e****s 发帖数: 1125 | 1 本周是AU-UGA的比赛,记得有一个帖子里很多球迷都不认为这场比赛是rivalry game,
而AU-UGA在长达110场的比赛里互相胶着。AU lead 53-49-8,UGA总比分上在110场比赛
AU-UGA的通常被称为Deep south oldest rivalry. 第一场比赛1892年ATL。自1898以后
,只有2次世界大战终止了3场比赛。与Oregon-Oregon State并列为排名第7的目前比赛场次最多
的系列。Auburn位于East Alabama,与Gorgia咫尺相隔,所以历来同Gorgia的双雄UGA,
GT叫上了劲。与BAMA比赛一样,AU fans也是相当在乎同UGA的比 |
e****s 发帖数: 1125 | 2 这些年来, AU Football的标签从来都很明确: Great Defense, Powerful Run.
现在不是了。自Kenny Iron离开后,这几年AU的Running Game只能勉强算是Average。
McNeil等一干不错的OL的离开其实是对Running game更大的打击。AU也一直没有找到一
个很好的Tackle, King 是个Bust, Zambia还是有些毛糙。
可我们是奥本,从来不怀疑过AU的Running.直到Tony Franklin来了。
我受够了TF的永远的Shotgun formation。
没有Full back, AU 最好的Blocking TE Gabe McKenzie他也看不上,把Mckenzie送给
了Defense,放在Defense End的位置。
前3场的Running从来是RB left or right.从来没有Downhil |
j**x 发帖数: 446 | 3 NND,费半天的劲敲了一堆字,居然没发出去,回上一页都丢了,还得重新敲。
这个美名是culture exchange program,实际还真算nanny program。不过人家不是什
么家务都做的,要不就不叫au pair,叫佣人还差不多。
我有同事用了几年了,这个东东比保姆有其优势,也有其劣势。优势是au pair都是年
高兴用多长时间都可以,但是au pair一旦在Host family家里住下了,轻易就不能一年
内换人或不用了,用好了也通常一年换人(人家au pair在美国只能呆两年,当然想多
我同事家的au pair才干了几个月,突然说要不做了,要周游美国。搞得两个娃的同事
头痛不已,正和agent打交道要摆平此事呢。不知道后文如何,但是蛮措手不及的。 |
e****s 发帖数: 1125 | 4 输给LSU才真让我感到失望。
输给Miss SU, Hurt,但没关系,虽同为SEC west成员,虽然有了一场SEC负,可Miss S
是没有实力竞争SEC West的,并没有Head to Head的劣势。
输给LSU Hurt。
定胜负。04年,AU秋风扫落叶,只有一场真正的Close game,就是对LSU。05年,势均
力敌,最戏剧性的一场,Kenny Iron横空出世,遗憾Vaugh连失5弹,OT惜败。Russell
骁勇无比,可怜WR Drop无数,依然险胜。0 |
i***a 发帖数: 11095 | 5 apple把机子给了运营商,就收到钱了啊
机子本体号称68k,但是apple给au的机子价格会在46k以上吗? |
i***a 发帖数: 11095 | 6 apple把机子给了运营商,就收到钱了啊
机子本体号称68k,但是apple给au的机子价格会在46k以上吗? |
f*****r 发帖数: 493 | 7 Middle One bedroom apartment in Berkshire, which is about 15 minutes from AU
law school, and 5 minutes from AU main campus.
Most AU students should be quite familiar with Berkshire because so many AU
students live here. A girl is wanting a third female roommate to share the
living room with her.
The rent for this should be $515 per month, including use of electricity,
gas, water and the wireless network specifically established for that
apartment AND THE furniture ALL SET (Bed, table, lamp, clos |
e****s 发帖数: 1125 | 8 晚上的球场还是很漂亮。War Eagle circle也很爽,位置也不错。就是比赛输了。
第一节 牛奔
刚上来Bulls就势头很猛,拿了几个1st down,然后punt在AU的1码线处。然后记得一个
Pass,一个rush TD。AU的Defense有点一如既往的慢热。
第二节 Fannin is the MAN
第二节,AU进攻大有起色。我认为是Redshirt Freshman Mario Fannin的作用。他比
Ben Tate速度快很多,打法也更Downhill。Fannin拿了一个TD,随后Cox传给TE
McKenzie。要说的是,我个人觉得今天的Offense Line大有起色。不管是Pass
protection还是Running Play都进步很大。Brandon Cox的那么多错误只能说他自己实
这一节的时候虽然A |
y**1 发帖数: 1037 | 9 MM 别用. 我和我老公也曾想过请来家. 但是何必呢. 她在家住,但是她的工作一周是不
允许超过50小时(好象是法律). 就是说周末和晚上就是她的自由时间了. 她们都是那么
而且,她们太年轻了. 想想我们在那个年纪,想玩还玩不过来呢.怎么照顾小孩
. 很多AU PAIR GIRL 不就是图个能来美国学习英语,靠这个图镜来的. 我不喜欢请住家
的,除非我要求她在晚上照顾孩子. 而且看起来,那些AU PAIR AGENCY 根本都不用在AU
PAIR 身上花一分培训费,全都是雇主出了. |
C******l 发帖数: 859 | 10 沿着River Road Scenic Byway开,沿途有许多可以停下来看风景的地方,比如Iargo
Springs, Canoer's Monumment, Lumberman's Monument Visitor Center,Cooke Dam,
Foote Pond Overlook,等等。还有High Banks Trail,就是在Au Sable河边走,全长7
英里。顺便贴上一张Au Sable河的照片:
计划周末一天。Au sable 的access point是哪里?
不要玩很长时间的话,大概怎么个路线?在什么地方停下来可以沿河边走走? |
c******g 发帖数: 4889 | 11 什么鬼au naturale!美国人装逼的半调子法语!还自认为很时尚。
au 后面接阳性词
naturale 却是阴性 |
l******n 发帖数: 9344 | 12 来自主题: JobHunting版 - 不看好AU 我不是说AU要垮台的意思。现在机会很多,怎么样利益最大化选择一个对的公司基本就
去肯定会不错,但是风险也有,不是那种no brainer。当然进去得了不,那是另外的问
题了。 |
s**********d 发帖数: 36899 | 13 抱着死马当作活马医的精神再次打recon,我的没有二话直接说不行。
况说进入technical review再等。
也就是AU可以不算在5/24里面。 |
x**4 发帖数: 19 | 14 加上AU过了5/24,打电话去reconsider,去掉两个AU以后批准了 |
s**********d 发帖数: 36899 | 15 当然了。
去掉AU是给chase打电话要求不考虑AU,不是从credit report上去掉。。。 |
i**n 发帖数: 702 | 16 很多人说AU管的松,不受5/24限制,请问什么是AU?我现在刚好5/24
谢谢! |
m*****a 发帖数: 1203 | 17 去年每个AU都给寄了一张卡,今年只收到了主卡跟第一AU的,剩下的是就不给了吗? |
y****i 发帖数: 17878 | 18 primary and 3 AU got new PP cards this year
your other two AU's pp cards may have expiration dates that are later than
so just wait |
m*****a 发帖数: 1203 | 19 去年每个AU都给寄了一张卡,今年只收到了主卡跟第一AU的,剩下的是就不给了吗? |
y****i 发帖数: 17878 | 20 primary and 3 AU got new PP cards this year
your other two AU's pp cards may have expiration dates that are later than
so just wait |
c******o 发帖数: 2151 | 21 几个月前同一张卡加AU的时候已经得到了$25,现在发现这张卡又有这个offer了,不知
道是否与前面冲突;可以加另外一位AU消费$250后再得$25 statement credit么? |
m******e 发帖数: 160 | 22 AU找工作哪些网站好?
需要Sponsor给办work permit (subclass 475)的那种,
一般去哪些网站,各位大侠,给点建议, 多谢:)
mycarrer.com.au上似乎很少 |
s********r 发帖数: 51 | 23 我现在在US一所3流学校读农业经济的MASTER,估计今年12月可以拿到学位。考虑到在
请问各位在AU会计专业的就业前景如何?哪几个学校在会计方面比较强? 谢谢 |
t**t 发帖数: 27760 | 25 AU还给你提供服务了。
3k |
t**t 发帖数: 27760 | 26 AU还给你提供服务了。
3k |
s***k 发帖数: 8 | 27 来奥本快4年了,仍一事无成,待努力工作,望按时毕业。赫赫,见到有人发贴说写点
Hall。原本建校的时候只有一个建筑,好像叫什么Old Main,后来在一场大火中化为灰
烬。刚刚建立没多久的East Alabama Male college也因此大受影响,很多人都认为这
个College也就这么完蛋了。后来,在种种努力下,在Old Main的基础上建立了现在的
Samford Hall,该大楼现在一直作为学校的主要行政大楼。有意思的事,离Samford
Hall几十码之遥的Hagis Hall也曾在一片大火中险些化为灰烬。如果大家现在去Hagis
H |
t****y 发帖数: 1 | 28 All before 2005. Should add in all new pics. Brief intro. is not enough la.
People (left/to come) can see what's new for Chinese in AU.
Just saw COSAM slide show in au.edu, miss those trees, flowers, especially
squirrels... friends? of course.
Wish ya'll the best!! |
o****x 发帖数: 95 | 29 AU长攻但短于守, LSU长守但攻欠缺. 不知道鹿死谁手.
AU, LSU的扇子分析分析. 这一场对双方都挺重要的. 谁胜, 在去ATL的路上就比较主动
了. |
w*******n 发帖数: 7 | 30 有南大校友在DC吗?我6.1-19日去DC的AU,所以想在AU附近求租住房。对那里交通不太
多谢! |
n******s 发帖数: 72 | 31 I have a newly set-up forum on www.myspecial.com.au
You are welcomed to visit and join the discussion there.
Also your suggestions will be highly appreciated.
URL http://www.myspecial.com.au and click MySpecial Forum to
Thanks. |
s*****t 发帖数: 1994 | 32 Voyager at 90 AU
Illustration Credit: Walt Feimer, NASA
Explanation: Launched in 1977, Voyager 1 is now about 12 light-hours or 90 astronomical units (AU) from the
Sun, making this spacecraft humanity's most distant ambassador to the cosmos. Well beyond the orbits of the
outer planets, Voyager 1 is believed to be entering the realm of deep space near the edge of the heliosphere, the
region dominated by the solar wind and magnetic field. Causing some debate, new results fr |
s*****t 发帖数: 1994 | 34 Voyager at 90 AU
Illustration Credit: Walt Feimer, NASA
Explanation: Launched in 1977, Voyager 1 is now about 12 light-hours or 90 astronomical units (AU) from the
Sun, making this spacecraft humanity's most distant ambassador to the cosmos. Well beyond the orbits of the
outer planets, Voyager 1 is believed to be entering the realm of deep space near the edge of the heliosphere, the
region dominated by the solar wind and magnetic field. Causing some debate, new results fr |
f**k 发帖数: 15238 | 36 小巴要给天朝披黄袍
asian union |
t******t 发帖数: 15246 | 37 高筑墙,缓称王。 理由:
3.当领导的人容易挨骂,TG如果做了AU老大,少不了一碗水端不平事情发生。 |
x********e 发帖数: 35261 | 38 DC union station,Pret A Manger和Au Bon Pain门对门,一趟把逼装足 |
x****o 发帖数: 1737 | 39 au bon pain这种大路货也可以用来鄙视将军?几乎每个机场都有,跟麦当劳一个档次
吧,比麦当劳健康 |
z********g 发帖数: 968 | 40 你去开一个 Au Chien indifferent. |
z********g 发帖数: 968 | 41 不是
不过有道类似的叫 Au Bon Maoxuewang. |
M*******n 发帖数: 10087 | 42 邻居是白人,有个2岁的小孩,早上出去散步,看到他家出来一个年轻漂亮的中国女孩
从来没见过,就跟她聊了几句,她说她国内本科刚毕业,到美国来做au pair,昨天刚
到这家。 |
b******2 发帖数: 71 | 43 One bedroom in a luxury 2 bedroom/2 bathroom condo is available for rent.
The condo is fully furnished, located in the award winning community, right
cross the Shady Grove metro station on Red Line.
- Light filled room, fully furnished, with private full bathroom, wall to
wall carpet, spacious walk-in closet;
- Easy access to Shady Grove Metro by free shuttle or a short walk;
- 2 blocks away from the community shopping center - Safeway, Starbucks,
restaurants, clearners.....
- Nice and safe comm... 阅读全帖 |
b******2 发帖数: 71 | 44 One bedroom in a luxury 2 bedroom/2 bathroom condo is available for rent.
The condo is fully furnished, located in the award winning community, right
cross the Shady Grove metro station on Red Line.
- Light filled room, fully furnished, with private full bathroom, wall to
wall carpet, spacious walk-in closet;
- Easy access to Shady Grove Metro by free shuttle or a short walk;
- 2 blocks away from the community shopping center - Safeway, Starbucks,
restaurants, clearners.....
- Nice and safe comm... 阅读全帖 |
b******2 发帖数: 71 | 45 One bedroom in a luxury 2 bedroom/2 bathroom condo is available for rent
from mid-June to the end of August.The condo is fully furnished, located in
the award winning community, right cross the Shady Grove metro station on
Red Line.
- Light filled room, fully furnished, with private full bathroom, wall to
wall carpet, spacious walk-in closet;
- Easy access to Shady Grove Metro by free shuttle or a short walk;
- 2 blocks away from the community shopping center - Safeway, Starbucks,
restaurants, c... 阅读全帖 |
b******2 发帖数: 71 | 46 One bedroom in a luxury 2 bedroom/2 bathroom condo is available for rent
from mid-June to the end of August.The condo is fully furnished, located in
the award winning community, right cross the Shady Grove metro station on
Red Line.
- Light filled room, fully furnished, with private full bathroom, wall to
wall carpet, spacious walk-in closet;
- Easy access to Shady Grove Metro by free shuttle or a short walk;
- 2 blocks away from the community shopping center - Safeway, Starbucks,
restaurants, c... 阅读全帖 |
b******2 发帖数: 71 | 47 One bedroom in a luxury 2 bedroom/2 bathroom condo is available for rent
from mid-June to the end of August. The condo is fully furnished, located
the award winning community, right cross the Shady Grove metro station on
Red Line.
- Light filled room, fully furnished, with private full bathroom, wall to
wall carpet, spacious walk-in closet;
- Easy access to Shady Grove Metro by free shuttle or a short walk;
- 2 blocks away from the community shopping center - Safeway, Starbucks,
restaurants, ... 阅读全帖 |
b******2 发帖数: 71 | 48 One bedroom with a private bathroom in a luxury 2 bedroom/2 bathroom condo
is available for rent. The condo is fully furnished, located in the award
winning community, right cross the Shady Grove metro station on Red Line.
- Light filled room, fully furnished, with private full bathroom, wall to
wall carpet, spacious walk-in closet;
- Easy access to Shady Grove Metro by free shuttle or a short walk;
- 2 blocks away from the community shopping center - Safeway, Starbucks,
restaurants, cleaners...... 阅读全帖 |