G****a 发帖数: 10208 | 1 【 以下文字转载自 Sex 讨论区 】
发信人: thanksgiving (###), 信区: Sex
标 题: 六四10张令人难忘的照片(组图) (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jun 4 15:52:39 2011, 美东)
发信人: NeverDye (SuperElement), 信区: SanFrancisco
标 题: 六四10张令人难忘的照片(组图) (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jun 4 13:30:54 2011, 美东)
发信人: dongzhi1 (阳生), 信区: ChinaNews
标 题: 六四10张令人难忘的照片(组图)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jun 2 22:54:36 2011, 美东)
1) 自发悼念胡耀邦
Mourning for Hu Yaobang and Protest
April 18th. Students hold a lot of banner calling for... 阅读全帖 |
p**********u 发帖数: 15479 | 2 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: Closingbell (我一刀斩到你桃花开), 信区: Military
标 题: 视频来了,证人兼雷锋找到了,谁还敢说飞车党有道德底线?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Oct 4 21:06:54 2013, 美东)
Sergio Consuegra, 穿西装者。我吃饭时搂了一眼,在CNN AC360 Exclusive: Hero
bystander speaks说的,视频找到,应该今晚还会重播,具体细节自己看去。
出车,连妻尖叫,周围群众发现里面有小孩,也一起尖叫:no not the lady not with
baby ,谢尔盖大叔当仁不让就站出来了:that's it let him go.好像因为他自己就有
三个孩子, have to do sth. ever... 阅读全帖 |
h**l 发帖数: 4883 | 3 你写的不错。 但是关于mouth to mouth那部分是错误的。 只有没有trained过的
我是American Heart Association certified的 BLS instructor。 建议你再回去看
看guideline。 |
A*******s 发帖数: 9638 | 4 我就是给bystander看的。 对专业人员就不用多说了。 |
z****1 发帖数: 1103 | 5 Boston Forward
Chinese Association for Progress and Equality
Chinese United
Chinese Young Professionals Network
A Letter to United Nations Human Rights Council
December 9, 2013
Dear United Nations Human Rights Council,
We are writing to inform you of an inhumane and uncivilized phenomenon going
on in Argentina, a phenomenon that tramples and ravages the most basic
human rights of thousands of people. More importantly, we are writing to
inform you of th... 阅读全帖 |
u*****a 发帖数: 6276 | 6 美国和德国的法律不一样。
Good Samaritan Laws
Good Samaritan laws offer legal protection to people who give reasonable
assistance to those who are injured, ill, in peril, or otherwise
incapacitated. In some cases, Good Samaritan laws encourage people to offer
assistance (duty to rescue). The protection is intended to reduce
bystanders' hesitation to assist, for fear of being sued or prosecuted for
unintentional injury or wrongful death
United States
The details of good Samaritan laws/acts vary by jurisdictio... 阅读全帖 |
W***n 发帖数: 11530 | 7 Very tragic and sad.
If some of the bystanders took some actions (may be as little as a SHOUT of
calling the police), the outcome could be vastly different! |
b**********2 发帖数: 1923 | 8 【 以下文字转载自 LosAngeles 讨论区 】
发信人: jingsun70 (Jing), 信区: LosAngeles
标 题: 六四10张令人难忘的照片(组图) (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jun 5 02:23:15 2011, 美东)
发信人: thanksgiving (###), 信区: WaterWorld
标 题: 六四10张令人难忘的照片(组图) (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jun 4 15:52:47 2011, 美东)
发信人: NeverDye (SuperElement), 信区: SanFrancisco
标 题: 六四10张令人难忘的照片(组图) (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jun 4 13:30:54 2011, 美东)
发信人: dongzhi1 (阳生), 信区: ChinaNews
标 题: 六四10张令人难忘的照片(组图)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jun 2 22:54:36 2011, 美东)
1) 自发悼念胡耀邦
Mourning for... 阅读全帖 |
a*o 发帖数: 25262 | 9 刚才不知道在那个版看到的:
Bystanders lift burning car, save biker |
C*******r 发帖数: 10345 | 10 【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: Commissar (柯宓同志), 信区: USANews
标 题: 纽约劳模女把三哥推下站台让地铁撞死
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Dec 29 18:33:01 2012, 美东)
已经指控为谋杀和hate crime,哈哈哈。
NEW YORK—A woman accused of pushing a man to his death in front of a
speeding subway train in Queens has been charged with murder as a hate crime
, according to prosecutors, the Associated Press reported Saturday.
Police arrested Erica Menendez on Saturday after a passerby on a street
noticed she resembled the woman seen in a sur... 阅读全帖 |
z*****a 发帖数: 3809 | 11 【 以下文字转载自 Joke 讨论区 】
发信人: sunnyday (胖头鱼。按斤卖就赚了), 信区: Joke
标 题: 纽约警方又成功的击中两名行人
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Sep 15 09:19:12 2013, 美东)
Times Square shooting: NYPD officers shoot two innocent bystanders near
Times Square
该案件让人想去去年纽约另外一起事件,在该案件中警方连发16枪,击中9个无关行人。 |
g****t 发帖数: 31659 | 12 Sergio Consuegra, hero bystander stated that he saw the biker thugs "grabbed
the lady and grabbed her by her arm and pulling her OUT OF THE CAR. The
lady started screaming and that's when we saw the baby..." and that's when
we screamed "Not the lady! Not with the baby! I screamed too. At that moment
I saw a man [Lien] getting knocked out on the floor. They started hitting
with their helmets. A couple of them.. Real big guys...Nobody was doing
nothing. I got to do something...THEY'RE GOING TO KIL... 阅读全帖 |
o**********e 发帖数: 18403 | 13 【 以下文字转载自 CivilSociety 讨论区 】
发信人: Autonation (华人同盟会成立了!), 信区: CivilSociety
标 题: 【救助在阿同胞】四大华人组织联手致信联合国 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Dec 10 17:10:36 2013, 美东)
发信人: Autonation (华人同盟会成立了!), 信区: Military
标 题: 【救助在阿同胞】四大华人组织联手致信联合国
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Dec 10 17:05:10 2013, 美东)
Date: 2013/12/10
Subject: A Letter to United Nations Human Rights Council
Boston Forward
Chinese Association for Progress and
... 阅读全帖 |
i*****g 发帖数: 2564 | 14 I said "Well said" because I agree with what LS had said.
Some of the folks on this board have very twisted moral standards, which is
actually fine because everyone have different life experience and views.
However, many on the water board and SD board that came to her defense are
innocent bystanders which is one reason why I stay away from commenting. |
i*****g 发帖数: 2564 | 15 Just out of my personal curiosity. What is the thinking behind you, beef,
and a few others on this board that gone out of your way to defend KM and
actions taken by her and her teammates / fans.
Is it that you agree with the idea that to achieve your goal / desire,
it is okay and acceptable to hid key information and mislead others. Or, is
it that you feel sorry for a widow and her 3 kids that no one should dare
to question her and her teammates' actions?
Funny thing is that this whole thin... 阅读全帖 |
b*******r 发帖数: 432 | 16 没办法啊, LP管得严看得紧, 限时上网, 那点时间打理我那块自留地
都不够啊, 每天只能在躲在厕所里来上网. 这不, 现在是借口起夜
来灌两片... |
B********s 发帖数: 338 | 17
pfpf... 其实现在看, 如果要拍航展的话, 还是选择video camera 比较好,
我一般选择手动对焦。 有时还设了shutter priority, :-(
太谦虚了吧, 其实拍运动目标本身就是很困难的。 不少人胶卷上都是一片空白。
bystander 学过摄影, 赫赫。。。 出来讲讲。。。
另外, 在 dayton 有个老黑的经验是, 找一个dark grey 的物体, 用 automatic mode
读出shutter 和 Exposure 的参数, 然后换manual mode...
偶英语不好, 听的糊里糊度。。。。 他选择的目标是导航台。。。后来他建议我选择
水塔。 其实我们交谈时间只有3分钟, 后来人一多, 不知道他跑到那里去了, 剩下的
都很专业, 跟本不屑我们拿DC 的。。 。。
//cmf |
B********s 发帖数: 338 | 18 ?
在bystander 出现前,
我推荐一家, 在worthington 镇子里
就是在high 和161 的哪个intersection 南边
Graeter's Ice Cream, 654 High St, Worthington, OH 43085
店的南边是bp 加油站
据说那里是columbus 最好的ice cream, 夏天很有可能要排队。 |
B********s 发帖数: 338 | 19 樱花璀璨
本来也想以"血色樱花" 做题目的, 但是还是觉得太过凝重与伤感。 樱花固然美丽, 但
我想到樱花就会想到爆竹,那个著名的"一响而散"的东东; 当然还有毕业典礼..... 每
年春夏之交,任何一个学校里都弥漫着毕业的喜庆与离别伤感混合着的气氛,OSU 当然也
不例外。 每年这个时候都会有一大批人离开.....
谨以此文送给已经或即将离开ohio 的人们, 比如:我景仰已久,n多次邂逅,但从未搭
过话的bystander... 希望已经或即将离开的buckeyes 能有空回来看看the Birthplace
of Aviation.
//puke 又跑题了,其实我还是要写飞机的。 |
b*********e 发帖数: 72 | 20 【 以下文字转载自 Travel 讨论区,原文如下 】
发信人: bystander (俗人), 信区: Travel
标 题: New Orleans杂记(一)
发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Thu Dec 4 19:22:50 2003), 转信
好久不来,看见fufu又开始万里长征般地作New orleans的
1。 关于Attractions/sightseeing
和inner harbor一带,同样曾为法国殖民地,同样的依水而立,相比
之下总觉得NO少了些惊艳,呵呵,扯远了。。。 |
P*******n 发帖数: 1408 | 22 LMAO!How old are you? Did you see all the acts Western governments have done
to deter the effort of individual smoking and the use of tobacco? Yes, US
government will not force you to quit smoking because it is a matter of
personal choice, just like what you made for yourself to come here to the
states while singing praises for a government which ruthlessly violates its
people's human rights. It is not a crime to choose different lifestyle. But
US government has tried alot to let people know smo... 阅读全帖 |
y****i 发帖数: 17878 | 23 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
spectrum805 (spectrum805) 于 (Fri Apr 19 01:16:35 2013, 美东) 提到:
(4/19 原帖)
个老美跟我讲,他们学校里有些亚裔告诉他,"It is our belief in my community
that we did not give money to the public schools". 好像这些亚裔就是要占别人
的便宜,take free ride一样。我听了很吃惊也觉得很被羞辱。那些人自己不愿意捐就
(4/20 更新1)
大家对许多老墨占了加州政府太多福利非常不满,觉得我们不给学校赞助... 阅读全帖 |
d**********t 发帖数: 1821 | 24 【 以下文字转载自 Automobile 讨论区 】
发信人: dragonknight (龙骑士), 信区: Automobile
标 题: 陆虎事件最新调查惊人结果
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Oct 7 14:46:09 2013, 美东)
More shocking details have also emerged
in the story. Good Samaritan Sergio
Consuegra, who intervened in the assault
of the SUV driver Alexian Lien, told ABC
one of the bikers also attacked Lien's wife,
Rosalyn Ng, "grabbing her by the arms,
real hard" until bystanders yelled at him to
A new photo ... 阅读全帖 |
B******1 发帖数: 9094 | 25 发信人: czjd (辽宁面团 - 第四十八浪人), 信区: Law
标 题: Re: 陆虎男的案子
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Oct 11 17:09:44 2013, 美东)
It doesn't matter what theory the victim uses against Lien. Insurance would
deny Lien's claim because the injuries are a result of Lien's intentional
act. Even grossly negligent acts are excluded from liability coverages.
Sure, you can argue Lien's act was only negligence, but you'd have to be a
John Edwards type to convince a jury that running someone over standing in
front of your SUV was pure neg... 阅读全帖 |
l****o 发帖数: 91 | 26 As a bystander, it is easy to see from reading this thread which group of
folks have more class and which ones don't. Judge yourself.
There's no need to resort to name calling and profanities. |
b**********e 发帖数: 19 | 27 告诉她, you feel there is some misunderstanding between you two and you want
to clear the air. First ask her if she has an issue working with you or
anything she doesn't feel comfortable. If she doesn't offer much, then you
tell her that you heard she spoke ill of you behind your back. You hope
this was not true. Tell her you want to collaborate with you at work. If
she is unreasonable, then tell her you reserve the right to file a formal
complaint to HR about her behavior and reserve the righ... 阅读全帖 |
n******e 发帖数: 87 | 28 【 以下文字转载自 ChinaNews 讨论区 】
发信人: dongzhi1 (阳生), 信区: ChinaNews
标 题: 六四10张令人难忘的照片(组图)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jun 2 22:54:36 2011, 美东)
1) 自发悼念胡耀邦
Mourning for Hu Yaobang and Protest
April 18th. Students hold a lot of banner calling for "Freedom & Democracy
Enlightment" on the martyrs monument in Tiananmen Square festooned with a
great portrait of Hu YB, surrounded with wreaths dedicated to him by people
from many universities.
北大、清华、人民、北京钢铁学院、农业工程大学、北京理... 阅读全帖 |
y*****d 发帖数: 4451 | 29 No affirmative duty for bystanders |
q**********0 发帖数: 587 | 30
:the bystander in the china case less despicable.
你这样的说法我不反对。:-))) |
c*****e 发帖数: 1106 | 31 我读了,原文
退一步,他们知道回不去了,要求孩子也下来,这不过分吧。 |
i***a 发帖数: 4718 | 32 The suspect, Nakwon Foxworth, 33, who was in critical condition at Kings
County Hospital Center, fired his 9-millimeter Browning semi-automatic
handgun 12 times at the officers, Police Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly said
at the hospital. Inside Mr. Foxworth’s apartment, the police also found a
sawed-off military-style assault rifle equipped with a scope, and a defaced
22-caliber revolver.
“We got very lucky tonight, with no life-threatening injuries to officers
or innocent bystanders,” Mr. Bloomb... 阅读全帖 |
f********t 发帖数: 6999 | 33 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: Commissar (柯宓同志), 信区: Military
标 题: 纽约劳模女把三哥推下站台让地铁撞死 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Dec 29 18:33:42 2012, 美东)
发信人: Commissar (柯宓同志), 信区: USANews
标 题: 纽约劳模女把三哥推下站台让地铁撞死
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Dec 29 18:33:01 2012, 美东)
已经指控为谋杀和hate crime,哈哈哈。
NEW YORK—A woman accused of pushing a man to his death in front of a
speeding subway train in Queens has been charged with murder as a hate crime
, according to prosecutors, the Associated Press reported Saturday.
Polic... 阅读全帖 |
c****m 发帖数: 824 | 34 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: Closingbell (我一刀斩到你桃花开), 信区: Military
标 题: 视频来了,证人兼雷锋找到了,谁还敢说飞车党有道德底线?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Oct 4 21:06:54 2013, 美东)
Sergio Consuegra, 穿西装者。我吃饭时搂了一眼,在CNN AC360 Exclusive: Hero
bystander speaks说的,视频找到,应该今晚还会重播,具体细节自己看去。
出车,连妻尖叫,周围群众发现里面有小孩,也一起尖叫:no not the lady not with
baby ,谢尔盖大叔当仁不让就站出来了:that's it let him go.好像因为他自己就有
三个孩子, have to do sth. ever... 阅读全帖 |
c*********l 发帖数: 3438 | 35 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: wanglanlan (我爱王兰兰◎◎), 信区: Military
标 题: CNN采访清楚表明:没有路人制止,路虎男全家都完蛋
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Oct 4 23:34:35 2013, 美东)
看中间录像, 这帮人拉扯女人小孩,要对路虎男妻子和小孩施加暴力,被路人制止,
好几个人围着路虎男用头盔重击, 往死里打啊, 随后被勇敢的路人制止了
路人威武啊 (有人指出这路人不是三哥
AC360 Exclusive: Hero bystander speaks
Anderson speaks exclusively with Sergio Consuegra, a man who tried to
intervene in the N.Y. motorcycle incident. |
L*********h 发帖数: 2617 | 36 辜鸿铭在北京大学任教,梳着小辫走进课堂,学生们一片哄堂大笑,辜平静地说:“我
i think this still applies today.
you may not have the PRC flag in your hand, but you are stuck with it
the ironic thing is, on TV and in bystanders' eyes, the rally comprised
mainly Chinese fobs, whichever flag you waived.
that's your image and your identity. why hate it, why not embrace it? |
A********n 发帖数: 163 | 37 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: Autonation (华人同盟会成立了!), 信区: Military
标 题: 【救助在阿同胞】四大华人组织联手致信联合国
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Dec 10 17:05:10 2013, 美东)
Date: 2013/12/10
Subject: A Letter to United Nations Human Rights Council
Boston Forward
Chinese Association for Progress and
Chinese United
Chinese Yo... 阅读全帖 |
g*****e 发帖数: 87 | 38 I strongly agree with TonyXu!
The most important thing for Chinese in California to do is apply for
citizenship and get naturalized ASAP before the Nov. election if you are
qualified. It is four and half years after receiving greencard and it
usually takes 4~5 months to get the whole thing done.
This is the state and place your kids are going to live and work. It is your
duty to get involved in the process and fight by rule and law. If you are
the bystander during the fighting process to against... 阅读全帖 |
l******n 发帖数: 47 | 39 Will Marvel building still be able to 挡住 the odor, if the landfill is 245
ft high?
Today's bystanders, tomorrow's victims! |
l******n 发帖数: 47 | 40 I don't understand the "monkey" logic either.
But here is the fact: as landfill grows, the odor is getting worse each year
. This year is the worst, the odor can be smelled in areas never had this
issue before. Can you imagine how far will odor reach if we let this
landfill grow to 245 ft high (30 story high building)? Your house is still
OK today, but how can you guarantee it wouldn't be affected 10 years later?
Today's bystander, tomorrow's victim! |
h*********n 发帖数: 11319 | 41 大家仔细读读Washington DC地铁上的这个恐怖案例,就是上个周末7月4号的事。
Horrified passengers witnessed brutal July 4 slaying aboard Metro car
Jasper Spires boarded the Red Line Metro train at Rhode Island Avenue
shortly before 1 p.m. Saturday, joining passengers from the District and
elsewhere headed to various Fourth of July festivities, among them the Foo
Fighters conce... 阅读全帖 |
H**********k 发帖数: 2158 | 42 Dear Mr. McNerney,
You are complaining to the wrong people, they are waaaay out of your league.
Would you please kindly complain this to your CEO buddy SB?
Best Regards,
A Bystander |
p**p 发帖数: 10318 | 44 发信人: bystander (俗人), 信区: Travel
标 题: 德州流水帐-- 行程
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Mon Dec 30 23:24:11 2002), 转信
想想自己这两年的旅行,其实也有点象候鸟: 天暖时往北跑,
天冷时往南飞。又一年圣诞将至,已经去过加州, Arizona和
Florida, 好像美国本土剩下可去的便是德州一带了。於是出行。
Day 1: arrive Dallas at 1pm (CT). [Dallas]
Day 2: 5hrs->[Big Spring State Park, Big Spring]
Day 3: 4hrs ->Guadalupe NP. 1hr->[Carlsbad Rv Park, Carlsbad]
Day 4: Carlsbad Caverns NP. tour. 2hrs-> |
p**p 发帖数: 10318 | 45 发信人: bystander (俗人), 信区: Travel
标 题: 德州流水帐-- Day 1: Dallas
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Tue Dec 31 01:22:56 2002), 转信
飞机下午到的Dallas. 早上走的匆忙,没来得及吃东西,Delta又小气得
市很大,而且似乎还在扩张,和旁边的另一座城市Fort worth成犄角之势,
玩的地方, 於是跑到downtown 的一座叫什么Sixth floor的纪念馆看了看,
开了两枪,第一枪从肯尼迪颈部穿过,但未致 |
p**p 发帖数: 10318 | 46 发信人: bystander (俗人), 信区: Travel
标 题: 德州流水帐-- Day 2: Dallas->Big Spring
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Tue Dec 31 22:11:13 2002), 转信
到就近的一个圣经艺术博物馆(Biblical Arts Museum)去兜了
AAA tourbook上强烈推荐在Dallas值得一去的地方(tourbook上
有GEM标志). 不过2:20pm进的馆,2:40我们就出来了 -- 虽然我
去机场Alamo公司提出车来,该是我上路的时候了. 德州的租车行也
很黑,要按天征收什么Rental |
p**p 发帖数: 10318 | 47 发信人: bystander (俗人), 信区: Travel
标 题: 德州流水帐-- Day 3: Guadalupe NP
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Tue Dec 31 23:32:00 2002), 转信
从I20 继续西行,便会与I10汇合。两条高速交汇的地方附近地貌
经意间散落的面包和奶酪,又不由让人想起犹它州的Monument Valley来。
从Van Horn向北转上54号,路上愈见荒凉,几十迈的路上竟连一辆过往
中午时分到达Guadalupe Mountain National Park. Guadalupe NP
我对这条trail还是有些 |
p**p 发帖数: 10318 | 48 发信人: bystander (俗人), 信区: Travel
标 题: 德州流水帐-- Day 3: Carlsbad, NM
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Wed Jan 1 01:00:06 2003), 转信
Carlsbad在Guadalupe NP北方大约一个小时车程的地方,实际上
属于New Mexico地界了。它离Carlsbad Cavern NP半个小时,
虽然本身只是个小镇, 但方圆数百里内它也算是大
城市了。晚上落脚在Carlsbad RV Park& Campground, 是从AAA的
cmaping book上查来的. 营地的管理者人非常好(男的叫Michael,
女的好像是叫Guinness?),我check in时向他们要一个campsite搭帐篷,
但Mike主动说他们有两间cabin, 因为其中一间这晚上是空的,我可以
这个 |
p**p 发帖数: 10318 | 49 发信人: bystander (俗人), 信区: Travel
标 题: 德州流水帐-- Day 4: Carlsbad Cavern NP
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Wed Jan 1 13:32:42 2003), 转信
看Mammoth Cave NP, 都是抱着到此一游的态度。不过走马
观花地看看Carlsbad Cavern, 感觉还不错。因为时间紧,
我只走了一个Big Room (self-guided tour)加一个King's
Palace (guided tour). 觉得Big Room的确不错,CCNP自己
的网页上也说这个是他们那里的must-see. 很大的空
Fairland , 虽然名为仙界,但周围的钟乳石一个个面目狰狞,
总感觉每一个这样的形像都是 |