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发帖数: 45
"Being commander in chief isn't the place for on-the-job training."
The Boston Herald is one of the first newspapers out of the gate with an
endorsement in the presidential race -- and their money's on John McCain.
The newspaper's endorsement Tuesday described the Republican presidential
nominee as an experienced leader "who is steady in the face of crisis,
mature in judgment and able to reach across the aisle to break the
发帖数: 29846
Nearly 40 African-American Republicans Are Vying for Office
Nearly 40 African-American Republicans Are Vying for Office
Black America Web, News Report, Posted: Oct 19, 2010
There hasn’t been a black Republican in Congress since J.C. Watts left
office in 2003. But at least 38 black GOP candidates in 21 states are on
ballots for the November general election, with several challenging
incumbent black ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 61690
来自主题: USANews版 - pelosi又丢人了
What a difference a day makes.
On Wednesday, outgoing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called the draft proposal
released by the co-chairs of the president’s National Commission on Fiscal
Responsibility and Reform “unacceptable.”
But on Thursday, when asked by Time’s Massimo Calabresi if she would
ultimately accept the commission’s results, Pelosi responded, “I will have
to see what is in the final... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Fav. shows watched by GOP and democrats
The 'right' stuff
Last Updated: 5:07 PM, November 10, 2010
Call it a case of the “Right” stuff for all those big network hits.
TV’s top-rated shows are watched by more people who identify themselves as
Republicans — with left-leaning voters more likely to watch lower-rated
shows, according to The Hollywood Reporter.
Megahits like “Modern Family,” “American Idol,” “The Big Bang Theory”
“The Mentalist” are all GOP faves — while niche shows, including “Mad
“Dexter,” “9021... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Thursday, 24 Feb 2011 02:51 PM

By Charles J. Little
A move to the right through back-to-back elections has turned the once-“
mavericky” Sen. John McCain into one of conservatism’s most dependable
votes, the National Journal reports. A tally of 2010 Senate ayes and nays
places McCain farthest right alongside five Republican colleagues with
considerably less fluid conservative credentials.
It’s a remarkable turnaround for a senator who used to routinely finish
near the bottom of the Journal’s an... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - NewsBusters Interview: Ann Coulter
By Noel Sheppard | June 21, 2011 | 00:59
Unless you've been hibernating somewhere, you know that conservative author
Ann Coulter has a new book out called "Demonic: How the Liberal Mob Is
Endangering America."
In an email interview with NewsBusters, Coulter talked about her book,
liberals, and other subjects including how the "MSM is both part of the mob
and inciters of the mob. That’s with the exception of Ed Schultz, whom I’m
pretty sure is an extraterrestrial":
NOEL SHEPPARD: You’ve got a new... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3803
来自主题: USANews版 - Huntsman的问题
This hypocrite just wants to get paid both sides of aisle
发帖数: 29846
By Sarah Palin
Updated 5d 17h ago
Thanks to the solid new research and recent revelations in Peter Schweizer's
book Throw Them All Out and the subsequent coverage on 60 Minutes, we have
concrete proof to explain how members of Congress accumulate wealth at a
rate astonishingly faster than the rest of Americans and have stock
portfolios that outperform even the best hedge-fund managers'. (Full
disclosure: Schweizer is employed by my political action committee as a
foreign policy adviser.)

USA... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
GOP Rep. introduces Obama budget, measure gets 0-414 drubbing [VIDEO]
By David Martosko - The Daily Caller 9:39 AM 03/29/2012
By a stunning 0-414 tally Wednesday night, the House of Representatives
voted down a budget proposal based on President Barack Obama’s 2013
recommendations. Congress hadn’t seen a budget vote that lopsided since
last May, when the Senate voted down an Obama budget plan by a 0-97 margin.
That 2011 Senate sla... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Left Said Right’s Linking Katrina to God was Terrible But Left Linking
Isaac to God is Fine
August 29, 2012 by Warner Todd Huston
In 2005 after hurricane Katrina hit the gulf coast like a sledgehammer,
several folks on the right side of America’s political aisle suggested that
the devastation the storm inflicted on New Orleans was somehow a punishment
imposed on the city by God. Most on the right condemned the remarks. The
left, of course, went apoplectic in condemnation.
But, in 2012, apparen... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Bowing to the Mob
Government-funded film critics do grotesque damage to freedom of speech.
By Mark Steyn
I see the Obama campaign has redesigned the American flag, and very
attractive it is too. Replacing the 50 stars of a federal republic is the
single “O” logo symbolizing the great gaping maw of spendaholic
centralization. And where the stripes used to be are a handful of red daubs,
eerily mimicking the bloody finger streaks left on the pillars of the U.S.
consulate in Benghazi as its staff were dragged out by ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1697
LAND O' LAKES, Fla. - For the first time in 40 years, Iowa's largest and
most influential newspaper is backing a Republican for president.
The Des Moines Register editorial board endorsed Mitt Romney Saturday night
over his rival Barack Obama. The paper endorsed Obama in 2008. Citing Romney
's private sector experience and his ability to work across the aisle as
governor, the paper decided him best to fix the nation's problems.
"Vot... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1191
来自主题: USANews版 - 共和党过去60年变化:极右
Not Your Grandfather’s GOP
By Lansing Scott • on October 18, 2012 5:55 pm
One thing that gets lost in the 24 hour news cycle of political reporting is
a longer view of political developments—-not just for today, this week, or
this election cycle, but over a span of decades.
One of the most significant political developments over the past half
century has been the extreme rightwa... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Obama Snags Key Nanny-Stater Endorsement
by Jammie
You know who’s probably thrilled with this? Mitt Romney.
One sees climate change as an urgent problem that threatens our planet;
one does not. I want our president to place scientific evidence and risk
management above electoral politics.
Of course, neither candidate has specified what hard decisions he will
make to get our economy back on track while also balancing the budget. But
in the end, what matters most isn’t the shape of any particular proposal;
it’s the work that must... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
By STEVE PEOPLES, Associated Press
November 1, 2012
Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney
holds on in the back of his campaign bus with aide Garrett Jackson, center,
and senior adviser Kevin Madden, left, after a campaigning at Meadow Event
Park in Richmond, Va., Thursday, Nov. 1, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)
BOSTON (AP) — Should he prevail Tuesday, Mitt Romney would bring a CEO's
eye to the White House and a policy agenda based on a general set of
princip... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1637
来自主题: USANews版 - Puppet of Wall Street bankers
lz, your description is inaccurate as is. It's not that simple. There are
senators from both aisles against the bill which in my judgement is a good
one though.
发帖数: 205
来自主题: USANews版 - Romney’s Optimism Will Win
Romney’s Optimism Will Win
It’s no year for a big-government pessimist.
By Larry Kudlow
Putting aside all the voter models, there’s one overlooked point worth
making with Election Day at hand. Most times in American politics, optimists
win, and pessimists lose. I know that’s not always the case. And sometimes
it’s hard to distinguish between the two. But in this election, I believe
Mitt Romney is the optimist, and Barack Obama is th... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 193
Former first lady Laura Bush has broken with her husband on the premier
social issues of his administration and said she backs gay marriage and
After more than eight years of silence on the controversial issues, Mrs.
Bush said in an interview with CNN's Larry KingTuesday, that gay marriage
and abortion were points of contention with her husband, former President
George W. Bush.
Mrs. Bush in recent weeks has been promoting her memoir "Spoken from the
Heart," in which she writes about he... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 193
Former first lady Laura Bush has broken with her husband on the premier
social issues of his administration and said she backs gay marriage and
After more than eight years of silence on the controversial issues, Mrs.
Bush said in an interview with CNN's Larry KingTuesday, that gay marriage
and abortion were points of contention with her husband, former President
George W. Bush.
Mrs. Bush in recent weeks has been promoting her memoir "Spoken from the
Heart," in which she writes about he... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
November 15, 2012 by Warner Todd Huston
In yet another facile example of the Old Media equating President Obama’s
presidency to the greatness of Abraham Lincoln’s, NBC News correspondent
Kevin Tibbles used the occasion of the opening of the new Lincoln movie
helmed by Director Steven Spielberg to do just that.
On Saturday’s NBC Nightly News, Tibbles reported on the opening of a movie
that has widespread Oscar buzz, Spielberg’s Lincoln a project that was more
than a decade in the making.
Tibble... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
One-Party Control Spreads to 37 States
Friday, 23 Nov 2012 10:17 AM
The Nov. 6 election left more than two-thirds of states under single-party
control beginning in January, with one party holding the governor’s office
and majorities in both legislative chambers.
The single-party control in at least 37 states means bold partisan agendas
will likely grow over the next couple of years, and indicates voters are no
longer interested in compromise even though President Barack Obama and
Republicans hav... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
November 29, 2012 by Warner Todd Huston
You can’t even eat turkey on Thanksgiving without being called a racist by
our friends on the extreme left side of the aisle in America today,
especially if you prefer the white meat over the dark.
Just before Thanksgiving last week, the liberal site Slate dredged up a 2010
piece claiming that the reason Americans love the white meat on a turkey is
because we are all racists.
The rant written by Ron Rosenbaum is a great example of all that is wrong
with t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Previously on The Perils of Pauline:
Last year, our plucky heroine, the wholesome apple-cheeked American republic
, was trapped in an express elevator hurtling out of control toward the debt
ceiling. Would she crash into it? Or would she make some miraculous escape?
Yes! At the very last minute of her white-knuckle thrill ride to her
rendezvous with destiny, she was rescued by Congress’s decision to set up .
. . a Super Committee! Those who can, do. Those who can’t, form a
committee. Those who r... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 931
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: beijingren (to thine own self be true), 信区: Military
标 题: Rand Paul Response to the President's State of the Union Address
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Feb 13 00:21:03 2013, 美东)
Rand Paul Response to the President's State of the Union Address
I speak to you tonight from Washington, D.C. The state of our economy is
tenuous but our people remain the greatest example of freedom and prosperity
the world has ever known.
People say America is exceptional. I agree, but it’s not th... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - CNN Mocks Rand Paul’s Filibuster
CNN Mocks Rand Paul’s Filibuster, No Wonder CNN is Losing Credibility
March 7, 2013
Warner Todd Huston
During a long stretch of the day in the U.S. Senate, Kentucky’s junior
Republican Senator, Rand Paul, led a filibuster to decry the Obama’s
administration’s seeming disregard of due process, the rule of law, and
American’s civil rights. This, apparently, is funny to CNN. Makes one
wonder why CNN imagines itself a news station!
Obama’s administration has admitted that it sees nothing inherently ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 824
Obama argues a balanced budget isn't necessary. Can he convince the public?
Are Republicans wrong to make balancing the federal budget a priority? That'
s essentially what President Obama said Tuesday in an interview with ABC's
George Stephanopoulos.
"My goal is not to chase a balanced budget just for the sake of balance," Mr
. Obama said. "My goal is, how do we grow the economy, put people back to
He added: "We're not going ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
In the aftermath of the failure of gun control amendments in the Senate,
most attention has been focused on the defeat of the Manchin-Toomey
provision to expand background checks. While that provision wouldn't have
prevented Newtown or any other recent mass-shooting and made mostly cosmetic
changes to federal law, it went down to bi-partisan defeat. The bigger
story, however, is that Obama's signature proposal, a ban on assault weapons
and extended magazines, was overwhelmingly rejected by the S... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - 哈哈波音的工会终于屈服聊
Boeing Union Accepts Concessions to Keep 777X in Seattle
By Julie Johnsson, Brendan Case and Peter Robison
Boeing Co. (BA) gained a decade of labor peace after its largest union voted
to accept contract concessions in exchange for a promise to base production
of the new 777X jet and three other models at its Seattle hub.
Machinists’ union members late yesterday voted 51 percent in favor of
ratifying the new agreement, which is effective through 2024. The deal would
freeze pensions starting in 20... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
VA’s Shinseki vows to stay on the job as calls for his ouster continue
By Ed O’Keefe, Published: May 22
Veterans’ Affairs Secretary Eric K. Shinseki vowed Thursday to stay in
office and pledged to address the allegations of health care mismanagement
that have besieged his agency and the Obama administration.
In a brief interview with reporters on Capitol Hill, Shinseki initially
demurred when asked why he thought he should keep his job. When a reporter
noted that he’s been “under the gun” all we... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3249
此人难缠,成为local business的nightmare.
Investigation: Serial plaintiff Alfredo Garcia deported to Mexico
Alfredo Garcia, a notorious serial plaintiff, convicted felon and
undocumented immigrant, has been deported to Mexico. Garcia made it his
business to sue small businesses, filing more than 800 lawsuits against
businesses in the Los Angeles area for alleged violations of the Americ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
POLL: Just 38% Of Americans Want Obama To Take Executive Action On
by Hunter Walker via Business Insider
An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released Wednesday found 48% of
Americans don't want President Barack Obama to take executive action on
immigration. According to the poll, 38% would support executive action from
the president and 14% have no opinion or are unsure.
Obama is expected to unveil an executive action that would protect between
four to five million undocumented immi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Virginia Delegate Joseph D. Morrissey / AP
BY: Brent Scher
January 14, 2015 8:59 am
Morrissey resigned from the seat last December after he was convicted for
having a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old employee at his law office.
Morrissey, a Democrat who ran as an Independent, received more than 42
percent of the vote in a district that has long been safe for Democratic
The Henrico County Sheriff’s Office gave him permission under its work
release program to leave the jail an... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - 麦坎怒斥抗议者
McCain to Protester: ‘Get Out of Here, You Low Life Scum’
January 29, 2015 - 1:04 PM
By Melanie Hunter
(CNSNews.com) – Anti-war protesters interrupted the start of the Senate
Armed Services Committee hearing Thursday to protest former Secretary of
State Henry Kissinger – a demonstration that Committee Chairman John McCain
(R-Ariz.) said was “disgraceful,” even calling one protester “low life
Before Kissinger could take his seat, anti-wear protesters – some clad in
pink – held up signs cha... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Taxes Would Increase by Almost $1,600,000,000 Under Obama Budget
February 6, 2015 - 11:26 AM
By Michael D. Tanner
In announcing his $3.999 trillion budget proposal for FY 2016, President
Obama said that he was putting an end to “mindless austerity” in federal
spending. In response to which, one wants to ask, “What color is the sky on
his planet?”
There has been no austerity, mindless or otherwise, during the Obama
presidency (or, for that matter, the Bush presidency before that). Consider
that f... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Iran deal criticized by noted conservative… Chuck Schumer?
posted at 8:01 am on April 7, 2015 by Jazz Shaw
If you read nothing more than the title of this Politico piece you might
think that Senate Democrat majority leader in waiting Chuck Schumer was
spitting in the President’s corn flakes. The tone being taken by several
morning show talking heads is similar, suggesting that Chuck has suddenly
jumped ship and is siding with Republicans in rejecting Obama’s “framework
” with Iran.
Chuck Sch... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 494
Look at the state of the world right now. It’s a terrible mess, and that’s
putting it mildly. There has never been a more dangerous time. The
politicians and special interests in Washington, DC, are directly
responsible for the mess we are in. So why should we continue listening to
It’s time to bring America back to its rightful owners—the American people.
I’m not going to play the same game politicians have been playing for
d... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3048
In the wake of the attacks in Paris that left at least 150 people dead
Friday, according to news reports, Republican presidential candidate Ben
Carson argued that the United States should block Middle Eastern refugees
from coming into the country, the Washington Post reports.
ObamaWatch Obama on Paris Tragedy: 'An Attack on All of Humanity' »
Speaking to a group of Republican Party activists at an event Friday evening
, Carson said, "If we're going to be bringing 200,000 people ove... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Brilliant Bullshit!
On Tuesday evening I watched president Obama's state of the union address.
It was brilliant.
Obama rang all the bells, dotted all the i's, and attacked all the ghosts.
At times, he even made sense.
All in all, it was a brilliant effort, possibly his best speech ever, even
though his speech was essentially bullshit.
Belief in Change
In his address, Obama said "I believe in change because I believe in you".
That's ironic because his first campaign slogan was "Change you can bel... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — Donald Trump has emerged as the front-runner for the
GOP nomination by winning over roughly a third of Republicans in the early
voting states and in preference polls, packing his rallies with men and
women, evangelical Christians and military veterans, blue-collar workers and
wealthy retirees.
His critics have argued for months he’ll never be able to grow that wide-
but-only-so-deep coalition by clashing with Pope Francis, attacking former
President George W. Bush and skipp... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4150
来自主题: USANews版 - This is Trump's true power
20,000 Massachusetts Democrats switch parties before Super Tuesday
Thousands of Massachusetts Democrats have denounced their party affiliations
since January 1 to jump across the aisle and join the ranks of Independent
or Republicans.
Nearly 20,000 Bay State Democrats, or 1.3 percent of the party's
Masachussetts population, left to vote in the Republican primary Tuesday.
More than 16,300 of that group have "unenrolled" or become Independent
voters, while 3,500 have joined the GOP.
Mass. Secretar... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1451
Thousands of Massachusetts Democrats have denounced their party affiliations
since January 1 to jump across the aisle and join the ranks of Independent
or Republicans.
Nearly 20,000 Bay State Democrats, or 1.3 percent of the party's
Masachussetts population, left to vote in the Republican primary Tuesday.
More than 16,300 of that group have "unenrolled" or become Independent
voters, while 3,500 have joined the GOP.
Mass. Secret... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2239
来自主题: USANews版 - 一篇分析:建制派的计划书。
Here's How The Establishment Will Steal The GOP Nomination From Trump
By Tyler Durden
The political establishment in America is terrified.
Donald Trump gets closer to securing the GOP nomination with each passing
month and his rivals on both sides of the aisle are in disbelief.
Worse - or “better” if you enjoy entertainment - Trump has seemingly given
up any attempt to be anything other than... well... than Donald Trump. He
rec... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8869
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: daigaku (๑۩۞۩๑), 信区: Military
标 题: 有老美在飞机场扯下穆斯林妇女头巾
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat May 14 19:23:47 2016, 美东)
Last December, Gil Parker Payne spotted a Muslim woman wearing a hijab on a
Southwest Airlines flight from Chicago to Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Payne, who was seated several rows behind the woman, walked up the aisle
towards her while the plane was still in flight, stopped next to her seat,
and said, “Take it off! This is America!” When she... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9493
AIPAC empowers pro-Israel activists across all ages, religions and races to
be politically engaged and build relationships with members of Congress from
both sides of the aisle to promote the U.S.-Israel relationship.
The AIPAC Policy Conference is the largest gatherin... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
Obama provides some information on his Islamic background in his two books,
Dreams and The Audacity of Hope (2006). In 2007, when Hillary Clinton was
still the favored Democratic candidate for president, a number of reporters
dug up information about Obama's time in Indonesia. Obama's statements as
president have provided important insights into his mentality. The major
biographies of Obama devote little attention to this topic, both the
friendly ones (such as those by David Maraniss, David Mend... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7021
来自主题: USANews版 - Trump参选一年感言
A year ago, today, many of you joined me at Trump Tower in calling for real
change in Washington, D.C. I am proud to say that with your support we are
well on our way to Making America Great Again! Since the moment I rode down
the escalator on June 16th, 2015, and decided to run for President, my
campaign has been filled with nothing but excitement, dedication, and
passion to change our country for the better – this is only the beginning
of our movement.
I am honored a... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
来自主题: USANews版 - 演讲全文,很精彩
Thank you! Thank you for that amazing welcome.
And Chelsea, thank you. I'm so proud to be your mother and so proud of the
woman you've become. Thanks for bringing Marc into our family, and Charlotte
and Aidan into the world.
And Bill, that conversation we started in the law library 45 years ago is
still going strong. It's lasted through good times that filled us with joy,
and hard times that tested us.
And I've even gotten a few words in along the way.
On Tuesday night, I was so happy to see tha... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1193
来自主题: USANews版 - 东木头表态支持TRUMP当总统。
ESQ: Your characters have become touchstones in the culture, whether it's
Reagan invoking "Make my day" or now Trump … I swear he's even practiced
your scowl.
CE: Maybe. But he's onto something, because secretly everybody's getting
tired of political correctness, kissing up. That's the kiss-ass generation
we're in right now. We're really in a pussy generation. Everybody's walking
on eggshells... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1193
来自主题: USANews版 - 东木头表态支持TRUMP当总统。
ESQ: Your characters have become touchstones in the culture, whether it's
Reagan invoking "Make my day" or now Trump … I swear he's even practiced
your scowl.
CE: Maybe. But he's onto something, because secretly everybody's getting
tired of political correctness, kissing up. That's the kiss-ass generation
we're in right now. We're really in a pussy generation. Everybody's walking
on eggshells... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
President Obama Is 'Reaching Across the Aisle' to Smack Donald Trump
Partisan politics played perfectly.
By Charles P. Pierce
It's been a long time since we had an incumbent president who actively
campaigned for the person he wanted to succeed him.
Teddy Roosevelt pushed hard for William Howard Taft, and then regretted the
hell out of it thereafter, and even tried to beat him four years later.
Eisenhower held Nixon at arm's length, the way you carry a snake, as any
reasonable person would.
H... 阅读全帖
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