

全部话题 - 话题: futhermore
发帖数: 4978
来自主题: Military版 - 日本这才叫真的亡国亡种呢
sex drive是推动人类进步的最终动力,这个欲望都没了,日本离灭国也不远了。
Japanese Teens, Married Couples Losing Sex Drive: Report
Now for some frigid news from Japan that has nothing to do with winter
temperatures: a new government-commissioned study finds that young Japanese
men are losing their interest in sex, yet another warning sign in a nation
notorious for its low birth rate.
According to the AFP, a whopping 36.1 percent of teenage boys between the
ages of 16-19 said they had little to no interest in sex, and in some ca... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 35261
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: dahuilanga (大辉狼啊), 信区: USANews
标 题: 【片警爆料】希拉里邮件详情
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Nov 1 09:04:50 2016, 美东)
Insiders Threaten To Expose Hillary’s Pedophile Sex Ring!!!
All of the following information was given to us by our insiders who have
specific first-hand knowledge of the Hillary Email scandal. It seems that
things are about to heat up. We are told that of the 662,871 emails lifted
from Weiner’s computer, 11,... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 302
来自主题: USANews版 - 关于医保说两句
First, you have to be careful for any news coming out from NPR. It's always
cherry picking survey results left-wing likes. Futhermore, the research was
funded for an organization that favors health reform.
Then you see through the surface and find out what the doctors really say:
27% doctors want private options only, 10% would like public options only,
the so-called single payer system. 63% percent want both. So, here is the
Which healthcare options doctors favor:
Private: 90% Publ
发帖数: 9567
来自主题: USANews版 - 【片警爆料】希拉里邮件详情
Insiders Threaten To Expose Hillary’s Pedophile Sex Ring!!!
All of the following information was given to us by our insiders who have
specific first-hand knowledge of the Hillary Email scandal. It seems that
things are about to heat up. We are told that of the 662,871 emails lifted
from Weiner’s computer, 11,112 emails are Huma… and pay to play- including
Saudis and Israeli’s. Meaning Huma was the one Hillary USED to
communicate wi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9567
来自主题: USANews版 - 【片警爆料】希拉里邮件详情

第一有关西婆与海外献金沆瀣;特别是isis的产生和壮大【Futhermore, we are told
by one of our insiders that one email unequivocally confirms Isis was
created by CIA and Israeli Secret Intelligence service, with help from Joe
Lieberman, John McCain and Lindsay Graham!】
第二有关国家核安全【An NYPD insider said the content they viewed did include
State Department TOP SECRET emails. One file was called “Life Insurance”
. The second email was titled “DNC Nuclear arsenal”.】
第三有关西婆和胡麻淫乱(涉及未成年少女)【A third file, I’m sure Hillary
definitel... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 91
来自主题: USANews版 - 【片警爆料】希拉里邮件详情
爆料太多了,就等 x-rated photo啦,妖婆太老就算了,胡妈还不错,如果全裸咬,那

Insiders Threaten To Expose Hillary’s Pedophile Sex Ring!!!
All of the following information was given to us by our insiders who have
specific first-hand knowledge of the Hillary Email scandal. It seems that
things are about to heat up. We are told that of the 662,871 emails lifted
from Weiner’s computer, 11,112 emails are Huma… and pay to play- including
Saudis and Israeli... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3063
来自主题: USANews版 - 【片警爆料】希拉里邮件详情

:第一有关西婆与海外献金沆瀣;特别是isis的产生和壮大【Futhermore, we are
told by one of our insiders that one email unequivocally confirms Isis was
:created by CIA and Israeli Secret Intelligence service, with help from Joe
:Lieberman, John McCain and Lindsay Graham!】
:第二有关国家核安全【An NYPD insider said the content they viewed did
include State Department TOP SECRET emails. One file was called “Life
:. The second email was titled “DNC Nuclear arsenal”.】
:第三有关西婆和胡麻淫乱(涉及未成年少女)【A third fi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 286
来自主题: USANews版 - 【片警爆料】希拉里邮件详情
"Futhermore, we are told by one of our insiders that one email
unequivocally confirms Isis was created by CIA and Israeli Secret
Intelligence service, with help from Joe Lieberman, John McCain and Lindsay
发帖数: 7652
Barca is much difficult to type than Bass. Futhermore I like bass.
发帖数: 25274
发帖数: 8827
来自主题: WaterWorld版 - 俺们写英文就是爱用这2个词,
发帖数: 321
来自主题: SciFiction版 - Who watched PI? Please rE
And I think few watched it because it is a Sci-Fic moive and many Chinese
guys don't like Sci-Fic. Futhermore, it is not a color moive, but black-
white.In New York and Boston, it is always popular and I have to wait to
get that moive.
发帖数: 251
来自主题: Java版 - 求救
Thank you very much.
Because I had no data interaction with the webpage. I decide to use applet t
echnology to solve this.
Futhermore. I had built my quite complex GUI. I think it's hard to put all
that in a html file.
Now a problem came to me. I need to build something called javakey. It's
some kind of security machnism that enable my applet on the client side to
access the database on the server side?
Is it true?
kind regards.
发帖数: 189
You are right.
We should judge such one of a few best immunologists in a more professional
way. But this is based on our intergrity that we should present real
experiments. It is not solely an actin blot. It is the faith that all of the
scientists rely on. Futhermore, besides this blot there are at least three
papers from his lab showing manipulated data as you can read in this BBS.
I agree with you that it is not easy for most of hot stars. But such a
successful star with so much money and reso... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 16
CPA is weighted much heavier than the school ranking that is for sure.
However, how do you know if you will be interested in public accounting when
you never studied accounting before (FYI: CPAs have to practice in public
accounting for a few years at least).
Futhermore, for students who want to major in accounting, specifically public
accounting, they must have good communicaiton skills, both speaking and
writing. I know a girl majoring in accounting and can't speak good English,
she still hasn
发帖数: 119
来自主题: Macromolecules版 - 哪里能查到紫外谱图阿
I am meeting the same problem too. In FTIR, it's easy to indentify the
chemical structure through their absorbance becasue their absorbance are
always special. It's a different thing in UV.The range of UV is very narrow.
At the same absorbance, there are many possible conjugated
structures.Futhermore,the adsorbance below 200nm is disturbed a lot by air if
the UV is not vucuumed. So other analytical results are neccesary when UV
spectrum is used to identify the chemical structure.
Anyway, there a
发帖数: 419
来自主题: Announcement版 - New WWW interface is availabe
Now,we support WWW register.
Try it and please report the bugs on Sysop boards.
Futhermore, if you have some new idea on our web interface, please
also let us know.
btw. www login will be availabe in next week
发帖数: 123
来自主题: _pennystock版 - 老猫, deer要跑。。。
DEER Goes Through The Headlights
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/21/2011 13:54 -0400
After a two weeks ago we presented a report from Alfred Little research
indicating just what a potential scam the latest alledged Chinese fraud DEER
is, the stock manipulation derby that ensued to keep the price above $11
was beyond criminal. That said, we are happy to present the latest piece of
evidence from Alfred Little chipping away at the facade... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 147
来自主题: _Exile版 - 贴个题目吧
You can ask one question to a single person.
I mean, for each question, only one person will give you answer.