啊? |
c********t 发帖数: 4527 | 32 【 以下文字转载自 JobHunting 讨论区 】
发信人: choosewhat (前半生靠运气,后半生靠人品), 信区: JobHunting
标 题: new graduate EE master salary range
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Oct 8 16:06:00 2013, 美东)
what is the salary range for new graduate with EE master degree in Boston, |
w*****n 发帖数: 4 | 33 【 以下文字转载自 Visa 讨论区 】
发信人: westyan (小静), 信区: Visa
标 题: 问个Graduate assistantship和H1B status的问题
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Oct 18 22:15:41 2012, 美东)
full time H1B上班,同时在上MBA,现在MBA office说可以当tutor给graduate
assistantship,没有paycheck,只是通过financial aid 处理后给credit学分减少学费
,不go through pay-roll,没有w-2,1099.想问问做这个tutor会影响H1B status么?是
不是查不出来啊? |
a*****5 发帖数: 359 | 34 伪命题,这顶多证明了92%的中国pdD申请了OPT,然后到h1b会刷下一批,绿卡又刷下一
The real questions is, what is the percentage of Chinese PhD students
continue to stay in the US 5 years or 10 years after graduation?
1B |
u*******i 发帖数: 46 | 35 不知不觉已经毕业快半年了,因为拿着工作签证,所以也没急着搞PR。等到想申请PR了
,发现onshore只有半年有效期,因为还要做skill assessment, 肯定赶不上,而
是不是说我肯定要等到工作一年后才能提交PR申请了 (排除雇主提名的可能性)?此外
,因为以前没有工作经验,我做SA时肯定要选择recent graduate项 (IT专业),但是到
我申请PR时肯定不满足recent graduate条件了,会不会有问题?不知道版上各位兄弟
姐妹有没有遇到像我这种情况的,该怎么处理?先谢谢了。 |
c********t 发帖数: 4527 | 36 【 以下文字转载自 JobHunting 讨论区 】
发信人: choosewhat (前半生靠运气,后半生靠人品), 信区: JobHunting
标 题: new graduate EE master salary range
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Oct 8 16:06:00 2013, 美东)
what is the salary range for new graduate with EE master degree in Boston, |
c********t 发帖数: 4527 | 37 【 以下文字转载自 JobHunting 讨论区 】
发信人: choosewhat (前半生靠运气,后半生靠人品), 信区: JobHunting
标 题: new graduate EE master salary range
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Oct 8 16:06:00 2013, 美东)
what is the salary range for new graduate with EE master degree in Boston, |
z****e 发帖数: 555 | 38 Hi,
My nephew is interested in applying graduate school here. His GMAT is 610
and TOEFL is 86. But for some reason his GPA is pretty low 2.97.
I was told the GPA min requirement for graduate school is generally 3.0. I
am looking for suggestions how I can help him to get enrolled. His major is
Finance. Will third party certificate help in his case?
Many thanks, |
s*****r 发帖数: 814 | 39 【 以下文字转载自 Faculty 讨论区 】
发信人: swinder (ILoveJane), 信区: Faculty
标 题: Graduate Assistantship (MS or PhD) Available
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Aug 4 13:58:23 2010, 美东)
Applications are invited for Graduate Research Assistant positions (MS or
PhD) to join the Chemical and Bioengineering Department and the NSF
Generation-3 Engineering Research Center - Revolutionizing Metallic
Biomaterials. http://erc.ncat.edu/
Interdisciplinary research projects focus on cell-metal interaction (
biocompatibility and re |
P*****7 发帖数: 80 | 40 Post for a friend:
A healthcare IT Software Company located in north suburb of Chicago
currently has 2 openings for recent graduates majored in Computer Science or
Management Information Systems.
The company provides sponsorship. Their solutions are used in over 50
percent of U.S. hospitals on a daily basis. The company is also a leader in
solutions that manage complex financial information and optimize resources
and supply chain management.
Please see below for detail. If interested and qualifi... 阅读全帖 |
f********y 发帖数: 88 | 41 Position Type: Two hourly graduate research assistant positions beginning
May 16 and ending August 12, 2016. (up to 40 hours a week)
Description: These positions will contribute to the scholarly production
of the Discovery Learning Research Center by working with our staff to
complete research manuscripts for publication in peer reviewed journals.
Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:
o Currently enrolled Purdue graduate student in good standing
o Excellent oral and wr... 阅读全帖 |
x***u 发帖数: 13 | 42 是交resident tuition and fees的吗?如果刚刚来的spouse呢?住满一年以后呢?
我说的是Iowa State Univ.或者University of Iowa
The spouse of a 1/4-time or more graduate assistant who is a nonresident is
eligible for resident tuition and fees during the period of the assistantshi
p appointment. Iowa residency is not granted, but a waiver of nonresident tu
ition and fees is in effect. When the graduate assistantship ends, the tuiti
on and fee waiver for the spouse is terminated. (Board of Regents, State of
Iowa, Minute |
C******l 发帖数: 2585 | 43 Graduate student accused in Newark airport security breach in court today
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Last updated: Tuesday February 9, 2010, 8:08 AM
The graduate student accused of breaching security at Newark Liberty
International Airport last month is expected to appear in municipal court
Tuesday on a defiant trespass charge.
The hearing for Haisong Jiang, 28, of Piscataway is scheduled for 1 p.m.
Jiang allegedly breached security on Jan. 3 by walking into a secured area
designated for passenge |
m**d 发帖数: 14 | 44 【 以下文字转载自 JobHunting 讨论区 】
发信人: mdmd (md), 信区: JobHunting
标 题: 弯区internet startup找工(senior/junior/fresh graduate均可)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Apr 22 13:40:04 2011, 美东)
弯区internet startup找工(senior/junior/fresh graduate均可)
sponsor h1
详情见 http://about.loopt.com/jobs/
简历清发给f********[email protected], 本人替朋友发帖, 所以不要站内给本人, 谢谢! |
t******4 发帖数: 2300 | 45 PUYALLUP, Wash. -- Two Pierce County parents were arrested last weekend when
officers arrived at their home and found a garage strewn with beer cans and
liquor bottles, an unconscious teen in a tent, and their own daughter
passed out in her bed surrounded by pools of vomit, according to county
Officers were tipped off to an "after-graduation underage drinking party" at
an east Pierce County home early Sunday and served a search warrant at the
house a short time later.
After calling me... 阅读全帖 |
c********z 发帖数: 1688 | 46 ies take care of the international student affair and what international
student concern.
most chinese student are graduate students. we need to make them know what
happen to us and our feeling.
we do not want to condemn the IES or Graduate School. We just hope they can
emphasize the things on diamondback
harass |
t******n 发帖数: 6861 | 47 Earn College Plus miles
As a United College Plus® member, you can earn miles toward free travel
on United flights and with Mileage Plus® partners. But you also have
many exclusive bonus-mile opportunities available to you.
Graduation Bonus
We will help you celebrate your college graduation with 10,000 Mileage Plus
bonus miles (see United College Plus rules for details). Just send the
following to the address below, and your bonus will be posted to your
account within 4-6 weeks of receipt |
f******2 发帖数: 1027 | 48 这个,要结合你以前和graduate director通信的邮件才知道什么意思。仅仅凭你这个
帖子推测graduate director的意思太难了。 |
y******p 发帖数: 336 | 49 为老婆求祝福: pass final graduation exam !
I know it is very hard for her. Hope that 老婆 pass final graduation exam !
bless your guy all too. |
y******p 发帖数: 336 | 50 thank your blessing.
however, I am very sad that my wife has not pass the comprehensive grad exam
, she need to extend to graduate until august to retake graduation exam.
this is very bad. Wish she can pass it next time.
bless your guys |