

全部话题 - 话题: divinity
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发帖数: 513
来自主题: paladin版 - 香港电影十大武侠金曲 youtube
10. 醉拳 Drunken Master
9. 长路漫漫任我闯 Zhang Lu Man Man Ren Wo Chuang
8. 流光飞舞 Liu Guang Fei Wu
7. 男儿当自强 Tall in the Saddle
6. 随缘 Sui Yuan
5. 人间道 Shared Road
4. 一生所爱 Love of a Lifetime
3. 倩女幽魂 Ghost Story
2. 沧海一声笑 A Laugh in the Blue Sea (State of Divinity)
1. 笑红尘 Xiao Hong Chen (State of Divinity - Dong Fang Bu Bai)
发帖数: 55
Don't you know the "papal infallibility"?
Papal infallibility is the dogma in Catholic theology that, by action of the
Holy Spirit, the Pope is preserved from even the possibility of error[1]
when he solemnly declares or promulgates to the universal Church a dogmatic
teaching on faith or morals as being contained in divine revelation, or at
least being intimately connected to divine revelation.
If you say loudly "Even the pope can be wrong", you will be hunt down by
millions of conservative Cath
发帖数: 377
来自主题: TrustInJesus版 - myelsa 请进,我们接着说

话可参照‘divine essence' or 'divine attribute' .
好,那么你同意 “圣父是没有开始的永恒,圣子是有开始的存在”吗?
发帖数: 9485
Originally Published
by the
American Unitarian Association
Unitarian Christians believe Jesus Christ to be the Son of God and the
Saviour of men. They believe in the divinity of his mission and in the
divinity of his doctrines. They believe that the Gospel, which he proclaimed
, came from God; that the knowledge it imparts, the morality it enjoins, the
spirit it breathes, the a
发帖数: 1303
来自主题: TrustInJesus版 - God's Eternal Economy
Gods eternal economy is to make man the same as He is
In life and nature, but not in the Godhead,
And to make Himself one with man, and man one with Him,
Thus to be enlarged and expanded in His expression
That all His divine, that all His divine
Attributes may be expressed in human virtues.
发帖数: 699
来自主题: TrustInJesus版 - 一个小小的疑问
Men are not able to follow the law
At the beginning
There was only one simple and easy law in the garden -
Shall not eat the fruit of the tree in the midst
Yet man could not observe
Not talk about others
Law is the standard of the Divine GOD
So men by no means can follow unless possessing the Divine Life
That was that reason why Jesus came
Jesus is the reality of the tree of Life
Passing through human living, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension
He became the life-giving Spirit
To dispense
发帖数: 19317
来自主题: TrustInJesus版 - 一个小小的疑问

Men are not able to follow the law
At the beginning
There was only one simple and easy law in the garden -
Shall not eat the fruit of the tree in the midst
Yet man could not observe
Not talk about others
Law is the standard of the Divine GOD
So men by no means can follow unless possessing the Divine Life
That was that reason why Jesus came
Jesus is the reality of the tree of Life
Passing through human living, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension
He became the life-giving Spirit
To dispense
发帖数: 9433
来自主题: TrustInJesus版 - 永生兄弟,你真做了吗?
Holding opinions contrary to the Catholic Faith and speaking against it
and its ministers.
Holding erroneous opinions about the Trinity, about Christ's divinity
and Incarnation.
Holding erroneous opinions about Christ.
Holding erroneous opinions about Transubstantiation and Mass.
Claiming the existence of a plurality of worlds and their eternity.
Believing in metempsychosis and in the transmigration of the human soul
into brutes.
Dealing in magics and divination.
Denying the Virginity of Mary.
发帖数: 38403
来自主题: TrustInJesus版 - 什么叫圣灵感动:Kundalini syndrome
spiritual transformation:
You will find yourself developing more noble traits of character, such as
compassion, universal love, gratitude, charity,
truth, honesty, and humility.
Your desire to be of service to humanity will grow and may become a primary
focus as your feelings of unity with all
humankind and all creation grow.
You will have an intense inner yearning for the divine.
You may experience a spontaneous flow of tears and overwhelming emotion at
the mention or thought of the divine.
You... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9567
来自主题: TrustInJesus版 - 2世纪的护教的产生
The Apologists
The second century brought with it a steady growth of Gentile Christianity,
but not without opponents. We have seen the rise of various heresies,
opposition marked by a twisting of "apostolic teaching." This led the early
Christian leadership to further develop creeds and formulas as a way to
solidify "orthodox" positions. One must remember that in the early second
century the New Testament had not come fully into form – the writings... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5754
来自主题: TrustInJesus版 - 进化论的预测
Back to the key debate of the discussion -- the contrast between "evolution
theory" & what I believe as a Christian (only speak for myself).
IMHO, the underlying assumption in Evolution Theory is "random" cause,
including the intractable cause of the mutations, and the intractable
sequences of events that lead to the environments (subject to which the "
variation" is selected) in the origin of life & species. Of course given an
environment, the seleciton mechanism follows biological laws.
Instea... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9567
Belgic Confession (Article 19)
We believe that by being thus conceived the person of the Son has been
inseparably united and joined together with human nature, in such a way that
there are not two Sons of God, nor two persons, but two natures united in a
single person, with each nature retaining its own distinct properties.
Thus his divine nature has always remained uncreated, without beginning of
days or end of life, filling heaven and earth.
His human nature has not lost its properties but con... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6042
来自主题: TrustInJesus版 - The Exaltation of Christ
Bible Course - Christian Doctrine
Lesson 7
The Exaltation of Christ
Lord's Day 17 - 19
The Exaltation of Christ
The previous lesson dealt with the humiliation of Christ. Now the steps of
His exaltation will be discussed. In this lesson, the following aspects of
it will be discussed: His resurrection, His ascension into heaven, His
sitting at the right hand of God in heaven, and His coming again at the end
of time as Judge over all people.
Lord's Day 17
Q. 45. What doth the resurrection of Christ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1911
来自主题: TrustInJesus版 - Does John 17:5 prove the Trinity?
John 17:5
"And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which
I had with thee before the world was."
If Christ had glory with God before the world was, then obviously it is argu
ed he must have existed before his birth on earth.
Stress is often placed on Jesus' statement that he had glory with the Father
. The J.W.'s in their New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures translate
this verse as follows: "So now you, Father, glorify me alongside yourself... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9567
来自主题: TrustInJesus版 - 马丁 路德 - 耶稣人性受造论
21. For "creature" in the old usage of language [veteris linguae
usu] and in other subjects signifies a thing separated from divinity by
infinite degrees [infinitis modis].
22. In the new use of language it signifies a thing inseparably
joined with divinity in the same person in an ineffable way [ineffabilibus
23. Thus it must be that the words man, humanity, suffered, etc.,
and everything that is said of Christ, are new ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9567
来自主题: TrustInJesus版 - 永生:我来给你讲解比利时宣言
Belgic Confession
Article 19. The Union and Distinction of the Two Natures in the Person of
“We believe that by this conception the Person of the Son is inseparably
united and connected with the human nature; so that there are not two Sons
of God, nor two Persons, but two natures united in one single Person; yet
each nature retains its own distinct properties. As, then, the divine nature
has always remained uncreated, without b... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10018
华、C. S. 鲁易士等西方神学家的着作中,「神化」这名词虽然没有频繁地出现,这思
从第四世纪起,... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3781
来自主题: TrustInJesus版 - What Love Is This? (5) Jesus died for All !
Today there is growing division on this issue, most Calvinists insisting tha
t Christ died only for the elect. On the other hand, IFCA International, a g
roup of about 700 independent evangelical churches and 1,200 pastors (some o
f them Calvinists) declares in its doctrinal statement, "We believe that the
Lord Jesus Christ died on the cross for all mankind ... to accomplish the r
edemption of all who trust in him . . . ." Spurgeon himself, so often quoted
by Calvinists to support their view, re... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4956
来自主题: TrustInJesus版 - 教會歷史中的神學教育與復興運動
Theological Education and Revival Movements in History
I 改教前
學校 = 在修道院裡 Monasteries
11,12 世紀 - 英國牛津大學 Oxford University﹐法國巴黎大學 Sorbonne - 起源﹕
座堂 ( 主教) 的學校或修道院的學校演變而成
Origins of universities: monastic schools, or cathedral (bishop) schools
神學 = 眾學科之上的 " 女皇學科"
(Theology is the queen of the sciences)
II 宗教改革
16世紀 宗教改革 = 文藝復興時期
The Protestant Reformation - Renaissance
馬丁路德 - 大學教授
Martin Luther - University of Wittenberg
加爾文 (1509-1564) - 法律學生﹔日內瓦學院創辦人 (大學 + 神學院)
John Calvin ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1776
来自主题: TrustInJesus版 - 聖經版本﹐研讀版聖經
中華展望總幹事 President, China Horizon
及主任牧師;講道法是「教義解經講道」 ;同時致力推介「聖經輔導」與「古典清教徒
,被美國(福音派)長老會 (PCA) 按立。
Rev. Ling is a pastor in his 50s with two Asian American young adult childre
n. His passion is to train Christians in a deeper commitment to the Word of
God, to... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1776
来自主题: TrustInJesus版 - 威斯敏斯德信条 导读
The Committee on Christian Education
of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church
The Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms
as adopted by
The Orthodox Presbyterian Church
WITH PROOF TEXTS? 2005 by The Orthodox Presbyterian Church
Published by and available from:
The Committee on Christian Education
of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church
607 N. Easton Road, Bldg. E
Box P
Willow Grove, PA 19090-0920
Phone 215/830-0900
Also available from:
Great Commission Public... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1776
来自主题: TrustInJesus版 - 威斯敏斯德信条 第一章 论圣经
1. Although the light of nature, and the works of creation and providence do
so far manifest the goodness, wisdom, and power of God, as to leave men une
xcusable; yet are they not sufficient to give that knowledge of God, and of
his will, which is necessary unto salvation. Therefore it pleased the Lord,
at sundry times, and in divers manners, to reveal himself, and to declare th
at his will unto his church; and afterwards, for the better preserving and p
ropagatin... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1776
来自主题: TrustInJesus版 - 威斯敏斯德信条 第一章 论圣经
Chapter 1
Of the Holy Scripture
1. Although the light of nature, and the works of creation and
providence do so far manifest the goodness, wisdom, and power of
God, as to leave men unexcusable;
yet are they not sufficient to give
that knowledge of God, and of his will, which is necessary unto
Therefore it pleased the Lord, at sundry times, and in
divers manners, to reveal himself, and to declare that his will unto his
a. Rom. 2:14–15. For when the Gentiles, which have not the la... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1776
来自主题: TrustInJesus版 - 威斯敏斯德信条 第一章 论圣经
Of the Holy Scripture
I. Although the light of nature, and the works of creation and providence do
so far manifest the goodness, wisdom, and power of God, as to leave men une
xcusable;[1] yet are they not sufficient to give that knowledge of God, and
of his will, which is necessary unto salvation.[2] Therefore it pleased the
Lord, at sundry times, and in divers manners, to reveal himself, and to decl
are that his will unto his church;[3] and afterwards, for the better preserv
ing and p... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3781
来自主题: TrustInJesus版 - The Murder of Michael Servetus
Michael Servetus was a Christian living in the 1500's who incurred the wrath
of John Calvin and was murdered by him and his cronies for illegitimate rea
sons. He was accused of heresy and railroaded through a mock trial and put t
o death being burned alive at the stake. Yet such an atrocity was praised by
even well-known Calvinists as Bullinger and others for generations.
A couple of quotes from John Calvin himself:
7 years before the incident:
"If he [S... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3781
congratulations to you, you agree Semi-Pelagianism and Arminianism?
My view of Trinity is similar to Michael Servetus's:
" Servetus affirmed that the divine Logos, the manifestation of God and not
a separate divine Person, was incarnated in a human being, Jesus, when God's
spirit came into the womb of the Virgin Mary. Only from the moment of conce
ption, was the Son actually generated. Therefore the Son was not eternal, bu
t only the Logos from which He was formed. "
biblically, I am a truely re... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1776
来自主题: TrustInJesus版 - 当代正统神学的任务 林慈信
教者必须宣讲真理 – 护教的目的,不是讨好世人,护教的动机是将人的心意夺回,信
服基督 (林后十4-5)。我们不可以出于惧怕的心来从事护教的工作:我们不必,也绝
不应该怕十字架的福音会得罪世人,因而重新包装我们的福音 “信息” 来迎合世人的
于那些蒙神大能的恩典而得救的人,福音总是神的能力,神的智慧 (参考:哥林多前书
,第一 ,二章) 。
消极方面,护教者必需指出每一个时代的思潮背后的世界观 (worldview)。世界观包括
人对宇宙,神,灵界等的信念;这是 “形上学” (metaphysics) 方面的信念。世界观
也包括人对真理,知识等的信念,与科学,哲学之间的关系;这是 “知识论” (epist
emology)方面的信念。护教的任务,是攻破世人思维的营垒 – 就是那些拦阻人来到基
督面前顺服信靠祂的事情 – 哥林多后书十4 ,5。
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1776
来自主题: TrustInJesus版 - 当代正统神学的任务 林慈信
神的启示抑人的 “智慧” ?



导的真理 (教义) :整本圣经对于某一个问题的教导是什么? “历史神学” (或称教
斯特神学院的创校教授,教会历史家Dr. Paul Woolley曾说:白色 (真理) 放在一个黑
色 (错误) 的背景来看,会更加突显。(Truth stands out more clearly against a b
ackground of error.) 让我们以这角度来探讨早期教会的教义发展。
的世界观是 “二元论” (dualism) 的: 宇宙有两个神,一善一恶。至高的神造了一连
串的灵体 (aeons),都是从神性放射的 (ema... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1776
来自主题: TrustInJesus版 - 当代正统神学的任务 林慈信


的 “道”,是三位一体的第二位。祂有权能胜过死亡,祂确实地身体复活了!基督的神
约翰福音一1-14 讲到关于成为肉身的 “道”, 提到七件事:
1. 太初有道 (1):耶稣基督是永恒的 (His eternity)。
2. 道与神同在 (1):基督有位格 (person),有独特的性格,祂与父神有着交往的关系。
3. 道就是神 (1):祂有神性 (deity),不是被造物。
4. 万物都是借着祂造的 (3):祂是创造主。
5. 生命在祂里头 (4):祂赐生命(animating),被造物本没有生命,只有在道中才有。
6. 这生命就是人的光 (4):基督是启示者 ;人活着因道工作的缘故。
7. 道成了肉身 (14):主成为人(incarnate),伯利恒马槽里的婴孩就是神永恒的道。“... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1776
来自主题: TrustInJesus版 - 当代正统神学的任务 林慈信

路加福音》就行了;可是,不可妥协耶稣基督的神性和主权。祂是宇宙的创造... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3781
Fruits Of The Synod Of Dort
In evaluating the Synod of Dort and the Five Points of Calvinism which it pr
onounced, one cannot avoid recognition of the political nature of the gather
ing and the fact that the Calvinistic church leaders were acting as instrume
nts of the state in violation of the Word of God - and the state acted on th
eir behalf to punish their opponents. That Calvinists together with the stat
e falsely charged, persecuted, imprisoned, sought the death of and executed
some of the... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 644
来自主题: TrustInJesus版 - Mary, Mother of God 回答贴
昨天有人问为什么天主教称Mary为Mother of God。现在找不到原贴了,开新贴回答吧
昨天那个问题,我的理解是提问的人并不否认耶稣是按上帝的计划由virgin Mary所生
,只是不能接受Mother of God这一说法,是这样吧?有些观点质疑耶稣的出身,我以
首先呢,并不是只有天主教称Mary为Mother of God。宗教改革当中的三个主要新教派
系Luther, Calvin, Zwingli也都接受这一称呼方法。
耶稣既有神性、又有人性,既完全是神、又完全是人,所以说他是Divine Person. "
Since this one person was born of Mary, she truly is the Mother of the one
Divine Person: i... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3781
He was against the Calvinism doctrine of "limited atonement":
Spurgeon himself, so often quoted by Calvinists to support their view, rejec
ted Limited Atonement, though it lies at the very heart of Calvinism and fol
lows inevitably from its other points - and he did so in unequivocal languag
I know there are some who think it necessary to their system of theology to
limit the merit of the blood of Jesus: if my theological system needed such
limitation, I would cast it to the winds. I cannot, ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5754
Chapter 3.1 Our Death With Christ A Historic Fact
Romans 6:1-11 is the passage before us now. In these verses it is made clear
that the death of the Lord Jesus is representative and inclusive. In His
death we all died. None of us can progress spiritually without seeing this.
Just as we cannot have justification if we have not seen Him bearing our
sins on the Cross, so we cannot have sanctification if we have not seen Him
bearing us on the Cross. Not only have our sins been laid on Him but we
our... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5754
chapter 4.4 Abiding In Him
Now although we have already spent long on this matter, there is a further
thing that may help to make it clearer to us. the Scriptures declare that we
are “dead indeed”, but nowhere do they say that we are dead in ourselves.
We shall look in vain to find death within; that is just the place where it
is not to be found. We are dead not in ourselves but in Christ. We were
crucified with Him because we were in Him.
We are familiar with the words of the Lord Jesus, “Abide... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5754
chapter 5.3 Resurrection Unto Newness Of Life
"If we have become united with him by the likeness of his death, we
shall be also be the likeness of his resurrection (Rom. 6:5).
Now with resurrection the figure is different because something new is
introduced. I am "baptized into his death", but I do not enter in quite
the same way into His resurrection, for, Praise the Lord! His
resurrection enters into me, imparting to me a new life. In the death
of the Lord the emphasis is ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5754
chapter 7.2 The Grain Of Wheat
But how could God’s only begotten Son become His first begotten? The method
is explained in John 12:24: “Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a
grain of wheat fall into the earth and die, it abideth by itself alone; but
if it die, it beareth much fruit.” Who was that grain? It was the Lord
Jesus. In the whole universe God had only one ‘grain of wheat’; He had no
second grain. God put His one grain of wheat into the ground and it died,
and in resurrection the only... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5754
chapter 7.5 He That Hath The Son Hath The Life
There are various planes of life. Human life lies between the life of the
lower animals and the life of God. We cannot bridge the gulf that divides us
from the plane above or the plane below, and the distance that separates us
from the life of God is vastly greater than that which separates us from
the life of the lower animals.
In China one day I called on a Christian leader who was sick in bed, and
whom, for the sake of this story, I shall call ‘M... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5754
chapter 8.3 The Diversity Of The Experience
But you ask: How shall I know that the Holy Spirit is come upon me?' I
cannot tell how you will know, but you will know. No description has
been given us of the personal sensations and emotions of the disciples
at Pentecost. We do not know exactly how they felt, but we do know that
their feelings and behaviour were somewhat abnormal, because people
seeing them said they were intoxicated. When the Holy Spirit falls upon
God's people... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5754
chapter 8.4 The Spirit Indwelling
We move on now to the second aspect of the gift of the Holy Spirit, which,
as we shall see in our next chapter, is more particularly the subject of
Romans 8. It is that which we have spoken of as the Spirit indwelling. “If
so be that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you...” (Romans 8:9). As with the
Spirit outpoured, so with the Spirit indwelling, if we are to know in
experience that which is ours in fact, our first need is of Divine
revelation. When we see Christ ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5754
chapter 11.3 The Love Of Christ
Now we must have before us two passages of the Word, one from Genesis 2 and
one from Ephesians 5, which are of great importance in this connection.
“And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and he slept;
and he took one of his ribs, which the Lord God had taken from the man, made
he a woman, and brought her unto the man. And the man said, This is now
bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman (Heb.
ishshah), because she wa... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5754
chapter 11.4 One Living Sacrifice
We have said that there is an aspect of the death of Christ presented to us
in Ephesians 5 which is to some extent different from that which we have
been studying in Romans. Yet in fact this aspect is the very end to which
our study of Romans has been moving, and it is into this that the letter is
leading us as we shall now see, for redemption leads us back into God’s
original line of purpose.
In chapter 8 Paul speaks to us of Christ as the firstborn Son among m... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5754
Chapter 3.1 Our Death With Christ A Historic Fact
Romans 6:1-11 is the passage before us now. In these verses it is made clear
that the death of the Lord Jesus is representative and inclusive. In His
death we all died. None of us can progress spiritually without seeing this.
Just as we cannot have justification if we have not seen Him bearing our
sins on the Cross, so we cannot have sanctification if we have not seen Him
bearing us on the Cross. Not only have our sins been laid on Him but we
our... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5754
chapter 4.4 Abiding In Him
Now although we have already spent long on this matter, there is a further
thing that may help to make it clearer to us. the Scriptures declare that we
are “dead indeed”, but nowhere do they say that we are dead in ourselves.
We shall look in vain to find death within; that is just the place where it
is not to be found. We are dead not in ourselves but in Christ. We were
crucified with Him because we were in Him.
We are familiar with the words of the Lord Jesus, “Abide... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5754
chapter 5.3 Resurrection Unto Newness Of Life
"If we have become united with him by the likeness of his death, we
shall be also be the likeness of his resurrection (Rom. 6:5).
Now with resurrection the figure is different because something new is
introduced. I am "baptized into his death", but I do not enter in quite
the same way into His resurrection, for, Praise the Lord! His
resurrection enters into me, imparting to me a new life. In the death
of the Lord the emphasis is ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5754
chapter 7.2 The Grain Of Wheat
But how could God’s only begotten Son become His first begotten? The method
is explained in John 12:24: “Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a
grain of wheat fall into the earth and die, it abideth by itself alone; but
if it die, it beareth much fruit.” Who was that grain? It was the Lord
Jesus. In the whole universe God had only one ‘grain of wheat’; He had no
second grain. God put His one grain of wheat into the ground and it died,
and in resurrection the only... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5754
chapter 7.5 He That Hath The Son Hath The Life
There are various planes of life. Human life lies between the life of the
lower animals and the life of God. We cannot bridge the gulf that divides us
from the plane above or the plane below, and the distance that separates us
from the life of God is vastly greater than that which separates us from
the life of the lower animals.
In China one day I called on a Christian leader who was sick in bed, and
whom, for the sake of this story, I shall call ‘M... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5754
chapter 8.3 The Diversity Of The Experience
But you ask: How shall I know that the Holy Spirit is come upon me?' I
cannot tell how you will know, but you will know. No description has
been given us of the personal sensations and emotions of the disciples
at Pentecost. We do not know exactly how they felt, but we do know that
their feelings and behaviour were somewhat abnormal, because people
seeing them said they were intoxicated. When the Holy Spirit falls upon
God's people... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5754
chapter 8.4 The Spirit Indwelling
We move on now to the second aspect of the gift of the Holy Spirit, which,
as we shall see in our next chapter, is more particularly the subject of
Romans 8. It is that which we have spoken of as the Spirit indwelling. “If
so be that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you...” (Romans 8:9). As with the
Spirit outpoured, so with the Spirit indwelling, if we are to know in
experience that which is ours in fact, our first need is of Divine
revelation. When we see Christ ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5754
chapter 11.3 The Love Of Christ
Now we must have before us two passages of the Word, one from Genesis 2 and
one from Ephesians 5, which are of great importance in this connection.
“And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and he slept;
and he took one of his ribs, which the Lord God had taken from the man, made
he a woman, and brought her unto the man. And the man said, This is now
bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman (Heb.
ishshah), because she wa... 阅读全帖
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